- Swedish Artificial 1♣, 5 Card Majors, Strong NT, Intermediate 2♣/2♦, Weak 2♥/2♠
- System Philosophy
- Pages generated from BML source notes @ tinyurl.com/2zjr3fjb
Uncontested Openings Summary
Weak or Strong Club:-
(13)14–15 balanced / semi-balanced (5-4-2-2), 5–3–3–2 maybe 5 card ♥/♠-
16+ unbalanced-
21+ balanced(any)
1♣ interference- Negative 0–7 hcp or 8–9(10) semi-positive no 4cM
- 8+ hcp, 4+ card suit, denies 2♦ response, unbal if 12+, maybe longer minor when not GF
- 8+ hcp, ♣ transfer, when GF maybe 4♣s and longer ♦s, when limited denies 1♥♠ canapé response
- 8+ hcp, ♦ transfer, when limited denies 1♥♠ canapé response
- Balanced GF, (10)11–15/19+ hcp, no 5cM, when 12+ maybe 4♥s/♠s, when 14+ maybe 5♣s/♦s
~4–7 hcp, good weak two (2+ honours), continue as if opened 2♥ preempt- ~9–11 hcp invitational ♣s + ♦s, minors + any short major, does not want to play 2NT
- 16–18 hcp, natural maybe 5 card major, 2NT system on
invitational ~7–9 hcp, good 6+ card minor, continue as if opened 3♣♦ preempt3♥♠
~3–7 hcp, weak, continue as if opened 3♥♠ preempt- Any 6 card Solid AKQJ suit, no outside A/K, max one extra Q
- 8 card ♥/♠ suit, exactly AQJ or KQJ, no outside A/K, max one outside Q
- 7 card Solid AKQJ suit, no outside A/K, max one extra Q
11–13 flat; or 11–15 3 suited no 5 card major or both minors (5–-4 / 5-–5); or maximum 6+♦–5♥/♠(any)
1♦ interference1♥
natural, 4+ cards, maybe longer minor canapé1♠
natural, 4+ cards, maybe longer minor canapé1NT
natural, up to 11 hcp, no 4 card major2♣
10+ natural, maybe 4 card major if 6+–4 GF2♦
10+ natural, maybe 4 card major if 6+–4 GF2♥
5♠s + 4–5♥s, weak (~5–9)2♥
5♠s + 4–5♥s, invitational (~10–12)2NT
natural invitational ~(11)–12(13), no 4 card major, usually very flat 4–4–3–2/4–3–3–33♣
5–4(+) minors, either minor longer, 5–9 hcp, usually a singleton major3♦
weak jump shift, 6+ ♦s, 0–9 hcp, NF3♥♠
natural, good 12–17, no 4 card major, stops4♣
5–5 minors, 5–9 hcp4♦
natural, to play, obstructive, sets suit as trumps (passed hand fit jump e.g. 6–6 shape!)4NT
natural, to play, obstructive
(10)11–15, 5 card Major(any)
4/5+ cards, maybe weak ♦ canapé1NT
non-forcing, ~5–11 hcp2♣
GF natural (passed hand 3-card Reverse Drury raise)2♦
GF natural (passed hand 4-card Reverse Drury raise), usually 5 cards2♥
single raise, 3+ card support, ~(7)8–10 support points2♠
6+♠s, ~6–9 hcp, semi-weak, no ♥ fit2NT
limit+ raise3♣
6+ ♣s, invitational ~10–12, no major support3♦
6+ ♦s, invitational ~10–12, no major support3♥
mixed raise ~7–9(10) support points, 7.5–9 losers, 4+ cards3♠
unknown singleton splinter, 10–13 hcp 3–4 cover cards, ~9–12 by passed hand3NT
splinter ♠, 13–16 hcp 4.5+ cover cards, Passed hand - FJ mild slam interest4♣
splinter ♣, 13–16 hcp 4.5+ cover cards, Passed hand - FJ mild slam interest4♦
splinter ♦, 13–16 hcp 4.5+ cover cards, Passed hand - FJ mild slam interest4♥
to play4♠
(10)11–15, 5 card Major(any)
non-forcing, ~5–11 hcp2♣
GF natural (passed hand 3-card Reverse Drury raise)2♦
GF natural (passed hand 4-card Reverse Drury raise), usually 5 cards, maybe 2–4–4–32♥
GF natural (passed hand 9–10), always 5+ cards2♠
single raise, 3+ card support, ~(7)8–10 support points2NT
limit+ raise3♣
6+ ♣s, invitational ~10–12, no major support3♦
6+ ♦s, invitational ~10–12, no major support3♥
6+ ♥s, invitational ~10–12, no major support3♠
mixed raise ~7–9(10) support points, 7.5–9 losers, 4+ cards3NT
unknown singleton splinter, 10–13 hcp 3–4 cover cards, ~9–12 by passed hand4♣
splinter ♣ or ♥, 13–16 hcp 4.5+ cover cards, Passed hand - FJ mild slam interest4♦
splinter ♦, 13–16 hcp 4.5+ cover cards, Passed hand - FJ mild slam interest4♥♠
to play4NT
16–18 balanced, maybe 5 card major or 5–4–2–2 long ♣/♦, or 4–4–4–1 singleton A/K.(any)
Stayman, promissory, maybe weakish short ♣ 3 suiter2♦
no major2♥
4 or 5 ♥s, not ♠s2♠
4 or 5 ♠s, not ♥s2NT
4–4 majors, minimum3♣
4–4 majors, maximum
transfer to ♥, 5+ cards2♥
transfer to ♠, 5+ cards2♠
range ask OR transfer to ♣, 6+ cards, weak or invite plus2NT
transfer to ♦, 6+ cards, weak or invite plus3♣
Puppet Stayman, 3+ card major(s), maybe one 4 card major, GF+3♦
either ♥ slam try transfer, no void OR GF ♥ shortage with 5–4/4–5 minors3♥
either ♠ slam try transfer, no void OR GF ♠ shortage with 5–4/4–5 minors3♠
minors 5–5, GF and maybe slam try3NT
to play4♣♦
♥/♠ transfer4NT
invitation to 6NT, asks specifically for any 5 card suit
(10)11–15 hcp, 6+ card ♣ suit(any)
interference defence2♦
enquiry, many invite+ hands2♥♠
natural, NF, ~7–10 hcp, not good invite, unlikely both majors (both majors invite+ use 2♦)2NT
puppet, ♣ preempt OR GF single major OR GF 6–4 majors3♣
♦ transfer, invite+3♦
5–5+ majors, invite+3♥
invitational, good suit3♠
invitational, good suit3NT
to play, opener can bid on with lots shape and strength4♣
Redwood RKB for ♣s4♥♠
to play (passed hand = fit jump), opener can bid on with super fit and controls4NT
to play
(10)11–15 hcp, 6+ card ♦ suit, not with 5♥/♠(any)
interference defence2♥
natural, F1, 4+ ♥s2♠
natural, F1, 4+ ♠s, shorter ♥s2NT
♦ support or tolerance, constructive invite plus, no major interest3♣
natural, GF, 6+ suit3♦
natural major, GF, 6+ suit3♠
natural major, GF, 6+ suit3NT
to play4♣
RKB for ♦s4♦
to play4NT
to play
5+ good (NV) / 6+ (VUL) card weak two 7–10 1st/2nd maybe long minor, Undisciplined 5–11 3rd, 10–13 4th2♠
NF, natural, either weak 6+ ♠ short ♥s OR invitational strength 5+ ♠ short ♥s2NT
ASK (NV), or puppet to 3♣ (VUL) maybe ♥ raise OR ♣ signoff3♣
♦ transfer, invitational plus, 6+ cards or 5 cards and ♥ support3♦
♥ transfer, invitational plus3♥
weak limit raise3♠
natural, GF, (passed hands fit jump)3NT
to play, non-correctable4♣
Preempt RKB4♦
control asking bid, (passed hands fit jump)4♥
to play4♠
control asking bid, (passed hands fit jump)4NT
♣ substitute control asking bid5♣♦
to play
5+ good (NV) / 6+ (VUL) card weak two 7–10 1st/2nd maybe long minor, Undisciplined 5–11 3rd, 10–13 4th2NT
ASK (NV), or puppet to 3♣ (VUL) maybe ♠ raise OR ♣ signoff3♣
♦ transfer, assumed invitational, maybe weak - sign off 4♦ over max responses, 6+ cards or 5 cards and ♠ support3♦
♥ transfer, 6 good or 7 cards, assumed invitational, primarily ♥ not NT interest3♥
♠ transfer, invitational raise3♠
weak limit raise3NT
to play, non-correctable4♣
Preempt RKB4♦♥
control asking bids, (passed hands fit jump)4♠
to play4NT
♣ substitute control asking bid5♣♦
to play
19–20 NT3♣♦
constructive minor preempt3♥♠
preempt, max 1 outside A/K3NT
1st/2nd good 4♥♠ preempt semi-solid+ with 2 or 3 KC, 3rd/4th to play4♣♦
preempt, distributional with side singleton/void4♥♠
preempt, not 3NT strength in 1st/2nd, max 1 outside A/K4NT
1st/2nd good 5♣/5♦ preempt (8.5)9 tricks solid or semi-solid + side Ace, 3rd both minors ~6–15 hcp5♣♦
preempt, not 4NT strength in 1st/2nd5♥♠
11 tricks in hand, missing 2 trump honours5NT
11 tricks, raise 1 level higher for each A or K or Q you hold
1♣ Weak Strong
- (13)14–15 balanced / semi-balanced (5-4-2-2), 5–3–3–2 maybe 5 card ♥/♠
- 16+ unbalanced
- 21+ balanced
1♣ interference- Negative 0–7 hcp or 8–9(10) semi-positive no 4cM
- 8+ hcp, 4+ card suit, denies 2♦ response, unbal if 12+, maybe longer minor when not GF
- 8+ hcp, ♣ transfer, when GF maybe 4♣s and longer ♦s, when limited denies 1♥♠ canapé response
- 8+ hcp, ♦ transfer, when limited denies 1♥♠ canapé response, not GF 5♦s and 4♣s
- Balanced GF, (10)11–15/19+ hcp, no 5cM, when 12+ maybe 4♥s/♠s, when 14+ maybe 5♣s/♦s
~4–7 hcp, good weak two (2+ honours), continue as if opened 2♥ preempt- ~9–11 hcp invitational ♣s + ♦s, minors + any short major, does not want to play 2NT
- 16–18 hcp, natural maybe 5 card major, 2NT system on
invitational ~7–9 hcp, good 6+ card minor, continue as if opened 3♣♦ preempt3♥♠
~3–7 hcp, weak, continue as if opened 3♥♠ preempt- Any 6 card Solid AKQJ suit, no outside A/K, max one extra Q
- 8 card ♥/♠ suit, exactly AQJ or KQJ, no outside A/K, max one outside Q
- 7 card Solid AKQJ suit, no outside A/K, max one extra Q
Negative 1♦ with 0–7 hcp or flat 8–9(10) hcp semi-positive no 4cM. The semi-positive includes very limited 8 hcp hands and
invitational NT hands ~9(10) hcp.
For opener's continuations:
- suits are bid in natural order except the "moderate two suiter" ♠ canapé situations
- For shapely 5–5+ hands the limited v.s. Acol 2 v.s. GF bids are more expected trick focussed than just HCP, e.g. 9
certain playing tricks with a 5 card major might start by showing the 5+ card GF major
Weak/Intermediate 14–15 NT:
Strong balanced:
- 21–22: 2NT
- 23–24: 1♥ then 2NT
- 25–26: 3NT
- 27–28: 1♥ then 3NT
Strong 4–4–4–1 hand:
- 4 card ♥ suit: 1♥
- 4–1♥–4–4: 1♠
Very Strong ~22+ 4–4–4–1 hand:
- in theory, the same as a normal strong 4–4–4–1 hand
- may decide to bid NT to show exact strength, especially with a singleton honour
Limited strong one suiter:
- minor: 2♣/2♦
- ♥s: 2♥
- ♠s: 1♠
Acol two strength one suiter:
- minor: 1♥ then 3♣/3♦
- ♥: 1♥ then 2♥
- ♠: 2♠ immediate
GF moderate one suiter, 5+ suit:
- minor: 1♥ then 2♣ relay -> 2♦ ask -> ...
- ♥s: 1♥ then 2♣ relay -> 2♦ ask -> 2♥
- ♠s: 1♥ then 2♠
GF self-sufficient one suiter:
- major: 3♥/3♠
- minor: 4♣/4♦ Minorwood
Limited strong 5–4/6–4 moderate two suiter or 5–4–4–0:
- 4 ♠s or longer ♠ suit: canapé 1♠
- minor not 4♠s: 2♣/2♦
- ♥s not 4♠s: 2♥
Acol two strengh 5–4/6–4 moderate two suiter or 5–4–4–0:
- 4 ♠s exactly: canapé 1♠ then 3♣♦♥ longer suit
- ♣s not 4♠s: 1♥ then 2♣ relay -> 2♦ ask -> 2♠ (showing ♣s + side suit or GF single suiter)
- ♦s not 4♠s: 1♥ then 2♣ relay -> 2♦ ask -> 2NT (showing 5+♦s + 4 card side suit)
- ♥s not 4♠s: 1♥ then 2♥
- ♠s: 1♥ then 2♠
Note, system expects 6♥s + 4♠s Acol two to canapé 1♠ first
Limited 5–5 two suiter:
- both minors: 2♦
- ♣s + a major: 3♣
- ♦s + ♥s: 2♥
- ♦s + ♠s: 1♠
- both majors: 3♦
Acol two strength 5–5 two suiter:
- minors: 1♥ then 2♣ relay -> 2♦ ask -> 3♣
- major + minor: 1♥ then 2♥ (♥s) or 2♠ (♠) - show major Acol two first
- majors: 2♠ - show ♠ Acol two first
Acol two strength 6–5 two suiter:
- Generally as 5–5, but always show the longest suit first.
- 6♣s + 5 other: 1♥ then 2♣ relay -> 2♦ ask -> 2♠ (showing ♣s + side suit or GF single suiter)
- 6♦s + 5 other: 1♥ then 2♣ relay -> 2♦ ask -> 3♣ (showing 5+ ♦s and 5+ other)
- 6 major + 5 other: show major Acol two first
4th Interference
forcing, multi-meaning-
weak natural, ♥s-
16+, marmic 1–4–4–4 / 4–4–1–4 / 4–4–4–1, with 4♥s (use 1♠ for short ♥s)-
many unbalanced extra strong, ~20+ hands (Acol 2 strength)-
GF hands (without self-sufficient single suiter)-
balanced 23–24 or 27–28 (and 31–32)1♠
asking bid, unsuitable for artificial 1NT response1NT
weak NT with 4♥suit
to play2NT
~9–10, happy with ♥ suit
unbalanced, multiple extra strong (♣, ♦, ♣+?, ♦+?) or GF ♥ hand2♦
natural 5+ ♥s, GF, not as long as 3♥ rebid over 1♦, stronger than Acol 22♠
5+ ♣s, GF single suited OR 5–4/6–4/(6–5) 20+2NT
5+ ♣s and 4 card side suit, F1 (~20+)3♦
natural, ~19–213♠
natural, GF3NT
5♣–4♥, GF
6+ ♣s, no shortage, GF single suiter3♥
6+ ♣s, short ♥s, F13♠
6+ ♣s, short ♠s, F13NT
6+ ♣s, short ♦s, F14♣
6+ ♣s, short ♦s, GF, too good for 3NT
5+ ♦s and 4 card side suit3♣
NF ask, ~0–3, 0–2 ♦sPass
♣s, ~19–213♦
artificial GF3♥
natural, ~19–213♠
natural, GF (canapé 1S with ~19–23 limited)3NT
♣s, almost GF values ~22–234♣
5♦–4♥, ~22–234♦
5♦–4♠, ~22–234♥♠
NF, ~0–33♥♠
5+ hcp natural
5+ ♦s and 5+ other suit, usually minors ~20+ or GF with major, but 6–5 maybe ~20+3♦
NF relay, ~0–33♥
GF paradox3♠
GF paradox
6+ ♦s, no shortage, GF single suiter3♥
6+ ♦s, short ♥s, GF3♠
6+ ♦s, short ♠s, GF3NT
6+ ♦s, short ♣s, GF4♣
6+ ♦s, short ♠s, too good for 3NT
natural, 6+ cards, 2 top honours3♣♦
natural, 6+ cards, 2 top honours
4 ♥s exactly, 1–4–4–4 / 4–4–1–4 / 4–4–4–1Pass
very weak, long ♦s2♥
to play2♠
singleton ♠, extras game try3♣
singleton ♣, extras game try3♦
singleton ♦, extras game try
strength/shape ask (note would have bid 1NT earlier with weak hand and 4+ ♠s)2NT
minimum 16–18 hcp, passable3♣
shape ask3♦
singleton ♦, minimum 16–18 hcp3♥
singleton ♣, minimum 16–18 hcp3♠
singleton ♠, minimum 16–18 hcp3NT
singleton ♠, minimum 16–18 hcp, stiff ♠ honour
to play
singleton ♣, extras ~19+ hcp3♦
singleton ♦, extras ~19+ hcp3♥
singleton ♠, extras ~19+ hcp
NF decent suit, invitational3♥
♥ game try, only needs a bit extra help (~17–18 hcp)3♠
NT transfer, no ♠ fit should exist3NT
to play, wants to declare4♥♠
to play
♥ Acol 2 one/two suited ~19–21 hcp, ~8–9 playing tricks, 4+ Quick Tricks, F1, denies exactly 4♠s2♠
Herbert negative ~0–4 hcp OR natural forcingany
natural, NFnewSuit
NF, play suggestion3♠
natural forcing suit
natural, forcing, 5+ hcp3♥
3+ support, ~ 2+ control points including singleton/voids3♠
splinter, 4+ card support4♣♦
splinter, 4+ card support4♥
support, fast arrival
natural, GF, 5+ ♠s, not as long as 3♠ rebid over 1♦, stronger than Acol 22NT
balanced, 23–243♣
♣ single suited Acol 2, NF extras3♥♠
natural, forcing, no Herbert negative4♣
3+ support, ~ 2+ control points including singleton/voids4♦♥♠
splinter, 4+ card support
♦ single suited Acol 2, NF extras3♥♠
natural, forcing, no Herbert negative4♦
3+ support, ~ 2+ control points including singleton/voids4♥♠
splinter, 4+ card support
27–28 balanced4♣
Stayman + later 4NT quantitative4♦♥
Transfer + later 4NT RKB (not pick a game)4♠
5–5+ minors5♣♦
to play, probably weak 7+ cards
31–32 balanced
artificial, 0–7 hcp exactly 4 ♠s, denies 4+ ♥s (steals NT with weaker hand if no ♠ fit)2♣
unbalanced, various extras (see 1S asking bid)2♦
4 ♥s exactly, 1–4–4–4 / 4–4–1–4 / 4–4–4–1, limited 16–18 if 4♠sPass
very weak, long ♦s (and 4♠s)2♥
to play2♠
4 card ♠ support, limited3♣♦♥
lowest HHxx+ suit, singleton ♠, extras ~19+ hcp
strength/shape ask2NT
16–18 hcp, ♠ singleton3♣♦♥
lowest HHxx+ suit, singleton ♠, extras ~19+ hcp3♠
16–18 hcp, 4 card ♠ support
NF decent suit, invitational3♥
♥ game try, only needs a bit extra help (~17–18 hcp)3♠
NT transfer, can ignore if have ♠ fit3NT
to play, wants to declare4♥♠
to play
natural Acol 2 equivalent ~19–21 hcp, ~8–9 playing tricks, 4+ Quick Tricks, F12♠
Herbert negative ~0–4 hcpany
natural, NFnewSuit
NF, play suggestion3♥
natural forcing suit
to play, weak NT hand2NT
semi-natural, 21–23 NT3♣♦
single suited ♣/♦ Acol 2 equivalent ~19–21 hcp, ~8–9 playing tricks, 4+ Quick Tricks, F13♠
invitational, strong3NT
punt ~23/24+4♠
to play, ~20+
natural, ~14–21 with 4+ ♠s, maybe 4–1–4–4 or canapé exactly 4♠s, when weak denies 4♥sPass
very weak, often ♠ tolerance1NT
passable ask, any 0–8 hcp handPass
weak NT hand2♣
artificial, any hand 5+ ♠s2♦
relay, invitational plus2♥
4+ ♥s, NF2♠
6+ ♠s, NF2NT
natural-ish, NF3♣♦
natural, NF3♥♠
natural 6+ cards, GF3NT
to play, maybe offshape4♣♦
GF, 5–5
weak, natural2♠
2+ ♠s, weak2NT
natural invitational, not interested in other suit3♠
invitational, 3♠s
4 ♠s, 5+ ♦s, ~16–182♥
4 ♠s, 5+ ♥s, ~16–182♠
4 ♠s, 5+ ♣s (primary clubs!), ~16–182NT
4–1–4–4 (bid 1♥ with 1–4–4–4 / 4–4–1–4 / 4–4–4–1)3♣
strength ask3♦
to play, invitational hand3♥
to play
to play, limited hand3NT
to play4♣♦
to play
to play, weak ~0–3 hcp3♠
to play, worse than 2♠ raise, slightly better than pass of 1♠4♣
awkward escape to play, may just pass 2NT instead
4 ♠s, 5+ ♣s, too strong for 2♠, ~19–213♦
4 ♠s, 5+ ♦s, too strong for 2♦, ~19–213♥
4 ♠s, 5+ ♥s, too strong for 2♥, ~19–21
5+ suit, 5–7 hcp2♠
4+ card support, 4–7 hcp2NT+
game try structure as 1♥–2♥ raise or 1♠–2♠ raise
5(+) card support, NF3NT
~9–10, 3 card ♠ support
weak NTany
natural, 2x weak, 2NT/3x invitational(overcall)
as Overcalls of our NT
natural strong, ~16–19, ♣s, not exactly 4♠s (use 1♠ then canapé rebid with 4♠s non-GF)2♦
positive 5+ relay2♥
natural, F12♠
artificial, 4 ♦s2NT
6+ ♣s, extras3♣
6+ ♣s, minimum3♦♥♠
natural, forcing 6–5
natural, constructive ~5–7 hcp2NT
artificial stronger flattish 4+ card ♣ support, ~7–93♣
natural raise, 3+ support, ~5–73♦♥♠
mini-splinter ♣ support3NT
natural, to play, ~7–94♣
rare, distributional happy to bypass 3NT, considered too strong for just 3♦
natural strong, ~16–19, ♦s, not exactly 4♠s (use 1♠ then canapé rebid with 4♠s non-GF)2♥
positive 5–9 relay2♠
artificial, 4♥s2NT
6+ ♦s, extras3♣
4+ ♣s, GF new suit3♦
6+ ♦s, minimum3♥♠
natural, forcing, 6–5
natural, constructive ~5–7 hcp2NT
artificial 5+ ♥s, constructive ~5–7 hcp, replaces natural 2♥ bid (not minor raise as over 2♣)3♣
natural, 6 carder, ~5–7 hcp3♦
natural raise wide range, 3+ support, ~5–9 hcp3♥♠
mini-splinter ♦ support, ~5–9 hcp3NT
natural, to play, ~7–94♦
rare, distributional happy to bypass 3NT, considered too strong for just 3♦
natural, ~16–18 hcp, 5+ ♥s, denies exactly 4 ♠s (use 1♠ then 2♥ canapé rebid)2♠
6 card ♥ suit, maximum
8–9 semi-positive with 3 card support
♠ Acol 2 one/two suited ~19–21 hcp, ~8–9 playing tricks, 4+ Quick Tricks, F12NT
Herbert negative ~0–4 hcp OR natural forcing3x
natural, NFnewSuit
NF, play suggestion3♠
natural forcing suit
natural, forcing, 5+ hcp3♠
3+ support, ~ 2+ control points including singleton/voids4♣♦♥
splinter, 4+ card support4♠
support, fast arrival
21–22 balanced NT3♣
2 suiter 5–5+, ♣ + ♥/♠ major, ~16–18 hcp less than Acol 23♦
2 suiter 5–5+, both majors ♥ + ♠, ~16–18 hcp less than Acol 23♥♠
GF setting suit as trumps3NT
25–26 balanced NT4♣
Stayman + later 4NT quantitative4♦♥
Transfer + later 4NT RKB (not pick a game)4♠
5–5+ minors5♣♦
to play, probably weak 7+ cards
GF, Minorwood4NT
29–30 balanced
- 8+ hcp
- 4+ card suit
- NF limited hands maybe minor canapé
- No major canapé (bid longest major first)
- Not worth 2♦ response (showing 12+ / 14+ 5–3–3–2 balanced, without 5 card major)
- Bid 1♥ with 4–4 both majors
- Bid 1♠ with 5–5 both majors
- Unbalanced if 12+ (maybe balanced 4 card major otherwise)
- After a positive major response there is no canapé bidding from opener responder's 1♥♠
is already possible canapé and only one side of the partnership ever does canapé bidding
(over 1♥) natural weak/strong, F1, 5+ unbalanced suit if strong (NOT canapé), not 3+ ♥s if strong (use 2♦)1NT
~8–9 hcp2♣
puppet to 2♦ v.s. weak NT, mostly weak ♦s or invitational hands2♦
completed, weak NTPass
♦ canapé, not worth invite2♥
invite, probably 5 cards, not worth a 3♥ bid over 1♠2♠
invite, 4 card support3other
invite with 5–5 (5–4 not special enough)
strong, 5 card ♠ suit, Hx ♥ support (use 2♦ if 3+)2♠
natural, strong, 6♠sother
strong 16+
artificial GF, natural continuations2♥
weak NT, 3 card support2♠
natural, 6♠s2NT
weak NT, nothing special, may have 5 card ♠ suit3♣♦
natural, strong, 5–4+3♥
extras, Ax/Kx ♥s3♠
self-sufficient, strong, extras4other
self/auto-splinter, slam try
to play v.s. weak hand2♠
to play v.s. weak hand, 4 card support or possibly good 3 cards + singleton2NT
puppet, ♣ signoff or 4–4–4–1 GF and short ♠s3♣
natural, baron 4 card suit with control
5–5+ slam interest3♥
6+ suit, slam interest3♠
natural invite, 4 card support3NT
serious, control bid prompting
to play, ~10–134M
natural, ~10–13
weak NT hand, no 1 level biddable 4 card major2♣
puppet to 2♦, weak ♦s or invitational hands2♦
♦ canapé, not worth invite2♥
(after 1♠ response only) 5–4/6–4 invite, preference to ♠s without 4 card support3♥
minimum, 4 card support4♥
maximum, 4+ card support
invite, probably 5 cards, not worth a 3M bid over 1NT2NT
natural invite3♣♦
4M and 5+ minor, invitational3♥
(after 1♠ response) invite with 5–53♠
(after 1♥ response) invite with 6–5
artificial GF, natural continuations2♥
artificial, 1–2 card support2♠
major details ask2NT
xx / H singleton3x
singleton, natural suit3M
A/K singleton
other suits ask3x
natural (e.g. good 5 / 5–4 hand)
natural slam try3M
natural 6 carder, wants xx or singleton honour supportjump
void auto splinter
artificial 3 card support2NT
general ask, maybe slam interest3x
natural slam try3M
mild slam try3NT
weak trumps, mild slam try, still expect to play 4Mjump
splinter, singleton/void4M
common sign off (partner not expressed NT interest)
3 card support, NT interest3x
natural slam try3M
mild slam try3NT
to playjump
splinter, singleton/void
to play2♠
(after 1♥ response) N/A2NT
puppet, ♣ signoff or 4–4–4–1 GF3♣
natural, baron 4 card suits
5–5+ slam interest3M
6+ suit, slam interest4other
self/auto-splinter, slam try(any)
as Overcalls of our NT, double of 2♣ NMF
Lakebeach, unbalanced strong with a 5+ card minor, not worth 3♣♦ (20+ hcp and single suited)2♦
artificial 20+ hcp, 5–4 minors2NT
long minor ask3♣♦
natural 4+ card supportother
natural, no 3 card minor
natural, with longer minor, 16+ hcp2NT
major support, extras ~12+ hcp3♣
natural, 5/6 cards minimum3♥
artificial ♣s + oM 5–4, 20+ hcp3♠
artificial ♦s + oM 5–4, 20+ hcp3NT
artificial ♣s, 5/6 cards minimum4♣♦
6–4, extras
natural minimum raise, ~8–11 hcpjump
splinter, major supportother
cue, major support with extras ~12+ hcp
5–4 / 5–5 (6–5) minors, ~16–19 hcp3♣♦
natural 4+ card supportother
6 carder, ~16–19, denies a major, maybe 4 card other minor3♥♠
auto-splinter 5–5 minors, ~(19)20+ hcp
natural 6+ suit2oM
natural 5–5 majors2NT
artificial, 3+ both minor, at least mild slam interest3♣♦
natural 5–5 major + minor3M
good 7+ suit, sets trumps
GF, 3+ support but 6♥s + 3♠s bids 2♥ over 1♠, "Odwrotka",2♥
strong, ~12+, other bids are ~8-112♠
as immediate responses over "Odwrotka", but 12+ hcp
natural, sound 6 card suit (use relay then sign off with bad 6 carder and 7 card major fit)
4 card major(s) for longest suit, no 5 card minor, so balanced or a 4–4–4–1 hand2NT
waiting, baron like3♣♦
natural, 4+ suit (5+ suit if 7–8 hcp)3NT
natural, sound 6 card suitoM
natural, 5 carder
5 card high suit, with side 4+ card suit, ~8–11 hcp3♣
natural, sound 6 card suit
canapé ~8–11 hcp, or natural 12+3♦
singleton ask3oM
other major singleton4♣
♣ RKB4♠
(over ♥ fit) double fit RKB4NT
(over ♠ fit) double fit RKB
♦ singleton4♣
♣ RKB4♠
(over ♥ fit) double fit RKB4NT
(over ♠ fit) double fit RKB
♣ RKB4♠
(over ♥ fit) double fit RKB4NT
(over ♠ fit) double fit RKB
♣ RKB4♦
Double Fit RKB
canapé ~8–11 hcp, or natural 12+3oM
natural, 5+ carder3M
singleton askoM
other major singleton4♦
♦ RKB, special case4♠
(over ♥ fit) double fit RKB4NT
(over ♠ fit) double fit RKB
♦ RKB, special case4♠
(over ♥ fit) double fit RKB4NT
(over ♠ fit) double fit RKB
♣ singleton4♦
♦ RKB, special case4♠
(over ♥ fit) double fit RKB4NT
(over ♠ fit) double fit RKB
control bid (probably better start with singleton ask though)4♦
♦ RKB4♥
(over 1♥) sign off4♥
(over 1♠) last train4♠
(over 1♥) double fit RKB4♠
(over 1♠) to play4NT
(over 1♠) double fit RKB
artificial, 6+ suit, ~8–11 hcp3♠
singleton ask3NT
♣ singleton4♦
♦ singleton4♥
other major singleton4♠
with ♥s agreed, ♠ singleton, suggests extras too good for game
serious, control prompt4M
to play
artificial, 5–3–3–2, ~8–11 hcp3NT
5–5 both majors, ~8–11 hcp4♣♦
last train4♠
to play4NT
double fit RKB
5–5 M + ♣s, ~8–11 hcp4♦
Double Fit RKB Kickback
5–5 M + ♦s, ~8–11 hcp
weak NT raise, 4+ card support2NT
force before cue bid or game try structure as e.g. 1♥–2♥ raise or 1♠–2♠ raise3M
extra trump length game try3x
play suggestion even vs 4 card support
(over 1♠) 5+ ♥s strong, maybe 6♥–3♠ support2♠
5 ♠s, opposite ordering to usual 6+♠s bid to limit strength with less shape2NT
ask, lacks extras ♥s or limited3♣♦
4+ cards, 8+ hcp3♥
15+ hcp, 5–3–3–2 doubleton ♥ support3♠
12–14 hcp, 5–3–3–2 doubleton ♥ support3NT
8–11 hcp, 5–3–3–2 doubleton ♥ support
natural, extras (bid 2NT ask with less)3♥
natural 6+ cards3♠
3 card support and 6 ♥s
6+ ♠s, not worth 3♠, maybe wants to play 4♠3♣♦
3 card support and 6 ♥s, bid something else with 2 card support
5+ cards canapé OR 5-5, extras3♠
3 card support and 6 ♥s
natural, ~8–11 fast arrival including 5♠s with outside stops3♠
self-sufficient suit, slam try interest4♥♠
to play
(over 1♥) 6+ ♠s and 3♥s3♣♦
natural, canapé3♥♠
sets the trump suit3NT
serious, control asking
21+ balanced / 21+ 4–4–4–1 singleton in partner's major3♣
6+ ♣s, single suited, 20+3♦
6+ ♦s, single suited, 20+3♥
(over 1♠) self-sufficient, extras3M
5(+) card support, unbalanced ~16–18, probably with side suitsuit
good fragment or natural length3NT
fast arrival
4–4–4–1 singleton in partner's major, 16–20 hcp4x
extra long suit, ~8–9 PT, distributional, weaker than Acol two4M
raise with 5 card max weak NT
♣ transfer
- usually 5 cards
- when NF limited ~8–10 hcp denies a 4 card major
- when GF we may have a 4 card major
- when 12+ hcp maybe 4♣s and longer ♦s
- possibly 5–3–3–2 balanced, but can bid 1♦ (~8–9 hcp), 2♦ (14+ hcp 5–3–3–2) or 2NT (~9–10 hcp)
Weak NT, transfer acceptPass
limited ~8–9 hcp2♦
GF, both minors 5–4+2♥♠
4+ card support
artificial GF, 5+ ♣s + side 4 card major2♠
artificial ♥s3♣
3+ card support, no major3♦
5 ♦s3♥♠
natural 5 card major, 5–3–3–2 (optional?)
artificial GF, 6+ ♣s, no side suit2NT
positive waiting3♣
waiting, no splinter or no slam interest3♦♥♠
shortage, slam try3NT
to play4♦♥♠
void splinter
negative, usually 2 card support
invite, (semi)balanced with ♣ suit worth showing3♣
invite, weakish suit, not worth initial 3♣ response3♦♥♠
6–4 GF
GF relay2♥
artificial, both minors 5–4+, 12+ extras2♠
5–5 minors3♣♦
5 card longer suit with shortage3♥
5–4–2–2 longer ♣s (2–2–4–5)3♠
5–4–2–2 longer ♦s (2–2–5–4)
artificial, 5+ ♣s + side 4 card major, ~11/12+ GF v.s initial weak NT2NT
4 ♥s, 5 ♣s with shortage3♦
4 ♠s, 5 ♣s with shortage3♥
shortage ask3♠
♦ shortage3NT
♥ shortage
natural, no shortage
artificial, 6+ ♣s, 12+ hcp (or 7 cards slightly weaker)3♣
shortage ask3♦
major shortage3NT
♦ shortage
6+ ♣s, minimum 8–11 hcp, with shortage3♦
shortage ask3♥♠
major shortage3NT
♦ shortage
limited ~8–11 hcp, 5+ ♣s and 4+ ♦s3♥
~8–10, 5–3–3–23♠
~11–13, 5–3–3–23NT
~8–11, 6–3–2–2 (6 cards no shortage)4♣
self-sufficient, max 1 loser, some outside control
good 6+ card suit4♣
self-sufficient, max 1 loser, some outside control
good 6+ ♦ suit4♣
self-sufficient, max 1 loser, some outside control
support, strong hand3♦♥♠
splinter, strong hand4♦
self-sufficient suit, extras4♥♠
self-sufficient suit, (sub)minimum strong, max 2 CP outside main suit5♦
rare likely 8 card suit, (sub)minimum strong, expect 3 keycards
Interference over 1♣–1NT
weak, doubleton
XX = retransfer askXX
to play / values2♣
weak, 3+ cardsother
system on
bidding partners transfer suitPass
weak, doubletonX
weak, 3 cards
weak, no stop
X = takeout by responder up to 3♠NT
stop, no penalty interestX
♦ transfer
- when NF limited ~8–10 hcp denies a 4 card major
- when GF not 5♦s and 4♣s (starts with 1NT ♣ transfer!)
- when GF we may have a 4 card major
- possibly 5–3–3–2 balanced, but can bid 1♦ (~8–9 hcp), 2♦ (14+ hcp 5–3–3–2)
Weak NT, transfer acceptPass
limited ~8–9 hcp2♥
artificial GF, 5+ ♦s + side 4 card major2♠
artificial ♥s3♣
5 ♣s3♦
3+ card support, no major3♥♠
natural 5 card major, 5–3–3–2 (optional?)
artificial GF, 6+ ♦s, no side suit2NT
positive relay3♣
shortage, slam try3♦
waiting, no splinter or no slam interest3♥♠
shortage, slam try3NT
to play4♣♥♠
void splinter
negative, usually 2 card support
invite, (semi)balanced with ♦ suit worth showing3♣
6–4 GF3♦
invite, weakish suit, not worth initial 3♦ response3♥♠
6–4 GF
GF relay2♠
artificial, 5+ ♦s + side 4 card major, 12+ extras2NT
artificial, 6+ ♦s, 12+ hcp (or 7 cards slightly weaker)3♣
shortage ask3♦
major shortage3NT
♣ shortage
6+ ♦s with shortage, minimum 8–11 hcp3♦
shortage ask3♥♠
major shortage3NT
♣ shortage
limited ~8–11 hcp, 5+ ♦s and 4+ ♣s (12+ GF can use 1NT transfer)3♥
~8–10, 5–3–3–23♠
~11–13, 5–3–3–23NT
~8–11, 6–3–2–2 (6 cards no shortage)4♦
self-sufficient, max 1 loser, some outside control
good 6+ card suit4♦
self-sufficient, max 1 loser, some outside control
good 6+ ♥ suit4♦
self-sufficient, max 1 loser, some outside control
good 6+ card suitbid
self-sufficient, max 1 loser, some outside control
support, strong3♥♠
splinter, strong4♣
splinter, strong4♥♠
self-sufficient suit, (sub)minimum strong, max 2 CP outside main suit5♣
rare likely 8 card suit, (sub)minimum strong, expect 3 keycards
Interference over 1♣–2♣
weak, doubleton
XX = retransfer askXX
to play interest (4 very good or 5 reasonable)2♦
weak, 3+ cardsother
system on
bidding partners transfer suitPass
weak, doubletonX
weak, 3 cards
weak, no stop
X = takeout by responder up to 3♠NT
stop, no penalty interestX
- artificial GF balanced (10)11–15 / 19+ hcp
- no 5 card major
- NOT 5–4–2–2 or 6–3–2–2
- (10)/11 hcp, no 5 card minor and no 4 card major (one or two 4 card minors, 4–4–3–2 / 4–3–3–3)
- 12+ hcp, maybe with 4 card major (4–4–3–2 / 4–3–3–3), NO 5 card minor
- 14–15/19+ hcp, additionally maybe with a 5 card minor (5–3–3–2 exactly)
- repeating a major at each level, e.g. 2♥,3♥,4♥, something extra just below Acol two
- fast arrival rebid, e.g. 2♥ then 4♥, is a normal ~16–18 hand
- natural bidding longest suit first
natural 4+ suit2NT
waiting, maybe 3 card major3M
rebid maybe 5 card major weak NT OR 6+ cards below Acol two
5 cards3oM
4 cards3NT
usually no 3 card major, fast arrival
staymanic range ask, usually flattish strong 16+ opening hands3♣
(10)11–13, some 4–4–3–2/4–3–3–33♦
14–15, no 4 card major, no 5 card minor3♥♠
14–15, natural 4 card major3NT
5 card minor (5–3–3–2), 14–15
natural 5+ cards, strong3♥♠
good 6+ suit, extras ~8+ PT3NT
weak NT, fast arrival, no 4 card major4♣♦
self-sufficient, extras4♥♠
self-sufficient suit, (sub)minimum strong, max 2 CP outside main suit5♣♦
rare likely 8 card suit, (sub)minimum strong, expect 3 keycards
Interference over 1♣–2♦
weak, nothing to say, similar to direct 3NT without the double
XX = to play interest (4 very good or 5 reasonable)XX
to play interest (4 very good or 5 reasonable)other
system on
weak, nothing to say
X = takeout by responder up to 3♠X
system on staymanic range ask, but expect 4 card major OR strong handother
system on
- invitational both minors
- some major shortage, so does not want to play 2NT
ask, weak or strong3♣
shortage ask3♥
♥ singleton/void3♠
inviting xxx or Hx support (not available for ♥s)3NT
to play4♣
♣ RKB4♦
Double Fit RKB Kickback5♣♦
to play
♠ singleton/void3NT
to play4♣
♣ RKB4♦
Double Fit RKB Kickback4♥
to play
shortage ask3♠
♠ singleton/void3NT
to play4♣
♣ RKB4♦
Double Fit RKB Kickback4♥
to play
♥ singleton/void4♣
Double Fit RKB Kickback4♦
♦ RKB4♠
to play
♥ shortage, 5–5+3♠
inviting xxx or Hx support3NT
to play4♣
♣ RKB4♦
♦ RKB4♥♠
Double Fit RKB Kickback5♣♦
to play
♠ shortage, 5–5+3NT
to play4♣
♣ RKB4♦
♦ RKB4♥
natural, looking for doubleton support4NT
Double Fit RKB Kickback5♣♦
to play
6–6 minors4♣
void ask4♦♥
♠/♥ voidnext
Double Fit RKB Kickback, ignore void responses
to play
Kickback RKB4NT
Double Fit RKB Kickback5♦
weak NT, ♦ fit
Kickback RKB4NT
Double Fit RKB Kickback5♣
weak NT, ♣ fit
weak NF, 4+ support3♥♠
natural, strong3NT
to play4♣♦
strong, slam interest
Interference over 1♣–2♠
♠ normallyPass
weak, no stopXX
to play interest (4 very good or 5+ reasonable)2NT+
system on, but ♠ stop implication
- Natural balanced 16–18 hcp
- Maybe 5–3–3–2 with 5 card major
- Should not have semi-balanced 5–4–2–2 hands - 6♣♦ or other slams should be easier to bid if showing suits
2NT system on for responses and interference handling.
- Any 6 card solid AKQJ suit
- no outside A/K, max one extra Q
- unlikely 6–5+ shape (maybe ignore xxxxx 5 carder)
- suit not set
shortness singleton/void ask, slam interest, has identified the solid suitany
bid shortness or own suit if nonenext
void ask check5x
singleton showing6x
void showing
to play, need not play in opener's suit
suit ask, usually an escapegame
to play, regardless of suit
- 8 card major headed by AQJ or KQJ
- no outside A/K, max one extra Q
- suit implicitly set
8 card ♥ suit4♦
shortness ask, slam interest, (bid up the line, showing closest shortage with two)4♥
to play
8 card ♠ suit4♥
shortness ask, slam interest, (bid up the line, showing closest shortage with two)4♠
to play
- 7 card full solid major
- no outside A/K, max one extra Q
- suit implicitly set
7 card solid ♥ suit4♠
shortness ask, slam interest, (bid up the line, showing closest shortage with two)
7 card solid ♠ suit4NT
shortness ask, slam interest, (bid up the line, showing closest shortage with two)
1♣ Interference
- In general assume that opener has the weak balanced hand.
- 2nd position 2 level interference assumes opener has the weak NT hand and uses Lebensohl.
When responder shows a weak hand such as the following and the opponents interfere...
- 1♣–1♦–(any)
- 1♣–(X)–P
- 1♣–(1S)–P–(2S)
...opener essentially bids as if the opponents opened the bidding, so our same defences to their opening bids,
except we know that the opener will be strong 16+.
Where transfers are used after interference, it is completed with 2–3 card support and raised
one more with 4+ card support. The weak NT hand may also bid 1NT with 2–3 card support and good stops.
Strong hands may break transfers in more interesting ways...
Note, 1♠ is the most disruptive 1 level (suit) overcall, possibly psychic or a poor 4 card suit, though expect to
see less pure disruption against a weak-strong club.
Bids below 1♠ are not disruptive unless the opponents raise further.
Differences with 1♦ interference
Compared to the 1♦ opening interference:
- The 1♦ opening is limited, so opener's Good-Bad 2NT is more extreme shape extras
- 1♣ can be strong unlimited so 2NT by opener is used for some 16+ hands
- In competition the 1 level major response to 1♣ are 6+, so system is off
- System remains on over 1♦ as the values don't really change and opener is limited
- support doubles/redoubles by opener maybe weak iff we have the higher ranked suit (so we could compete and win the 2
level or force the opponents to bid to the 3 level)
strong hand with ♣sXX
escape, weak handothers
natural, strong hand(any)
interference, opener passes with a weak handothers
pretend they opened
(P) = penalty pass likelyXX
transfer to ♦s, 8+ hcp, system on without further interference1♦
2–3 ♦s, weak hand1NT
2–3 card support, weak NT with good stop2♣♦
Two Way NMF continuations
4+ ♦s, weak handothers
natural, strong hand
transfer, 4+ ♥s, 6+ hcp, system off1♥
2–3 card support, weak NT1NT
2–3 card support, weak NT with good stop2♣♦
Two Way NMF continuations
4+ card support, weak NT
transfer, 4+ ♠s, 6+ hcp, system off1♠
2–3 card support, weak NT1NT
2–3 card support, weak NT with good stop2♣♦
Two Way NMF continuations
4+ card support, weak NT
transfer to NT, no 4 card major1NT
transfer, 5+ ♣s, 8+ hcp, GF v.s. strong hand2♣♦♥♠
weak, ~5–7, sound weak two2NT
5–5 minors, GF versus strong hand3♣♦♥♠
negative, ~8+ hcp, 4–4+ majors2♠
GF, strong2NT
21+ balanced3♠
GF, extras good suit(3D)
jump interference3♥♠
to play4♣
natural, GF4♥♠
~16–18, 4+ support
natural, 6+ hcp, system off, later new suits over strong hand GF1NT
natural ~6–92x
weak, decent 5 cardsDbl
strong, takeout2♥♠
3 card scramble2NT
5 carders3♥♠
maximum, 3 cards
natural, F12♦
general GF, strong2M
5+ suit2NT
weak NT, maybe no stop3♥♠
~16–19 6+ suit
majors 5–5 (as opponents open 1♦ defence)2♥♠
~5–7 hcp, sound weak two2NT
♥s + ♣s 5–5 (as opponents open 1♦ defence)3♦
majors GF stronger (as opponents open 1♦ defence)3♣♥♠
jump cue bid, stopper ask
natural not game going v.s. strong hand, later bids balancingDbl
4♠s ~6+ hcp or 6+ ♠s invitational precisely, not GF if canapé1♠
~3 card support, weak NTcue
5 card invite2NT
invitational canapé3♠
6 card invite
~2 card support, weak NT hopefully with stop2♠
4+ card support, weak NT3♠
5+ support, 16–18(2H)
2♠ = competitive 5 cards for double
2NT = natural with stop
3♠ = 6 card invite for doubleDbl
support, 3 cardscue
5+ support, 16–18
jump interferenceDbl
3+ card support, strong3♠
natural, GF
natural, 5♠s, not 6, system on without further interference2♥
cue 4 card raise, weak NT2♠
3 cards, weak NT
natural, ~6–92x
weak, decent 5 cardsDbl
strong, takeout2♠
3 cards2NT
minimal 5 carder
♦ transfer, 5+ ♦s, GF v.s. strong hand2♦
complete transfer, weak hand3♦
weak NT, supportothers
♣s, GF2NT
NF minimum, stopper3♣
NF weak NT
♠ transfer, 6+ ♠s, weak/GF2♠
complete transfer, weak handothers
stop ask, invite plus (0–3♠, no ♥ stop maybe 4 though, 3–3+ minors), or trying NT transfer (may bid ♥s again)3♣♦
minimum weak NT, no stop
weak, natural3♥
♠ + minor, mild GF 2 suiter3♠
♠ + minor, strong 2 suiter - max 5 losers, ♥ control (not 2 losers), e.g. AJxxx Ax AKxxx x or better4♠
to play, obstructive4NT
4–5 ♥s ~8+ hcp or 6♥ invitational precisely, not GF if canapé1NT
weak, maybe no ♠ stopcue
6 card invite
weak, 4+ card support3♥
5+ support, 16–18others
strong, natural(2♠)
natural interference raisePass
weak hand, not 4♥sX
4 ♥s, weak OR strong2NT
natural, strongothers
interference, probably less than invitePass
weak or bad strong minimum hand
X = takeout again4♥
weak or strong, 5 card support likelyothers
natural, ~6–92♣
♦ transfer, 5+ ♦s, 8+2♦
complete transfer, weak hand3♦
weak hand, 4+ supportothers
strong, natural
♥ transfer, 6+ ♥s, weak/GF2♥
complete transfer, weak hand3♥
weak hand, 4+ card supportothers
strong, natural
♣ showing, 10+2NT
NF minimum, stopper3♣
NF weak NT
♠ stop ask, or trying NT transfer (may bid ♠s again)3♣♦
minimum weak NT, no stop
natural invite3♣♦♥
♥s + minor, mild GF 2 suiter3NT
natural, ~11–144♣♦
♥ + minor, strong 2 suiter - max 5 losers, ♠ control (not 2 losers), e.g. AJxxx Ax AKxxx x or better4♥
to play, obstructive
natural weak or strong, handle as similar 1x–(1NT) overcallsPass
natural, weak
any = strong, ordinary 1NT defence iff it's a natural NT
2NT = minors
3x = strong, good 6+ suitX
As weak 1NT defence
stand in for 2♣ StaymanOthers
1NT system on
Michaels - MajorsX
values, forcing to 2NT2♦
to play2♥♠
♣/♦ GF 5+ suit2NT
both minors (double with balanced/semi-balanced values)3♣
competitive, natural3♦
invitational good 6 card suit
not good or < GF with penalty pass in opponents suitX
takeout, strong, again Lebensohl continuationsothers
natural, strong, defend as if opened weak two
(P) = nothing further by advancerX
takeout double, as Lebensohl systemCue
Lebensohl system3NT
as Overcalls of our NT except Thrump doubles over 3♦♥♠
2nd and 4th interfere, Responder Passes
strong balanced, NT scheme follows2NT
strong balanced 22+, NT scheme followsX
penalty (may change this)
weak NT openingDbl
strong, opener re-openingnextSuit
herbert negative, ~0–4 hcp2x
~4–7, natural2NT+
natural, forcing
maybe weak NTothers
strong hand, bid as if they opened
4th interferes, maybe 2nd, Responder positive
X by 4th after some 1 level transfer bid, e.g:
weak, 2 card supportXX
3 card support, weak (may win 2 level) or strong1♠
accept transfer example, weak hand, 3 card support1NT
weak hand, NT friendly, 2–3 card support2♠
raise, accept, weak hand, 4 card support2NT
jump 2NT limit plus raise system as over 1M3♣♦♥
acol 2 type3♠
weak 5 card max supportothers
natural, strong
X by 4th after some 2 level transfer bid, e.g:
weak, 2 card supportXX
strong hand, 3 card support (cannot win 2 level so not weak)2♦
accept transfer example, weak hand, 3+ support2♥
strong, natural2♠
general force2NT
strong, naturalish3♦
strong hand, 4+ support3♥
acol 2 type3♠
acol 2 typeothers
natural, strong
1 level takeout by 4th:
weak, no stopXX
3 card support, weak (may win 2 level) or strong1NT
weak natural, ♠ stop2♦
general force2♥
weak 4+ card2NT
jump 2NT limit plus raise system as over 1M3♥
weak 5 card max supportothers
1 level overcall by 4th:
weak, no stopX
strong, 3 card support (cannot win 2 level so not weak)1NT
weak natural, ♠ stop2♦
general force2♥
weak 4+ card2NT
jump 2NT limit plus raise system as over 1M3♥
weak 5 card max supportothers
Suit bid where opener can support responder at 2 level after interference:
weak hand, 2 card supportX
3 card support, weak (may win 2 level) or strong2♥
strong, natural2♠
weak hand, support2NT
Good-Bad, usually GF strong support, else ~16–18 ♣s3♣
strong, ~19+ natural3♦
cue, general strong force3♥
acol 23♠
invitational, support ~16–18
weak hand, 2 card supportX
3 card support, weak (may win 2 level) or strong2♥
strong natural2♠
weak hand, support2NT
Good-Bad, usually GF strong support, else ~16–18 ♣s3♣
strong, ~19+ natural3♦
cue, general strong force3♥
acol 23♠
invitational, support ~16–18
Good-Bad 2NT response to opener's re-opening double:
- Not scrambling with multiple places to play, but distinguishing strength.
- good major and a weaker minor goes by 2NT
- direct minor is good, direct major is competitive
good ♥s max (or extras with 5 ♥s) bid OR a weak minor3♣♦
good minor3♥
competitive ♥s bid
Transfer Lebensohl etc. (here playing as defending 2S opening)
2NT over 2♦♥♠ interference by 4th hand:
Treated as weak two opening, so natural ~16–19
Suit bid where opener can only support responder at 3+ level, e.g:
♦ transfer, natural 2 level raise not availablePass
strong hand, takeout (not support double for a minor suit)2♠
natural, strong2NT
Good-Bad, usually strong support, OR ~16–18 ♣s3♣
natural, ~19+3♦
4+ support, competitive weak NT3♥
general force3♠
acol 24♣
acol 24♦
4 minor raise is minorwood RKB
4–5 ♥ or (6♥ invitational precisely)X
4♥s, strong ~16–182NT
Good-Bad, usually ~19+ strong support, OR ~16–18 ♣s/♦s3♣♦
natural, ~19+3♥
competitive, weak3♠
general force4♣♦
acol 24♥
winging it
4–5 ♠ or 6♠ invitational preciselyX
strong, support3♠
cue, slam try4♠
winging it
Jump interference:
takeout then jump to 2♠, partner shows ♥ transferPass
2–3 support, weakX
takeout, strong2NT
Good-Bad, usually ~19+ strong support, OR ~16–18 ♣s/♦s3♣♦
natural, ~19+3♥
competitive, weak3♠
general force4♣♦
acol 24♥
winging it4♠
penalty, following natural NT
Double jump plus interference:
strong, as partner is weak bid as if they openedX
4th interferes after 2♥/2♠/2NT positive response
often showing ♥sPass
weak hand, without ♥ stop and extrasXX
natural, strongothers
system on
something suit showingPass
weak hand, no stopX
weak hand, NF minimum, stop3NT
weak or strong, stopsuit
natural, strong
often showing ♠sPass
weak hand, no stopXX
5+ ♠s, strong handothers
system on, 2NT will promise ♠ stop
something suit showing
4th interferes after 3♣♦♥♠/3NT/4♣♦♥♠
After 3♣♦♥♠ bid as if partner opened a preempt, e.g.
See 3♥♠ opening interference
For the 3NT/4♣♦♥♠ responses it should be easy to place the contract or slam try or X for penalty.
4th Interferes after Responder Negative
Bid as if they opened.
negative response(X)
whatever, likely not muchPass
vague hand
any = to play
XX = escapeXX
big balanced or GF unbalanced handbid
strong hand2x+
extra strong
whatever, continuations same as 1♣-(1x)-P
1♦ Opening
Short / Nebulous ♦ for flattish or 3 suited or both minors or extreme shape maximum 6+♦ and 5♥/♠ hands.
- Zero plus ♦ cards
- 11–13 balanced/semi-balanced hands with 2+ card ♦ suit (poor vulnerable 11 hcp flat may pass)
- 11–13 balanced hands in principle do not include any 5 card major hands
- 11–15 unbalanced 3 suiter (4–4–4–1 / 5–4–4–0 / 5–4–3–1) any short suit and without a 5 card major, so maybe minor canapé
- 11–15 both minors 5–4 / 5–5 (6–5 maximum could also use for more space), so maybe minor canapé.
- Rare extreme shape hands with extras include 6(7)♦–5♥/♠
Other bids:
- Often open 2♣/2♦ with minimum 6–5 both minors and 2♣ with 6–6 minor hands
- A maximum 6–5 minors can be supported by 1♦ or the 2♣/2♦ openings, experiment
- Open 2♦ with a 7♦–4♥/♠ hand
- Improvise with 8♦–4♥/♠, probably best to open higher with 2♦ expecting competition. It's a very rare 1:2211 frequency anyway.
- Open 1♣ with any (13)14–15 weak NT like hand, including many 5–4–2–2 five card ♣/♦ hands
- Open 1♥ or 1♠ with an 11–13 hcp 5–3–3–2 major, unless willing to pretend it is a 4 card suit
- Open 1♥ or 1♠ with a minimum 6♦ and 5 card ♥/♠ hand and bid like a 5–5 hand
11–13 flat; or 11–15 3 suited no 5 card major or both minors (5–4 / 5–5); or maximum 6+♦–5♥/♠(any)
1♦ interference1♥
natural, 4+ cards, maybe longer minor canapé1♠
natural, 4+ cards, maybe longer minor canapé1NT
natural, up to 11 hcp, no 4 card major2♣
10+ natural, maybe 6+–4 GF with 4 card major2♦
10+ natural, maybe 6+–4 GF with 4 card major2♥
5♠s + 4–5♥s, weak (~5–9)2NT
game try3♣
min 5–43♦
max 5–43♥
min 5–53♠
max 5–5
5–5+ minors, NF
5♠s + 4–5♥s, invitational (~10–12)2NT
game try3♣
min 5–43♦
max 5–43♥
min 5–53♠
max 5–5
5–5+ minors, NF
natural invitational ~(11)–12(13), no 4 card major, usually very flat 4–4–3–2/4–3–3–3, normally no 5 card minor. Can bid 2♦ to rightside NT with one major stop. With zero major stops probably look to bid 2♣ with a 4 card ♣ suit or 2♦.3♣♦
natural, NF3♥♠
stop show4♣
minor two-suiter, GF, unlikely as 6–5 hands can open 2♣/2♦4♥♠
6♦–5M hands
5–4(+) minors, either minor longer, 5–9 hcp, usually a singleton major3♦
extras, unbalanced
weak jump shift, 6+ ♦s, 0–9 hcp, NF3♥♠
mini-splinter, ♦ game try3NT
stops and ♦ fit, e.g. Ax/Ax/Kxxx/Axxxx4♣
mini-splinter, ♦ game try4♦
big ♦ fit invite, denies a singleton, NF4♥♠
natural, good 12–17, no 4 card major, stops4♣♦
natural, forcing, slam try4♥♠
RKB or ♠ substitute cue bid
5–5+ minors, 5–9 hcp4♦
natural, to play, obstructive, sets suit as trumps (passed hand fit jump e.g. 6–6 shape!)4NT
natural, to play, obstructive
Natural, 4+ cards, maybe longer minor canapé
exactly 4 ♠s (always bid with 4 ♠s), may have 3 card ♥ support (note 5♠–6♦ open 1♠ or open 1♦ reverse to 2♠)1NT
flattish 11–13, denies 4 ♠s, maybe 3♥s, could be singleton ♥ or semi-balanced2♣
natural, NF, 5–4+ minors either way, denies 4 ♠s or 3 ♥s, often 14–15 hcp unless min 5–5+ minors2♦
good ♥ raise, maybe 3 card shapely ♥ support; OR minimum 4 card void raise2♥
normal/weaker ♥ raise, maybe 3 ♥s if have singleton2♠
natural, NF, 6–5, extras2NT
14–15, ♣ mini-splinter 4 card ♥ raise3♣
14–15, 5–5+ both minors3♦
forcing, 6+ cards4♣♦
forcing, encouraging a cue or Redwood
14–15, ♦ mini-splinter 4 card ♥ raise3♥
14–15, ♠ mini-splinter 4 card ♥ raise3♠
14–15, ♠ void-splinter,4 card ♥ raise3NT
serious (not obscure length or minor ask)
6(7)♦–5♥ support, some void4♣
void ask, slam try4♦
♦ tolerance (top Hx) or better4♥
to play4♠
Kickback RKB for ♥s
14–15, ♣ void-splinter, 4 card ♥ raise4♦
artificial, Double Fit RKB4♥
to play4♠
Kickback RKB for ♥s
14–15, ♦ void-splinter, 4 card ♥ raise4♥
to play4♠
Kickback RKB for ♥s4NT
Double Fit RKB
big support and shape, 1–6♦–5♥–1 max type hand4♠
Kickback RKB for ♥s4NT
Double Fit RKB
exactly 4 ♠s (always bid with 4 ♠s), may have 3 card ♥ support (note 5♠–6♦ open 1♠ or open 1♦ reverse to 2♠)Pass
3+ ♠s, no game chance1NT
natural, 6–10(11), any shape where 1NT seems okPass
most hands with no game interest2♣♦
14–15, natural, 5 cards 4–1–(3–5) or 4–2–(2–5) long minor, NOT FSF2♥
natural, 5 cards, not worth initial 2♥ bid over 1♦ or 1♠ rebid2♠
Hxx+ 3 card ♠ support, presumably weak in other minor may play 7 card ♠ fit2NT
to play3♣♦
game try, presumably stop concern in other minor
14–15, 4–1–4–4 or 4–0–(4–5) either long minor2NT
to play3♣♦
to play3NT
to play
14–15, 3 card ♥ support, 4–3–(1–5) either long minor3♣♦
paradox minor support3♥
to play
puppet to 2♦, invitational or weak ♦ signoff2♦
invitational, exactly 5♥s, opener probably bids on with any 3 card support2NT
decline, e.g. singleton3♣♦
game try
mild invite, 4 card ♠ support, flattish unlike direct 3♠2NT
4♥ and 5♣s, invitational3♦
4♥ and 5♦s, invitational3♥
natural, invitational, 6 ♥s3♠
5+ card, mixed raise like distributional invite ~8–(10)
4+ ♦s with 3♥s, ♦ super-accept, non-minimum
artificial GF, natural continuations2♥
artificial, 1–2 card support2♠
major details ask2NT
xx / H singleton3x
singleton, natural suit3M
A/K singleton
other suits ask3x
natural (e.g. good 5 / 5–4 hand)
natural slam try3M
natural 6 carder, wants xx or singleton honour supportjump
void auto splinter
artificial 3 card support2NT
general ask, maybe slam interest3x
natural slam try3M
mild slam try3NT
weak trumps, mild slam try, still expect to play 4Mjump
splinter, singleton/void4M
common sign off (partner not expressed NT interest)
3 card support, NT interest3x
natural slam try3M
mild slam try3NT
to playjump
splinter, singleton/void
6+ ♥s, natural NF, ~6–9, wider strength without weak jump shift2♠
4 card support flattish 6–9(10), not worth mixed raise via 2♣2NT
puppet, ♣ signoff or 4–4–4–1 GF3♣
natural, baron 4 card suits
5–5+ slam interest3♥
6+ suit, slam interest3♠
invite distributional ♠ raise, ~10–12 (use 2♣ if flatter)3NT
natural, short ♥s and good ♣ stoppers (not a serious auction, responder limited)
splinter for ♠4♦
splinter for ♠4♥
natural, too strong for direct 1♦–4♥ bid4♠
to play4NT
RKB for ♠
- 11–13, which maybe offshape with shortage in partner's major or semi-balanced
- 14–15 (minors or 3 suited) hands will bid something else with a risk of skipping a reasonable 1NT contract
- By judgement may treat a 4–4–4–1 14–15 hand as balanced, especially with a stiff honour
flattish 11–13, 2+ ♦s still, denies 4 ♠s, could be singleton ♥ or semi-balanced2♣
puppet to 2♦, invitational or weak ♦ signoff2♦
invitational, exactly 5♥s, opener probably bids on with any 3 card support2NT
decline, e.g. singleton3♣♦
game try
4–4–1–4 invitational2NT
4♥ and 5+♣s, invitational3♦
4♥ and 5+♦s, invitational3♥
natural, invitational, 6 ♥s
break, 4+ ♦s with 3♥s, ♦ super-accept, non-minimum
artificial GF, natural continuations2♥
artificial, 1–2 card support2♠
major details ask2NT
xx / H singleton3x
singleton, natural suit3M
A/K singleton
other suits ask3x
natural (e.g. good 5 / 5–4 hand)
natural slam try3M
natural 6 carder, wants xx or singleton honour supportjump
void auto splinter
artificial 3 card support2NT
general ask, maybe slam interest3x
natural slam try3M
mild slam try3NT
weak trumps, mild slam try, still expect to play 4Mjump
splinter, singleton/void4M
common sign off (partner not expressed NT interest)
3 card support, NT interest3x
natural slam try3M
mild slam try3NT
to playjump
splinter, singleton/void
6+ ♥s, natural NF, ~6–9, wider strength without weak jump shift2♠
5–6 majors, invitational (bid 3♠ with GF 6–5)2NT
puppet, ♣ signoff or 4–4–4–1 GF3♣
natural, baron 4 card suits
5–5+ slam interest3♥
6+ suit, slam interest4♣♦♠
self/auto-splinter big ♥ suit, slam try4♥
to play
Remember any maximum 5–5+ minors hand rebids 3♣ over 1M, so a shapely 5–5+ is minimum hcp
natural, NF, 5–4+ either way in ♣s + ♦s, denies 4 ♠s or 3♥s, often 14–15 hcp unless min 5–5 minors2♦
simple preference, NF, natural continuations2♥
6+ ♥s, natural NF, ~8–102♠
FSF, invite plus2NT
natural, invitational, expects game v.s. 14–153♣♦
natural, invitational3♥
natural, 6+ ♥s, invitational (use FSF with ♥ slam try)3♠
6♥ + 5♠ or more, natural, forcing (PASSED hand ♠ splinter with ♣ support)3NT
misfit minor hand4♣♦
♥/♠ slam try, 2+ Keycards (cannot have a good 5–5+ minors hand!)
forcing (when 3♣♦ invitational 4♣♦ is always forcing)4♦
Redwood RKB4♥
to play4♠
control bid4NT
♦ control bid (substitute) - no double fit5♣
minimum, to play
to play4♠
Redwood RKB for ♦s5♣
♣ control bid5♦
minimum, to play
to play4♠
splinter for ♣, avoids 3NT (PASSED hand void splinter as 3♠ is then a singleton splinter)
- NOT flat 11–13
- Unsuitable for jump support bids that show maximums with 4 card support
good ♥ raise, maybe 3 card shapely ♥ support; OR minimum 4 card void raise (5–4–4–0)2♥
to play3♥
minimum 4 card void raise
as 1♦–1♥–2♥
normal/weaker ♥ raise, often flat 11–13, maybe 3 ♥s if have singleton2♠
natural GF, maybe double fit slam hunting2NT
natural, 4 ♥s, NF invitationalPass
minimum, probably 3 card supportnew
maximum, 3 card support3♥
minimum, 4 card support3♠/4♣♦
maximum, 4 card support
natural GF, maybe double fit slam hunting3♥
5+ ♥s, NF invitational3♠
5+ ♥s, splinter3NT
natural, 4♥s, choice of game4♣♦
5+ ♥s, splinter
natural, NF, 6–52NT
invitational, natural3♣
FSF, probably wanting ♣ help for 3NT3♦
sign off3♥
GF 6♥s+ strong single suiter3♠
GF ♠ support, slam try3NT
to play4♣
splinter ♠ support, possibly only 3 card support4♦
splinter ♠ support4♥♠
to play
Natural, 4+ cards, maybe longer minor canapé
flattish 11–13 usually, maybe 3♠s, could be singleton ♠ (maybe 14–15 4♥s) or semi-balanced2♣
natural, NF, 4–4+ minors either way, denies 3 ♠s, often 14–15 hcp unless min 5–5+ minors2♦
good ♠ raise, maybe 3 card shapely ♠ support; OR minimum 4 card void raise2♥
natural, NF, 6–5, extras2♠
normal/weaker ♠ raise, maybe 3 ♠s if have singleton2NT
14–15, ♣ mini-splinter 4 card ♠ raise3♣
14–15, 5–5+ both minors3♦
forcing, 6+ cards4♣♦
forcing, encouraging a cue or Redwood
14–15, ♦ mini-splinter 4 card ♠ raise3♥
14–15, ♥ mini-splinter 4 card ♠ raise3♠
14–15, ♥ void-splinter, 4 card ♠ raise3NT
serious (not obscure length or minor ask)4new
natural slam try (no last train, too limited)
6(7)♦–5♠ support, some void4♣
void ask, slam try4♦
♦ tolerance (top Hx) or better4♥
to play4NT
RKB for ♠s
14–15, ♣ void-splinter4♦
natural slam try4♥
natural slam try (no last train, too limited)
14–15, ♦ void-splinter4♥
natural slam try (no last train, too limited)
big support and shape, 6♦–5♠–1–1 max type hand
flattish 11–13 usually, maybe 3♠s, could be singleton ♠ (maybe 14–15 4♥s) or semi-balanced2♣
puppet to 2♦, invitational or weak ♦ signoff2♦
invitational, 5–4+ in the majors2♠
invitational, 5♠s (opener should raise with 3 card support and minimum)2NT
4♠ and 5+♣s, invitational3♦
4♠ and 5+♦s, invitational3♥
strongly invitational, 5–5+ majors3♠
natural, invitational, 6 ♠s
break, 4+ ♦s with 4♥s, ♦ super-accept, non-minimum2♠
break, 4+ ♦s with 3♠s (not 4♥s), ♦ super-accept, non-minimum
artificial GF, natural continuations2♥
artificial, 1–2 card support2♠
major details ask2NT
xx / H singleton3x
singleton, natural suit3M
A/K singleton
other suits ask3x
natural (e.g. good 5 / 5–4 hand)
natural slam try3M
natural 6 carder, wants xx or singleton honour supportjump
void auto splinter
artificial 3 card support2NT
general ask, maybe slam interest3x
natural slam try3M
mild slam try3NT
weak trumps, mild slam try, still expect to play 4Mjump
splinter, singleton/void4M
common sign off (partner not expressed NT interest)
3 card support, NT interest3x
natural slam try3M
mild slam try3NT
to playjump
splinter, singleton/void
natural, NF, less than invitational (else 2♣ over 1NT)2♠
6+ ♠s, natural NF, ~6–9, wider strength without weak jump shift2NT
puppet, ♣ signoff or 4–4–4–1 GF3♣
natural, baron 4 card suits
5–5+ slam interest3♠
6+ suit, slam interest4♣♦♥
self/auto-splinter for ♠4♠
to play, even though opener often has a singleton
- Remember any maximum 5–5+ minors hand rebids 3♣ over 1M, so a shapely 5–5+ is minimum hcp
- Minimum 1–4–4–4 would bid 1NT
- Maximum 1–4–4–4 is awkward, probably best NT, but a minimum partner with 5♠s and 4♥s cannot bid FSF
and has to choose a minor to sign off in
natural, NF, 4–4+ minors either way, denies 3 ♠s, often 14–15 hcp unless min 5–5+ minors2♦
simple preference, NF, natural continuations2♥
FSF, invite plus2♠
6+ ♠s, natural NF, ~8–102NT
natural, invitational, expects game v.s. 14–153♣♦
natural, invitational3♥
6♠ + 5♥ or more, natural, forcing (PASSED hand ♠ splinter with ♣ support)3NT
misfit minor hand4♣♦
♥/♠ slam try, 2+ Keycards (cannot have a good 5–5+ minors hand)
natural, 6+ ♠s, invitational (use FSF with ♠ slam try)3NT
forcing (when 3♣♦ invitational 4♣♦ is always forcing)4♦
Redwood RKB4♥
control bid4♠
to play4NT
♦ control bid (substitute) - no double fit5♣
minimum, to play
Redwood RKB for ♦s4♠
to play4NT
♠ control bid (substitute)5♣
♣ control bid5♦
minimum, to play
splinter for ♣4♠
to play
- NOT flat 11–13
- Unsuitable for jump support bids that show maximums with 4 card support
good ♠ raise, maybe 3 card shapely ♠ support; OR minimum 4 card void raise2♥
natural GF, maybe double fit slam hunting2♠
to play3♠
minimum 4 card void raise
as 1♦–1♠–2♠
natural, NF, 6♦–5♥, extras2♠
invitational, natural3♣
sign off3♥
GF ♥ support, slam try3♠
GF, strong single suiter4♣
splinter, ♥ support4♦
natural, forcing setting ♦s as trumps4♥♠
to play
normal/weaker ♠ raise, maybe 3 ♠s if have singleton2NT
natural, 4 ♠s, NF invitationalPass
minimum, probably 3 card supportnew
maximum, 3 card support3♠
minimum, 4 card support4♣♦♥
maximum, 4 card support
natural GF, maybe double fit slam hunting3♠
5+ ♠s, NF invitational3NT
natural, 4♠s4♣♦♥
5+ ♠s, splinter4NT
RKB for ♠s5♣♦
EKB Voidwood for ♠s
Natural, up to 11 hcp, no 4 card major
- fairly catchall if not suitable for other bids
natural, 5 cards, unknown other minor length, often maximum 5–4–2–2 (often pass part score hands)2♦
natural, weak, dislikes opener's minor (beware 3 suiters with both majors though)2NT
natural, invitational, major stops3♣♦
raise natural, invitational, game try3om
6–5 hand, extras (6♦, 5 major minimum hands open 1♥/♠)2NT
max invitational, various shapes3♣
both minors 5–5+, maximum, mostly pre-emptive3♦
to play3♥♠
stop showing4♣♦
invitational, double fit
7♦s + 5♣s3♥♠
7♦s + 5 ♥s/♠s4♦
sign off, by either partner
Invitational plus.
- 2♣ then immediate 3♣/3♦ is only invite
- 6♣–4M GF with major bids 2♣ first
- 5♣–4M GF with major bids 1♥♠ first
- still usually bid 1♥♠ with rare non-GF and 6♣–5♥/♠
natural unbalanced 5♦s, without 4+ ♣s2♥♠
quasi natural, GF3♣♦
artificial, 11–13 balanced (maybe awkward minimum 4–4–1–4)2♠
puppet, often like NT transfer2NT
complete puppet3♣♦
natural, slam interest3x
control bid, agree last suit
6–4 minor/major GF3NT
to play, NT transferred
slam interest, flattish, 4+ minor ask3♣
to play, wants to declare
artificial, unknown splinter2NT
splinter ask3♣
NF, a minimum splinter could pass
4–4–4–1 minimum3♣
minimum, minors 2–2–(5–4) either way3♦
maximum (4–1)–5–3, awkward to slam find a 4–4 major fit3♥♠
4–4–4–1 maximum4♣
♣ void, 7♦ + 5♥, maximum4♦
♦ RKB, special case4♥
to play4♠
Kickback RKB for ♥s4NT
double fit RKB5♣
to play, extreme self-sufficient ♣ suit5♦
to play
♣ void, 7♦ + 5♠, maximum4♥
♦ RKB4♠
to play4NT
double fit RKB (♠s is secondary suit)5♣
to play, extreme self-sufficient ♣ suit5♦
to play
other major void, 7♦ + 5♥, maximum4♠
double fit RKB4NT
♦ RKB5♣
to play5♦
to play
other major void, 7♦ + 5♠, maximum4NT
double fit RKB5♣
to play5♦
to play
Invitational plus.
- 2♦ then immediate 3♣/3♦ is only invite
- 6♦–4M GF with major bids 2♦ first
- 5♦–4M GF with major bids 1♥♠ first
- still usually bid 1♥♠ with rare non-GF and 6♦–5♥/♠
artificial, 11–13 balanced (maybe awkward minimum (4–1)–3–5)2♠
puppet, often like NT transfer2NT
complete puppet3♣♦
natural, slam interest3♦
set suit3M
control bid, agree last suit
6–4 minor/major GF3NT
to play, NT transferred
slam interest, flattish, 4+ minor ask3♣♦
NF, invitational3♥♠
to play, wants to declare
artificial, unknown splinter2NT
splinter ask3♦
NF, a minimum splinter could pass
4–4–1–4 minimum3♣
minimum, minors 2–2–(5–4) either way3♦
maximum (4–1)–3–5, awkward to slam find a 4–4 major fit3♥♠
4–4–4–1 maximum4♣
♣ void, 6/7♦ + 5♥, maximum4♦
♦ RKB, special case4♥
to play4♠
double fit RKB5♣
void cue5♦
to play
♣ void, 6/7♦ + 5♠, maximum4♥
♦ RKB4♠
to play4NT
double fit RKB5♣
void cue5♦
to play
other major void, 6/7♦ + 5♥, maximum4♠
double fit RKB4NT
♦ RKB5♣
void cue5♦
to play
other major void, 6/7♦ + 5♠, maximum4NT
double fit RKB5♣
void cue5♦
to play
1♦ interference
some ♦ length, later X are penalty suggestion, usually 4 cards in bid suitXX
♥ transfer, 4+ cards, system on without further interference1♥
3 cards typically, puts doubler on lead2♦
good ♥ raise2♥
normal ♥ raiseOthers
system on
♠ transfer, 4+ cards, system on without further interference1♠
3 cards typically, puts doubler on lead2♦
good ♠ raise2♠
normal ♠ raiseOthers
system on
NT transfer, no major1NT
limited, often balanced2♣♦
natural, invitational
system on
♣ transfer, good 8+ hcpbreak
short ♣scue/jump
only forcing bids
fit jump2NT
♣ super-accept, (e.g. balanced hand that would accept suit invite)
♦ transfer, good 8+ hcpbreak
short ♦scue/jump
only forcing bids
fit jump2NT
♦ super-accept
weak jump shift, system on2NT
minors, unusual3♣
preempt 5–4(+) minors3♦♥♠
to play4♣
preempt 5–5(+) minors4♦♥♠
minors, unusual
some ♦ length, later X are penalty suggestion, usually 4 cards in bid suit(P)
opponents penalty passPass
by opener, also indicates some ♦s, probably 4 cardsXX
probably only 4 cards2♣
suggests 5 cards
opponents cueX
decents ♦s, lead directing, inviting support
4♠s ~6+ hcp or 6+ ♠s invitational precisely, system on without further interference1NT
natural, Two Way NMF continuations2♦
good ♠ raise2♠
normal ♠ raise(3H)
higher interferenceX
4 ♠s, ~14–15 support3♠
both minors
natural, 5♠s, not 6, adjusted system on without interference2♦
good 3 card raise2♥
cue 4 card raise, no shortage2♠
3 cards, weakest raiseothers
system on, maximum
6–5 hand3♣
5–5+ minors, maximum
♦ transfer, good 8+ hcpbreak
short ♦scue/jump
only forcing bids
fit jump2NT
♦ super-accept
♣s, invite plus2♥
extras, stop ask / forcing2♠
6–5 natural2NT
NF minimum, stopper3♣
NF minimum3♦
natural, GF, not flat3♥
♠ transfer, 6+ ♠s, weak/GFbreak
short ♠s, probably not minimumcue/jump
only forcing bids
fit jump
stop ask, invite plus, or trying NT transfer (may bid ♥s again)2NT
preempt 5–4(+) minors3♦
weak, natural3♥
♠ + minor, mild GF 2 suiter3♠
to play4♣♦
♠ + minor, strong 2 suiter - max 5 losers, ♥ control (not 2 losers), e.g. AJxxx Ax AKxxx x or better4♠
to play, obstructive4NT
minors, unusual
4–5 ♥s ~(8)9+ hcp or 6♥ invitational precisely, system on without further interference1NT
natural, Two Way NMF continuations2♦
good ♥ raise2♥
normal ♥ raise(2S)
opponents raiseDbl
support 3 ♥s, 14–15 hcp2NT
Good-Bad with strong support or weaker minors hand3♣♦
minors 5–5+, maximum3♥
competitive, 4♥s, 11–13 hcpPass
minimum opener
Dbl = takeout, maybe 5♥s
2NT = invite, natural
3♥ = invitational 6 cards
6–5 hand3♣
5–5+ minors, maximum
♦ transfer, 5+ ♦s, good 8+break
short ♦scue/jump
only forcing bids
fit jump2NT
♦ super-accept
♥ transfer, 6+ ♥s, weak/GFbreak
short ♥s, probably not minimum 3 suitercue/jump
only forcing bids
fit jump2NT
inconvenient 3 suiter (short transfer suit, extras)
♣s, 5+ cards(unless GF), 10+ invite plus2NT
NF minimum, stopper3♣
NF, no stopperjump
fit jump
♠ stop ask / trying NT transfer (may bid ♠s again)2NT
preempt 5–4(+) minors3♦♥
weak, natural3♠
♥s + minor, mild GF 2 suiter3NT
to play4♣♦
♥ + minor, strong 2 suiter - max 5 losers, ♥ control (not 2 losers), e.g. AJxxx Ax AKxxx x or better4♥
to play, obstructive4NT
minors, unusual
then passed around to responderX
takeout with both minors (would negative X with other major), suits too weak for transfer e.g. xx/xx/AQxx/Qxxxx
penalty rarely GF, after escape opener can still use good-bad 2NT or cue to GF whilst responder can bid 2NT natural, 3x NF or also cue to GFBid
As weak 1NT defence3♣♦
natural, 5–4/5–5 probably2♥♠
6♦–5♥/♠ maximum2NT
5–5 minors, max3♣♦
extreme 6m–5om constructive maximum, avoided opening 2♣/♦
stand in for 2♣ StaymanOthers
1NT system on
assuming michaels, both majorsX
values, forcing to 2NT2♥
♣s, GF 5+ suit2♠
♦s, GF 5+ suit2NT
both minors (double with balanced/semi-balanced values)3♣♦
competitive, natural
both majors (or equal level conversion)2♥
natural, GF3♦
♦ stop ask3♥♠
GF 6+ suit
as Overcalls of our NT
good hand, ♦s and ♣ stop (similar to a natural 3♦ bid)
Opener's cue bid
When partner bids 1♥/♠ and the opponent bids (double or overcall) at the 1 level, or
with less nuance if they bid at the 2 level.
best invitational ♥ raise, maximum and shape3♥
weak limit (4 card support, shape, probably a singleton)others
system on
nothing special2♥
best invitational 4 card ♠ support2♠
weak limit (4 card support, shape, probably a singleton)others
system on
showing ♣s2♣
nothing special2♥
best invitational 4 card ♣ support, maximum and shape3♣
weak limit ♣ raise (4 card support, shape, probably a singleton)
Still on if 2nd position overcalls and advancer only bids 1NT/2♣/2♦ in 4th.
3 card support double, not rubbish if forced 3 level2♣
4 card support, often dead minimum2♥
best invitational 4 card ♣ support, maximum and shape3♣
weak limit ♣ raise (4 card support, shape, probably a singleton)
When they only overcall 2x then our cue bid is less nuanced at the 3 level. It is NOT a
stopper ask, as only natural invitational 3♦ rebids (e.g. xx/Axx/AKQJxx/xxx) would benefit.
good 3♠ raise3♠
weaker ♠ raiseX
support, not rubbish VULothers
system on
Support doubles and redoubles by opener
- responder's 1 level bid shows a suit (often 1H/1S but could be an artificial minor showing bid)
- 4th hand bids, even NT bids
- 2nd hand's bid is irrelevant
- opener can X/XX or do a direct raise
- not required with xxx, especially with good defensive holdings
- responder's continuations are natural - NF 1NT (maybe no stop) or 2 level bid, invitational 2NT or 3 level, cue bid only GF
- normal raises are usually 4 cards, though may want to bid with 3 cards to protect an honour, e.g. 1♦–(1♥)–X–(2♥)–2♠
support double, 3 card support (♠s)raise
4 card support (♠ in this case as 1♥ shows ♠s)
NF 3+ ♦s, considering something better than a 4–3 ♥ fit2♥
NF natural2♠
natural 4–4 majors, forcing, invitational plus
Extended to the 3 level, (note penalty unlikely with an artificial 1♣ system) but with more strength/shape:
support double, 14–15 hcp2NT
good bad3♥
4 card support, 11–13
Extended through to 4♥, again more strength needed so not doubling does not deny 3 card support:
support, 3 card support (for the ♠ transfer suit here), shapely maximum
4NT = RKB for Major
4thSuit = unspecified slam try
Includes 4th hands bids where 2nd hand does not bid at all:
responder now shows 5 cards, inviting opener to compete 3♠
Good-Bad 2NT over 2♦♥♠ interference by 4th hand
- Good-Bad 2NT is usually strong/good support or a bad/worse lower suit bid
- As a 1♦ opener cannot have a long single suit, bad/worse will be both minors
Good-Bad with strong support or weaker minors hand (e.g. 5–4 14–15)3♣♦
minors 5–5+, maximum
Choice of game 4x cue bids after Thrump double
- Iff our side shown values and not found a fit, constructive auction
- Actual cue bid or bid of suit they've artificially indicated
- always at least two places to play
- maybe slam try later, but assumed not
choice of game, likely 3–3 majors
choice of game, e.g. 4♥ cue showing 3 card ♠ suit OR pick a minor ask4♠
at least 5♠s4NT
both minors, probably better ♦s5♣
both minors, better ♣s
By responder example:
opener's rebid4♥
unsure of minor4♠
3 card support for ♠5♣
5 good ♣s, medium ♦s5♦
5 very good ♦s
1♥ Opening
- a minimum 5♥ and 6♣/♦ may show a 5–5 hand bidding ♥ first
(10)11–15, 5 card Major(any)
4/5+ cards, maybe weak ♦ canapé1NT
non-forcing, ~5–112♣
GF natural (passed hand 3-card Reverse Drury raise), usually 5 cards2♦
GF natural (passed hand 4-card Reverse Drury raise)2♥
single raise, 3+ card support, ~(7)8–10 support points2♠
6+♠s, ~6–9 hcp, semi-weak, no ♥ fit2NT
limit+ raise3♣
6+ ♣s, invitational ~10–12, no major support3♦
6+ ♦s, invitational ~10–12, no major support3♥
Mixed raise ~7–9(10) support points, 7.5–9 losers, 4+ cards3♠
unknown singleton splinter, 10–13 hcp 3 cover cards3NT
splinter ♠, 13–16 hcp 4.5+ cover cards (passed hand - FJ mild slam interest)4♣
splinter ♣, 13–16 hcp 4.5+ cover cards (passed hand - FJ mild slam interest)4♦
splinter ♦, 13–16 hcp 4.5+ cover cards (passed hand - FJ mild slam interest)4♥
Obstructive bid, classic weak preempt, or fast arrival auction e.g. Kxxx/Axx/K/Qxxxx4♠
- maybe weak ♦ canapé, as well as any strength
- in-between hands uncertain of level likely to show 3 card ♥ support immediately
- 4 ♠s + 3+ card ♥ support is possible with GF values - it's easier to control the auction
11–13(14) NT interest, often ♠ singleton / 5–3–3–2 / semi-balanced with 4 card minor, values spread out2♣
Gazilli variant, minimum 6♥s or various good ♥ / ♠ hands or medium plus 5–52♦
natural, 11–15, without extra shape2♥
♣s and ♥s, 11–15, without extra shape2♠
natural, minimum ~11–13, 3 or 4 cards - will often raise with 3 card support + singleton2NT
6(7)–4 with a minor, maximum, 6 losers3♣
6–5+ (rebid 3♣ over 2♥ preference with 5–5), maximum3♦
6–5+ (rebid 3♦ over 2♥ preference with 5–5), maximum3♥
natural, invitational, AQJ10xxx+3♠
natural, invitational 4+ card support, 6 losers3NT
singleton splinter with ♠ support, maximum, often 6♥s + 4♠s4♣♦
void splinter with ♠ support4♥
to play, too strong to open 4♥ (e.g. 8 cards and 10 hcp)4♠
to play, probably 5–6 in the majors, or 4 card support and shapely (4–7)
11–13(14) NT interest, often ♠ singleton / 5–3–3–2 / semi-balanced with 4 card minor, values spread out2♣
NMF puppet to 2♦, often for ♦ escape otherwise invitational values2♦
complete puppetPass
weak ♦ canapé2♥
Hx or poor 3 card ♥ raise, ~11/12 hcp worse than 3♥, NF invitational.2NT
to play, not liking any 5–2 fit in ♥ or ♠3♣♦♥
GF, NT doubt
invitational 5♠, probably not Hx in ♥. Looking for any 3 card ♠ support.3♠
minimum, 3 card support4♠
extras, 3 card support
natural, 5+ ♣s, often 6 cards3♦
natural, 5+ ♦s, often 6 cards3♥
natural invite, ~12/13 hcp, usually 3 card support (direct 3♥ shows 4 card support)3♠
natural, invitational, 6 ♠s
artificial GF, natural continuations2♥
artificial, 1–2 card support2♠
major details ask2NT
xx / H singleton3x
singleton, natural suit3M
A/K singleton
other suits ask3x
natural (e.g. good 5 / 5–4 hand)
natural slam try3M
natural 6 carder, wants xx or singleton honour supportjump
void auto splinter
artificial 3 card support2NT
general ask, maybe slam interest3x
natural slam try3M
mild slam try3NT
weak trumps, mild slam try, still expect to play 4Mjump
splinter, singleton/void4M
common sign off (partner not expressed NT interest)
3 card support, NT interest3x
natural slam try3M
mild slam try3NT
to playjump
splinter, singleton/void
by PASSED hand, natural invitational, 4/5♠ and 5♦2♥
natural, NF, weak hand, 3 card support2♠
natural, NF, not suitable for immediate 2♠ weak jump shift (suit quality or ~Hx+ ♥ support)2NT
puppet, ♣ signoff or 4–4–4–1 GF3♣
natural, baron 4 card suits
5–5+ slam interest3♥
natural, invitational 4♥s, often with 6♠s (go via 2♣ with 3 card support)3♠
6+ suit, slam interest3NT
to play4♣
♣ auto-splinter for ♠, control bids or RKB follow4♦
♦ auto-splinter for ♠, control bids or RKB follow4♥
to play, probably 3 card support, testing ♠ suit4♠
to play4NT
NO, not used. Start with 2♦ first for more info.5♣♦♥
EKB Voidwood for ♠
Gazilli variant includes:
- minimum 6♥s rebid
- extras 6+ ♥s, 6 losers, not worth 3♥ rebid
- 5–5 medium/max
- 14–15 3 card ♠ raise, 6 losers
- 14–15 mini-splinter ♠ raise, 6 losers
Gazilli variant2♦
artificial, ~10/11+, GF v.s. stronger 14–15 hands2♥
minimum 6♥s2♠
natural, invitational, maybe 5♠s2NT
NF, natural invitational3♣♦
sign off3♥
GF natural
max, 3 card ♠ support2NT
max, 6+ ♥s, values outside suit3♣♦
5–5 natural3♥
max, 6+ ♥s, 6 losers3♠
max, 6+ ♥s AND 3 card ♠ support3NT
solid 6 card suit4♣♦
max ♠ support, mini-splinter4♠
max ♠ support mini-splinter, hiding shortage, limited honour controls
NF, ~6–(10), natural preference2♠
natural, 3 card support2NT
only 4 ♠s, NT suggestion3♣♦
5 card minor 3–5–(5–0)
14–15 ♠ support, mini-splinter (do not show 5–5 with minor here!)3♥
14–15, 6+ ♥s AND 3 card ♠ support, maybe risky
6+ ♠s invitational, ~9–12 (not weak when opener could be showing a 2nd suit)3♣♦
escaping opposite minimum to ♣/♦ or ♥, slightly invitational (otherwise pass)3♠
really good ♠ (maybe facing a void)
both minors, weak, 4♠s only3♣♦
sign off3♠
max mini-splinter ♠ support
14–15 ♠ support, mini-splinter hand
14+ slam try, 3(+) card ♥ support3♠
natural, forcing, 6+ ♠s, good hand3NT
~12–17, good minor stops4♣♦
splinter, ♥ support, was trying ♠s4♥
to play, was testing ♠4♠
to play, was testing ♠, too strong for 4♠ response
- 11–15 hcp
- minimum if 5–5
- very unlikely 3 card ♠ support and max (use Gazilli instead)
natural, NF2♥
natural, NF, preference, hoped for ♠ raise2♠
6+ ♠s, invitational, ~9–12 (not weak after a second new suit)3♣
grope asking for ♣ stopper, or back to 5–2 ♥ fit3♦
NF, slight game hope
natural, invitational3♣
3 suiter, game accepting values3♦
NF, weak 5–5 type3♥
forcing, good 6–4 type, short ♠s3♠
Hx in ♠ and lacking a ♣ stop, 5–2 fit suggestion3NT
to play
FSF GF, but by passed hand stop ask hand like AKxxx/Qx/Qxx/xxx3♦
natural, invitational, only 4+ ♠s guaranteed3♥
natural invite, probably 3 cards, trying for ♠ fit first3♠
natural, forcing, 6+ ♠s, good hand3NT
~12–17, good ♣ stops, 4 card ♠ or 5 cards and not 5–3 fit interested4♣
♣ splinter, ♦ slam try4♦
♦ RKB, special case4♥
to play, was testing ♠ OR slam try if opener showed extras4♠
to play, was testing ♠, too strong for 4♠ response4NT
No. Do not bid.
- artificial showing ♣s (2♣ Gazilli)
- 3 card ♠ support often directly raises instead (e.g. if have a singleton)
- very unlikely 3 card ♠ support and max (use Gazilli instead)
♣s and ♥s, 11–15, without extra shape2♠
invitational, 6+ ♠s2NT
GF quasi-natural (passed hand NF 6 card minor canapé)3♥
natural, invitational (usually doubleton, maybe xxx and just < direct 2♥ raise)3♠
splinter ♥ support4♥♠
to play4NT
RKB for ♥
natural, minimum ~11–13, 3 or 4 cards - will often raise with 3 card support + singleton2NT
natural, invitational3♣
♣ fragment3♦
♦ fragment3♥
3–6–2–2, letting responder find 6–2 fit instead of 4–3 ♠ fit3♠
minimum, sign off
invitational, often 4–6 with 4 card major + long minor3♥
6th ♥, only 3♠s, NF3♠
sign off
GF, double fit, possible slam interest3♠
4+ ♠s, waiting3NT
3 card ♠ support4♣♦♥
control bid, 4 card support4♠
minimum, 4 card support
natural, invitational3NT
suggests NT game instead of 4♠
suggests NT game alternative4♣
splinter, ♠ slam try4♦
splinter, ♠ slam try4♥
rare, let opener choose game, stay in ♥ if only 3 card ♠ support4♠
to play4NT
Maximum, 6 loser, 6(7)–4 with a minor. The reasonable alternative is a good max 6/7–3 (3 card ♠ support).
14–15, 6 loser, 6+ ♥s with 4 card minor suit3♣
to play, preferred ♣s3♠
implied cue, minor slam try4om
implied cue, minor slam try
7–4 shape
GF, 5–5+ ♠s + ♦s3♥
sign off3♠
GF, 6+ good ♠s3NT
to play4♣
splinter for ♠4♦
splinter for ♠4♥
to play4♠
to play, sign off4NT
6–5+, maximum (note: rebid 3♣ over 2♥ preference with 5–5)3♦
FSF, mainly to further define responder's hand, so often 3♥ next bid3♥
too strong for direct 3NT over 3♣4♥
♥ slam try
♦ stoppers4♥
slam try4NT
6–6 hand type4♥
seven card good suit
6+ ♠s, forcing (opener shown extra values v.s. invite+)4♣
♣ RKB, special case
6–5+, maximum (note: rebid 3♦ over 2♥ preference with 5–5)3♠
forcing, maybe looking for ♣ stopper for 3NT, but maybe raised aswell with xx3NT
♣ stoppers4♥
slam try4NT
♥ slam try4♦
♦ RKB, special case
natural, invitational AQJ10xxx+3♠
forcing, 6+ ♠s, could even have 5/6 card minor3NT
control bid for ♠
forcing, control bids for ♥ slam try5♣♦
EKB Voidwood for ♥
natural, invitational 4 card support3NT
natural, good minor stops4♣♦
cue bid4♥
last train
minor singleton splinter, ♠ support, good maximum, often 6–4–2–14♣
ask shortness asks follow.
*void* splinter with ♠ support4♥
to play, too strong to open 4♥ (e.g. 8 cards and 10 hcp)4♠
to play, probably 5–6 in the majors, or very distributional 4 card support (4–7)
Single raise, 3+ cards
- not worth a mixed raise, so 4 card support flat or ~4–6 hcp
- 3 cards raises ~(7)8–10 support points
- use the "semi" forcing 1NT for the 3 card game invite or weaker 3 card raises
- either 1NT or 2M could be gambling semi-preemptive extra weak on occasion
- opener needs a good hand to continue, usually 6 losers or better (note a 5 loser single suiter often opens 1♣)
general game try, not exposing opener3♣♦
natural trial bid, e.g. xx Qxxx KQxx xx, cooperating - unsure of game3♦
more trial bids if necessary
extra trump length game try, ~6 losers, e.g. x Qxxxxx KQx AQx4♥
acceptance values or trump support e.g. xx AJxx J10x J10xx
"Semi" forcing NT:
- ~5 hcp up to anything happy to play v.s opener's 11–12 hcp 5–3–3–2 / 4♠–5♥–2–2 (maybe 5–4–2–2 with a minor)
- may include 3 card limit raise hands ~(5)–7 support points or 3 card invitational ~11–12 support points
- The 2♣ Gazilli variant response makes it impossible to play 2♣
- Gazilli also makes a 2♦ sign off over 2♣ impossible, though a 3♣/♦ signoff is available
- minimum 5♥ + 4♣ hands should usually pass, given the lack of space after the artificial 2♥ rebid
Gazilli variant:-
minimum 6♥s rebid-
extras 6♥s, 6 losers, not worth 3♥ rebid-
5–5 medium/maxPass
gamble, long weak ♣s2♦
artificial maximum, ~10/11 hcp2♥
minimum 6♥s2NT
NF, natural invitational3♣♦
sign off
14–15, 6+ ♥s, values outside suit3♣♦
5–5, natural3♥
14–15, 6+ ♥s, 6 losers3NT
solid 6 card suit
NF preference3♣♦
5–5, extras (maybe minimum 5–6), maybe risky
both minors, weak3♣♦
invitational, 6+ suit (not quite worth 1S–3H)3♠
natural, 3 card invite
natural, 11–15, without extra shape2♥
NF preference2NT+
game try structure as 1♥–2♥ raise or 1♠–2♠ raise
natural, invite, often stiff ♥3♣
natural, to play3♦
natural raise, NF3♥
3 card ♥ support, invitational3♠
splinter ♦ support3NT
to play, rare4♣
splinter for ♦, rare 7♦s4♦
♦ game invite, long fit
♣s and ♥s, 11–15, without extra shape2♠
to play3♠
sign off, (6)7+ suit2NT
F1, invite plus3♣♦
extras, stop (unlikely)3♥
runnable ♥ suit4♥
14–15, 6 losers, 6+ ♥s with 4 card minor suit3♣
NF natural3♥
sign off
NF, 6–5+, maximum3new
stop probe at first OR slam try big minor fit4new
shortage, minor slam try4m
natural, invitational, no 3NT hope4♥
to play
invitational ♥, often 7 cards3♠
♠ values, stop4♣♦
♥ slam try, long suit trick source, e.g. Kxx/Kx/xx/KQxxx hope ♣ honour support
5–6+ majors, NF, good non-minimum hand that's rare as not opening 1♣ e.g. KQJ10x/AQJxxx/x/x4♣♦
cue, double fit, slam try
7–5 ♥/♠, e.g. KQ10xx/AKJxxxx/-/x4♣♦
cue, double fit, slam try
7–5 ♥s + ♣s4♦
double fit RKB4♠
♦ cue, looking for ♠ void
7–5 ♥s + ♦s4♥
to play4♠
double fit RKB
very long ♥s, usual 8 (or 7 + shape), too strong for 4♥ opening
Natural 2/1 GF (3-card Reverse Drury by passed hand).
- Rebid of the major after 2/1 GF is "Bergen" style shape showing 6+ card suit (not catchall minimum)
- often 5 card ♣ suit (maybe 4 card with 3–2–4–4)
- never any 4–3–3–3 nor 4–4–3–2 with 3 or 4 card support (use 2NT raise instead)
- Versus a passed hand, bids above 2♥ are GF
- 2♥ rebid versus a passed hand is never a maximum
- 3♥ rebid versus a passed hand has lower requirements, just a max and 6 card suit
By a passed hand 2♣ Reverse Drury shows a 9–10 hcp limit raise with 3 card support.
Opener bids 2♥ (fast arrival) with a (sub)minimum hand.
second 4+ suit, any strength, may have 4 ♠s (4–5–4–0) or 6th ♥2♥
2 or 3 card support ♥ (3♥ bid otherwise), denies 4♠s3♥
set ♥ trumps, slam interest, 3NT bids are "serious" control prompts4♥
6 cards but not serious slam interestany
4 card ♠ suit (4–5–4–0).3NT
cue, ♠ fit4♥
last train, ♠ fit
natural, forcing ~16+ hcp3♣
forcing 6+ ♣s3♦
natural, forcing raise, ♦ minor contract interest3♥
picture raise, with outside controls hmmmmmm3♠
splinter for ♦ (with 6–5 ♣/♠, bid 2♠ then more ♠s instead)3NT
natural, ~12–15, stoppers in ♠s4♣
self-sufficient, max 1 loser, some outside control4♦
♦ RKB, special case, typically 1–1–5–6 obscurity4♥
picture raise, no outside controls4♠
void splinter for ♦s
6+ cards, any strength, maybe 5♠s2♠
natural, 4 card suit, general natural bids follow2NT
natural, something in ♦s3♣
3 or 4 card ♣ support3♦
FSF, could be natural if bid ♦s again3♥
7 ♥s3♠
maximum, 6–44♠
fast arrival, 6–4
natural, forcing ~16+ hcp3♣
natural, forcing, normally 6+ ♣s, opener normally looks 3NT3♦
forcing, something in ♦s, only later 4♦ bid shows 5–6 in the minors3♥
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♥ picture raise3♠
control bid3NT
serious control prompt (by either player)
splinter, only promises 3 card support, e.g. 1–3–3–6 / 1–3–4–5 (bid 2♠ then more ♠ with 6–5 shape)3NT
serious control prompt (by either player)
self-sufficient, max 1 loser, some outside control4♦
splinter, delayed ♥ support, typically 3–3–1–64♥
picture raise, no outside controls
natural 4+ ♠, not 6♥s, any strength, not 4–5–4–0 (use 2♦)2NT
natural, forcing ~16+ hcp3♣
natural, forcing normally 6+ ♣s3♦
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♥ picture raise3♠
4+ card ♠ support, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♠ picture raise3NT
self-sufficient, max 1 loser, some outside control4♦
splinter, with ♠ support4♥
picture raise, no outside controls4♠
picture raise, no outside controls
catchall, stops not guaranteed, denies 4 ♠s, no ♣ raise interest3♥
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♥ picture raise4♣
♣ RKB, special case, solid suit4♥
picture raise, no outside controls4NT
quantitative, directly or later on...5NT
quantitative, directly or later on...
natural 3+ cards, extras in shape or hcp, (best hands will splinter or bid 4♣ though)any
3NT contract directed, unless going past 3NT voluntarily3♥
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♥ picture raise4♣
forcing, slam try4♥
picture raise, no outside controls
splinter for ♣s, good hcp (long ♦s start with 2♦)3♥
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♥ picture raise4♥
picture raise, no outside controls
natural, maximum, max 1 loser e.g. KQJ10xx+, some side control(s)3♠
stop show OR advanced ♥ slam try4♣
self-sufficient, max 1 loser, some outside control4♦
♥ support, last train
splinter for ♣s3NT
solid ♥s + singleton ♣, something in other suits e.g. Jxx/AKQJxx/Qxx/x4♣
self-sufficient, max 1 loser, some outside control
slam interest, typically 1–6–1–5, good high cards4♦
void splinter for ♣s4♥
long ♥s, picture rebid, max 1 loser e.g. KQJ10xx+4♠
void splinter for ♣s
1♥–2♣ nebulous GF
Experimental variation
Game forcing 2+ ♣s balanced (without 4+ card support) OR natural
minimum, without both majors3NT/4M
fast arrival, slam unlikely2♥
waiting, balanced no major support (1 or 2 cards)2NT
waiting, slam interest, balanced no major support3♣
♣s 6+ carder, no major support3♦
5♣–4♦+, longer or equal length clubs, no major support3M
forcing 3 card support, slam try
5–4+ majors, any strength2♠
shape ask2NT
extras, ♣ singleton3♦
extras, ♦ singleton
natural slam interest3♣
natural extra length3NT
any 544x
control, 6–5+
extras, ♦ singleton 54313♥♠
extras, natural extra length3NT
extras, control, 6–5+
♣s, natural 6+ carder3♦
4–5 minors3M
set trumps, slam trygame
to play
extras, artificial 4+ ♣s2NT
♣ length ask, slam interest3♣
forcing, set trumps3♦/3oM
splinter ♣ support3M
forcing, set trumps, control promptgame
to play
extras, 6+ carder with shortage3♣
ask minor3♦
♦ shortage3NT
other major shortage
♦s, short ♣s3♠
♦s, short oM
shortage ask3M
set trump
extras, artificial 4+ ♦s3♦
set trumps, asks for stops for 3NT3M
set trumps, ask for control bids3oM
set ♦s, control bidding
extras, 6–3–2–2 / 7–2–2–23♥
length check3♠
6+, control3NT
5 carder4♣♦
6+, control
control bid, double fit4♣♦
control bid, double fitgame
to play
self-sufficient 6+ carder, extras
Natural 2/1 GF (4-card Reverse Drury by passed hand)
By a passed hand 2♦ Reverse Drury shows a (8)9–10 hcp limit raise with 4 card support.
Opener bids 2♥ (fast arrival) with a (sub)minimum hand.
6+ cards, any strength, maybe 5♠s2♠
natural, 4 card suit2NT
natural, something in ♣s3♣
FSF, could be natural if bid ♣s again3♦
3 or 4 card ♦ support3♥
7 ♥s3♠
maximum, 6–44♠
fast arrival, 6–4
natural, forcing ~16+ hcp, denies 4th ♠3♣
natural, forcing, usually 5♣s (usually bid 2NT with only 4 card)3♦
natural, almost always 6th ♦3♥
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♥ picture raise3♠
control bid3NT
Serious (by either player)
splinter raise of ♥s, only promises 3 card support, commonly 1–3–6–33NT
delayed splinter, ♥ support, commonly 3–3–6–14♦
self-sufficient, max 1 loser, some outside control4♥
picture raise, no outside controls
natural 4+ ♠, not 6♥s, any strength2NT
natural, forcing ~16+ hcp3♣
FSF, maybe long ♣s if bid again3♦
natural, 6th ♦3♥
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♥ picture raise3♠
4 card ♠ support, any strength, but cannot bid concentrated values 4♠ raise3NT
splinter raise of ♠s4♦
self-sufficient, max 1 loser, some outside control4♥
picture raise, no outside controls4♠
picture raise, no outside controls
catchall, stops not guaranteed, denies 4 ♠s, no ♦ raise interest 2–5–2–4 also possible, if have e.g. AQ or AJ in ♠s3♥
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♥ picture raise4♦
self-sufficient, max 1 loser, some outside control4♥
picture raise, no outside controls
5+ ♣s3♥
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♥ picture raise3♠
♣ RKB, special case4♦
self-sufficient, max 1 loser, some outside control4♥
picture raise, no outside controls
natural raise 3+ cards, extrasany
3NT contracted directed, unless going past 3NT voluntarily3♥
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♥ picture raise4♦
forcing, slam try4♥
picture raise, no outside controls
natural, maximum, max 1 loser e.g. KQJ10xx+, some side control(s)3♠
stop show OR advanced ♥ slam try4♣
♥ support, slam try4♦
♦ RKB, special case, solid suit
splinter for ♦s3NT
solid ♥s + singleton ♦, something in other suits e.g. Jxx/AKQJxx/x/Qxx4♦
self-sufficient, max 1 loser, some outside control
splinter for ♦s4♦
slam interest, typically 1–6–5–1, good high cards4♥
long ♥s, picture rebid, max 1 loser e.g. KQJ10xx+4♠
void splinter for ♦s
6+♠s, ~(5)6–9 hcp, semi-weak, no ♥ fit
- Stronger than 1♦–2♥/♠ (there is less preemptive value)
- Opener normally passes without fit.
artificial shortage ask, invite plus3♣♦
6–5+ NF, long strong ♥s and minor3♥
NF, "better" suit than your ♠s3♠
splinter, looking for miracle slam , e.g. Kxxx/AKxxxx/x/Ax4♥♠
to play
invitational plus raise 3 (GF) or 4 card support.
- Normally invitational or slam try hands - game hands typically should end the auction quickly
- Natural systems with a standard "Jacoby 2NT" only have 4+ card support, but with limited openings responder can take control so we allow 3 cards game forcing
- 4–4–3–2 / 4–3–3–3 hands should show 3 card support immediately
- With game values, 3 card support, 5 card side suit and slam interest can bid 2/1 GF first instead of 2NT
- With 4 card support + 5 card side suit and no other side controls e.g. 5–4–2–2, can also bid 2/1 GF first then a
jump raise to 4M shows e.g AJxx support, AKJxx side suit and nothing outside - a picture raise
- Consider if a 4 card raise is suitable for a splinter, there are two ranges ~10–13 3+ cover cards and 13–16 4.5+ cover cards
- With game values and almost no chance of slam consider bidding game directly
- Roughly like Jacoby, responder basically drives the auction, 3 level bids to show singleton, can stop in 3M
- Control bids by responder, the 2NT bidder, will follow the agreed style, e.g. natural (perhaps fit finding) v.s honour
or shortage control
The response structure has just enough room for the 18 different hand types opener could show whilst
remaining below 4♥:
artificial, multi-meaning.(a)
minimum (semi)balanced no singleton (5332, 6322, 5422, 7222)(b)
minimum with singleton ♠, note can drive to game later if e.g. mid-range 10 cards in two suits(c)
maximum, no shortness 5–4–2–2 or 6–3–2–2/7–2–2–2 with strength in main suit(d)
void hand, any strength3♦
relay, better than 3♥ bid (fine in game v.s. minimum with ♠ singleton)3♥
minimum 5–3–3–2/5–4–2–2/6–3–2–2/7–2–2–2, NF3NT
to play, often 4–3–3–3 or 4–4–3–2 with strong doubleton4♣
Last Train
♠ singleton minimum OR ♠ void any strength3NT
relay for shortage details, mild slam interest4♣
void ♠, maximum, e.g. -/AKxxx/Axxx/Kxxx4♦
void ♠, minimum, e.g. -/AKxxx/Axxx/Jxxx4♥
singleton ♠ minimum, e.g. x/AKxxx/Axxx/Jxx
control bids, not interested in ♠ shortage4♦
Last Train4♥
to play, no slam interest v.s. short ♠s
♣/♦ void, minimum4♣
♣ void, maximum4♦
♦ void, maximum4♥
(semi)balanced maximum but unsuitable for 3NT (e.g. strength in main suit)
to play v.s. any minimum, e.g. no good opposite min singleton ♠ or min (semi)balanced4♥
maximum any OR void minimum
minimum, singleton ♦3NT
to play, with ♦ stoppers4♦
Last Train
minimum, singleton ♣, NF3NT
to play, with ♣ stoppers4♦
Last Train
maximum, unknown singleton3NT
ask, slam interest normally4♣
♣ singleton4♦
♦ singleton4♥
♠ singleton
Last Train4♠
Kickback RKB
maximum 6–3–2–2 / 5–4–2–2 (with good doubleton control), stops4♣♦
maximum, 5–5+ (4♥ showing ♠s which would be 5–6 shape or 7–4–1–1), responder should only care about the Ace in other suits4♥
maximum, 5♠–6♥ / 7♥–4♠–1–1 (bid ♠ first with equal length) OR versus passed hand fast arrival game bid
2NT Invite Plus Interference
penalty as they have no fit
minimum, NF3♥
minimum, shortage in their suitX
penalty, we raised a suit and only one of them came in late3NT
would establish forcing pass if they sacrificeCue
control - usually shortage, maximum
minimum, but forcing expecting to penalise or bid onX
penalty, we raised a suit and only one of them came in late3NT
would establish forcing pass if they sacrifice
no shortage, no control
X = last train like extra value askX
extra values, singleton - SPECIAL non-penalty agreement3♥
minimum WITH ♦ control3NT
extra values, ♦ control4♦
no shortage, no control
X = last train like extra value askX
extra values, singleton/void - SPECIAL non-penalty agreement3NT
extra values, ♠ control4♥
minimum WITH ♠ control
penalty, only one of them came in latePass
♦ control, but not penalty
Dbl = last train like extra strength ask slam try4♥
minimum no control, (assuming we will always play game or penalise now)
1♥–2NT 4+ Card Invite Plus Raise
- max typically 6 losers
- do all minimum singleton hands punt game?
- what quality of minor suits do we show? 2 honours?
minimum OR max void3♦
relay, full detail, shortness ask3M
other major singleton3NT
♦ singleton4♣
♣ singleton4♦
max, ♦ void4M
max, ♣ void4oM
max, oM void
NF, limit raise3oM
void check or game3NT
play suggestion4♣♦♥
shortage, slam interest4M
to play
max (no void, not worth showing any side suit)3♥
singleton ask3♠
other major singleton3NT
minor singleton
forcing, oM cue3NT
serious, no shortage to show4X
NF, play suggestion4X
cue bid, significant extras
max 4+ ♣s ("medium" 5–5/6–4). Info given away with good reason.3NT
waiting or limited slam interest4♣♦
preferred trump suit4M
max 4+ ♦s ("medium" 5–5/6–4). Info given away with good reason.3NT
waiting or limited slam interest4♣♦
preferred trump suit4M
max with 4+♠s, OR "medium" 5–5/6–44♣♦
support, NF4M
natural, limited
void, minimum
Limit jump shift, 6 card suit invitational, denying major support
- exact values depend on how easy it is for the suit to run in 3NT
- possibly used with weak long suits like x/x/xxx/KQJ10xxxx, bid suit again over 3NT
- bad long suits might bid 1NT, then signoff, or just pass
- solid suit has more risk of not making 3NT, but always drive to game with 7 cards solid and be more aggressive VUL IMPs
stopper, not natural necessarily, e.g. xxx/AJxxx/AQ/Axx wanting ♠ stop3♥
natural, long suit, NF invitational, responder can raise with Hx3♠
stopper, but 5–6/5–7 majors if pulls to 4♥ over from 3NT contract3NT
to play, stopped4♣
forcing, ♣ slam try4♦
splinter for ♣s4♥
to play4♠
splinter for ♣s
Similar to 1♥–3♣:
natural, long suit, NF invitational, responder can raise with Hx3♠
stopper, but 5–6/5–7 majors if pulls to 4♥ over from 3NT contract3NT
to play, stopped4♣
implied cue bid4♦
forcing, ♦ slam try4♥
to play4♠
splinter for ♦s
Mixed raise (weak limit raise) – ~7–9(10) support points, 7.5–9 losers, 4+ cards
- New suit by opener is extreme two suiter slam try.
- Almost always wrong to bid game with 5–3–3–2/5–4–2–2.
Unknown singleton splinter, 10–13 hcp, 7 loser hand or better.
Splinter bids typically have fairly evenly distributed strength amongst the side suits as otherwise a 2/1 GF bid
of the strong suit is often better (unless the strong suit is mostly self-sufficient).
Splinter bidder promises 3–4 cover cards outside of the shortness, e.g. Kxxx/Axxx/x/Axxx. After asking for the shortage
opener counts losers in other suits and with 6+ losers signs off, e.g. Jxx/KQxxx/KQJ/Qx easy to sign off v.s. ♦
singleton. 5 losers is hardest to judge as opener needs to make a slam try and let responder bid on with 4 cover cards
or a void. Responder can always bid on once with 5+ cover cards, though won't have that hand for a low tier 10–13 hcp
splinter. When responder bids on opener is ok with having 6 losers.
♣ singleton4♦
♦ singleton4♥
♠ singleton
Short ♠/♣/♦ splinter, upper-tier ~13–16 hcp, 4.5+ cover cards. Possibly > 16 hcp if judge best route,
but will be driving to five level at least. Possibly void and needs to decide if should drive
to five level.
Kickback RKB, maybe important to bid if 4♣/4♦ was doubled and 5♣/♦ raise impending
1♥ interference
doubleton ♥, 6+ hcp, encourage 6 card suit rebid, often like standard 1NT bid1♠
natural, forcing (by unpassed hand), ignores the double - later system on if possible e.g:1NT
♣s, 6+ hcp, sound weak two or better 6+ cards OR 5 cards and will bid again, or lead directing 4+ suit with 3 card support2♣
♦s, 6+ hcp2♦
♥ transfer, 3 cards ~8–10 support points, worse than mixed raise2♥
natural, very weak, 3 cards ~4–7 useful support points2♠
weak jump shift2NT
invitational plus support, 2NT system on3♣♠
fit jump3♦
1-under jump, mixed raise ~7–9 hcp, 4 card support3♥
preemptive, ~0–64♣
fit jump (no 3D fit jump available)4♠
to play (not splinter beyond game)
Second round bids ignore the T/O X if advancer bids nothing, e.g. 1♥–(X)–1♠–(P)–1NT–(P)
then 2♣ is a puppet to 2♦ as per normal system over the 1NT rebid.
negative (includes flat game force)(P)
no compete1NT
no ♠ stop guarantee, opener can cue later to check for one
competing raise or HCRX
takeout, minors tolerance, something extra2NT
natural, max, stopper3♣♦
natural, extras, shapely3♥
natural, extras, shapely
natural, ~7–10, ♠ stopper(2♣)
opponents compete(2♦♥♠)
opponents compete2NT
natural, maximum3♥
natural, maximum
natural, 5+ cards, F12♥
single raise, ~5–9 support points(P)
no compete2♠
extra values, lacking shape, defensive2NT
general game try as single raise3♣♦
trial bid, exposing opener3♥
extra trump length game try3♠
GF, ♠ shortage, offensive hand4♣♦
GF, shapely 2 suiter
extra values, lacking shape, defensive2NT
general game try as single raise3♣♦
trial bid, exposing opener3♥
weaker not invitational, reasonable suit/shape3♠
GF, ♠ shortage, offensive hand4♣♦
GF, shapely 2 suiter
♥ support, HCR(3S)
compete, handle as 2NT Invite Plus InterferencePass
no shortage, no controlX
extra values, singleton/void - SPECIAL non-penalty agreement3NT
extra values, ♠ control4♥
minimum with ♠ control
invitational plus support, 2NT system on3♣
fit jump3♦
1-under jump, mixed raise ~7–9 hcp, 4 card support3♥
splinter, opponent's suit4♣
fit jump (no 3D fit jump available)4♥
obstructive, undefined4♠
~8–10 support points, good ♥ raise, worse than mixed raise2♦
competitive, 5–3 ♠s + ♥s typically, maybe 5–2 with Hx2♥
natural, ~4–72♠
competitive, natural2NT
invitational plus support, 2NT system on3♣
preempt (no natural minor bid available at lower level)3♦
1-under jump, mixed raise ~7–9 hcp, 4 card support3♥
fit jump
natural, 5+ cards, F12♥
natural, less than mixed raise2NT
invitational plus support, 2NT system on3♣
1-under jump, mixed raise ~7–9 hcp, 4 card support3♥
fit jump4♣
fit jump (no 3D fit jump available)
natural, less than mixed raise2♠
natural, 5+ cards, F12NT
invitational plus support, 2NT system on3♣
natural, 5+ cards, forcing3♦
mixed raise (no room for 1-under jump and preempt raise), ~7–9 support points and 4+ cards3♠
fit jump4♣
fit jump (no 3C fit jump available)4♦
♠s + minorX
values, forcing to 3♥2♠
HCR, cue of major2NT
♣ transfer, competitive good weak two, or 5+ cards and can bid again3♣
♦ transfer3♦
mixed ♥ raise3♥
competitive, simple raise3♠
♥ slam tries
♠s + ♣s known two suiter exampleX
values, forcing to 3♥2♠
HCR, high rank suit cue bid2NT
invitational plus support, 2NT system on3♣
♦s unbid minor, GF 5+ suit, low rank cue bid3♦
competitive ♦s3♥
competitive, simple raise3♠
negative, maybe invite with 3 card support but risk more interference2NT
invitational plus support, 2NT system on3♥
NF, weaker roughly mixed raise3x
♥ slam tries
presumably minorsX
values, forcing to 3♥ (note takeout is an alternative style)3♣
invitational plus, ♥ raise3♦
♠s, GF 5+ suit3♥
competitive, simple raise3♠
NF invitational4♣♦
♥ slam tries4♥♠
to play (passed hand - fit jump other major)
Relay Lebensohl Doubles3♦
competitive ♦s3♥
competitive ♥s, less than invite3♠
competitive ♠s3NT
4♠s + stop4♣
"normal" negative double, skipped 3NT though4♥
possibly a slam try
natural, forcing, later 4♦ rebid is invitational3♥
natural invite3♠
natural, forcing4♣
cue, slam try4♦
GF, excellent suit4♥
natural, slam try no ♣ control
Relay Lebensohl Doubles3♥
competitive ♥s3♠
competitive ♠s3NT
4♠s + stop4♣
competitive ♣s4♦
"normal" negative double, skipped 3NT though4♥
possibly a slam try
natural invite4♣
GF, natural4♦
cue, slam try4♥
natural, slam try no ♦ control
primarily stop interested (Thrump), but maybe Relay Lebensohl Doubles3NT
competitive, to play4♥
GF, natural4♥
slam try (over a preempt)
two suiter including suit bidlowCue
below 3♥, invitational in ♥shighCue
above 3♥, GF in ♥sX
♥ slam tries
RKB, not quantitative as forced to bid high
4th only overcalls:
doubleton ♠, nothing to bidXX
support, otherwise ignore the double
artificial, good suit mild extras, 6 ♥s, not shapely enough for 3♥ bid
takeout, e.g. x/AKxxx/Axxx/Qxx of 2♠ overcall
responder passing, 4th hand reopens
artificial, good suit mild extras, 6 ♥s, not shapely enough for 3♥ bid1NT
unspecified 4 card minor on way to 2♥ bid, e.g. xx/KQJ10xx/AJQx/x2x
lowest suit can play in
5 card suit normally
Responder can also re-open on their second bid, X takeout at the 2 level, but penalty
at the 3 level.
1♠ Opening
- a minimum 5♠ and 6♥ may show a 5–5 hand bidding ♠ first
(10)11–15, 5 card Major(any)
non-forcing, ~5–112♣
GF natural (passed hand 3-card Reverse Drury raise)2♦
GF natural usually 5 cards, maybe 2–4–4–3, (passed hand 4-card Reverse Drury raise)2♥
GF natural always 5+ cards, (passed hand 9–10)2♠
single raise, 3+ card support, ~(7)8–10 support points2NT
limit+ raise3♣
6+ ♣s, invitational ~10–12, no major support3♦
6+ ♦s, invitational ~10–12, no major support3♥
6+ ♥s, invitational ~10–12, no major support3♠
Mixed raise ~7–9(10) support points, 7.5–9 losers, 4+ cards3NT
unknown singleton splinter, 10–13 hcp 3 cover cards, ~9–12 by passed hand4♣
splinter ♣ or ♥, 13–16 hcp 4.5+ cover cards (passed hand - FJ mild slam interest)4♦
splinter ♦, 13–16 hcp 4.5+ cover cards (passed hand - FJ mild slam interest)4♥♠
to play4NT
"Semi" forcing NT:
- ~5 hcp up to anything happy to play v.s opener's 11–12 hcp 5–3–3–2 (maybe 5–4–2–2 with a minor) hand
- may include 3 card limit raise hands ~(5)–7 support points or 3 card invitational ~11–12 support points
- The 2♣ Gazilli variant response makes it impossible to play 2♣
- Gazilli also makes a 2♦ sign off over 2♣ impossible, though a 3♣/♦ signoff is available
- minimum 5♠ + 4♣ hands should usually pass, given the lack of space after the artificial 2♠ rebid
Gazilli variant:-
minimum 6♠s rebid-
extras 6♠s, 6 losers, not worth 3♠ rebid-
extras with 4+ ♥s-
5–5 medium/maxPass
gamble, long weak ♣s2♦
artificial maximum, ~10/11 hcp2♥
14–15 5♠s/6♠s and 4 ♥s, 6 losers, not worth 2NT rebid2♠
minimum 6♠s2NT
sign off, misfit
5♠–4♥–2–2, something in doubletons3♣♦
5–5, natural3♥
5–5 natural3♠
14–15, 6+ ♠s, 6 losers3NT
solid 6 card suit
5 cards with 0–1 ♠s / 6 cards 2 ♠s, weak2♠
NF preference2NT
both minors, weak3♣♦
invitational, 6+ suit (not quite worth 1S–3H)3♠
natural, 3 card invite
natural, 11–15, without extra shape2♥
natural, NF, usually 6 cards2♠
NF preference2NT
natural invite, 1–2 ♠s3♣
NF, weak3♦
natural raise, NF3♥
splinter ♦ support3♠
3 card support, invitational3NT
to play4♣
splinter for ♦4♦
♦ game invite, long fit
minimum ~11–13, including 6–4 (usually show 4♥s before 6 ♠s)2♠
NF preference (2♠ and 3♥ normally should prefer 2♠ in case 6–4)2NT+
game try structure as 1♥–2♥ raise or 1♠–2♠ raise
natural, invitational3♣♦
natural, NF, to play3♥
natural, invitational3♠
natural, invitational, double fit majors (otherwise too weak for 3 level raise), can choose either game3NT
to play4♣♦
splinter ♥ support4♥
to play
♣s and ♠s, 11–15, without extra shape2NT
to play3♠
6–4 max, any lower rank 4 card side suit3♣
♦/♥/♣ suits4♣♦
7–4 shape
sign off
NF, 6–5+, maximum3new
stop probe at first OR slam try big minor fit3♥
natural, 6 cards, forcing4new
shortage, minor slam try4m
natural, invitational, no 3NT hope
invitational NF, good non-minimum hand, 6–5+4♣♦
slam try ♥, control bid
invitational ♠, often 7 cards4♣♦♥
♠ slam try, long suit trick source, e.g. Kxx/Kx/xx/KQxxx
7–5 ♠/♥ with more space to find a slam, but can also bid 4♥4♣♦
cue, double fit, slam try4♥♠
to play4NT
double fit RKB
7–5 ♠s + ♣s4♦
double fit RKB4♠
sign off4NT
♦ cue
7–5 ♠s + ♦s4♥
double fit RKB4♠
sign off4NT
♥ cue
7–5 ♠s + ♥s4♠
sign off4NT
double fit RKB
very long ♠s, usual 8 (or 7 + shape), too strong for 4♠ opening
2/1 GF (3-card Reverse Drury by passed hand).
- Rebid of the major after 2/1 GF is "Bergen" style shape showing 6+ card suit (not catchall minimum)
- Only likely 4 carder hands are 2–3–4–4 / 2–4–3–4 (and 1–4–4–4 playing a non-forcing NT)
- never 4–3–3–3 / 4–4–3–2 with 3 or 4 card support (use 2NT raise instead)
- Versus a passed hand, bids above 2♠ are GF
- 2♠ rebid versus a passed hand is never a maximum
- 3♠ rebid versus a passed hand has lower requirements, just a max and 6 card suit
By a passed hand 2♣ Reverse Drury shows a 9–10 hcp limit raise with 3 card support.
Opener bids 2♠ (fast arrival) with a (sub)minimum hand.
second 4+ suit, any strength, may have 4 ♥s 5–4–4–02♥
FSF, but maybe ♥s3♥
4 card support (do not bid 4♥ wasting space)
usually doubleton ♠, (3♠ bid with three cards), denies 4♥s3♠
set ♠ trumps, slam interest4♠
6 cards but not serious slam interestany
natural, forcing ~16+ hcp3♣
forcing 6+ ♣s3♦
natural, forcing raise, ♦ minor contract interest3♥
splinter for ♦ (with 6–5 ♣/♥, bid 2♥ then more ♥s instead)3♠
picture raise, with outside controls3NT
natural, ~12–154♣
♣ RKB, special case, solid suit4♦
♦ RKB, special case, typically 1–1–5–6 obscurity4♥
void splinter for ♦s4♠
picture raise, no outside controls
natural, 4+ ♥s, any strength, maybe 6♠s2♠
natural, forcing, maybe only doubleton2NT
natural, forcing ~16+ hcp3♣
natural, forcing, usually 6+ ♣s3♦
FSF, maybe natural ♦ suit shown later3♥
shows 4♥s, denying a 4♥ picture raise3♠
picture raise, with outside controls3NT
natural, ~12–154♣
♣ RKB, special case4♦
splinter, ♥ support4♥
picture raise, no outside controls4♠
picture raise, no outside controls
6+ cards, any strength, denies 4♥s (unlike 1♥–2♣–2♥)2NT
natural, forcing ~16+ hcp3♣
natural, forcing, 6+ ♣s.3♦♥
not real suits, looking 3NT or 6–2 ♠ fit4♣
♣ RKB, special case
quasi-natural shape showing, likely 1–2–4–6 / 1–3–3–6 better ♦s. Will bid again if actually 6–5.3♥
quasi-natural shape showing, likely 1–4–2–6 / 1–3–3–6 better ♥s. Will bid again if actually 6–5.3♠
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♠ picture raise3NT
12–15 natural4♣
♣ RKB, special case4♦
delayed splinter ♠ support, maybe only 3 card support4♥
delayed splinter ♠ support, maybe only 3 card support4♠
picture raise, no outside controls
catchall, stops not guaranteed, denies 4♥s, no ♣ raise interest3♠
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♠ picture raise4♣
♣ RKB, special case, solid suit4♠
picture raise, no outside controls4NT
quantitative, directly or later on...5NT
quantitative, directly or later on...
natural, extras in shape or hcp3♠
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♠ picture raise4♣
♣ RKB, special case4♠
picture raise, no outside controls
splinter raise of ♣s, extra values (6–5 type just bid 2♦ and rebid them again)3♥
splinter raise of ♣s, extra values3♠
natural, maximum, max 1 loser e.g. KQJ10xx+, some side control(s)4♣
♣ RKB, special case, solid suit
solid ♠s + singleton ♣, something in other suits e.g. AKQJxx/Jxx/Qxx/x4♣
♣ RKB, special case, solid suit
♣ RKB, special case, typically 6–1–1–54♦
void splinter ♣ support4♥
void splinter ♣ support4♠
long ♠s, picture rebid, max 1 loser e.g. KQJ10xx+
1♠–2♣ nebulous GF
Experimental variation
Game forcing 2+ ♣s balanced (without 4+ card support) OR natural
minimum, without both majors3NT/4M
fast arrival, slam unlikely2♥
waiting, balanced no major support (1 or 2 cards)2NT
waiting, slam interest, balanced no major support3♣
♣s 6+ carder, no major support3♦
5♣–4♦+, longer or equal length clubs, no major support3M
forcing 3 card support, slam try
5–4+ majors, any strength2♠
shape ask2NT
extras, ♣ singleton3♦
extras, ♦ singleton
natural slam interest3♣
natural extra length3NT
any 544x
control, 6–5+
extras, ♦ singleton 54313♥♠
extras, natural extra length3NT
extras, control, 6–5+
♣s, natural 6+ carder3♦
4–5 minors3M
set trumps, slam trygame
to play
extras, artificial 4+ ♣s2NT
♣ length ask, slam interest3♣
forcing, set trumps3♦/3oM
splinter ♣ support3M
forcing, set trumps, control promptgame
to play
extras, 6+ carder with shortage3♣
ask minor3♦
♦ shortage3NT
other major shortage
♦s, short ♣s3♠
♦s, short oM
shortage ask3M
set trump
extras, artificial 4+ ♦s3♦
set trumps, asks for stops for 3NT3M
set trumps, ask for control bids3oM
set ♦s, control bidding
extras, 6–3–2–2 / 7–2–2–23♥♠
set trumps, start control bidding4♣♦
control bid, double fitgame
to play
self-sufficient 6+ carder, extras3♠
length check3NT
5 carder4♣♦♥
6+, control
to play4♣♦♥
control bid
Game-forcing, (4-card Reverse Drury by passed hand).
- Always five cards when played with 1M–2♣ nebulous GF
- Usually five cards, could be 2–4–4–3, when played without nebulous 2♣ GF
By a passed hand 2♦ Reverse Drury shows a (8)9–10 hcp limit raise with 4 card support.
Opener bids 2♠ (fast arrival) with a (sub)minimum hand.
natural, 4+ ♥s, any strength, shown unless terrible quality and 6–4/7–4 in the majors, similar to 1♠–2♣–2♥.2♠
natural, forcing, maybe only doubleton3♠
confirm ♠ suit3NT
serious control prompt
natural, forcing ~16+ hcp3♣
FSF, later 4♣ bid would show 6–5 in minors3♦
natural, forcing, usually 6+ ♦s3♥
shows 4♥s, denying a 4♥ picture raise3NT
serious control prompt
picture raise, with outside controls3NT
serious control prompt
natural, ~12–154♣
splinter, ♥ support4♦
♦ RKB, special case4♥
picture raise, no outside controls4♠
picture raise, no outside controls
6+ cards, any strength2NT
natural, forcing ~16+ hcp3♣
natural, forcing, usually 5♣s (usually bid 2NT with only 4 card)3♦
natural, almost always 6+ ♦s3♥
quasi-natural shape showing, likely 1–4–6–2 / 1–3–6–3. Will bid again if actually 6–5.3♠
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♠ picture raise3NT
serious control prompt
12–15 natural4♣
delayed splinter ♠ support4♦
♦ RKB, special case4♥
delayed splinter ♠ support4♠
picture raise, no outside controls
catchall, stops not guaranteed, denies 4♥s3♠
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♠ picture raise4♦
♦ RKB, special case4♠
picture raise, no outside controls4NT
quantitative, directly or later on...
5+ ♣s3♠
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♠ picture raise4♣
♣ RKB, special case4♦
♦ RKB, special case4♠
picture raise, no outside controls
natural raise, extras in shape or hcp3♠
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♠ picture raise4♣
♦ support, cue bid4♦
♦ RKB, special case4♠
picture raise, no outside controls
splinter raise of ♦s, extra values3♠
natural, maximum, max 1 loser e.g. KQJ10xx+, some side control(s)4♦
♦ RKB, special case4♥
last train
solid ♠s + singleton ♦, something in other suits e.g. AKQJxx/Jxx/Qxx/x4♣
splinter for ♦4♦
♦ RKB, special case, typically 6–1–5–14♥
void splinter for ♦4♠
long ♠s, picture rebid, max 1 loser e.g. KQJ10xx+
2/1 GF, always 5+ cards, 9–10 by passed hand
6+ cards, any strength2NT
natural, forcing ~16+ hcp3♣
natural, usually 5 ♣s (would bid 2NT if possible if only 4 cards)3♦
natural, usually 5 ♦s3♥
natural, forcing 6+ ♥s3♠
to play4♣♦
cue, ♠s agreed4NT
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♠ picture raise3NT
serious control prompt
12–15 natural4♣
delayed splinter for ♠4♦
delayed splinter for ♠4♥
signoff, no slam interest even v.s. Hx/xxx, barely too strong for 1♠–4♥4♠
picture raise, no outside controls4NT
catchall, stops not guaranteed3♥
natural, forcing 6+ ♥s3♠
forcing, ambiguous strength unsuitable for 4♠ picture raise4♥
to play4♠
picture raise, no outside controls4NT
quantitative, directly or later on...
5+ ♣s4♣
♣ RKB, special case4♦
splinter, ♣ support4♠
picture raise, no outside controls
5+ ♦s4♣
♦ slam try, cue bid4♦
♦ RKB, special case4♠
picture raise, no outside controls
raise, non-specific unknown strength, cannot play 3NT anymore3♠
confirm double fit3NT
serious control prompt (by either bidder), does not deny a ♠ control card4♣♦
control bid, could still have something in ♠ (Ax, Kx, Qx)4♠
picture raise, no outside controls
natural, maximum, max 1 loser e.g. KQJ10xx+, some side control(s)3NT
solid ♠s + singleton ♥, something in other suits e.g. AKQJxx/x/Jxx/Qxx4♣
splinter for ♥4♦
splinter for ♥4♥
picture raise, 5–4–2–2 without outside controls4♠
long ♠s, picture rebid, max 1 loser e.g. KQJ10xx+
Single raise, 3+ cards
- not worth a mixed raise, so 4 card support flat or ~4–6 hcp
- 3 cards raises ~(7)8–10 support points
- use the "semi" forcing 1NT for the 3 card game invite or weaker 3 card raises
- either 1NT or 2M could be gambling semi-preemptive extra weak on occasion
- opener needs a good hand to continue, usually 6 losers or better (note a 5 loser single suiter often opens 1♣)
general game try, not exposing opener3♣♦♥
natural trial bid, e.g. Qxxx KQxx xx xxx, cooperating - unsure of game3x
more trial bids if necessary
sign off4♠
extra trump length game try, ~6 losers, e.g. Qxxxxx KQx AQx x4♠
acceptance values or trump support e.g. AJxx xx J10x J10xx
invitational plus raise 3 (GF) or 4 card support.
- Normally invitational or slam try hands - game hands typically should end the auction quickly
- With game values, 3 card support, 5 card side suit and slam interest can bid 2/1 GF first instead of 2NT
- With 4 card support + 5 card side suit and no other side controls e.g. 5–4–2–2, can also bid 2/1 GF first then a
jump raise to 4M shows e.g AJxx support, AKJxx side suit and nothing outside
- Consider if a 4 card raise is suitable for a splinter, there are two ranges ~10–13 3–4 cover cards and 13–16 4.5+ cover cards
- Roughly like Jacoby, responder basically drives the auction, 3 level bids to show singleton, can stop in 3M
- Control bids by responder, the 2NT bidder, will follow the agreed style, e.g. natural (perhaps fit finding) v.s honour
or shortage control
artificial, multi-meaning.(a)
minimum (semi)balanced no singleton (5332, 6322, 5422, 7222)(b)
minimum with singleton ♥, note can drive to game later if e.g. mid-range 10 cards in two suits(c)
maximum, no shortness 5–4–2–2 or 6–3–2–2/7–2–2–2 with strength in main suit(d)
void hand, any strength3♦
relay, better than 3♠ bid (fine in game v.s. minimum with ♥ singleton)3♥
♥ singleton minimum OR void any strength3♠
NF, no game interest v.s. minimum with singleton ♥3NT
relay for shortage details, slam interest4♣
maximum, ♥ void, e.g. AKxxx/-/Axxx/Kxxx4♦
minimum, ♥ void, e.g. AKxxx/-/Axxx/Jxxx4♥
minimum, ♥ singleton, but some shape so would accept game4♠
dead minimum, ♥ singleton
control bids, not interested in ♥ shortage4♥
Last Train4♠
to play, no slam interest v.s. short ♥s
minimum 5–3–3–2/5–4–2–2/6–3–2–2/7–2–2–2, NF3NT
to play, often 4–3–3–3 or 4–4–3–2 with strong doubleton4♣♦
Last Train
♣/♦ void, minimum4♣
♣ void, maximum4♦
♦ void, maximum4♠
(semi)balanced maximum but unsuitable for 3NT
to play v.s. any minimum, e.g. no good opposite min singleton ♥ or min (semi)balanced4♠
maximum any OR void minimum
minimum, singleton ♦3♥
control bid3NT
to play, with ♦ stoppers4♥
Last Train
minimum, singleton ♣3NT
to play, with ♣ stoppers4♥
Last Train
maximum, unknown singleton.3NT
ask, slam interest normally4♣
♣ singleton maximum4♦
♦ singleton maximum4♥
♥ singleton maximum
Last Train4♠
to play, no slam interest4NT
maximum 6–3–2–2 / 5–4–2–2 (with good doubleton control), stops4♣♦
Last Train4NT
maximum, 5–5+, responder should only care about the Ace in other suits
See 1♥–2NT Invite Plus Interference examples
1♠–2NT 4+ Card Invite Plus Raise
- max typically 6 losers
- do all minimum singleton hands punt game?
- what quality of minor suits do we show? 2 honours?
minimum OR max void3♦
relay, full detail, shortness ask3M
other major singleton3NT
♦ singleton4♣
♣ singleton4♦
max, ♦ void4M
max, ♣ void4oM
max, oM void
NF, limit raise3oM
void check or game3NT
play suggestion4♣♦♥
shortage, slam interest4M
to play
max (no void, not worth showing any side suit)3♥
singleton ask3♠
other major singleton3NT
minor singleton
forcing, oM cue3NT
serious, no shortage to show4X
NF, play suggestion4X
cue bid, significant extras
max 4+ ♣s ("medium" 5–5/6–4). Info given away with good reason.3NT
waiting or limited slam interest4♣♦
preferred trump suit4M
max 4+ ♦s ("medium" 5–5/6–4). Info given away with good reason.3NT
waiting or limited slam interest4♣♦
preferred trump suit4M
max with 4+♠s, OR "medium" 5–5/6–44♣♦
support, NF4M
natural, limited
void, minimum
Limit jump shift, 6 card suit invitational, denying major support
- exact values depend on how easy it is for the suit to run in 3NT
- possibly used with weak long suits like x/x/xxx/KQJ10xxxx, bid suit again over 3NT
- bad long suits might bid 1NT, then signoff, or just pass
- solid suit has more risk of not making 3NT, but always drive to game with 7 cards solid and be more aggressive VUL IMPs
stopper, not natural necessarily, e.g. AJxxx/xxx/AQ/Axx wanting ♥ stop3♥
stopper, quasi-natural, responder can raise without 4th suit stopper and 3/4 card support3♠
natural, long suit, NF invitational, responder can raise with Hx3NT
to play, stopped4♣
forcing, ♣ slam try4♦
splinter for ♣s4♥
splinter for ♣s4♠
to play
Similar to 1♥–3♣:
stopper, quasi-natural, responder can raise without 4th suit stopper and 3/4 card support3♠
natural, long suit, NF invitational, responder can raise with Hx3NT
to play, stopped4♣
implied cue bid4♦
forcing, ♦ slam try4♥
splinter for ♦s4♠
to play
Not as much suit quality required as the minor bids - directed to a major game instead of NT
natural, long suit, NF invitational, responder can raise with Hx3NT
to play, stopped4♣
implied cue bid4♦
implied cue bid4♥♠
to play
Mixed raise (weak limit raise) – ~7–9(10) support points, 7.5–9 losers, 4+ cards
- New suit by opener is extreme two suiter slam try.
- Almost always wrong to bid game with 5–3–3–2/5–4–2–2.
Unknown singleton splinter, 10–13 hcp, 3–4 cover cards outside of shortage
Splinter bids typically have fairly evenly distributed strength amongst the side suits as otherwise a 2/1 GF bid
of the strong suit is often better (unless the strong suit is mostly self-sufficient).
♦ shortage4♥
♥ shortage4♠
♣ shortage
Maximum splinter in ♣ or ♥, upper-tier ~13–16 hcp, 4.5+ cover cards.
(Fit jump by passed hand)
RKB response (1430...) with ♣ shortage
Maximum splinter, short ♦, upper-tier ~13–16 hcp, 4.5+ cover cards.
(Fit jump by passed hand)
To play, always. By a passed hand 4♥ also implies some sort of ♠ fit, e.g Kxxxx/QJ10xxx/x/x
Normal Blackwood. Responder can bid their own suit at 5/6/7 level after opener shows aces.
1♠ interference
Similar to 1♥ interference.
doubleton ♠, 6+ hcp, encourage 6 card suit rebid, often like standard 1NT bid1NT
♣s, 6+ hcp, sound weak two or better 6+ cards OR 5 cards and will bid again, or lead directing 4+ suit with 3 card support2♣
♦s, 6+ hcp2♦
♥s, 6+ hcp2♥
♠ transfer, 3 cards ~8–10 support points, worse than mixed raise2♠
natural, very weak, 3 cards ~4–7 useful support points2NT
invitational plus support, 2NT system on3♣♦
fit jump3♥
1-under jump, mixed raise ~7–9 hcp, 4 card support3♠
to play (no fit jumps at game level)
~8–10 support points, 3 cards, good ♠ raise, worse than mixed raise2♦
competitive, 5–3 ♥s + ♠s typically, maybe 5–2 with Hx2♥
natural, NF competitive2♠
natural, ~4–7, 3 cards2NT
invitational plus support, 2NT system on3♣♦
preempt (no natural minor bid available at lower level)3♥
1-under jump, mixed raise ~7–9 hcp, 4 card support3♠
natural, 5+ cards, F12♠
natural, ~6–10, 3 cards, less than mixed raise2NT
invitational plus support, 2NT system on3♣
fit jump3♥
1-under jump, mixed raise ~7–9 hcp, 4 card support3♠
to play (no fit jumps at game level)
natural, 5+ cards, F12♠
natural, ~6–10, 3 cards, less than mixed raise2NT
invitational plus support, 2NT system on3♣
natural, forcing3♦
1-under jump, mixed raise ~7–9 hcp, 4 card support3♠
fit jump (no 3C fit jump available)4♦
to play (no fit jumps at game level)
natural, ~6–10, 3 cards, less than mixed raise(P)
no compete2NT
general game try as single raise3♠
extra trump length game try
extra values (competitive, invite)3NT
natural, maximum, stop4♣♦
natural, maximum, implies offensive shapely hand maybe 5♠ suitable4♥
GF, ♥ shortage, good suit/shape4♠
maximum, good suit/shape, no ♥ shortage
invitational plus support, 2NT system on3♣♦
natural, forcing3♥
mixed raise (no room for 1-under jump and preempt raise), ~7–9 support points and 4+ cards4♣♦
fit jump (no 3CD fit jump available)4♥
♥s + minorX
values, forcing to 3♠2NT
♣ transfer, competitive good weak two, or 5+ cards and can bid again3♣
♦ transfer3♦
mixed ♠ raise3♠
competitive, simple raise4♣♦
♠ slam tries4♥
splinter (of their known suit), likely void with slam tries available
♥s + ♣s known two suiter exampleX
values, forcing to 3♠2NT
invitational plus support, 2NT system on3♣
♦s unbid minor, GF 5+ suit, low rank cue bid3♦
competitive ♦s3♥
HCR, high rank suit cue bid3♠
competitive, simple raise
presumably minorsX
values, forcing to 3♠ (note takeout as other alternative style)3♣
♥s, GF 5+ suit3♦
invitational plus, ♠ raise3♥
natural, NF3♠
competitive, simple raise4♣♦
♠ slam tries4♥♠
to play (passed hand - fit jump other major)
Relay Lebensohl Doubles3♦
competitive ♦s3♥
competitive ♥s3♠
competitive raise, less than invite3NT
4♥s + stop4♣
"normal" negative double, skipped 3NT though4♠
possibly a slam try
natural, forcing, later 4♦ rebid is invitational3♥
natural, forcing3♠
natural invite4♣
cue, slam try4♦
GF, excellent suit4♠
natural, slam try no ♣ control
Relay Lebensohl Doubles3♥
competitive ♥s3♠
competitive ♠s3NT
4♠s + stop4♣
competitive ♣s4♦
"normal" negative double, skipped 3NT though4♠
possibly a slam try
natural, forcing3♠
natural invite4♣
GF, natural4♦
cue, slam try4♠
natural, slam try no ♦ control
Relay Lebensohl Doubles3♠
competitive ♠s3NT
4♠s + stop4♣
competitive ♣s4♦
"normal" negative double, skipped 3NT though4♠
possibly a slam try
natural invite4♣♦
GF, natural4♥
cue, slam try4♠
natural, slam try no ♥ control
two suiter including suit bidlowCue
below 3♠, invitational in ♠shighCue
above 3♠, GF in ♠sX
♠ slam tries
RKB, not quantitative as forced to bid high
penalty (generally negative X to 4♥ but here ♠s already bid)4♠
RKB, not quantitative as forced to bid high
responder passing, 4th hand reopens
artificial, good suit mild extras, 6 ♠s, not shapely enough for 3♠ bid1NT
unspecified 4 card side suit on way to 2♠ bid, e.g. KQJ10xx/xx/AJQx/x2x
lowest suit can play in2♥
showing 4 card ♥ suit, 6 ♠s
5 card suit normally
Responder can also re-open on their second bid, X takeout at the 2 level, but penalty
at the 3 level.
NT Ranges and Scheme Situations
- 1NT = 16–18 hcp, maybe 5 card major or 5–4–2–2 long ♣/♦.
- 2NT = 19–20 hcp, maybe 5 card major or 5–4–2–2 long ♣/♦.
- 1NT balancing (1x)–P–(P)–1NT = ~11–15 (maybe 16 over 1♥/♠) hcp, balancing/protective
- X balancing then NT (1x)–P–(P)–X = ~16–18 hcp
- 2NT balancing (1x)–P–(P)–2NT = 19–21 hcp, balancing/protective
- 1NT overcall (1x)–1NT = 15–18
- X then overcall (1x)–X then free NT bid = 18–20 hcp
- X then jump overcall (1x)–X ... jump NT = 21+ hcp
- (2x)–2NT = 16–18
Blanket approaches to bidding when natural 1NT and 2NT bids made by our side.
1NT Opening
- 15/18 hcp hands can be promoted to 1NT/2NT.
- 16/19 hcp hands rarely demoted.
- 5–4–2–2 with a long minor can be opened with 1NT
- 6–3–2–2 with a long minor can also by judgement open 1NT
- rare 4–4–4–1 singleton A/K
- balanced invite: use 2♠ range ask
- 5–4 majors weak: pass or transfer signoff
- weakish 3 suiter short ♣s: 2♣ possibly, but will play in 3♥♠ if opener has both majors
- 4–4/5–4 majors invitational or GF: bid 2♣ and then over 2♦ bid 2♥/2♠ or 3♥/3♠ Smolen
- 5♥s invitational: transfer then artifical 2♠
- 5♠s invitational: 2♣ Stayman then 2♠
- 5–5 majors invitational: ♠ transfer then bid 3♥
- 5–5 majors GF or slam try: 2♣ then artificial 4♣/4♦ over a 2♦ response
- 6–4 majors GF: stayman then bid 4M (no transfer option) or just show the 6 card major
- 6–4 majors slam try: usually just show 6 card major otherwise no way to show 6 cards
- 4–3–3–3 hands with 4 card ♥/♠ often do better in NT
- 5–3–3–2 with major can use stayman then bid NT or Smolen, maybe only bidding 4♥♠ with a 9 card fit
- 5 card minor + 3 card major 5–3–3–2 slam try: puppet stayman
- 5–4–(3–1) GF minor hands: 3♦♥ responses allow stop investigation for 3NT
- 5–4–(3–1) slam try minor hands: Stayman (NOT puppet stayman!)
- one 4 card major invitational: Stayman
- one 4 card major GF OR one/two 3 card major(s) when GF AND NOT 5–4–(3–1) minor hands (see 3DH): Puppet Stayman
- minor single suiter, any strength: 2♠/2NT ♣/♦ transfers
- 6 card minor + 3 card major: choice of 2♠/2NT ♣/♦ transfers or Puppet Stayman as guessed appropriate
- major + minor GF or slam try: start with major transfer (5+ cards) or stayman (4 cards), usually only slam try hands if show the minor
- major + minor invite: can only show the major
- minors GF plus hands only: 3♠
- major game or slightly preemptive: 4♣♦ showing ♥/♠ with room to show a super fit (super fit is lots of Aces/Kings in side suits and maybe lower honours in partner's suit, or a picture raise in some situations)
- major slam try no void: 3♦♥ transfers
- major slam try with void: 2♦♥ transfers
- Note 4♥♠ natural bids are not used in principle - 3♦♥ can be major slam trys and 4♣♦ transfers are used to play
1NT interference2♣
Stayman, promissory, maybe weakish short ♣ 3 suiter2♦
no major2♥
4 or 5 ♥s, not ♠s2♠
4 or 5 ♠s, not ♥s2NT
4–4 majors, minimum3♣
4–4 majors, maximum
transfer to ♥, 5+ cards2♥
transfer to ♠, 5+ cards2♠
range ask OR transfer to ♣, 6+ cards, weak or invite plus2NT
transfer to ♦, 6+ cards, weak or invite plus3♣
Puppet Stayman, 3+ card major(s), maybe one 4 card major, GF+3♦
either ♥ slam try transfer, no void OR GF ♥ shortage with 5–4/4–5 minors3♥
either ♠ slam try transfer, no void OR GF ♠ shortage with 5–4/4–5 minors3♠
minors 5–5, GF and maybe slam try3NT
to play4♣♦
♥/♠ transfer, not slam try values4NT
invitation to 6NT, asks specifically for any 5 card suit
Stayman, promissory, maybe weakish 4–4–4–1♣
- Roughly invitational plus UNLESS weak 3 suiter with short ♣s
- Always some major: one 4 card invitational exactly or 4–4 both majors invitational plus
- With both majors then the invite can be marginal, e.g. 6+ hcp
- NOT 5–5 majors precisely invitational - will transfer to ♠s and then bid ♥s
- GF and slam try 5–4 (Smolen) / 5–5 major hands do start with Stayman
no major2♥
4 or 5 ♥s, not ♠s2♠
4 or 5 ♠s, not ♥s2NT
4–4 majors, minimum3♣
4–4 majors, maximum
no major2♥
invitational, 5 ♥s (also 4 ♠s, maybe hidden 5–5 weak invite not worth transfer)2♠
relay, ♥ support2NT
minimum, most hands3♣♦
minimum, fragment with honour in 3 card suit, 4–5–(3–1)3♥
minimum, 5–5 majors, ~4–5 hcp4♥
game accept
invitational, natural3♠
minimum, 5–5 majors, ~4–5 hcp
6 card suit, rare3♥
natural, invite3NT
opener believes can be made4♥
natural, to play
invitational, 5 ♠s (maybe 4 ♥s)Pass
minimum, often 2 ♠s2NT
maximum, usually no support3♣♦
NF, 5–53♥
5♠s and 4♥s, good spades3♠
6♠s and 4♥s, needs fit, unusual bid
maximum, relay asking for shortness info, capatin role switch3♦
other major singleton/doubleton - some doubleton hands considering suit contracts3♥
ask, lacking good other major stopper, no 3NT interest opposite xx other major3♠
doubleton ♠ support3NT
4+ ♣s, ♥ singleton4♣
4+ ♦s, ♥ singleton4♠
good ♠s, so play 5–2
asking for H/Hx other major "stop"3NT
to play4♣♦
good hand, 5–4 minors4♠
to play
no shortage (maybe pretend singleton honour is semi-balanced)3♠
unsure, NF, could play 3NT or 4♠Pass
nothing extra3NT
5–3–3–2, honour in short suit4♠
something extra
singleton ♣3NT
singleton ♦
natural, invite4♠
natural, to play
likely 5–4 minors, concern about combined weak majors
artificial relay, minor(s) SLAM try, likely (semi)balanced hands3♦
4–4 or 5–4 minors3♥
relay, ask3♠
4–4 minors, opener can pass over 3NT3NT
NF, can bid on with extras or fitting honours
5♣s, 4♦s, forcing (like Lissabon so can cue bid after setting)4♣
5♦s, 4♣s, forcing
4♣s, but weak suit - Qxxx or worse3NT
4♦s, but weak suit - Qxxx or worse, NF4♣♦
sets trumps
5♣s (Lissabon)3♠
natural slam try, other minor
5♦s (Lissabon)3NT
natural slam try, other minor
often 4–3–3–34♣♦
5 card minor4♥♠
4–4, better ♣s/♦s, (or 5–4 minors to play in openers 4 card minor)
5♣s, 3/4 honours4♦
5♦s, 3/4 honours, no ♣ fit
artificial MAJOR SHORTAGE, usually 4–5 major/minor or 4–4–4–13♥
ask, maybe poor stopper(s) looking for best contract, may play 4♣♦3♠
short ♠s3NT
(or pass), suggest to play4♣♦
♣s/♦s 4+ cards, good fit4♠
♦s, other minor5♣
5 ♣s5♦
5♦s, only 2 card ♣ suit
optional RKB
pick a minor 4–4, ok fit5♣♦
natural 5 cards, nothing special otherwise
short ♥s, minimum4♣♦
♣s/♦s 4+ cards, good fit4♠
♦s, other minor5♣
5 ♣s5♦
5♦s, only 2 card ♣ suit
optional RKB
pick a minor 4–4, ok fit5♣♦
natural 5 cards, nothing special otherwise
5 card ♣/♦, shorts ♥s, medium/maximum4♥
4–1–4–4, short ♥s
good for both 3NT and minor contract (3–3+ minors), but NO 5 card minor3NT
no interest in minor, ok stoppers4♣♦
5 card minor, no interest in 3NT, GF
GF 4 ♥s and 5 ♠s (Smolen), or bidding on with 4–63♠
6 ♠s and slam interest
super max, cue, ♠ support4♠
fast arrival, i.e. minimum or 4–3–3–3
GF 4 ♠s and 5 ♥s (Smolen), or bidding on with 4–63NT
6 ♥s and slam interest
maximum, ♥ support4♥
normal bid, support, minimum or 4–3–3–3
to play4♣
majors 5–5 slam try4♦
accept, set trumps, forcing
majors 5–5, GF or slam try depending on suit preferred4♥♠
to play, probably 6–4 majors4NT
onway to 6NT, asks for any 5 card suit
4 or 5 ♥s, not ♠s2♠
invitational, 5♠s (transfer then 2NT is GF)Pass
minimum, often 2 ♠s2NT
maximum, usually without support3♣
maximum, relay, shortness ask3♥
maximum, 5♥s and Hx in spades3♠
natural raise4♠
natural raise
invitational, natural3♣
GF, 4+ ♣s, unbalanced or a slam try3♦
(quasi)natural, weak ♠s3♥
quasi-natural, Hx+, often 3 card support3♠
stop ask, 4th suit3NT
limited, ♠ stopper4♣
5♣s, slam try with ♠ control4♦
4–1–4–4, slam try with ♠ control4♥♠
♣s/♦s (Lissabon)4NT
5♥s and some ♠ values, maybe weak ♦s3♠
(quasi)natural, asking for ♦ stop
quasi-natural, 4♥s and weak ♦s3NT
limited, stoppers in unbid suits
GF, 4+ ♦s, unbalanced or a slam try3♥
♣ stopper, with either 5♥s or 4♥s + weak ♠s3♠
stop ask, 4th suit3NT
stop + 5♥s (otherwise usually bid 3NT directly over 3♦)4♣
artificial, 5♥s + 3♦s, may have ♠ control4♥
5♥s, no stopper
quasi-natural, weak ♣s, 4 or 5 ♥s4♣
artificial (opposite weak ♣s), waiting bid (e.g. 3♥s or 5 good ♦s)
limited, stoppers in unbid suits
asks for 5 ♥s, either slam try or exactly 3 ♥s, maybe RKB prelude3NT
cue bid, 5♥s4♥
5♥s, minimum or occasionally 4 good ♥s with a weak side suit
singleton/void + ♥ support4NT
4 or 5 ♠s, not ♥s2NT
GF with 4+ ♣s, unbalanced or a slam try3♦
either 4♦s OR quasi natural with weakness in ♥s3♥
4th suit forcing3♠
partial ♥ stop (would have bid 3♠ already with ♠ support)3NT
natural, 4♦s and ♥ stop
quasi-natural, Hx+, often 3 card support3NT
limited hand, ♥ stopper4♣♦
5♣s with a ♥ control4♦
1–4–4–4, slam try with ♥ control4♥♠
♣s/♦s (Lissabon)4NT
quasi-natural with ♦ weakness3♠
5♠s, no weakness3NT
natural, stoppers in unbid suits
GF with 4+ ♦s, unbalanced or a slam try3♥
quasi-natural stopper, either 5♠s or 4♠s + weak ♣s3♠
ambiguous, also weak ♣s or 3 card ♠ support
quasi-natural, weak ♥s and 4/5♠s3NT
♥ stop4♣
♦ or ♠ options, slam interest
limited, stopper in both unbid suits4♣
5♦s + 4♣s, natural slam invitational4♦
5♦s, natural slam invitational
cue, extras, good hand with ♦ support4♦
normal hand, ♦ support
asks for 5 ♠s, either slam try or exactly 3 ♠s, maybe RKB prelude3♠
4 good ♠s, some weak suit often ♥s3NT
normal bid with 4♠s4♣♦♥
cue bid, 5♠s4♠
5♠s, not good for slam
singleton/void with ♠ support4NT
4–4 majors, minimum3♣
slam try with 5♣s3♦♥
transfer 4+ cards, after that 3NT is a general slam try and new suits show shortage3♠
5♦s, slam try
4–4 majors, maximum3♦♥
transfer 4+ cards, after that 3NT is a general slam try and new suits show shortage3♠
5♦s, slam try4♣
5♣s, slam try
Responder's 2NT vs 3♣♦ rebid preferences after transfer:
- 3♣♦: ~13+ slam interest (2NT is limited when unbalanced)
- 3♣♦: distributional 5–5+
- either: 5–4–3–1 (can show short suit via 2NT if other 3 suits covered to check NT)
- either: 6–4 (make it up with 6–4 shape)
- 2NT: 5–4–2–2, poorer suit quality
- 3♣♦: 5–4–2–2, concentrated good suit quality
Responder's 2NT vs 3NT 5–3–3–2 rebid preferences after transfer:
- 2NT: slam interest, 5–3–3–2
- 2NT: nothing in short suit, 5–3–3–2
- 2NT: generally prefer trump contract if supported
- 3NT: top (A/K/Q) honour in short suit, 5–3–3–2
transfer to ♥, 5+ cards2♥
normal bid2♠
artificial, 5♥s invitational, also denies 4♠s (use Stayman)2NT
minimum, no support, maybe 4–3–3–3 though3♣♦
natural NF, often 5–5, dislikes 2NT
relay, shortness ask3♦
♠ singleton, OR some hands with a doubleton, can stop in 4♣♦3♥
no shortage3♠
last train like, 3NT or game in ♥s
♣ shortage, can stop in 4♣♦3NT
♦s shortage, can stop in 4♣♦
natural, maximum, 5 card suit3♥
minimum, support3NT
maximum, no support4♥
maximum, support
GF, 5 ♥s various (5–3–3–2, 5–4♣/♦–3–1/2–2) OR weak 6 carder slam interest3♣
relay, shortness ask, possible support, more NT suited depending on a shortage location3♦
artificial other major singleton, OR some hands with other major weak doubleton with good chance of 4M/5m alternative3♥
artificial ask, not much 3NT interest, maybe single stopper3♠
doubleton in other major3NT
NF, pass with help e.g. Jx4♣
natural, finding second (minor) suit
4♣s with 3♦s (1–5–3–4)unbid
cue, minor slam try4NT
optional ♣ RKB
4♦s with 3♣s (1–5–4–3)unbid
cue, minor slam try4NT
optional ♣ RKB
5–3–3–2, probably need to play here
artificial request to bid 3NT if have doubleton (or singleton honour)3NT
nothing special4♣♦
5 card minor with 5–4 minors4♥
prefer major game
any 5–3–3–2 OR limited 5–4–2–2 (maybe 5–4–3–1 A/K singleton) OR weak 6 carder slam interest3♠
normal bid with 3 card support OR Ax/Kx support3NT
NF, only passable with Hx or xxx
not much support, Qx at best4♣♦
5 card minor and Ax/Kx/Qx major support4♥
reasonable support, minimum
artificial ♣ shortage (4♦s)4♣
double fit (other minor)4♦
to play
artificial ♦ shortage (4♣s)4♣
double fit (other minor)4♥
to play
artificial support for partner, ♥ support3♥
artificial ♠ singleton (other major), slam interest3♠
relay, ask, checking for 4–4 minor fit3NT
was looking for 5 card minor
play suggestion4♣♦
5 card minor4♥
to play, no slam interest
artificial slam try, no shortness, cannot play 3NT3NT
normal bid, rarely 4–3–3–34♣♦
good 5 card minor, may have double fit4♥
minimum, OR often most 4–3–3–3 hands
limited slam try, no shortness, NF, needs trump help4♣♦
singleton, slam interest4♥
to play, no slam interest
artificial special hands, HH doubleton (2 honour) support, without concern to check shortness for NT3♠
relay, ask for 5 card minor3NT
reasonable 5 card suit
to play4♣♦
singleton, mild slam try4♥
to play
artificial 5♠s other major, decent suit if also ♥ support3NT
natural, no fit, no interest in a possible singleton4♣♦
picture raise, HHx+ super-fit and good 5 card minor4♥
xxxx support and 4–3–3–3 shape
GF at least 5♥–4♣ (5–5, 6–4, 6–5 etc.)3♦
quasi-natural bid3♥
♥ support3NT
natural, not good fit for responder's suits4♣
♣ support, reasonable hand4♦
support for both suits, 3+ honours in both suits4♥
♥ support, not good ♣ fit
GF at least 5♥–4♦ (5–5, 6–4, 6–5 etc.)3♥
ambiguous, weakness unbid suit OR ♦ support minimum OR Hx ♥ support and 3 card ♦ fit3♠
good ♥s3NT
xx in ♥s, 4 ♦s support4♣
cue, Hx in ♥s4♦
Hx in ♥s and 4 ♦s support4♥
Hx in ♥s
artificial, ♥ support3NT
natural, not a good fit for responder's suits4♣
support for both suits, 3+ honours in both suits4♦
♦ support, reasonable hand4♥
♥ support, not good ♦ fit
invitational, 6♥s3♠
void, ♥ slam try3NT
NF, usually 5–3–3–2 with an A/K/Q honour in short suit4♣♦
void, ♥ slam try4♥
to play4NT
good ♥ support, NOT maximum, not necessary2NT
support, maximum, but looking for 3NT3♦
likes NT4♣♦♠
natural, unusual3♥
support, maximum
transfer to ♠, 5+ cards2♠
normal bid2NT
GF with 5–3–3–2 (may avoid 3NT even with 5–3 fit) / 5–4–2–2 or 5–4–3–1 any singleton, can't stop in 4♣♦ after GF (4CD only NF if responder shown 8+ minor cards)3♣
relay, shortness ask, possible support, more NT suited depending on a shortage location3♦
artificial other major singleton, OR some hands with other major weak doubleton with good chance of 4M/5m alternative3♥
artificial ask, not much 3NT interest, maybe single stopper3♠
doubleton in other major3NT
NF, pass with help e.g. Jx4♣
natural, finding second (minor) suit
4♣s with 3♦s (1–5–3–4)unbid
cue, minor slam try4NT
optional ♣ RKB
4♦s with 3♣s (1–5–4–3)unbid
cue, minor slam try4NT
optional ♣ RKB
5–3–3–2, probably need to play here
artificial request to bid 3NT if have doubleton (or singleton honour)3NT
nothing special4♣♦
5 card minor with 5–4 minors4♠
prefer major game
artificial ♣ shortage (4♦s)4♣
double fit (other minor)4♦
to play
any 5–3–3–2 OR limited 5–4–2–2 (maybe 5–4–3–1 A/K singleton) OR weak 6 carder slam interest3♠
normal bid with 3 card support OR Ax/Kx support3NT
NF, only passable with Hx or xxx
not much support, Qx at best4♣♦
5 card minor and Ax/Kx/Qx major support4♠
reasonable support, minimum
artificial ♦ shortage (4♣s)4♣
double fit (other minor)4♠
to play
artificial support for partner, ♠ support3♥
artificial ♥ singleton (other major), slam interest3♠
relay, ask, checking for 4–4 minor fit3NT
was looking for 5 card minor
play suggestion4♣♦
5 card minor4♠
to play, no slam interest
artificial slam try, no shortness, cannot play 3NT3NT
normal bid, rarely 4–3–3–34♣♦
good 5 card minor, may have double fit4♠
minimum, OR often most 4–3–3–3 hands
limited slam try, no shortness, NF, needs trump help4♣♦
singleton, slam interest4♠
to play, no slam interest
artificial special hands, HH doubleton (2 honour) support, without concern to check shortness for NT3♠
relay, ask for 5 card minor3NT
reasonable 5 card suit
to play4♣♦♥
singleton, mild slam try4♠
to play
artificial 5♥s other major, decent suit if also ♠ support3NT
natural, no fit, no interest in a possible singleton4♣♦
picture raise, HHx+ super-fit and good 5 card minor4♠
xxxx support and 4–3–3–3 shape
GF with at least 5♠–4♣ (5–5, 6–4, 6–5 etc.)3♦
♠ support3NT
slam try, often no singleton4♣
singleton, mild plus slam try looking for good fit4♠
to play5♦♥
void, 5–5+ hand
natural, not a good fit in responder's suits4♣
support, reasonable hand4♦♥
good double fit4♠
♠ support, not a good fit
GF with at least 5♠–4♦ (5–5, 6–4, 6–5 etc.)3♥
ambiguous, e.g. hole in ♥ or ♣ side suit, or weaker ♦ support3♠
good ♠s, maybe extras, but not 5–53NT
probably min with ♦ supportother
scrambling lacking a stop
♠ support3NT
natural, not a good fit in responder's suits4♣
good double fit4♦
support, reasonable hand4♥
cue / last train4♠
suggest to play, good suit
good double fit4♠
♠ support, not a good fit
5–5 majors, invitational (use stayman if weaker)3♠
invitational, 6♠s3NT
NF, usually 5–3–3–2 with A/K/Q honour in short suit4♣♦♥
void, ♠ slam try4♠
to play4NT
maximum, support but also looking for 3NT3♥
retransfer (to play 3♠/4♠ or make slam try)3NT
likes NT4♣♦♥
natural, unusual3♥
good ♠ support, NOT maximum3♠
♠ support, maximum
- decline/accept invite is about the minor fit, not HCP, similar to 3♣/♦ opening
range ask OR transfer to ♣s, 6+ cards, weak or invite plus2NT
decline an invite3♣
singleton, finding right game or slam3NT
to play4♣
slam try4♦♥♠
accept an invite3♦♥♠
singleton, finding right game or slam3NT
to play4♣
slam try4♦♥♠
transfer to ♦s, 6+ cards, weak or invite plus3♣
decline an invite3♦
singleton, finding right game or slam4♣
singleton, slam try4♦
slam try4♥♠
accept an invite3♥♠
singleton, finding right game or slam4♣
singleton, slam try (passed 3NT already)4♦
slam try4♥♠
Puppet Stayman
- 3 card major(s), maybe 5332 with long minor and slam try values
- One 4 card major (use Stayman with 4–4 majors) game plus values
- NOT slam try (43)(51) nor (42)(52), all these slam try hands with a longer minor start with 2♣ Stayman
- Minor slam try follows ons use the same 4NT negative, artifical last train and auto RKB responses as after the 2NT opening
Puppet Stayman3♦
no 5 card major3♥
4♠s, paradox3NT
natural, no major fit4♣
4 card minor slam try (4–3–2–4)4♦
last train like, 4+ card support, 2 keycards4NT
to play5x
auto RKB responses
natural, negative5♣
negative, 5 card support, 2 keycards5x
auto RKB responses, 3+ keycards
4 card minor slam try (4–3–4–2)4♥
last train like, 4+ card support, 2 keycards4NT
to play5x
auto RKB responses
natural, negative5x
auto RKB responses, 3+ keycards5♦
negative, 5 card support, 2 keycards
4♥s, paradox3NT
natural, no major fit4♣
4 card minor slam try (3–4–2–4)4♦
last train like, 4+ card support, 2 keycards4NT
to play5x
auto RKB responses
natural, negative5♣
negative, 5 card support, 2 keycards5x
auto RKB responses, 3+ keycards
4 card minor slam try (3–4–4–2)4♥
last train like, 4+ card support, 2 keycards4NT
to play5x
auto RKB responses
natural, negative5x
auto RKB responses, 3+ keycards5♦
negative, 5 card support, 2 keycards
to play4♣
5 card minor slam try, 3–2–5–3 shape4♦
last train like, 3 card support and 3+ keycards, maybe poor trumps4♥♠
♣ RKB5♣
to play5x
auto ♣ RKB responses
♣ RKB5x
auto ♣ RKB responses
cue, ♣ support, good 3+ card support4NT
♣ RKB5♣
to play5x
auto ♣ RKB responses
cue, ♣ support, good 3+ card support4NT
♦ RKB5♣
to play5x
auto ♦ RKB responses
negative, 2 card support or 3 cards + 2 keycards5♣
to play5x
auto ♣ RKB responses
negative, good 4 card support, 2 keycards5♦♥
auto ♣ RKB, excellent ♣ fit (3+ keycards)
5 card minor slam try, 3–2–5–3 shape4♥
last train like, 3 card support and 3+ keycards, maybe poor trumps4NT
♦ RKB5♦
to play5x
auto ♦ RKB responses
cue, unlikely, maybe ♥ weakness4NT
♦ RKB5♦
to play5x
auto ♦ RKB responses
negative, 2 card support or 3 cards + 2 keycards5♦
to play5x
auto ♦ RKB responses
negative, good 4 card support, 2 keycards5x
auto ♦ RKB responses
5 card ♥ suit3♠
♥ slam try3NT
to play4♣♦
5 card minor slam try, 3–2–(5–3) shape4♥
to play4♠
5 card ♠ suit3NT
to play4♣
♠ slam try (4♥ is too high to use for the more common ♠ slam try)4♦
artificial, 2–3–3–5 ♣ suit4♠
last train like, 3 card support and 3+ keycards, maybe poor trumps4NT
♣ RKB5♣
to play5x
auto ♣ RKB responses
negative, 2 card support or 3 cards + 2 keycards5♣
to play5x
auto ♣ RKB responses
negative, good 4 card support, 2 keycards5♦♥
auto ♣ RKB, excellent ♣ fit (3+ keycards)
to play4NT
quantitative (as with muppet stayman over 2NT, use 4♣ ♠ slam try for RKB)
- not with a void and ♥ slam try, start with 2♦ instead
- not weak (e.g. K98xxx) 6 card suit ♥ slam try (prefer transfer then GF 2NT)
either ♥ slam try transfer, no void OR GF ♥ shortage with 5–4/4–5 minors3♥
normal bid, better than xx3♠
♥ general slam try, can be mild slam try3NT
♠ cue, serious4♣♦
minimum, bad honours for slam
NF, singleton ♥, 3–1–4–5 or 3–1–5–4 (can stop in 4♣/4♦)minor
to play4♥
slam try, maximum, fitting4♠
to play
shortage, ♥ slam try, can be mild slam try4♥
mild slam try, looking for good trump support
bad ♥s, bad hand, slam warning, weak xx in ♥s4♥
bad ♥s, good hand, xx in ♥s, but very good hand
- not with a void and ♠ slam try, start with 2♥ instead
- not weak (e.g. K98xxx) 6 card suit ♠ slam try (prefer transfer then GF 2NT)
either ♠ slam try transfer, no void OR GF ♠ shortage with 5–4/4–5 minors3♠
normal bid, better than xx3NT
NF, singleton, 1–3–4–5 or 1–3–5–4 (can stop in 4♣/4♦)minor
to play4♥
to play4♠
slam try, maximum, fitting
general ♠ slam try4♦♥
shortage, ♠ slam try, can be mild slam try4♠
mild slam try, looking for a good trump support
bad ♠s, bad hand, slam warning, weak xx in ♠s4♠
bad ♠s, good hand, xx in ♠s, but very good hand
minors 5–5, GF and maybe slam try3NT
no special fit4♣
slam try, 5–54♦
shortness ask, can stop in 4NT4♥♠
support, ♣/♦ Lissabon preference, 2 keycards4NT
to play, probably 1 keycard5x
auto double fit RKB, 3+ keycards
slam try, 6–5–1–1 (no void)4♥♠
support, ♣/♦ Lissabon agreement, 2 keycards4NT
to play, probably 1 keycard5x
auto double fit RKB, 3+ keycards
to play, 3+ cards5x
auto double fit RKB, 3+ keycards
pick a minor ask
good for minor contract4♥♠
♣/♦ only 3–2/2–3 fit, but great honours4NT
only 3–3 minors fit, but good honours fit
To play a major game, preemptive or good values.
♥ transfer4♦
♥ super fit, 3+ keycards4♥
completed, normal bid
♠ transfer4♥
♠ super fit, 3+ keycards4♠
completed, normal bid
1NT Interference and Lebensohl
Lebensohl variations are played in a number of blanket NT and other places where the idea is relevant.
Most important is its use against weak twos and after we have made natural opening strength
(or better) 1NT bid / overcall.
- 1NT–(Overcall) (but not 2♣ as just ignore)
- (1X)–1NT Overcall by us including Protective–(bid over)
- 1♣–(2♦♥♠)
- 1♣–1♦–(2♦♥♠)–X
- 1♦–(2♥♠)
- (1C prepared)–2♣ natural
- (1D prepared)–2♦ natural
- (1H)–X–(2H)
- (1S)–X–(2S)
- balancing or reopening doubles forcing partner to bid
- (Weak 2♦♥♠)–X
- (1NT weak)–X–(XX Escape)
- (1NT weak)–X–(2D+ Escape) (but not 2♣ escape as just ignore)
- (1NT weak)–P–(2x)–X
- (2D multi)–X
Our (1) main variant (note: Lebensohl variants) is a form of transfer Lebensohl.
There are other variants that are used in specific situations - (2) when FORCED to bid over a major preempt and
(3) partner is likely unbalanced and we may pass or double, so NOT forced to bid
The custom structure to the (1) main transfer Lebensohl variant is:
- 2suit bids are natural weak/competitive
- 2NT multi-way puppet to ♣s either weak/competitive ♣/♦ hands or GF ♣s
- 3♣/3♦/3♥ transfers to new suits are invitational plus - opener with fit/good hand bids on
- transfer around/through the cue suit
- Cue is GF staymanic, at least 3 other major, and if double also available it shows a singleton/void in opponents' suit
- Cue implies NO stop, i.e. cue showing a singleton, but also after a double
- X is staymanic not suitable for staymanic cue bid (of a natural suit implied but maybe not bid)
- X negative then 3NT shows the other major and a stopper
- X negative then cue bid shows the other major and NO stopper
- X then new suit is invitational, exactly 5 cards (probably poor suit as not transferred)
- 3♥ over opponents 2♠ is weak/competitive
- 3NT is to play, stop
For variant (2) when we are FORCED to bid OVER a MAJOR preempt, then there is Better Minor Lebensohl.
The variant (3) RLEB is typically (1M)–X–(2M), but could be (2D multi)–X–(2M) or
(1m)–2m, where we can pass, maybe double (responsive / flattish), show NT interest plus stop with invite plus values
immediately or the final option is to bid a suit without any invitational nuance before opener gets in the way again
(decide to punt game or just compete immediately)
Over a balanced hand
staymanic 3+ both majors, follow on suit bid is poor 5 card invitational, follow on cue stop ask2♥♠
puppet, weak or GF ♣s3♣
invitational plus ♥3♦
no fit, no stop, any strength (not any minimum as no room for cue stop ask)3♥
fit, minimum3♠
natural, 5 carder maximum/strong, no stop implied3NT
no fit, stopper, any strength (not ideal with minimum but helps the GF responder decide)
cue, GF staymanic, singleton/void in ♦s3♥
invitational plus ♠3♠
no fit, stopper, any strength (not ideal with minimum but helps the GF responder decide)4♣♦♥
natural (possibly strong 1♣ opening)
artificial, GF, no stopper3NT
to play, stop implied, no other major4x
as weak two defence – leaping michaels
staymanic 8+ guarantee 3oM, follow on suit bid is poor 5 card invitational, follow on cue stop ask2♠
new suit, invitational weak suit3♠
stop, NF, without major fit3♣♦
natural, weaker3♥
(after 1C opening) forcing, strong two suiter-ish3♠
extras, 5 card ♠ fit3NT
stop, strong4♣♦
natural, strong4NT
extras, 5 card ♠ fit3♠
4 card support
puppet, weak minor or GF clubs(X)
usually penalty(3♥)
more interferencePass
opener should pass not knowing what responder has
X = penalty
3NT = natural, stop
4♣♦ = competitive
new suit interference
invitational plus ♦3♦
minimum, maybe only 2 card support (still room to cue stop ask)3♥
stop ask, stronger hand3♠
natural, GF, 4+ card suit, diamonds worth bidding instead of initial cue or X4♣
GF, natural4♦
GF, slam try4♥
Redwood for ♦s
maximum/strong, no stop3♠
natural, GF, 4+ card suit, diamonds worth bidding instead of initial cue or X4♣
GF, natural4♦
NF, opener could raise with good support4♥
Redwood for ♦s
natural, 5 carder (possibly strong 1♣ opening), no stop implied4♣
GF, natural, 5+ suit4♦
Redwood for ♦s4NT
maximum/strong, stopper4♣
natural, strong4♦
♦ slam try, last train like4♥
Redwood for ♦s, probably strong 1♣ opener
invitational plus ♠3♥
no fit, no stop, any strength (not any minimum as no room for cue stop ask)3♠
stop, GF hand4♣♦
GF, natural4♥
♠ slam try
fit, minimum3NT
no fit, stopper, any strength (not ideal with minimum but helps the GF responder decide)4♣♦
GF, natural4♥
♠ slam try
natural, strong4♥
last train ♠ fit, strong4♠
fit, maximum/strong4NT
♠ RKB, probably strong 1♣ opener
GF, staymanic 4♠s + singleton/void in ♥s, no stop3♠
fit, extras3NT
no fit, stopper4♣♦
natural, strong4♥
last train ♠ fit, strong4♠
fit, fast arrival5♣♦
5 cards, to play
artificial, GF, no stopper3NT
to play, stop or pray4♣♦
no stop, natural
to play, stop implied, no other major4x
as weak two defence – leaping michaels
staymanic 8+ guarantee 3oM, follow on suit bid is poor 5 card invitational, follow on cue stop ask2NT
stop, NF, without major fit3♣♦
natural, weaker3♥
fit, minimum3♠
(after 1C opening) forcing, strong two suiter-ish3NT
stop, strong4♣♦
natural, strong4♥
fit, non-minimum4NT
natural, 3 card only major
puppet, weak minor or GF clubs (maybe only 4♣s if GF balanced no stop - no dedicated bid)(X)
usually penalty(3♠)
more interferencePass
opener should pass not knowing what responder has
X = penalty
3NT = natural, stop
4♣♦ = competitive
new suit interference
invitational plus ♦3♦
minimum, maybe only 2 card support (still room to cue stop ask)3♥
natural, GF, 4+ card suit, diamonds worth bidding instead of initial cue or X3♠
stop ask, stronger hand4♣
GF, natural4♦
GF, slam try4♥
Redwood for ♦s
natural, 5 carder (possibly strong 1♣ opening), no stop implied4♣
GF, natural, 5+ suit4♦
Redwood for ♦s4NT
maximum/strong, no stop4♣
GF, natural4♦
NF, opener could raise with good support4♥
Redwood for ♦s
maximum/strong, stopper4♣
natural, strong4♦
♦ slam try, last train like4♥
Redwood ♦s
invitational plus ♥3♥
minimum, maybe only 2 card support (still room to cue stop ask)3♠
no stop, GF, only 5 card ♥ suit3NT
stop, GF hand4♣♦
GF, natural4♥
to play4♠
♥ RKB5♣♦
no fit, no stop, maximum/strong4♣♦
GF, natural4♥
to play4♠
♥ RKB5♣♦
no fit, stopper, maximum/strong (not any strength as still room to cue stop ask over 3♥ response)4♣♦
GF, natural4♥
to play4♠
natural, strong4♥
fit, maximum/strong
fast weak/competitive with ♥s3♠
GF, staymanic 4♥s + singleton/void in ♠s3NT
no fit, stopper4♣♦
natural, strong4♥
last train4♠
♥ Kickback4NT
5 cards, to play
to play, stop implied, no other major4x
as weak two defence – leaping michaels
Over a Weak 2♦ takeout double
puppet, weak or GF ♣s OR one 4 card major invite plus3♣
puppet, normal takeout double3♦
staymanic, one 4 card major3♥♠
power takeout double, usually 5–4+ majors3♥♠
power double
invitational plus ♥3♦
no fit, no stop, any strength (not any minimum as no room for cue stop ask)3♥
fit, minimum3♠
natural, 5 carder maximum/strong, no stop implied3NT
no fit, stopper, any strength (not ideal with minimum but helps the GF responder decide)
cue, GF staymanic 4–3/4–4/5–4 majors3M
4 cards4♦
4–4 doubler4M
5 cards
invitational plus ♠3♠
no fit, stopper, any strength (not ideal with minimum but helps the GF responder decide)4♣♦♥
natural (possibly strong 1♣ opening)
artificial, GF, no stopper3NT
to play, stop implied, no other major4x
natural preempt
Better Minor Lebensohl over a major preempt takeout double
- a.k.a "Gucci Lebensohl"
- Responder and the takeout doubler can have a wide range, responder is FORCED to bid OVER a MAJOR preempt
- We have no bid to to show an invitational ♣ hand, but can escape to our best minor fit
Better minor makes no sense over a weak two ♦ preempt, and there's no space for better major, which is why 2♦ can be
such an effective preempt
ask for better minor3♣♦
better minorPass
to play, opposite "normal" takeout double3♦
to play, weak ♦s3♥
cue, GF with STOP and 4♠s3♠
4 card invitational3NT
NO stop, maybe 3♠s + 5/6 minor or both minors
power double type strong hand, e.g. 5–4+3♠
natural, extra strength ~17+, 5+ card major bid3NT
power double with stop
~0–10 hcp3♦
natural, invitational3♥
no stop, 4♠s3♠
5 card invitational3NT
to play, stop implied, no other major4♣♦
natural, GF, unsuitable for 3NT
ask for better minor3♣♦
better minorPass
to play, opposite "normal" takeout double3♦♥
to play, weak hand3♠
cue, GF with STOP and 4♥s3NT
NO stop, maybe 3♥s + 5/6 minor or both minors
natural, extra strength ~17+, 5+ card major bid3♠
power double type strong hand, e.g. 5–4+3NT
power double with stop
~0–10 hcp3♦♥
natural, invitational3♠
no stop, 4♥s3NT
to play, stop implied, no other major4♣♦
natural, GF, unsuitable for 3NT4♥
game values
Reversed Lebensohl RLEB
- Only when we can PASS and partner is expected to be UNBALANCED, i.e (1M)–X–(2M), but could be (2D multi)–X–(2M) or
- In these auctions where partner is unbalanced and often has their own suit to show then transfer Lebensohl makes less sense
- Unlike Better Minor "Gucci" Lebensohl, we can just pass if we have nothing helpful to say
- The auction is already live with two bids from the opposition, we need to show shape or NT feature immediately
- 2NT puts focus on finding a NT contract, promises some sort of stop(s) and is at least invitational. This 2NT is
"Reversed" compared to standard Lebensohl in that it does not focus on splitting up strength ranges weak/invite/GF. It
focuses on do we have a stop and game try values. This is reasonable because we can always pass with a bad hand and
with a very weak hand opposite a very strong partner we maybe pushed towards game anyway - we often don't have enough
space to discourage them if they are doing power takeout doubles
- 3x new suits are weak / competitive with no way to show invitational strength, i.e ~0–9(10) hcp. You must choose
between a game punt or competing (which is similar to the Better Minor Gucci Lebensohl 3♣ bid). The motivation is to
get into the auction before opener shuts us out. We might compete and reopen double with a max 9/10 hcp
- Double is the usual responsive double style which can include flattish / no stop hands
including a 5 card ♥ invite after (1S)–X–(2S)
- the name doesn't really help, as other variations of Lebensohl might be called "Reverse" Lebensohl (without the 'd')
Having said all the above, there is more invitational nuance when the opponents bid the lower suits, ♣s, ♦s and ♥s.
It might be better to play these jump 3x bids as GF with possible slam interest instead of invitational, but that would
be rarer. A GF 5+ card hand with stop can bid 2NT first, and without a stop start with a cue bid and hope to resolve e.g.
both majors vs one major slam try later
competitive ~0–9(10) hcp2NT
F1, invite plus with suitable NT stop, rarely exact invite both majors3♣
artificial, minimum ~11–13(14)3♦
NF, usually play there
artificial, GF staymanic, ~14+3♥♠
GF, 5+ suit3NT
~14–19 to play4♦
GF, 5+ suit4NT
quantitative ~20 hcp
GF both majors (or possibly one major and slam try with shortage)3♦♥♠
jump available, invitational 5+ cards3NT
natural, no major4♣
slam try both majors, ♣ shortage4♦
natural, GF, unsuitable for 3NTDbl
responsive, at least one major
competitive ~0–9(10) hcp2NT
F1, invite plus with suitable NT stop, rarely exact invite both majors3♣
artificial, minimum ~11–13(14)3♦
staymanic / NF after natural (1D)–2♦3♥♠
NF, usually play there
artificial, GF staymanic, ~14+3♥♠
GF, 5+ suit3NT
~14–19 to play4♣
GF, 5+ suit4NT
quantitative ~20 hcp
competitive, natural ~0–9(10) hcp3♦
GF both majors (or possibly one major and slam try with shortage)3♥♠
jump available, invitational 5+ cards3NT
natural, no major4♣
natural, GF, unsuitable for 3NT4♦
slam try both majors, ♦ shortageDbl
responsive, at least one major
competitive ~0–9(10) hcp2NT
F1, invite plus with suitable NT stop, possibly one major with exact invite3♣♦
better minor, minimum ~11–13(14)3♦
invitational, natural3♥
stop and 4♠s, choice of game3♠
NF, usually play there3NT
natural, was waiting before with 2NT4♣♦
forcing, natural
5+ ♠s 17+ GF3NT
~14–19 to play4♣♦
~17+ natural 5+ card suit4♥
both minors slam try4NT
quantitative ~20 hcp
competitive, natural ~0–9(10) hcp3♥
cue NO stop, GF 4(+)♠s (possibly stronger 5+ card slam try)3♠
jump available, invitational 5+ cards3NT
natural, no other major4♣♦
natural, GF, unsuitable for 3NT4♥
splinter, ♠ slam tryDbl
responsive, values plus 4♠s style
F1, invite plus with suitable NT stop, possibly 4♥s exact invite3♣♦
better minor, minimum ~11–13(14)3♦
invitational, natural3♥
NF, invitational, 4 ♥s (not forcing as over 1H–X–2H)3♠
cue, 4♥s GF (possibly stronger 5+ card slam try)3NT
natural, was waiting before with 2NT4♣♦
forcing, natural
5+ ♥s 17+ GF3♠
4♥s GF3NT
~14–19 to play4♣♦
~17+ natural 5+ card suit4♠
both minors slam try4NT
quantitative ~20 hcp
competitive, natural ~0–9(10) hcp3♠
cue NO stop, GF 4(+)♥s (possibly stronger 5+ card slam try)3NT
natural, no major4♥
5+ ♥ suit (possibly 4 card e.g. AKJ9)4♠
EKB, 5+ ♥ suitDbl
responsive, maybe 4♥s some values or 5♥s invite2NT
artificial, 4♥s3♥
invitational, usualy 4♥s not 5♥s
NF natural, denies 4♥s3♥
invitational, often 5♥s
GF 5♥s3♠
GF without ♥s, usually both minors3NT
~18–20 NT with stopper4♣♦
GF single suiter(3S)
Overcalls of our NT
- 1NT opening then interference
- 1NT overcall then interference
- 1♣/1♦ openings which are assumed to be NT type hands
What is our first double?
The default is negative, meaning any of:
- weak competitive hand with perfect takeout shape, 4–4–4–1
- less than invitational, but can handle partner's responses with minimum level conversion bids. Note, because opener is
very defined they never jump the bidding and minimum level conversion fits unlike other negative double scenarios
- invitational plus hands, possibly very off shape, just trying to showing e.g. a 4 card other major
- even balancing by opener, most hands with doubleton in their suit, 15+ hcp outside of the doubleton
Any negative double at the 3 level (especially 4 level!) is basically GF and starts to lack clear shape information,
mostly being used to show values.
Priority order meta agreement (that works in other situations such as us opening 1HS and opponents bidding 2 suiters)
for 2 and 3 level interference:
- two specific suits, e.g. 2♣/2♦ majors, 2NT minors – values, system off even over 2♣
- over double or 2♣ interference – system on, stolen bid double
- artificial, may show some other suit, e.g. transfer overcall, (X) major + minor, or 2♣ ♥ + any, or 2♣ any single suiter, or 2♦ multi – biddable natural suit
- natural catchall, e.g. 2♦ ♦ + any, 2♥ ♥ + any – negative
- values means we want to take ownership of the auction. At that point partner will double for penalty or pass
and let us double for penalty, otherwise we bid on having shown invitational plus values with the inability to penalise
- after a natural (values in suit / stolen) double of an ambiguous bid, e.g. 2♣ showing some single suiter and double
showing ♣s, our side can double again as if they were making their first bid (presumably something more natural)
- we focus on penalty / value doubles of artificial specific two suiters as they are less like to have a "safe" 6 card
suit to play in compared to single suiter overcalls and it's easy to be specific about cue bids
What is a redouble?
A redouble of a non-penalty double has the same meanings as double. The exception is a redouble of an artificial bid
cannot show a biddable suit so it is again values showing.
When the opposing double is penalty/values we naturally use the 1NT Escape module.
What is our second double?
- Normally, double is penalty
- After doubling an artificial bid initially, double follows the same rules as our first double
negative double responses
Natural mainly but
- 2NT scrambling over (2♥/2♠)–X, e.g. 4–4, or 4–3 minors and 3 card bad major
- 2NT natural over (2♣/2♦)–X
what is a generic cue bid?
Where the cue bid does not have a specific meaning (such as directly over 2C showing majors):
- When we have TWO KNOWN suits to stop, then cue bids SHOW a stop
- With ONE KNOWN suit to stop, then cue bids ASK for a stop
- With negative doubles there's less need for staymanic cue bids, but a higher cue can be GF staymanic with singleton
NT Interference
willing to play if advancer converts to penalty, may double on the next round for takeoutXX
as double of what the bid shows- system on
artificial) e.g. cappelletti 1 suiterX
Stolen bid double, stand in for 2♣ system onOthers
1NT system on
Stolen bid double, stand in for 2♣Others
1NT system on
both majors)X
values / penalty2♦
to play2♥
competitive plus minors, often (1–3)(5–4) or 5–5 minors, not values doubling interest2♠
♣s, invite plus (same as normal transfers)2NT
♦s, invite plus3♣♦
to play3♥♠
GF, auto-splinter, 5–5 minors
negative of natural2x
Lebensohl System
♠ + ?) e.g. astroX
stop ask (one known suit)Others
Lebensohl System
♥ + ?)X
stop askOthers
Lebensohl System
unknown major)X
♦ valuesOthers
Lebensohl System, no cue bid though
both majors) awkward to defend, but rareX
penalty / values, awkward, partner needs 3+ ♥s to pass2♠
minors, competitive2NT/3♣♦
REGULAR Lebensohl3♥♠
stop showing
transfer overcall)X
bid suit values2-Cue
stop ask3-Cue
singleton stayman, GFOthers
Lebensohl System
usually minorsPass
maybe competitive major (most likely ♥s) hand, balancing next timeX
5+ ♥s, GF3♥
5+ ♠s, GF3♠
NF, 6+ ♠s
takeout, vague distributionnonJump
weak NT handnew
suits by doubler show invitational only valueslater
cue bids by doubler show that suit (natural/psyche expose)
transfer mild invite plusbreak
max HHx+ or 4+ cards
♦s, GF4♣
both majors 5–5+, slam try4♦
both majors 5–5+, game only
5+ ♠ transfer, invite plus3♠
5+ ♥s, GF4♣
both majors 5–5+, slam try (note double then bid ♣s with ♣ slam try)4♦
both majors 5–5+, game only4♥♠
to play
artifical, both majors)3♥♠
show stop, looking for 3NT
GF, natural4♣♦
GF, natural4♥
♠ transfer, no slam interest or can bid RKB by self
GF, naturalothers
as Opponents open 3♠
Thrump, negative like but looking for 3NT, no major guarantee3♥♠
4 card major, no stopper3♠
4 card major or maybe weak 5 card major4♣♦
maybe slam hunting, often shortish minor(s)
slam hunting, often shortish minor(s)
strong hand4NT
natural quantitative, extra strong
negative (values mostly)4♦
♥ transfer4♥
♠ transfer4♠
♦ transfer
negative (values mostly)4♥♠
to play interest, good ♣ (4 very good or 5 reasonable)2♦
3 suiter short in ♣ (was going to pass a 2♦ response)2M
natural, forcing3♦
long ♦ + 4 card major
♣ stopper, Hxx+, responder can cooperate and play 2♣ doubled
XX = re-ask Stayman
2♦ = 3 suiter short in ♣ (was going to pass a 2♦ response)
3♦ = long ♦ + 4 card major2♦+
no ♣ stop, normal Stayman responses.
nothing/penalty passX
system on. System remains on if opponents bid no more, pretend opener bid 2♦.
5 ♠s3♥
5 ♥s (over 2♠)
5 card major4♥
(over 3♠) 5 card major
to play interest (4 very good or 5 reasonable)Pass
doubleton support
XX = retransfer askcomplete
3 cards normally
bidding partners transfer suit with 2♥ or 2♠Pass
3 card support
nothing special
X = negative, typically with doubleton, can start a force
3-lower = NF, lower ranking new suit
Cue = shortness, good hand, stop check
4x = GFX
complete transfer next level, fit + non-minimumnew-suit
FNJ fit + side suit
to play interestany
system on
1NT Escape
Situations include:
- (1x)–1NT–(X)
- (1NT)–X–(P)
- (1NT)–X–(XX)
- 1NT–(X), rarely used though
- When we overcall 1NT, rarely a redouble by opener is a hand interested in running - minimum with a 5(6) card suit for the NT bid
we double a weak NTPass
~6+ hcp, creates forcing pass up to 2♥2♣
artificial, no 5 carder unless clubs2x
cheapest 5 card or 4 card suit
~0–4 hcp, natural escape2NT
artificial, 5–5 GF3x
bid 3 card suits up the line3♠
natural, long ♠s for double
GF, too offensive to pass
our 1NT opening is penalty doubledPass
~4+ hcp, creates forcing pass up to 2♥XX
to play / penalise, creates forcing pass up to 2♥2♣
artificial, no 5 carder unless clubs2x
cheapest 5 card or 4 card suit
~0–4 hcp, natural escape2NT
artificial, 5–5 GF3x
bid 3 card suits up the line, baron like3♠
natural, long ♠s for double
GF, too offensive to pass
happy to playXX
to play / penalise, creates forcing pass up to 2♥2♣
artificial, no 5 carder unless clubs2x
cheapest 5 card or 4 card suit
~0–4 hcp, natural escape2NT
artificial, 5–5 GF3x
bid 3 card suits up the line, baron like3♠
natural, long ♠s for double
GF, too offensive to pass
when opponents run after we have showed values
This is when we pass or XX with values and our side is done with the first round of bidding, meaning our side is
happy to sit in 1NT double or redoubled - no need to escape and no GF offensive hand.
- The 1st double is takeout, not with a void, so 1–2 cards
- The 2nd+ double is penalty
- Sitting over penalty is 4+ cards
- Sitting under penalty is cooperative 3+ cards
- Cue (now delayed) is a general force
- 2NT (now delayed) by the weaker hand is natural
- new suit (now delayed) is forcing
With (1NT)–X–(run), or rarely (1NT)–P–(P)–X–(run) our combined strength is less defined. Length is promised in the
suit bid.
This is a Lebensohl situation.
- The 1st double is takeout
- The 2nd+ double is penalty
- unclear, forcing pass up to 2♥
- 2x competitive
- 2NT+ Lebensohl system, with the penalty doubler possibly breaking the relay with hand too good to overcall
For example, 2♣ scurry with no 5 card major.
- The 1st double is values, then forcing pass up to 2♥, then resets to the "when the bid naturally" rules
- Then Resets to next double takeout then double penalty (by either partner)
- Pass is implied weak, not forcing, but could have later values to show
- The 1st double is values, then forcing pass up to 2♥, then resets to the "when the bid naturally" rules
- Then Resets to next double takeout then double penalty (by either partner)
- Standard double rules apply
- A Pass then double of transfer by advancer is 4+ card penalty
- double values
- 2NT+ Lebensohl system, if available, with the penalty doubler possibly breaking the relay with hand too good to
- 3x new suit natural, forcing
2♣ = (10)11–15 hcp, 6+ card ♣ suit. Maybe leading directing 5 card ♣ suit in 3rd.
- By judgement, open 1♣ with 5–4–2–2, 5♣ + 4 card major and (13)–15.
- By judgement, Open 1♣ with 6–3–2–2 semi-balanced max without 2/3 top honours
- Open 1♦ with 5–4–2–2 and both minors, by judgement possibly 1♣ with honours in the doubletons and (13)–15.
- By judgement, Open 1NT with 5–4–2–2, 5♣ + 4 card major and 16 hcp, possibly with 17–18 aswell.
- Open 1♦ with 5♣ and a two or three suiter without a 5 card major
- 6♣ and 5♦ (probably a maximum) may choose to open 1♦ to use the extra bidding space
- 6♣ and 5♥/♠ minimum may by judgement show a 5–5 hand opening 1♥/1♠ before showing ♣s
- 2♥/2♠ and 3♥/♠ are NF natural bids. Beware opener may rebid their suit with a singleton over 2♥/♠ and take
the auction to the 3 level - pass can be safer though looking for a major can score better at match points.
- 2NT includes some good GF major hands and the 3♣ transfer bid is for any ♦ focussed hand. Most other
invitational plus hands including the ♣ slam try use the 2♦ enquiry.
- Hands with one or both majors and invitational plus values can use 2♦ but be willing to go to game despite potential
misfits if opener is non-minimum.
- 2NT can puppet to a 3♣ preempt. 4♣ is a preempt. Again invitational ♣s go via the 2♦ enquiry.
- 3♦ (5–5+ majors invite+) is artificial. Note the option with < GF values + 5–5 majors + 2/3 ♣s may bid 2♦.
interference defence2♦
enquiry, many invite+ hands2♥♠
natural, NF, 5/6+ suit, ~7–10 hcp, not good invite, unlikely both majors (both majors invite+ use 2♦)Pass
doubleton major support typically2♠
natural, NF, 4+ suit, no ♥ support,2NT
poor major support, maximum and stoppers in other suits, NF3x
NF, new suit or escape to ♣ or major
singleton major support3♦/oM
NF, natural, 5 card suit. 3♠ over 2♥ is nearly GF.4thSuit
equal preference for game suit
3 card support, NF, not complete minimum3NT
natural, probably running suit, void/singleton in major4♣
4 card support, 7–44♦/4oM
4 card support, shot at game
puppet, ♣ preempt OR GF single major OR GF 6–4 majors3♣
♣ preempt3♦
♠ GF single suiter3♥
♥ GF single suiter3♠
6♠ + 4♥ GF3NT
4♠ + 6♥ GF
♦ transfer, invite plus3♦
weak hand, long ♦s3♥♠
GF, 5–5+ (note 6♦ + 4M use 2♦ enquiry)3NT
6+ diamonds, natural4♦
quasi-natural, game values4♣
good 7+ ♣ suit, forcing4♦
♣ RKB4♥♠
slam try4NT
Double Fit RKB Kickback
strong ♦ support4♥
Double Fit RKB Kickback
natural, 6–5 hand
5–5+ majors, invite+3♥♠
2 or 3 card support, not game valuesoM
other major shows 6–5, other game suggestion3NT
something in ♦ aswell4♣
forcing, 2 or 3 ♣ support. Opener can choose ♣ or major game.4♦
cue bid, slam try in major
good ♦, no major4♣
♣ only, NF4♦
♥ transfer, game values 3 card support or most 4 card support4♥
♠ transfer, game values 3 card support or most 4 card support
invitational, good suit invite e.g. AQ10xxx / KJ10xxx, (passed hand = 6–4 majors invite)3NT
to play, opener can bid on with lots shape and strength4♣
Redwood for clubs4♥♠
to play (passed hand = fit jump), opener can bid on with super fit and controls4NT
to play
2♦ enquiry
- "minimum" openers are typically 7 losers and "maximums" 6 losers
any major, any strength2♠
no major, max with shortage OR minimum with 2/3 top ♣ honours ("medium")2NT
semi-balanced max with 2/3 top ♣ honours3♣
not 2/3 top ♣ honours, minimum3♦♥♠
6–5, forcing, natural bids follow3NT
2–2–2–7 or 6–3–2–2 shape, maximum, solid clubs, some side stop4♣
usually 4–8 in minors, or 1–1–3–8, forcing4♦♥♠
7–5, excellent playing strength, 2 top losers with ♣ as trumps, e.g. x/AKxxx/-/KQJ10xxx4NT
3–1–1–8, ~3 Control Points, too weak for 1♣, unsuitable for 4♣/5♣5♣
1–3–1–8, ~3 Control Points, too weak for 1♣, unsuitable for 4♣/5♣
any major, any strength2♠
ASK, invitational non-GF2NT
♥ minimum3♣
♠ minimum3♦♥
♥/♠ maximum
♥/♠ minimum3♥♠
♥/♠ maximum
♣ constructive raise3♦
♣ slam try3♥♠
NF, opener can bid more with extra strength4♦
no shortness, not good for slam4♣
no shortness, good hand4♦
short ♦, good hand
5 cards natural, GF3NT
to play, everything stopped
- "minimum" is typically 7 losers
no major, max with shortage OR minimum with 2/3 top ♣ honours ("medium")2NT
minimum with 2/3 top ♣ honours3♦♥♠
shortage, maximum3NT
AKQxxxx, some shortage + side A/K control (semi-balanced bids 3NT immediately over 2D)
sign off, was looking for major fit3♦
♣ slam try3♥♠
NF, opener can bid more with extra strength4♦
no shortage, minimum4♣
no shortage, good hand4♦
short ♦, good hand
5 cards natural, GF3NT
to play
- not solid (bid 3NT over 2D)
- note, unbalanced max with 2/3 top ♣ honours has no dedicated bid
- semi-balanced max with 1 honour may just open NT, though maybe treat QJ10 or KJ10 as 2/3 top honours equivalent
semi-balanced max with 2/3 top ♣ honours3♣
waiting, stop checking, some hole3♦
♣ slam try3♥♠
control, not shortage3NT
no major control
5 cards natural, GF3NT
to play, maybe even 5 card major with strong stoppers in othersGame
to play
no 4 card major, (sub)minimum, not 2 top 3 ♣ honours3♦
♣ slam try3♥♠
NF, opener can bid more with extra strength4♦
no shortness or weaker ♦ shortness, not good for slam4♣
no shortness, 7 carder, probably subminimum in hcp4♦
♦ shortness, 7 carder
natural 5 carder, GF3♠
stopper, unsure ♦3NT
to play4♣
only xx support, 3NT doubt4♦
cue, major support4M
to play
to play, maybe even 5 card major with strong stoppers in others4♣
invite, bid with anything redeeming for a minimum hand4♦
rare, GF natural, probably 6♦s and a 4 card major4♥♠
cue bid for ♦4NT
natural, short in ♦s
to play
6–5, forcing, natural bids follow.oM
forcing, natural (e.g. 6 or 7 cards)4♣
forcing ♦ support over 3♦ or slam try cue bid over 3♥♠
2–2–2–7 or 6–3–2–2 shape, maximum, solid clubs, no guaranteed side stoppers4♣
forcing, slam try ♣4♦
♣ RKB4♥♠
natural, NF4NT
usually 4–8 in minors, or 1–1–3–8, forcing4♦
♣ RKB4♥
♦ RKB4♠
♣ slam try, cue ace showing4NT
Double Fit RKB Kickback
7–5, excellent playing strength, 2 top losers with ♣ as trumps, e.g. x/AKxxx/-/KQJ10xxxsuit
cue, 1st round4NT
Double Fit RKB Kickback
1–3–1–8, ~3 Control Points, too weak for 1♣, unsuitable for 4♣/5♣5♣
3–1–1–8, ~3 Control Points, too weak for 1♣, unsuitable for 4♣/5♣
2♣ Interference
nothing specialXX
system on
nothing specialX
2 level NF, 3 level forcing2NT
GF 6–4 majors (3x already forcing)cue
forcing, ♣ supportjump-cue
splinter, ♣ support
new suit forcing
whether ♦ or ♥/♠Pass
system on
- (10)11–15 hcp, 6+ card ♦ suit
- 3rd rarely a point lighter, weigh against a 3♦ opening and constructive bidding
- Not 6(7)♦ + 5♥/♠, open 1♦ (with extras) or 1♥/♠ (with minimum) instead
- 7♦/8♦–4♣/♦/♥ are fine, though may use preempts in 3rd
- 6–6 minors are very infrequent, open as seems best. A 2♣ Opener maybe the
best compromise between constructive space and preemptive.
There are space limitations compared to the 2♣ Opener and so fewer constructive options.
- 2♥/2♠ responses are forcing, invite plus, so there is no NF signoff at the 2 level
- 2♥/2♠ can be used to look for a 4–4 fit
- Bid 2♥ with 4–4 majors or 5–5 majors
- 2NT ♦ support covers various hands from miminal ♦ support looking for 3NT, to good ♦ support or even a ♦ slam try
- 2NT can quantify opener's strength before stopper/control bids, whilst a 3♦ slam try asks for shortages specifically before RKB
- No weak ♣s sign off bid available
- No special bids for 6+♣s + 5♥/♠s nor a dedicated 5–5 majors invite, so GF hands bid 3x naturally instead of going by an enquiry
interference defence2♥
natural, F1, 4+ ♥s2♠
4♠, natural, expect 0–2 ♥ support3♦
NF, 6+ suit, invitational3♠
splinter, ♠ slam try4♦
vague, last train like ♦ slam try4♥♠
to play4NT
RKB for ♠s
minimum, 0–2 ♥ support, not 4♠s3♣
GF relay, same responses but minimum hands3♦
♣ stopper, 0–2 ♥ support, not 4♠s3♥
Hx ♥ support, NO ♣ stopper, not 4♠s3NT
♠ stopper, NO ♣ stopper, xx ♥ support or worse, not 4♠s
NF, 6+ ♥s3♠
GF, 5–5 majors (should give up with an invite v.s. minimum)4♣
splinter, ♦ slam try4♦
vague, last train like ♦ slam try4♥
to play4♠
rare, Kickback RKB for ♥s4NT
artificial, 3 card ♥ support, maybe 4♠s3♦
NF, invitational, 4♥s only3♠
natural 4–3–6–0, unlikely maximum if opening 1♦ with 6–4 max
NF, invitational, 5+ ♥s3♠
cue bid for ♥s3NT
to play4♣
cue bid for ♥s4♦
♦ slam try, last train like4♥
to play4♠
Kickback RKB for ♥s4NT
maximum, ♣ stopper, 0–2 ♥ support, not 4♠s3♥
6♥s, forcing, asks for doubleton support3♠
no support, stop ask3NT
no support, ♠ stop
stop ask (possibly 5–5 majors)3NT
to play4♦
♦ slam try, last train like4♥
Redwood RKB for ♦s (bid 3♥ forcing to play in ♥s)4NT
maximum, Hx ♥ support, NO ♣ stopper, not 4♠s3♠
GF, 5–5 majors (would assume ♠ stop if looking for 3NT)4NT
maximum, splinter, 4 card ♥ support3NT
maximum, ♠ stopper, NO ♣ stopper, xx ♥ support or worse, not 4♠s4♠
5–5 majors, gambling on 3 card support or good 5–2 fit
maximum, splinter, 4 card ♥ support4♦
minimum, ♣ splinter, 4 card ♥ support4♥
minimum, ♠ splinter, 4 card ♥ support
natural, F1, 4+ ♠s, shorter ♥s2NT
minimum, 0–2 ♠ support3♣
GF relay, same responses but minimum hands3♦
♣ stopper, 0–2 ♠ support3♥
natural, 4♥s3♠
Hx ♠ support, NO ♣ stopper3NT
♥ stopper, NO ♣ stopper, xx ♠ support or worse4NT
NF, 6–5 majors (start with 2♥ when 5–5)3♠
NF, 6+ ♠s4♣
splinter, ♦ slam try4♦
vague, last train like ♦ slam try4♥
Redwood RKB for ♦s4♠
to play4NT
Kickback RKB for ♠s (use GF relay for a last ditch quantitative 4NT)
artificial, 3 card ♠ support3♦
NF, invitational, 4♠s only3♥
cue bid for ♠s3♠
NF, invitational, 5+ ♠s3NT
to play4♣
cue bid for ♠s4♦
♦ slam try, last train like4♥
Redwood RKB for ♦s4♠
to play4NT
RKB for ♠s
maximum, ♣ stopper, 0–2 ♠ support3♥
stop ask3♠
6♠s, forcing, asks for doubleton support3NT
no support, unknown ♥ stop
to play4♦
♦ slam try, last train like4♥
Redwood RKB for ♦s4♠
to play4NT
natural, maximum, 4♥s3♠
maximum, Hx ♠ support, NO ♣ stopper3NT
maximum, ♥ stopper, NO ♣ stopper, xx ♠ support or worse4♣
maximum, ♣ splinter, 4 card ♠ support4♦
maximum, ♥ splinter, 4 card ♠ support4♥
minimum, ♥ splinter, 4 card ♠ support4♠
minimum, ♣ splinter, 4 card ♠ support
♦ support or tolerance, constructive invite plus, no major interest3♣
sub-minimum, up to bad 11hcp, no game versus invite3♦
sign offany
stopper showing4♦
GF, last train like slam try4♥
Redwood RKB for ♦s
minimum, 11–12 hcp (maybe flattish / bad 13 hcp), no game versus inviteany
stopper showing4♦
GF, last train like slam try4♥
Redwood RKB for ♦s4NT
stopper showing, game interest, includes 7♦–4♥/♠ shape3NT
extreme shape, e.g. 8–2–2–1
cue, ♦ slam try4♥♠
raise natural, no other major stop5♣♦
natural, no 4 card major support
maximum, natural, something in both majors4♣
7♦–4♣, extras4♦
♦ slam try4♥
Redwood RKB for ♦s4♠
cue, likely missing ♥ control4NT
RKB for ♦s, has ♥ control
Double Fit RKB Kickback
1–1–8♦–3♣, ~3–4 Control Points, too weak for 1♣, unsuitable for 4♦/5♦4♥
Redwood RKB for ♦s4♠
cue, likely missing ♥ control4NT
RKB for ♦s, has ♥ control
fragment, 1–3–8♦–1, ~3–4 Control Points, too weak for 1♣, unsuitable for 4♦/5♦4♠
cue, likely missing ♥ control4NT
RKB for ♦s, has ♥ control
fragment, 3–1–8♦–1, ~3–4 Control Points, too weak for 1♣, unsuitable for 4♦/5♦
natural, GF, 6+ suit3♦
natural, waiting3♥♠
stopper showing3NT
good ♣ support, likely lacking major controls4♦
RKB for ♣s4♥♠
void splinter, extras, 3+ Control Points, no other major control, e.g. xx/-/AKxxxx/KQ10xx
natural major, GF, 6+ suit3♠
stopper showing3NT
natural, 5 carder likely4♦
natural, nothing better to bid4♥
natural, some support4♠
Kickback RKB for ♥s4NT
♠ void5♣
void splinter, 4+ Control Points, no other major control, e.g. xxx/AQxx/AKxxxx/-5♦
long strong suit
natural major, GF, 6+ suit3NT
natural, 5 carder4♦
natural, nothing better to bid4♥
cue bid for ♠, note 6♠–5♥ responder hands can start with a 2♠ bid4NT
RKB for ♠s5♣
void splinter, 4+ Control Points, no other major control, e.g. AQxx/xxx/AKxxxx/-5♦
long strong suit
to play4♣
extreme shape, e.g. 6♦–5♣–2–04♦
extreme shape, e.g. 8♦–3–1–14♥♠
extreme shape, e.g. 7♦–4♥/♠–2–0
RKB for ♦s4♦
to play4NT
to play
penalty interest3♦
system on, ignore double
nothing specialX
2 level NF, 3 level forcingcue
forcing, ♦ supportjump-cue
splinter, ♦ support
natural, forcing
penalty, of 4th position free bid
penalty interest (e.g. 4 card other major)Pass
as 2NT, without stop2NT
as system, but stop implicationothers
system on
penalty interestothers
system on
takeout, by either partner
penalty, by either partner
2♥♠ Weak Openings
1st/2nd style
The style is to use a slightly narrower (more constructive) but frequent hand strength range without the drop in
frequency of 2/3 top honour requirements.
- ~7–10, 6 card suit
- 6 cards when vulnerable, but can optionally play mixed 5 or 6 cards NV
- relatively constructive, no more than one Ace weaker than opening hand
- Good 10 hcp hands consider opening 1♥♠ where good, e.g. beware 2 aces, ~Kxx+ in the side major or a singleton
- suit quality 1 top honour: Axxxxx+, Kxxxxx+, Q10xxxx+
- even with sensible shape and 1 trump honour, consider if too defensive
- extreme shape 6–4/6–5 with long 4/5 card minor possible, max 9 hcp
- beware downgrade wasted values e.g. Qx/KQxxxx/xxx/xx
3rd/4th style
- ~5–11, Undisciplined in 3rd, 5–4, 5–5, 6 card poor quality, possibly 4 card other major
- ~10–13 in 4th
- 3 level forcing bid must be made to play game in the other major as jump new suits are control asking bids
2♥ Opening Responses
weak two2♠
NF, natural, either weak 6+ ♠ short ♥s OR invitational strength 5+ ♠ short ♥s3♣♦
partial fit (Hx) + maximum3♠
raise with fit (xxx+) mandatory
puppet to 3♣, various with at least one of ♥s or ♣s:-
♥ game try with ♣s-
♥ slam try, shortness ask-
♥ slam try, splinter with ♠ shortage-
♣ sign off-
♣ slam try-
♣s + other GF two suiter (♣s + ♠s, or ♣s + ♦s)3♣
♣ sign off3♦
shortness ask, ♥ support, typically slam try3♥
minimum, no shortness3♠
♠ singleton/void, control bid continuations3NT
maximum, no shortness4♣
♣ singleton/void4♦
♦ singleton/void4♥
1 loser ♥ suit, no shortness
♥ game try, ♣ values3♠
natural, ♣s and ♠s, 5–5+ usually3NT
likely doubleton ♥ support, willing to play 3NT4♣
natural, forcing, ♣ slam try4♦
natural, forcing, ♣s and ♦s, longer ♣s4♥
delayed splinter ♥ support, short ♠
♦ transfer, invitational plus, 6+ cards or 5 cards and ♥ support3♦
none of the below, often minimal/misfitting3♥
minimum, good ♥, avoiding 3♦ contract3♠
♦ fit (xxx+), ♠ stopper, maximum3NT
♦ fit, ♣ stopper, maximum4♣
♦ fit, singleton ♣, maximum4♦
♦ fit, nothing in ♣/♠, maximum4♥
self-sufficient ♥ suit, maximum
♥ transfer, invitational plus3♥
weak limit raise4♥
extreme shape e.g. 6–5, x/A109xxx/KJxxx/x
natural, GF, (passed hands fit jump)3NT
to play, non-correctable4♣
Preempt RKB4♦
control asking bid, (passed hands fit jump)4♥
to play4♠
control asking bid, (passed hands fit jump)4NT
♣ substitute control asking bid5♣♦
to play
2♠ Opening Responses
weak two2NT
puppet to 3♣, various with at least one of ♠s or ♣s:-
♠ game try with ♣s-
♠ slam try, shortness ask-
♠ slam try, splinter with ♥ shortage-
♣ sign off-
♣ slam try-
♣s + other GF two suiter (♣s + ♥s, or ♣s + ♦s)3♣
♣ sign off3♦
shortness ask, ♠ support, typically slam try3♥
♥ singleton3♠
minimum, no shortness3NT
maximum, no shortness4♣♦
♣/♦ singleton/void4♥
void ♥4♠
1 loser ♠ suit, no shortness
natural, forcing, ♣s and ♥s, 5–5+ usually3♠
♠ game try, ♣ values3NT
likely doubleton ♠ support, willing to play 3NT4♣
natural, forcing, ♣ slam try4♦
natural, forcing, ♣s and ♦s, longer ♣s4♥
delayed splinter, short ♥
♦ transfer, assumed invitational, maybe weak - sign off 4♦ over max responses, 6+ cards or 5 cards and ♠ support3♦
none of the below, often minimal/misfitting3♥
♦ fit (xxx+), ♥ stopper, maximum3♠
minimum, good ♠, avoiding 3♦ contract3NT
♦ fit, ♣ stopper, maximum4♣
♦ fit, singleton ♣, maximum4♦
♦ fit, nothing in ♣/♥, maximum4♠
self-sufficient ♠ suit, maximum
♥ transfer, 6 good or 7 cards, assumed invitational, primarily ♥ not NT interest3♥
nothing special3♠
unlikely, ♥ suit should be better on misfit4♥
some judged non-minimum fit
♠ invitational raise3♠
weak limit raise3NT
to play, non-correctable4♣
Preempt RKB4♦♥
control asking bids, (passed hands fit jump)4♠
to play4NT
♣ substitute control asking bid5♣♦
to play
NV 1st/2nd 5 or 6 card Extension
Adjustments to playing mixed 5/6 card major weak two bids in 1st/2nd position non-vulnerable only.
Still ~7–10, rarely 6 hcp if 5–5 shape. Differences to the standard 6 card only definition:
- 5 card good suit possible and the usual 6 card suit
- 5 carder should have 2 honours (top honours unless excellent spot cards)
- 5 carder still unbalanced 5–4+
- 5–4–2–2 hands downgrade unsupported side Q/J honours, a side A or K is more useful
- 5 carder requires a shortage or a maximum 9–10 hcp
- except for the 2NT ask bid, same responses, so no ♣ signoff and no ♣ suit slam investigation beyond control asking bids then a punt
- after 2NT the 4♣♦ ♥/♠ slam tries allow slam bidding in either major after assessing the 5 vs 6 card major situation
- except other major sign off is to play, the opening major is implicitly agreed unless slam try in other major
Ogust variant3♣
any 5 carder3♦
maximum, 0–2 card other major3NT
maximum + 3 card other major support
sign off4♣
♥ slam try4♦
♠ slam try4♥♠
to play4NT
minimum, 6 carder3oM
5 cards, forcing3M
sign off4♣
♥ slam try4♦
♠ slam try4♥♠
to play4NT
medium (hcp or bad suit issues), 6 carder4♣
♥ slam try4♦
♠ slam try4♥♠
to play4NT
maximum, 6 carder + 0–2 card other major4♣
♥ slam try4♦
♠ slam try4♥♠
to play4NT
maximum, 6 carder + 3 card other major support4♣
♥ slam try4♦
♠ slam try4♥♠
to play4NT
7 carder, bad suit (not worth 3♥♠ opening)
2♥♠ interference
♣ transfer, no major interest, any strength2NT
system roughly on, only hands with ♠ support (game try with ♣s or slam try)3♣–3NT
system roughly on, but transfers assumed to be escaping or fit non-jump competitiveP/X
later double penalty4♣♦
fit jumps4♥♠
to play
system on3♠
stopper ask4♣♦
fit jumps
natural, forcing by unpassed hand
when invite plus and 4th hand steps in at 3 levelPass
maximum range preempt, 3+ trumps, penalty interestother
2NT Opening
- 19–20 NT
- roughly same shape as 1NT Opening
- unlikely to open a reasonable 5–4/6 card minor for fear of missing slam
- one major: 3 level transfer, unless it's a slam try (Lissabon in that case)
- major + minor hand: 3 level transfer to major first
- 4–4 majors: muppet stayman
- 3 card major + NO 5 card major: muppet stayman option (NOT 4–3–3–3)
- 5♥ + 4♠: transfer then bid 3NT (so stronger hand can play 4♠), or artificial 4♣ with a slam try
- 5♠–4♥: muppet stayman then 4♥ over 3♦ response or artificial 4♣♦ with slam try/slam force
- 5♥–5♠+ both majors: transfer to ♥ first, then 4♣♦ are special artificial bids
- both minors: 3♠
- 3 suiter: transfer to a 5 card major otherwise muppet stayman, then prefer show 5 card minor over 4–4 majors if slammish
- slam try single suiters: 4♣♦♥♠ Lissabon, but maybe use 3♦♥ transfer with self EKB hand
2NT interference defence3♣
Muppet Stayman3♦
♥ transfer, 5+ cards, maybe 4♠s3♥
♠ transfer, 5+ cards, not 4♥s3♠
minors, 5–4+, often slam try3NT
to play4♣
♥s, Lissabon slam try4♦
♠s, Lissabon slam try4♥
♣s, Lissabon slam try4♠
♦s, Lissabon slam try4NT
to play5♠
invitation to 6NT, asks for any 5 card suit5NT
- Muppet Stayman (modified puppet variant), with 3♦ response being low information compared to normal puppet variants,
similar to 4 card stayman
- Finds 5–3 or 4–4 major fits
- Includes responder having 5♠s–4♥s, (otherwise responder transfers with a 5 card major - 4♠s–5♥s or 5–5), with
the 3NT response helping such hands recognise there is no fit
no 5 card major, 3+♠s or 4+♥s (fit exists opposite 5♠s + 4♥s)3♥
artificial maybe 4♠s, maybe no 4 card major just wants to play 3NT, not ♥s, maybe minor slam try module3♠
4♠s (gives away opener's major position)3NT
to play4♣♦
slam try, 5 card minor assumedothers
2NT Auto RKB module
♠ slam try4♠
to play4NT
natural, no ♠s
4♥s only3NT
not 4♥s (unknown whether 4♠s)4♣
catchall bid with ♥ support4♦
to play, declare
fast arrival, poor trump quality or 2 keycards
4–4 majors, game values4♣
exact slam invite, both majors 5♠–4♥s4♦
negative, no slam interest4♥♠
trumps set, slam try accept
slam force, 5♠–4♥4♥
5♠s + 4♥s, game values4NT
quantitative, maybe major(s) 4–x/4–45♣♦
accept, both majors with slight preference5M
accept, side 4 card major6NT
5 card major3♠
♥ slam try, maybe prelude to RKB3NT
to play4♣♦
natural 5+ minor slam try, no major fitothers
2NT Auto RKB module
to play4♠
EKB, in theory, beware potential confusion4NT
5 card major3NT
to play4♣♦
natural 5+ minor slam try, no major fitothers
2NT Auto RKB module
♠ slam try, maybe prelude to RKB4♠
weaker hand, probably 2 keycards4NT
good hand, 3+ KC, ♠ RKB
to play4NT
2♠s + 3♥s or 2–2 majors, no major fit possible v.s 5♠s + 4♥s
- ♥ transfer, 5+ cards, maybe 4♠s
- maybe self EKB with some void skipping Lissabon
- maybe minor second suit, limited OR slam try+
- maybe both majors 5♥–4♠/5–5+, limited OR slam try+
- no break to the other major with 5 cards and no fit, so possible to miss a 5♠–3♠ fit when responder has 5 ♥s
normal transfer completion3♠
artificial relay, to play 3NT (3NT allows opener to bid ♠s) OR side minor suit3NT
relayed, without ♥ supportPass
to play 3NT4♣
5♥s and 4+ ♣s, slam try or maybe weaker 5–54♦
♣ last train, no ♥ interest4♥
limited, 5♥s + 5♣s4♠
artificial 5♣s extra length, set as trumps4NT
negative, 2 KC likely5x
auto ♣ RKB responses
artificial slam invite, only 5–4 ♥s and ♣s5♣
to play5x
auto ♣ RKB responses
limited, prefers ♣ game
semi-positive preference, NF4NT
♥ RKB5x
cue, rare, probably void5NT
pick a small slam, 5♣s
2NT Auto RKB module
5♥s and 4+ ♦s, slam try4♥
semi-positive xxx+ preference (not ♦ last train)4NT
♥ RKB5x
cue, rare, probably void5NT
pick a small slam, 5♦s
2NT Auto RKB module
5–5+ ♥s and ♦s, NF, limited4NT
natural double stops in other suits, suggests NT5♦
to play
♥ accept, 3+ cards
artificial, 5♥s + 4♠s, NF can stop here in 3NT4♣
slam try plus, 5♥–4/5♠ majors4♦
negative, no slam interest, but do have 3♠s4♥
catchall no fit4♠
to play, 5 ♠s, but limited slam try4NT
3♥s, slam try accept4♠
4♠s, slam try accept4NT
2♥s and 2♠s5NT
quantitative (pick a small slam makes no sense given distribution known)
game values 5–5 majors4♥
to play4♠
EKB, normally use Lissabon with good suit, but has no way to 4 level auto EKB4NT
pick a small slam
doubleton transfer break, 2 top 3 HHx (careful with only 19-20 NT) or any 4 card+ support3NT
serious (unlikely to want to play 3NT now)4♣♠
to play, responder declares4NT
3–4♥–3–3 transfer break4♣♠
retransfer (opener very defined, last train makes no sense)4♥
to play, responder declares4NT
doubleton transfer break, 2 top 3 HHx (careful with only 19-20 NT) or any 4 card+ support4♦
retransfer (hand too limited for last train)4♥
to play, responder declares4♠
- ♠ transfer, 5+ cards, not 4♥s
- maybe self EKB with some void skipping Lissabon
- maybe minor second suit, limited OR slam try+
- NOT BOTH Majors (5–4/ 4–5 / 5–5), 5♠ + 4♥ use muppet, 5–5 use ♥ transfer
- no break to the other major with 5 cards and no fit, so possible to miss a 5♥–3♥ fit when responder has 5 ♠s
normal transfer completionPass
weak, to play3NT
play suggestion, 5♠s4♣
5♠s and 4+ ♣s, slam try or maybe weaker 5–54♦
♣ last train, no ♠ interest4♥
artificial 5♣s extra length, set as trumps4♠
negative, 2 KC likely5x
auto ♣ RKB responses
limited, 5–5 ♠s and ♣s4NT
slam invitation, only 5–4 ♠s and ♣s5♣
to play5x
auto ♣ RKB responses
limited, prefers ♣ game
semi-positive xxx+ preference, NF4NT
♠ RKB5x
cue, rare, probably void5NT
pick a small slam, 5♣s
2NT Auto RKB module
5♠s and 4+ ♦s, slam try hand4♥
♦ last train, no ♠ interest4♠
artificial 5♦s extra length, set as trumps4NT
negative, 2 KC likely5x
auto ♦ RKB responses
slam invitation, only 5–4 ♠s and ♦s5♦
to play5x
auto ♦ RKB responses
limited, prefers ♦ game
semi-positive xxx+ preference4NT
♠ RKB5x
cue, rare, probably void5NT
pick a small slam, 5♦s
2NT Auto RKB module
artificial, 5–5+ ♠s + ♦s, limited hand4♠
to play4NT
natural double stops in other suits, suggests NT5♦
to play
to play5♣♦♥
pick a small slam
4♠–3–3–3 transfer break4♣♦
retransfer (opener very defined, last train makes no sense)4♠
to play, responder declares5x
doubleton transfer break, 2 top 3 HHx+ (careful with only 19-20 NT) or any 4 card+ support4♦
to play, responder declares4NT
minors, 5–4+, often slam try
good major stoppers, limited minor interest4♣♦
4+ cards, reasonable for minor game/slam4♥♠
3 card minor, Lissabon, good honours for minor suit slam4NT
3–3 minors, fitting honours in the minors
♥s, Lissabon slam try
relay, slam try accept, last train like (3KC, Kx+), may still pass over 4♥4♥
control bid, good support / keycards4NT
control bid, good support / keycards, ♠ weakness5♥
quality ask
♠s, Lissabon slam try
relay, slam try accept, last train like, may still pass over 4♠4♠
cue bid5♠
quality ask
♣s, Lissabon slam try, one suited
any = 2NT Lissabon Auto RKB
♦s, Lissabon slam try, one suited
any = 2NT Lissabon Auto RKB
Minor slam tries module
After muppet stayman and responder voluntarily continues over 3NT, responder may have ONE OR BOTH minors (they may have
only 3 cards in a major, e.g. 3–1–5–4). Note 5–5 minors with a 3 card major is awkward, but should probably respond
2NT–3♠ to show both minors.
various (would be passed without a minor slam try)4♣
one 4 card minor OR 4–4(5–4) both minors4♦
ask, interest with a 4 card minor4♥
4♣s, maybe 4–4 minors4♠
4♦s, denies ♣smore
♦ support 2NT Lissabon Auto RKB
♣ support 2NT Lissabon Auto RKB
4♦s, Lissabonothers
♦ support 2NT Lissabon Auto RKB
5♣s, Lissabonothers
2NT Lissabon Auto RKB
5♦s, Lissabonothers
2NT Lissabon Auto RKB
bad slam hand, or maybe 3–4–3–3
5♣s, 2♦s, i.e. (4–2)–2–5more
♣ support 2NT Lissabon Auto RKB
♦ support 2NT Lissabon Auto RKB
5♣s + 3♦s (lower bid, better ♦ tolerance)4♠
artificial, 5♦s, ♦ trumps set (use other "normal" bids with ♣ support)more
♦ support 2NT Lissabon Auto RKB
♣ support 2NT Lissabon Auto RKB
5♣s + 0–2 ♦s (higher bid, bad ♦ holding)others
♣ support 2NT Lissabon Auto RKB
2NT interference
showing MajorsXX
game values3♣♦
NF, natural3M
stopper cue bid
showing majorsX
showing ♣3♦
NF, natural3M
stopper cue bid
to play with some support from partner
XX = by responder, rescueXX
to play interest3♦
no ♣ interest, no major3M
5 card major, if want to show it
doubleton support
XX = retransfer by responder
3M = to playXX
to play interest
3♣♦ Openings
Constructive preempts in 1st/2nd usually 6 cards, good chance to play 3NT.
- Good suit, happy 3NT with some fit and side stoppers
- Suit expected to run with 0–1 loser opposite Hx (on normal percentage breaks) OR 1–2 losers if have side entry (Ace or King).
E.g. AK109xx with no side entry OR KQ109xx, KJ109xx with side A/K
- 6 or 7 cards does not matter, run potential and entries v.s. Hx does matter
- New 4 level suits responses are artificial
- 4♣ Preempt RKB means that 4NT is a substitute control asking bid
- After a double there are transfer bid, which need not be that strong, primarily lead directing and often
with tolerance for partner's suit. Breaking the transfer would show a fit
later double penaltyXX
♦ transfer3♦
♥ transfer3♥
♠ transfer3♠
good ♣ raise4♣
competitive ♣ raise, maybe no top honour4♦
Preempt RKBGame
to play, control asking bids OFF4NT
forcing, any 5 card major asking for 3 card support. (FNJ by passed hands).3♥♠
short in that suit and 3 card other major support (so stronger hand can play)3NT
no 3 card major4♦
♦ void, 3–3–0–74♥
♦ singleton, 3–3–1–6
natural, forcing 6+ card suit. (FNJ by passed hands)3NT
to play4♣
Preempt RKB4♥♠
control asking bid4NT
♦ substitute control asking bid5♣♦
to play
later double penaltyXX
♥ transfer3♥
♠ transfer3♠
♣ transfer4♣
good ♦ raise4♦
competitive ♦ raise, maybe no top honourGame
to play, control asking bids OFF4NT
forcing, maybe 5 only cards3NT
to play4♣
Preempt RKB4♦
control asking bid4NT
♣ substitute control asking bid5♣♦
to play
natural, GFGame
NF, control asking bids OFFX
penalty, all positions4NT
two suit escape (e.g. 6–5 or 6–6)NewSuit
3♥♠ Openings
- P/T integrity required (in 1st/2nd), max 1 outside A/K, no 4 card side Major
- when side Ace, not 2/3 top honours in 1st/2nd (try to open 1HS)
- 1 top honour, reasonable points or shape in second or if VUL
- New 4 level suits responses are artificial (except major bids that could not force at the 3 level)
- 4♣ Preempt RKB means that 4NT is a substitute control asking bid
- After a double there are transfer bid, which need not be that strong, primarily lead directing and often
with tolerance for partner's suit. Breaking the transfer would show a fit
later double penaltyXX
♠ transfer3♠
♣ transfer4♣
♦ transfer4♦
good ♥ raise4♥
competitive ♥ raise, maybe no top honour4♠
to play, control asking bids OFF4NT
natural, forcing3NT
to play4♣
Preempt RKB4♦♠
control asking bid4♥
to play4NT
♣ substitute control asking bid5♣♦
to play5♥♠
quality ask
later double penaltyXX
♣ transfer4♣
♦ transfer4♦
♥ transfer (unlikely to break this one!)4♥
good ♠ raise4♠
competitive ♠ raise, maybe no top honour4NT
to play4♣
Preempt RKB4♦
control asking bid4♥♠
to play4NT
♣ substitute control asking bid5♣♦
to play5♥♠
quality ask
natural, GFGame
penalty, all positions
two suit escape (e.g. 6–5 or 6–6)NewSuit
3NT Opening
In 1st/2nd:
- Good 4♥♠ opening
- P/T integrity for the 4 level
- Semi-solid+ suit
- Exactly 2 or 3 keycards (1) AK trumps (2) A or K trumps + side Ace (3) AK trumps + side ace
slam try ask, further cue bids may fish for a void4M
natural, 2 keycards4♦
♥ + 3 keycards4NT
♠ + 3 keycards
extra trump length (8 cards) ask, further cue bids may fish for a void4M
(4oM) 2 keycardsstep2
(4NT) 3 keycards
Pass or Correct4♠
to play (typically knows partner's suit is ♠s)
In 3rd/4th:
Note 3NT Alternatives
4♣♦ Openings
- Normal distributional minor preempts, must have a singleton/void
- Major games to play
- As 4♣–4♦ is Preempt RKB, a 4NT response is a substitute control asking bid
- 5 level new suits are control asking bids if there is not a lower one available
Preempt RKB4♥♠
to play4NT
substitute ♦ control asking bid5♣
to play5♦
EKB (already have a ♦ control ask)5♥♠
control asking bids
to play4NT
"quantitative" (i.e. have you got 3 CPs?)5♦
to play5♣♥♠
control asking bids
4♥ 4♠ 5♣ 5♦ Openings
- P/T integrity required (in 1st/2nd), rare distributions, max 1 outside A/K.
- Cannot show a better suit than partner's beyond punting a new suit slam
- Trumps assumed, so 4NT is a substitute control asking bid over 4♥
- New suits over game level openings are otherwise specific control asks.
broken preempt (not semi-solid+ or only 1 keycard if semi-solid+, so unsuitable for 3NT opening)4♠
control asking bid4NT
control asking bids5♥
quality ask5♠
no, just use RKB6x
to play7x
to play
broken preempt (not semi-solid+ or only 1 keycard if semi-solid+, so unsuitable for 3NT opening)4NT
control asking bids5♠
quality ask5NT
no, just use RKB6x
to play7x
to play
control asking bids6x
to play7x
to play
Control Asking Bids Over Preempts
Specific suit asks:
- NT = King
- 1step = rubbish
- 2steps = singleton
- 3steps = Ace
- 4steps = void
4NT Opening
- 1st/2nd good 5♣/5♦ preempt with ~(8.5)9 tricks and a solid 8 carder or semi solid plus side Ace
- 3rd position both minors preempt ~6–15 hcp, 6–5+ NV, often 6–6 VUL (use judgement!)
pass/correct v.s. single suiter, to play opposite both minors5♥♠
cue, looking for side control Ace knowing 4NT bidder is semi-solid with side Ace5NT
other major Ace6♣♦
natural, with other minor Ace
pass/correct v.s. single suiter, to play opposite both minors (massive double fit preempt)7♣♦
pass/correct v.s. single suiter
Competitive Auctions
We Overcall or X/XX Summary
- Generally based more on shape than exact strength
- Usually 5 cards, 4 cards may have leading value occasionally, but normally we only bid if partner passed already and
the suit is very good, plus compensating extra values
- 1 level light major suit overcalls, ~(7)8+ hcp and sensible suits or unbalanced with low hcp or VUL
- 1♦ overcalls are likely 10+ reasonable opening bids (they are not very preemptive after all, even if lead-directing)
- 2 level minor overcalls are fine on "bad" 5 carders e.g. AJxxx+ iff partner not passed and have enough values / other suit tolerance
- 2 level minor overcalls should not be less than an opening hand, expect partner to look for 3NT
- Responsive doubles to 3♠
- 2♣ Advancer's Relay Strength Ask by advancer after 1♥/1♠ overcall due to wide range
- Einar cue bid by overcaller showing no good rebid or extras
- XX of major overcall is 10+ values with exactly doubleton support
- X by advancer is values ~(9)10+, maybe poor support
- Jump 2♥♠ new suit is ~10–12 and good 6 card suit
- Jump 3x new suit is invitational and good 6 card suit
- Simple cue bids are varied in meaning, artificial - strength ask, HCR, even switch-transfer advancing a 2♣♦ overcall
- Overcaller responding to transfers and transfer cues: complete with 2 / bad 3 cards, find another bid with less, with
exciting hands bid more
- HCR cue strength depends on other available bids
- 2NT advance of 2x overcall is natural, otherwise 2NT is support showing
- Switch transfers over 2♣♦ overcalls
- Jump cue (3 level) is a mixed raise supporting a major
- Jump cue (3 level) is a splinter supporting a minor
- 3 level raise depends if responder bids a balance or pre-emptive and cooperative
- when opponents have 2 suits a 4th position (sandwich): cue sitting OVER is natural, cue sitting UNDER is Michaels,
2NT better Michaels (6–5 usually) unless there are three unbid suits then unusual
- when opponents bid (1 Major)–(1NT) cue is Michaels
- when opponents bid (1 minor)–(1NT), special case, 2♣ is (5–4) majors, 2♦ is 5–5 majors regardless of minor opened
- when opponents have 2 suits and partner doubles X: advancer's cue when sitting OVER is natural, advancer's cue sitting
UNDER is a general force
- when balancing, e.g. (1♦)–P–(P)–2♦, a cue bid is Michaels, never natural over prepared minor as sitting under
- when a passed hand reopens over 2♠, (1♠)–P–(2♠)–P–(P)–2NT, this special case is 5–4+ minors (would double with ♥s)
- over opponents bid (1♥)–P–(1♠), special case, 2♥ cue is ♠ + minor Michaels (not both minors), 2♠ is still natural cue sitting over
- over opponents bid (1♠)–P–(2♠), special case, 2NT is 5+♥s with 4+ minor
Minimum Level Conversion and Takeout Doubles
- any level takeout doubles then correcting to the cheapest other suit shows a different 2 suiter and not any extras
- reasonable defensive values are required for a takeout double, not some very light overcall - advancer will push to
game with 13+ and invite with ~10–12 on their own suit
- perfect takeout double shapes e.g. 4–4–4–1 maybe light "opening" values, i.e ~10 hcp
- 11 hcp doubles can be 4–4–3–2 without wasted values
- 6–4 major hands can optionally be bid like 5–4 hands after the takeout double.
- 6 major and 4 minor will typically ignore the minor.
- minor X then ELC typically is only both majors, not a minor major
- can include the less common style with ♣s and a major, correcting to a major suggesting long minor and 4 card major
- a jump in the lower suit or forcing to a higher level implies a strong two suiter 5–5+ (that doesn't fit agreed
strength ranges of the main two suiter overcalls)
- concept may also apply to high level bids with limited space like 4NT, e.g. (4♠)–4NT, or a cue bid showing a two
suiter when there are 3 unknown suits
- very strong single suiters are rare, and may need to jump cue bid or double and jump cue bid, or just bid game
Cue Bids and Jump Overcalls Summary
- natural single suiter overcalls are 2 level weak, 3 level weak NV, intermediate VUL
- Michael's and Unusual NT strength is wide ranging vulnerability dependent, NOT mini-maxi style
Two Suiter Overcall Strengths
- Less than strong (not mini-maxi style), with strong defined as 8+PT ~17+ hcp
- Majors have a dedicated jump cue for strong two suiters, others must start with a takeout double
- Spot cards make a difference
- 6–5 shape is great, ~3 hcp better than the equivalent 5–5
- Playing at the 3 level needs better suit quality, especially VUL
- The ♥ + minor 2♠ cue and 2NT force to the 3 level in both suits so need good quality
- The 2NT extra quality accounts for us having the lowest ranked suits, so less likely to win the auction
- HCP outside your suits unless Ace or King have very little value - we want offensive hands that
can make a game opposite very little
Hand examples:
- Majors showing NV: most aggressive ~6+, min KJxxx (Q9|J10)xxx
- Majors showing VUL: ~9+, also a reasonable 2 level overcall, min K109xx AQxxx
- ♠ + minor showing NV: ~9+ values IN the two suits, min KJxxx Jx x AJxxx
- ♠ + minor showing VUL: ~10+ values IN the two suits, better spot cards or more hcp, min KQ10xx AJxxx
- ♥ + minor showing NV: ~10+ values IN the two suits, min QJ10xx AKxxx
- ♥ + minor showing VUL: bit better, 2♥ overcall is often safer, utter min x AQxxx Qx Kxxxx
- 2NT unusual NV vs. VUL: extra aggressive where sacrifice suggestion sensible, e.g. 6–5 Kxxxx Qxxxxx
- 2NT unusual NV vs. NV: ~10+ values IN the two suits, min QJ10xx AKxxx
- 2NT unusual VUL: AJ109x KQxxx
After minor openings:
- cue of a prepared minor is natural
- cue of a natural minor is a non-strong majors hand
- over a prepared/short minor bid 1♠ with both majors (unless strong majors)
- jump cue is strong majors
- simple overcall with ♠ + other minor (or both majors against a prepared/short minor)
- weak (3 level VUL intermediate) jumps otherwise
- 2NT is unusual
After major openings:
- 2NT is unusual
- cue for major + other minor
- ♠ cue is more specific about suit strengths and matches with the 3♣ special overcall – (♥ + ♦ limited) OR (♥ + ♣ strong)
- (1S)–3♣ is special, a rare 2 suiter showing bid instead of single suiter jump overcall
- weak (3 level VUL intermediate) jumps otherwise
We Open they Interfere Summary
- 2 level simple bids are natural, F1 freebids, 8+ good suit or typical 9/10+, less than invite AFTER SUIT
- 1NT/2x simple bids are transfers AFTER TAKEOUT
- 2 level new suit jumps are weak after suit or takeout
- a 1-under (3M–1) jump is mixed for a major
- other jumps are priority fit or splinter
- 4♣♦ major slam tries AFTER MAJOR OPENING + JUMP PREEMPT
- Cue bids exactly invitational HCR OR minimum game hand / limited defensive values / marginal balanced game hands, AFTER MAJOR OPENING
- 1m–(2♣) then Stayman/NT system on AFTER MINOR OPENING
- 3 level jump raise is preemptive ~0–6 if a 1-under jump mixed raise is available, else mixed replacement AFTER SUIT or TAKEOUT
- 2NT limit+ raise, only stop if judge wasted values and minimum, implies likely to penalise opponents if we don't play the contract AFTER MAJOR OPENING, AFTER MAJOR TAKEOUT
- 2NT is artificial various, except 1♦–(2♣), AFTER MINOR TAKEOUT or MINOR OVERCALL
- 1♣/1♦–(2 level jump) use the Lebensohl scheme
- 1♣/1♦–(1NT) use normal constructive weak 1NT defence as we have no well defined suit
- 1♥/♠–(1NT) 2♣ is a good 8–10 raise, 2♦ artificial 5–3 other major with 3 card support, 2M natural, 2NT usual limit+ raise system
- Transfer bids after 1♣ opening and 1♥♠ O/C (not just over takeout X like 1♦♥♠ openers)
- Negative doubles to 4♥
- XX after opponent's takeout double varies: doubleton support 6+ for a major, but next suit transfer after minor opening
- Support doubles by opener for partner's 1x major response and weak 2x major response
- X/XX of cue bids of our suit is extra length, but of partner's suit is Stolen bid support showing
4th balancing of 1x openings
- same strengths
- 2NT is natural stronger than X then NT bid, not unusual
- 2 minor cue is always Michaels as sitting under any prepared minor
- 2♥♠ is a standard minimum opening good 6 carder
- slightly more chance of 4 card suit at the 1 level, e.g. AQJ10/Axxx/xxxx/x or avoiding 1NT vulnerable
- 1NT is ~11–15 (maybe 16 over 1♥/♠), use instead of a weak 4 card suit, no stopper guaranteed
- X usual takeout, but lighter ~8+ depending on shape
- jump cue bid is a stopper ask
- 4x jumps are natural
Follow up responses are roughly 1 point more conservative
responding to 4th balancing takeout X
~11–13 major jump with a 4 card suit, 5 card majors a bit weaker2NT
natural, ~11–143♣♦
~10–13 minor jumps 5 cards
responding to 4th balancing jump bid
- new suits are forcing natural
- cue strong (for passed hand) game try
- raise mixed weaker
- 2NT forcing
responding to 4th balancing 1NT
range ask staymanic2♦
minimum, no major2♥♠
minimum, major2NT
Passed hand balancing
- Over (1♥) 1NT is long minor + 4 ♠s
- Over (1♠) 1NT is long minor + ♥s, more likely 5–5 as unlikely to out compete ♠s
- 2NT would be 6–5 lower unbid suits
Law of Total Tricks Bidding
Normal advice about bidding to the level indicated by the law of total tricks applies.
However, re-evaluating hands in any competition or after just one bid from the opponents is important.
Adjust / downgrade:
- flat hands (especially 4–3–3–3!)
- slow values in opponent's suit
- slow values in short side suits (usually harder to setup)
- (partial) misfit indications
- wasted values sat over by opponents
Upgrade influences:
- distributional hands (though you may have added shortness support points already)
- extra trump length
- supporting slow values in your main suit(s), queens and jacks mean more there
- Aces and Kings, these are quick tricks/control cards
- double fit
- super fit, extra length
We Open with Fit and Slam Potential then 4th Hand High Level Interference
- slam is potentially on
- we bid in 1st and 3rd then 4th hand interferes at a high level
- fit found
The primary situation is 1♥♠–2NT, but there's other situations. In summary:
- 1♥♠–2NT–(3x/4x) known major fit and game try plus
- 1♥♠–Splinter–(4x) major support splinter slam try
- 2♦–4♣–(3S/4x) slam try suit set
Continuations in general:
- When 4th hand comes in high unsupported, then always double is penalty
- 3NT by opener is always artificial when the opponents come in high after we have a fit
- See examples in 1♥♠–2NT Invite Plus Interference
3 level rebid available
minimum, no control/shortness3♥
suit rebid, minimum often 6 cards, ♦ shortness3♠
extras, cue cooperative, GF, but not above game, unknown if ♦ control4♣
extras, cue cooperative, GF, but not above game, unknown if ♦ control3NT
extras, ♦ honour control, serious 3NT4♥
better hand, ♦ shortness
3NT bid available
extras, ♠ control, serious 3NT, unknown if shortage or honour control4♣♦
extras, cue cooperative, GF, but not above game, unknown if ♠ control4♥
minimum, ♠ controlPass
no ♠ control
No 3NT bid available
Pass used to show a control in the overcalled suit.
good values, penaltyPass
♦ control implication
X = extra strength ask (last train like), slam try4♥
minimum, no control, assumes we will always compete to game
HCR cue bids and 2NT Raise in Competition
Either when we open and 2nd position overcalls, or when we overcall and later advance the bidding, there is often a
choice between a HCR cue bid and a 2NT support bid.
This mostly applies to 1♥♠ openings or overcalls, but (1♣)–1♦ is also possible.
A 2NT bid is natural in very few places - only when we overcall at the 2 level, 3rd hand passes and advancer bids 2NT. As 3rd
hand has passed it can be reasonable to assume we can have the combined values for 3NT.
The meanings applied when we open v.s. overcall are different:
When We Open
When we open 1♥♠ a 2NT bid after competition from 2nd hand is always support showing. What's the difference between
a HCR and 2NT? Contrary to the common style of distinguishing 3 vs 4+ card raising we currently experiment with:
- HCR is invitational or minimum game hand, may stop at 3M. Maybe too defensive or weak to compete above 4M. Maybe
interested in 3NT - defensive/balanced.
- The 2NT bid is almost game forcing (only minimum opener with honours sat under overcaller may avoid game), opponent's cannot
play undoubled
The differences depend on length in the opponent's suit, strength, offensive/defensive ratio
When We Overcall
The bids change in meaning compared to when we open and face an overcall. We may have a lot of tempo (e.g. responder
passes and partner overcalled 1♥♠ giving us space and time), or we may be under pressure in a live auction (e.g. the
opponents have a fit and have raised or even preempt raised the auction - (1♦)–1♠–(3♦)).
When Responder Passes
We have maximum tempo, so:
- jump raises are mildly cooperative, e.g. 4–7 and something suitable for level and vulnerability
When Responder Bids
- 3 level (jump or not) raises are cooperative, which allows partner to bid with the right hand (they do have a wide
ranging overcall). Jumps are worth less than any invitational support bids we have, usually the sort of hand
that expects to get pushed to the 3 level and so bids early to make the opponenents guess.
- double is variable in meaning, e.g. responsive, values/cooperative over a 2 level third
suit, or Relay Lebensohl over jump raise. Doubling a raise from 3♠ becomes mainly value
showing. If somehow the new third suit is bid at the 3 level, it should be penalty interest (less general values/cooperative).
Some may not be available depending on how high responder has pushed the bidding and so you have to blend the meanings
- jump cue bids are mixed raises
- cue bid of their raised suit or major is a HCR, worse than 2NT
- cue bid of a 3rd suit is stop SHOWing, e.g. (1♦)–1♠–(2♥)–3♥. A cue over is not natural when partner has overcalled
a suit.
- 2NT is the best invitational raise, therefore usually unbalanced, but still possibly 3 card support and very good
values (e.g. 13–15 hcp).
- cue higher than 3 of our suit should be splinter like, offensive GF
Fit Jumps and Splinters in Competition
- Fit jumps only happen in competition
- Fit jumps take priority over splinters, making splinters in competition unavailable at times
- Fit jumps are impossible in the opponent's suit, always a splinter
When is a jump a fit jump?
Fit Jumps When We Simple Overcall
Always on, no complexity
- we simple overcall anything (1x, 1NT, multi, weak two etc.), regardless of whether 3rd hands bids, regardless if advancer is 4th or 6th position
Fit Jumps When We Open
The following must all be true about the bid:
- below 4♥ game
- we have another way to bid the fit jump suit either naturally or artificially directly at a lower level
- we open 1♥♠ or 2♥♠ (and very rarely open 1♣♦, bid a suit naturally and then get delayed competition). Not over
intermediate 2♣♦ given limited space available to show NF or forcing natural suits. Not over 1♣♦ as they do not show
any suit.
- when we open 1♥♠ or 2♥♠, only after simple overcalls by the opponent (after 1♥♠–(jump) 4♣♦ are artificial slam tries)
What about a double jump?
Double jumps below 4♥ are fit jumps iff a fit jump is not available as a single jump, e.g. because a single jump shows a
natural invitational suit OR a 1-under mixed raise. Otherwise a double jump is a splinter below 4♥ game (a direct 4♥
could only be a splinter in a slow constructive auction - 2nd rebid e.g. 1♠–2♦–2♠–4♥).
2NT Artificial Scrambling
There's a list of situations where 2NT is used for Lebensohl. Other times it maybe
used for raising our partner's suit in competition whether we open or
overcall. Additionally after opening 1♣/1♦/1♥ opener may use Good-Bad 2NT
to allow competing in new suits or good raising. Other times 2NT maybe natural.
A scrambling 2NT shows:
- no easy game possible, competing
- 2+ places to play, usually the minors as they are the suits usually forced to the 3 level
- not forced to bid by a double (it's Lebensohl if double forces partner to bid)
Overall it is rare as 2NT is usually forced after a double (so a better minor Lebensohl 2NT) or it is by a hand that can
reasonably have a natural 2NT bid (when the opponents have opened first we often pass with 11–14 balanced)
heart invite3♥
better minor Lebensohl, forcing partner to bid
better minor Lebensohl, forcing partner to bid
Lebensohl, forcing partner to bid, likely 5–4 minors3♣
minimum, no side minor
limited in principle though could have 8/9 no bid or penalty pass2NT
better minor Lebensohl, forcing partner to bid
limited after passing the opponent's overcall2NT
better minor Lebensohl, forcing partner to bid
2NT = scrambling, not forced, passed originally so limited strength
Major Opening and Responder's 4♣♦ Slam Try
We open 1♥/1♠ and opponents interfere with a 2♠ jump overcall OR specific two suiter bids, e.g.
- 1♥–(2H) michaels
- 1♥–(2S) weak/intermediate
- 1♥–(2NT) unusual
- 1♥–(3C) ghestem variant showings ♣s + another
- 1♥–(3D) ♦s + another
- 1♠–(2S) michaels
- 1♠–(2NT) unusual
- 1♠–(3C) ghestem variant showings ♣s + another
Note, it's possible to play these over single suiter 3 level jump overcalls, but we use Relay Lebensohl Doubles
in those situations along with a natural GF 4♣♦ bids.
One known opponent's suit (whether showing one or two suiter)
good game raise, control in opponent's suit4♦
some extras, Last Train like extra strength ask
major slam try without control in opponent's suit4M
minimal game values or moderate whilst lacking control
Two known opponent's suit
major slam try, shortness in lowest suit4♦
major slam try, shortness in highest suit
Bidding to 4♣♦ over 3♥♠ competition is Invitational
E.g. (1S)–2♦–(2S)–3♦–(3S)
- 4♦ in this example is a game try
- Expecting to make 4 v.s. average hand, and game v.s. good hand
Designed for IMPs, only in matchpoints might it be worth to compete to 4♦ - in IMPS 3♥♠ is never a great final contract
as it risks going one off or worse making a game.
4NT is it a Stronger Raise or Unusual in Competition
- Assuming we are forced by competition to go above 4NT
- The default interpretation is an Unusual 4NT, e.g:
- With a known suit from partner it could be a strong raise or unusual when forced to 5 level:
5–5 minors or ♥ slam try (partner has ♥s)
- Where most suits have been bid then 4NT shows stronger raise of partner's suit:
by Responder it follows the slam bidding 4NT rules
- With long strong suit for partner it should clearly be RKB:
RKB, ♥s are a known long strong suit
RKB, yes sometimes useful to show the minors but ♥s should be a strong suit
- Voluntarily going beyond game is still RKB etc.
RKB, clearly RKB here as responsive X available instead of 4♠ if 4 card support
E.g. (1C)–1♠–(P)–2♥–(X)
- overcaller can pass with nothing to say
- XX shows extra values, NOT LIGHT overcall, but not want to go higher if partner is minimum
- 2♠ extra length
Opener's Second Round Double - After Partner's 2 Level WJS
Double shows support and extras in shape or HCP
extras, support3♥
Opener's Renegative Double for Both Majors
4 cards both majors, extras
4 cards both majors, good weak NT OR prelude to forcing with strong ♣ hand
Opener's Good-Bad 2NT Rebid in Competition
- After (2DHS) in 4th by the opposition (RHS of opener), 2NT shows strong support or a weaker other suit.
- More common after strong 1♣ opening as a limited opener can often cue bid or jump to show a good raise
good-bad, assumed weak ♣ or ♦ suit in this case as no suit to support3♣♦
maximum, natural3♠
weird bid, GF, shortage
have room at 2 level here, so cue bid enough2♦♥
max, good ♠ raise3♠
medium, good ♠ raise
also just use a cue3♦
max, good ♠ raise3♠
medium, good ♠ raise
now benefit from artificial 2NT2NT
max, good ♥ raise, OR minors3♣♦
maximum, natural, 5–5 minors3♠
GF, shortage
max, good ♥ raise, OR minors3♣♦
maximum, natural, 5–5 minors3♠
GF, shortage
strong ♥ support without ♠ shortage, or more minimal 16–19 minor holding3♥
invitational, probably weak NT3♠
GF, shortage
strong, natural2NT
minimum strong ♣s3♣
sound strong ♣s3♥
general force
Example after 1♦ opening
Opener's Good-Bad 2NT Rebid After Major NF
- 4th hand may or may not bid, e.g. 1♦–(1S)–2♥–(2S).
Main examples:
- 1♣–(X)–2♥♠ weak 5–7
- 1♣–(1D)–2♥♠ weak 5–7
- 1♦♥♠–(overcall/X)–then weak jump shift
- 2♣–(any)–2♥♠ NF
- 2♦–(any)–2♥♠ NF
strong support or weaker other suit3♣♦
stronger natural bid3M
Einar Cue Bid
- catchall cue bid lacking a suitably natural rebid – minimum with 5 carder or maximum hands
- overcaller cue bids opener's suit at the TWO level after advancer bids (or shows somehow) a new suit e.g.
(1D)–1♠–2♣–2♦ or (1C)–1♥–1♠–2♣.
- never too high to stop advancer rebidding their major suit at two level or minor at 3 level
- continuations natural, e.g. simple rebid by advancer 8–11, 2NT ~12–14, 3M invite, new suit F1
- (1CD)–1♥–1♠: 2♣♦ cue
- (1C)–1♦–1♥/1♠: 2♣ cue
- (1H)–2♣–2♦: 2♥ cue
- (1S)–2♣–2♥: 2♠ cue
Typically shows:
- a) minimum ~8–11(12) without natural rebid (often 5–3–3–2) OR
- b) inbetween major support, e.g. ~12 hcp with 3 card support, too good for 2M raise
- c) 13+ hcp, good hands hard to describe so generally forcing showing extra strength
- NOT a 6 card minimum two level suit rebid
- NOT a 3 level jump which shows extra values AND distributional
Advancer's 2♣ Relay
- we overcall 1M and responder passes
- shows either 9+ hcp, usually Hx+ to bad 3 card, often flattish, OR 13+ hcp catchall (semi)balanced with no support
- strength asking relay to handle the wide ~8–16 hcp overcalls.
- mostly natural (make it up) except for 2♦ to show 12+
- As a 2NT rebid bypasses 2M and is not artificial 12+, it conventionally shows a shapely ~10–11 6 carder, e.g. 6–4
artificial, 12+ hcp2♥
NF, ~9–11 Hx or real support2♠
F1, natural (unusual given 1♠ response opportunity)2NT
GF waiting, ~12+ hcpcue
F1, semi-natural or just forcing3om
GF, 5+ minor, Hx major support, e.g. Axx Kx xxx KQ10xx3♥
invitational, support3NT
~13–15 balanced4x
3 card support splinter
8–11, main suit nothing special2NT
natural, invitationalcue
F1, with Hx major support
F1, 10+ shapely, e.g. 6 card main suit and 4 card side suit, forcing to 3♠3x
8–11, 5–53♥
8–11, excellent 6+ cards main suit (not mandatory with minimum)
artificial, 12+ hcp2♥
forcing, 4 card ♥ suit (use transfer with 5 cards), e.g. xx KJxx AJx Axxx2♠
NF, ~9–11 Hx or real support2NT
GF waiting, ~12+ hcpcue
F1, semi-natural or just forcing3om
GF, 5+ minor, Hx major support, e.g. Kx Axx xxx KQ10xx3♠
invitational, support3NT
~13–15 balanced4x
3 card support splinter
8–11, natural side suit2♠
8–11, main suit nothing special2NT
natural, invitationalcue
F1, with Hx major support
F1, 10+ shapely, e.g. 6 card main suit and 4 card side suit, forcing to 3♠3x
8–11, 5–53♠
8–11, excellent 6+ cards main suit (not mandatory with minimum)
Advancers 2♣ Relay Interference
- pass with nothing to say
- over double or 2♦ system on, e.g. bid or double 2♦ with artificial, 12+ hcp
- Is it a standard negative double situation? Negative X played to 4♥ (but more values showing Thrump style over
double jump to 3DHS). Promising the unbid major(s) or ability to handle the auction based on partner's next bid. Used
to start a stop ask (Directional Asking Bid).
- Is it a standard maximal competitive double situation? Competitive X played to 3♠. Double of opponents' raised suit
when partner has opened or overcalled: 1♥–(2D)–2♥–(3D)–X
- Is it a standard *responsive* double situation showing the other two suits? Responsive X played to 3♠. Partner does
takeout X or overcalls of opener and then we X the opponents' raise (OBAR). Their raise can be artificial.
- Over Live auction 4x raises from the opponents doubles are more "values" based (awkward cooperative not highly
distributional). Note some play "responsive" to 4♥ or higher. At the 4 level there's not much meaningful difference
between general values and responsive.
- Freely bid new suits (not live supported) at the 4 level by the opponents typically has a penalty emphasis unless it's
the initial overcall in which case it's negative up to 4♥. Doubles of 4th hand up to 4♥ are max support after 1♦♥♠
- Special annoyance 1♣–(4x) is treated like 1NT–(4x) values/negative-ish
- Special annoyance 1♣ then 4th bids 4x such as 1♣–(P)–1NT–(4D) are "penalty", assuming opener has a NT hand and
punishing. Penalty maybe made with a less distributional strong hand. As with any 4x preempt partner may still
"cooperatively" bid something else with a very distributional hand
Live auction 4x pressure examples:
- 1♣–(P)–1♦–4x 1♣ bidder treats as 4x opener
- 1♣–(2H)–3x–(4H) then double from 1♣ bidder is general values without good support for any shown suit
- 1♦–(1H)–X–(4H) as we play support doubles to 4♥ this should be good values for 1♦ plus 3 card support
- 1♠–(2C)–2♠–(4C) max values cooperative
- 1♠–(2D)–3♦–(4D) as partner is basically inviting, this is good values with a defensive hand
- 1♠–(2H)–2NT–(4H) given the good raise the values maybe more defensive than extra HCP, more penalty focus (nominally 2NT system inteference on but that assumes 4th coming in alone)
- 1♠–(2H)–3♠–(4H) over partner's mixed raise like hand, double still is extra values defensive preference
- 2♦–(2S)–3♦–(4S) extra values defensive, partner may have a bad hand
- 2♦–(2S)–3♣–(4S) general defensive values, not necessarily extras as 3♣ was forcing
- (2x)–X–(4x) auctions are values
- (1x/2x)–P–(3x/4x) treat as opening 3x/4x preempt
Blanket Rules
Where the above do not apply.
Blanket rules apply up to 2♠ - if not sure above 2♠ assume penalty (others play this to 3♠).
"All doubles of bids through 2♠ are takeout UNLESS":
- It's defined above as one of Negative, Competitive or Responsive
- partner responded 1NT/2♣/2♦, doubler sitting over. Compare when open or overcall – Overcalls of our NT first double is takeout, second penalty.
- our side bid and raised a suit. So, 1♥–(P)–2♥–(2S)–X should be penalty, whereas 1♥–(1S)–2♥–(2S)–X is competitive.
- our side redoubled
- our side made a penalty double or penalty pass
- the bid doubled was artificial
- partner preempts
- our side are in a GF (1♥/♠ + 2/1, 1♣–1NT/2♠)
- our side invites 3NT (1♣–2♠, 1♣–2NT)
- our side limits hand with no major (1♣–1NT/2♣ is no major OR maybe major but already in a GF)
- a passed hand doubles their solo rebid, (1H)–P–(P)–X–(2H)–X
Takeout Doubles
Modern standard:
- happy to X with minimum when have the other major
- happy to have a doubleton in an unbid minor if we have the major(s)
- 1♣/1♦ takeout emphasises the majors, nothing about the minors
Consider a takeout X (and maybe later DAB cue bid) instead of a 1NT bid with 4–4–3–2, the other major and the sort of hand where
partner should play NT (we have Axx they Qx)
Relay Lebensohl Doubles
- After we open or overcall, there are many times the opponents raise the bidding to the 3 level before partner responds (maybe be a good passed hand)
- Played when we have shown a suit, so opened 1♥♠, overcalled or takeout double
- Double is a relay to the next suit, instead of being a "responsive" double or negative double, with competitive hands
- Double of most 3 level bids, anything that's not specifically shortage showing, so fit jumps, new suits,
natural raises or artificial raises. Doubling a shortage implies our own double fit or a very good suit with sacrifice interest
- A later cue bid or 3NT by doubler shows a normal negative double
- Lebensohl like allowing a distinction between competitive bids and genuine GF new suits / support invitational raises
Note, over 3♠ double can be competitive relay like, but we initially assume it's asking for a stop (Thrump).
It's conceivable to play this after we open 1♣/1♦/1NT, but without a known long suit finding a stop or checking for a
4 card major should be more frequent and useful than just having the option to compete, certainly for IMPs.
- 1♥♠–(3x)
- (1H)–1♠–(3H)
- (1H)–1♠–(3C) support showing bid
- (1H)–1♠–(3C) anything, not shortage showing
- (1H)–X–(3H)
- (1H)–X–(3C) support showing bid
- (1H)–X–(3C) anything, not shortage showing
- (1H)–2♦–(3H)
- (1H)–2♠–(3H) our weak jump overcall
- (2D)–X–(3D)
- (2H)–X–(3H) weak two preempted further
- (2H)–2♠–(3H)
- (2D)–2♠–(3H) multi preempted further
When we open and the opponent jump bids, it's often a preempt (maybe intermediate). Here, it's good to have a way
to find a slam and not preempt a preempt. E.g.
natural limit raise4♥
slam try without ♦ control, not obstructive
When they open a slam is very unlikely for our side and a penalty double will rarely be useful. E.g.
natural limit raise4♠
obstructive, ambiguous strength
Optional Extension After 1♣ Opening or 1♦ Opening
Given that a 1♣ and 1♦ opening can be ambiguous, the relay double can be extended to auctions such as:
- 1♣–(1H)–X–(3H) or any other 3 raise
- 1♣–(1S)–X–(3S)
- 1♣–(2H)–X–(3H)
Responder has shown a suit and the opponents have pushed to the 3 level. Given that 1♣ (and less so 1D) are quite vague
we can treat opener as having not bid.
Responsive Doubles Style
A standard responsive double is a form of takeout with focus on the unbid major(s). When partner makes a takeout double
advancer's double is a form of re-takeout. Sometimes it is more values, perhaps with a single minor suit, tolerance for partner but
lacking a stop for NT.
What about when there is no unbid/implied major? For example, (1H)–1♠–(2H) or (1S)–X–(2S). Should our responsive
double be used to cater for minor hands with values?
- (1H)–1♠–(2H), we know overcaller has 5 cards and use the usual HCR, or 2NT support bids, 2♠ limited support or
3♠ cooperative – lots of options, therefore double can be a standard takeout bid showing the minors and relevant
values for the level
- (1S)–2♥–(2S), we also know overcaller has 5 cards, 2NT is a support bid. The HCR goes beyond 3 of our suit and
therefore is GF and shortage/offensive showing. 3♥, however, can still be used as competitive, therefore double is
the typical responsive values with the minor(s)
Pushed to the 3 level, things are different. Here we choose to play Relay Lebensohl Doubles
to allow competing in partner's suit or a different suit.
- (1H)–1♠–(3H), with limited bidding space, a standard 3♠ becomes cooperative to game and double a typical takeout,
but played with Relay Lebensohl Doubles 3♠ is invitational. A hand without a stop and
limited ♠ may struggle with this style.
- (1S)–2♥–(3S), in standard style as forced to the 4 level this is a mainly values showing responsive double, but
we interpret it as Thrump OR Relay Lebensohl Doubles
The double is always more value showing as it gets high level, especially over 3♠. At the 4 level we just call our
double "values" showing instead of responsive.
What about when the opponents raise a minor?
- (1D)–1♠–(2D), there's a lot of space and various support showing bids so double is similar to a negative double
showing 4 ♥s (maybe 5 bad ones). With a good 5♥ hand we could just bid 2♥, or 3♥ with a 6 card good invitational
- (1D)–1♠–(3D), again Relay Lebensohl Doubles + invitational 3♠ bid. The alternative
standard style could use 3♠ as cooperative mildly invitational bid.
When we bid a minor?
- (1S)–2♣–(2S), the 2♣ overcall virtually denies ♥s, so double can show 5 ♥s or 6 bad ones. Standard responsive
doubles focus on the two other suits, e.g. 4♥s and 5♦s, which makes it less clear that bidding the other
major directly promises 6 reasonable cards. There is no room for a jump invitational 3♥ bid so the distinction is
When we start with a takeout double:
- (1D)–X–(2D), we cannot expect partner to have 5 cards in a particular major, rarely not even 4 cards. We cue bid 3♦
with GF both majors 4–4+ (or possibly one major and slam try with shortage) or double with values and one 4 card
major (or less than an invite both majors), so 2NT RLEB with both majors + stop and an
exact invite is possible, though maybe clearer to punt the 3♦ GF cue
- (1D)–X–(3D), similar but more pressure. Relay Lebensohl Doubles + 3♥♠ invitational.
Subject to further refinement, given that doubler may not have both majors. Perhaps double 3+ both majors + 3♥♠ with 5
cards invitational is better.
Takeout over a major:
- (1M)–X–(2M), no promise of a 5 card other major by doubler. RLEB is on here. Double can
show values with 4 card major support instead of maybe values and minors (similar to doubles after interference over
1NT). Bidding the other major directly or via Lebensohl at the 3 level should indicate 5 cards
- (1H)–X–(3H), Relay Lebensohl Doubles + 3♠ invitational. Given that a takeout double is
not as wide ranging as an overcall the standard alternative with double as "values", a competitive 3♠ and
no invitational bid is reasonable
- (1S)–X–(3S), double is Thrump OR Relay Lebensohl Doubles. Unsure of ♥ length, the
alternative standard double showing values (with 5♥s would probably just bid 4H) is reasonable.
Activity Doubles and Splinters
When the opponents show a short suit that does not make much sense for us to lead, such as a splinter, then
despite us apparently lacking strength, double should be for activity, in this case a potential sacrifice
Note, an alternative is takeout, e.g. ♠s if they bid ♥s and more general takeout if they have the master ♠s
Activity Doubles by Weak Often Preempt Hands
A weak hand that has already described some offensive ability, such as a weak two, cannot reasonably have a penalty double
of any game the opponents bid, UNLESS partner has had space to show GF values and defense.
So, if we open with a preempt, it is possible for the preempter to double with extreme shape (e.g. 6–4/6–5 after 2HS openings)
and shortage in the opponents' suit, which suggests sacrifice unless partner can pass with a penalty trump stack.
Single Raise they Compete We Double
- Double shows extra values (possibly penalty)
extra values, lacking extra length2NT
general game try, not exposing opener3♣♦
natural trial bid, exposing opener3♥
weaker not invitational, reasonable suit/shape3♠
GF, ♠ shortage, offensive hand
penalty (see rule - we bid and raised a suit)
extra values and not just length as partner supported, forcing to 3♥♠ or penalties3♥♠
extras, penalty suggestion (see rule - we bid and raised a suit)3♥♠
extras, penalty suggestion (see rule - we bid and raised a suit)3♥♠
2NT support raise then we Double
- More likely have game on, so double is NOT penalty interest if they bid raise a suit
- Where they have no fit double remains penalty
penalty, (see rule - we bid and raised a suit)
extra values, shortage - SPECIAL non-penalty agreement4x
(below game), void
Delayed Takeout Doubles
When not doubling on the first round:
- X is typically long in the opponents' first bid suit
- short in opener's second bid suit
- short in responders bid suit when opener rebids the same suit
- decent strength, often 4 card suits competing
Stolen Double by advancer - Opponents' HCR double
"Stolen" bid, double I would have bid that.
Anti-Leading Doubles of Raised or Strongly Bid Suits
- strongly bid means shown 6 cards already
- typically a 3 level anti lead double
The extra length meaning has less value when we have already shown a 6 card suit or our side has raised the suit.
extra ♥ length, extra values inviting 3♥ bid with Hx+ support3♥
very good suit and shape, extras
Other examples:
- 1♦–(1HS)–P–(2D)–X
- 1♠–(2CDH)–P–(2S)–X
Pass then later X would allow opener to compete in the minors suits.
Double Showing HCR by advancer - Opponents' 3x raise
- (1x) then overcall by us then the opponents raise to (3x)
- Note, (1x)–1M–(2x) then X is values 9+ as we have space for 2NT invite plus raise
X then shows a HCR.
responder now shows 5 cards, inviting opener to compete 3♠
responder has 3+ card support opposite 6 cards
pointless?, 6 cards, dead minimum presumably as facing a 3 card invite
responder now shows 5 cards, inviting opener to compete 3♠
FSF Redouble or Other Artificial Forcing Bids
When opponents double an artificial bid for lead direction
- XX for strong play suggestion (e.g. 4 very good / 5+ reasonable suit)
- Pass to play if partner can help in support e.g. Hxx+
- Cannot play in the contract only doubled, must be redoubled
- Otherwise bid on as if not doubled
Handling doubles of our stopper ask of their suit
Helping to right side 3NT or not play it.
lead-directing X of DABPass
xx, Jx, or xxx in their suit3NT
good stopper, e.g. AJxXX
either a full or partial stopper (Qx, Jxx)bid
singleton only in their suit4♠
void in their suit
3♠ cue here could be a proxy for a very strong unbalanced hand, not a DAB with something in ♠, but then 3NT will be pulled anyway.
Confidently Bid Game/Slam Contract Lead Directing Doubles
If the opponents bid confidently suit doubles are Lightner and NT doubles have standard meanings (lead our suit/suits,
else dummy's first bid suit or the shortest major). See Special Leads.
5 Level Doubles in Competition
- Generalization: if in doubt, the 5 level belongs to the opponents
- Caveat: phantom saves with highly distributional competitive hands at IMPs are often a reasonable insurance policy
Phantom saves at matchpoints are far more tolerable than at IMPs, indeed there are many attempts to go minus 100 insted
of minus 110 etc at matchpoints etc. The double game swing (along with slams) is one of the greatest sources of IMP
gains/losses, so on highly distributional hands it can pay to ignore the usual caution around phantom saves at IMPs,
and bid to go an expected one off in a 5 level contract
We "Own" The Hand
Typically we were expecting to bid and make some 4 level game, or maybe 5♣♦ and then they interfered.
In these 5 level situations there is a first and second bidder on our side. For the first bidder:
- Double is minimum / defensive
- Pass is Forcing, interest in bidding more
- Bidding shows uncommunicated extras
For the second bidder:
- Pass (requires partner to have doubled) and agrees to defend
- Bidding shows near slam values or extra distribution
- Double to defend, not accepting an invitation to play at the 5 level
We Do NOT Own The Hand
Generally pass or sacrifice further!
A double is Lightner by default, assuming you think they bid confidently
Opponents open Strong 1♣
Show majors, especially ♠ and bid to limit. Pass then later bid unusual NT if really want
to show ♣+♦.
With limited strength may want to hide distribution information and just bid the major (not 1NT / 2NT overcalls).
♠ 4 cards + 5/6 card minor.(P)
♣ suit1♦
Pass/Correct minor1♥
3 card ♥ fragment and long ♣ suit1♠
4 good ♠ happy with 4–3 fit
pass/correct any level (unless rebid later self-sufficient suit)1NT
4 card ♠ limit raise, opening hand+2NT
5 card ♠ limit raise, opening hand+
play if you have ♣ (1♣XX is not game)
pass/correct any levelNT
constructive ♠ raise
4–4/5–4 both majors (longer ♥ 5–4 is better as it will be choosen when advancer is equal length)♥/♠
bid to level1NT
constructive in ♥/♠, e.g. 3–32♣
to play2NT
constructive game invite in ♥/♠, bid 4 with max
natural, often 5 cards(P)
3 card support, constructive game invite2NT
4 card support, constructive game invite
2 card support, part score competition interest at 2 level if partner has 6
5♠ + 5 other(P)
escape ask2♦
escape ♦/♥ or single ♦ suiter2♥
escape ♥ only
escape ask2♣♦♥
single suit, to play
natural, 6 cards normally2y
FNJ implications2NT
5♥ + ♣/♦
same as 1♦ overcall of 1♣
both majors OR iff responder showed a major then other major + minorNT
takeout, lower suits, 4 in a suit that can be bid at 1 level, 5 card suit if must be bid at 2levelOthers
Opponents open 1♣ Natural / Prepared / Multi
natural ~8–112♦
to play, shape, improving the contract, must GF cue bid or jump (invitational) to show stronger minor hand2♥♠
normal, stronger than 1♥ overcall(2C)
shape, improving the contract2♥♠
normal, stronger than 1♠ overcall
cue 4–4 majors or strong, forcing, will rebid, not GF2♦♥♠
~8–11 5+ suit3♦
6+ long suit, 6–8 (give partner space if 17+ without our major)
HCR sandwich cue, 4 card other major invitational2♦
NF, play attempt e.g. 4–3–5–1
natural, sitting over3♣
forcing hand cue, often ♦s3♥♠
invitational, 5+ card suit
nothing to say, maybe quite strong2♦♥♠
4–4+ two suiter, including a major
co-operative, natural3NT
sacrifice suggestion, good 4+ majors support
"Stolen" bid, double I would have bid that.
responsive maybe one majorothers
RLEB over 2♣
Relay competitive double
10+ decent values or lead directing, very unlikely to have a major1♥♠
F1, usually 5 card suit, 8+ hcp2♣
einar catchall cue bid3M
natural invitational, ~12–13 4 card support
natural ~8–13, often with stopper2♣
extra strength cue, F1 artificial strength showing, ~13+ hcp
HCR, ~11+ support pointsNewSuit
NF at all levels, jumps stronger though2♥♠
NF, ~10–12 and good 6 card suit2NT
invitational plus support3♣
splinter support3♦
natural raise, pre-emptive, less than HCR (no minor mixed raises)3♥♠
fit jump
natural, light ~8–161♠
F1, usually 5 cards, 8+ hcp, maybe 4 cards unsuitable for NT e.g. 4–1–4–42♣
einar catchall cue bid2♦
8–12 natural2♥
8–12, 6 ♥s2♠
8–(11), support2NT
10–12 hcp, 4 card ♠ support (use einar with 3 cards)3♦
invitational, 5–5 ♥s + ♦s3♥
invitational, good 6+ suit3♠
12–13, 4 card ♠ support
~8–13, usually a stopper over natural bid, consider 2♣ without stop - esp. with support2♣
cue, F1 artificial strength showing, ~13+ hcp (1NT is wide ranging as 2NT is support)2♦
8–12, natural2M
8–12, 6+ card major2oM
natural, 8–12. F1 if 2♠ reverse after bidding ♥s, 6(5)–4 shape.2NT
invitational, 5–5 major + minor3♥
(after ♠ overcall) 6♠s and 4♥s, nearly GF (with 5–5 use 2 suiter overcall)3M
rebid, invitational3NT
to play
multi-meaning, F1, 9+ hcp limited Hx support OR 13+ catchall2x
natural, NF constructive ~8–122M
natural raise, ~6–10, 3 card support2♠
(advancing 1♥) NF, ~10–12, good 6 card suit2NT
invitational plus support3♣
jump cue, mixed raise ~7–10 hcp just under invite3M
natural raise, ~4–7 semi-preemptive/cooperative support3Y
unbid suits are invitational 6+ (good) suit3♠
(advancing 1♥) fit jump4♣
fit jump (no 3D fit jump available)4M
non-cooperative vague strength as responder passed
usual ~15–18, maybe long ♦, beware downgrade too many honours/length in the opponent's suitbid
system on2♠
range ask or ♣ transfer, note ♣ transfer is shortage showing over natural 1♣(any)
negative of natural bidsOthers
Lebensohl system
over prepared ♣: natural2x
NF, natural2NT+
over natural ♣: majors, not strong2♦
relay, weak major signoff type hands2♥
simple preference, less than limit raise
limit+ raise, 3+ card support, 3 useful features (A, K or short in partner's suits)2NT
natural invitational, very rare, very strong minor stops3♣♦
mixed raise, 4 trumps, 2 useful features (A, K or short in partner's suits), ~7–9 support points3NT
to play4♣
choose a major jump cue, later 4NT double fit RKB4♥♠
ambiguous, fast arrival
weak jump overcall2♥♠
weak, respond as 6 card weak two2NT
5–5 ♥s + ♦s3♣
good ♥ raise, 2 useful features3♦♥
to play3♠
natural NF4♦
good ♦ raise, either 3 cards + 3 useful features (A, K or short in partner's suits) or 4 cards + 2 useful features4♥
to play
majors, strong, 8+PT ~17+ hcp3♦
quasi natural, possibly NT stop hunt or early slam try3M
better major4♥♠
slam interest, encouraging RKB
natural, any level4♣
choose a major, later 4NT double fit RKB
normal preempt3NT
to play (extreme ♥/♦ shape by passed hand, e.g. x/QJ10xxx/KJ10xxx)4♣
possibly trap with later doubles for penalty and 0/1 card support for overcaller's majorXX
~10+ values with exactly doubleton support1NT
transfer HCR ~11+ support points, 3+ card support2♣
♦s, 6+ hcp, sound weak two or better 6+ cards OR 5 cards and will bid again, or lead directing 4+ suit with 3 card support2♦
(over 1H overcall) transfer raise, ~8–10 support points, 3 cards, worse than mixed raise2♦
(over 1S overcall) ♥s, 6+ hcp2♥
(over 1S overcall) transfer raise, ~8–10 support points, 3 cards, worse than mixed raise2M
natural, very weak, ~4–7 useful support points2♠
(after 1H overcall) NF, ~10–12 and good 6 card suit2NT
invitational plus support3♣
mixed raise3x
invitational, 6+ new suit3♠
(advancing 1♥) fit jump4♣♦
fit jump
values ~9+, maybe moderate NF support2♣
natural raise, ~6–102♥♠
invitational plus raise3♣
mixed raise3♦
invitational, 6+ good new suit4♣
distributional preempt4♥♠
to play
values ~9+, maybe moderate NF support2♣
HCR, worse than 2NT2♦
natural raise, ~6–102Y
new suit, NF constructive ~8–122♠
(jump) natural, NF, good 6 carder invitational - as 3x new suit bid2NT
invitational plus raise3♣
splinter, long ♦s (mixed raise has less value when looking for 5♣/5♦)3♦
invitational, 6+ new suit
values ~9+, maybe moderate NF support2M
natural raise, ~6–102Y
new suit, NF, often ~8–12 maybe 6–12 but expect a 12+ overcaller to bid on2NT
invitational plus support3♣
mixed raise3x
invitational, 6+ new suit3M
fit jump
5–5+ other suits2♣
HCR, weaker than 2NT2x
natural raise, ~6–102NT
invitational plus support3♣
mixed raise3x
invitational, 6+ new suit3M
fit jump
4 card other major (maybe 5 bad) and values ~9+2M
natural raise, ~6–102Y
new suit, NF, often ~8–12 maybe 6–12 but expect a 12+ overcaller to bid on2NT
invitational plus support3♣
HCR, not as good as 2NT (no room for jump mixed raise)3♦
invitational, 6+ new suit3M
other major invitational, 6+ new suit4♣
fit jump
Relay competitive double3M
strong raise, offensive i.e. ♣ shortage4M
playable, somewhat cooperative vs 5♣ sacrifice
(1C)–(Any) Sandwich Position
natural, system on (assuming light openings and responses by opponents)2♣
Michaels, sitting underCueOver
natural, sitting over2NT
Michaels, better often 6–53♣
Majors, strong (even over 1M response from 3rd hand)
artifical, (5–4) majors2♦
Michaels, both majors2NT
Unusual (3 unbid suits so not better Michaels), ♦s + ♥s3♣
Majors, strong
as Opponents open 3♣
4th Balancing 1♣
maybe 4 card avoiding 1NT1NT
staymanic range askOthers
1NT system on
natural ~10–132NT
19–21 natural3x
natural intermediate4x
Opponents open 1♦
natural ~8–112♣
to play, shape, improving the contract, must GF cue bid or jump (invitational) to show stronger minor hand2♥♠
normal, stronger than 1♥ overcall(2D)
shape, improving the contract3♥♠
normal, stronger than 1♠ overcall
cue 4–4 majors or strong, forcing, will rebid, not GF2♥♠
~8–11 5+ suit3♣
6+ long suit, 6–8 (give partner space if 17+ without our major)
HCR sandwich cue, 4 card other major invitationalCueOver
natural, sitting over3♦
forcing hand cue, often ♣s3♥♠
nothing to say, maybe quite strong2♥♠
4–4+ two suiter, at least one major
co-operative, natural3NT
sacrifice suggestion, good 4+ majors support
"Stolen" bid, double I would have bid that.
responsive maybe one majorothers
RLEB over 2♦
Relay competitive double
natural, light ~8–161♠
F1, usually 5 cards, 8+ hcp, maybe 4 cards unsuitable for NT e.g. 4–1–4–42♣
8–12 natural2♦
einar catchall cue bid2♥
8–12, 6 ♥s2♠
8–11, support2NT
invitational, 5–5 ♥s + ♣s3♦
10–12 hcp, ♠ support3♥
invitational, good 6+ suit3♠
12–13, 4 card ♠ support
~8–13, usually a stopper over natural bid, consider 2♣ without stop - esp. with support2♣
8–12, natural2♦
extra strength, cue F1 artificial strength showing, ~13+ hcp2M
8–12, 6+ card major2oM
natural, 8–12. F1 if 2♠ reverse after bidding ♥s, 6(5)–4 shape.2NT
invitational, 5–5 major + minor3♥
(after ♠ overcall) 6♠s and 4♥s, nearly GF (with 5–5 use 2 suiter overcall)3M
rebid, invitational3NT
to play
multi-meaning, F1, 9+ hcp limited Hx support OR 13+ catchall2♦
HCR, worse than 2NT2x
natural, NF constructive ~8–12 (8/9+ hcp 6 cards, 10+ hcp 5 cards)2M
natural raise, ~6–10, 3 card support2♠
(advancing 1♥) NF, ~10–12, good 6 card suit2NT
invitational plus support3♣
invitational 6+ (good) suit3♦
jump cue, mixed raise, ~7–10, 4 card support3M
natural raise, ~4–7 semi-preemptive/cooperative3♥
(over 1♠) invitational 6+ (good) suit3♠
(over ♥) fit jump4♣
fit jump4♦
non-cooperative vague strength as responder passed
usual ~15–18, maybe long ♣, beware downgrade too many honours/length in the opponent's suitbid
system on2NT
♦ transfer, note over natural ♦ shows shortage(any)
negative of natural bidsOthers
Lebensohl system
natural, pretty much denying a major(Pass/Dbl)
double not considered interfering2♦
♥ transfer 5+, forcing only to 2♥2♥
about minimum, usually 2/3 cards2NT
F1, extra values3♦
stop ask or general force3♥
invitational, non-minimum
♠ transfer 5+, forcing only to 2♠2♠
about minimum, usually 2/3 cards2NT
F1, extra values3♦
stop ask or general force3♠
invitational, non-minimum
forcing to at least 3♣, HCR OR very good hand2NT
natural, NF3♣
natural, NF3♦
splinter, e.g. 4–4–1–4 or longer ♣s3♥♠
GF, fit jump
over prepared ♦: natural2♥♠
NF, natural2NT+
over natural ♦: majors, not strong2♥♠
simple preference, prefer ♥s with equal length2NT
natural invitational, very rare, very strong minor stops3♣
♥ limit+ raise, 3+ card support, 3 useful features (A, K or short in partner's suits)3♦
♠ limit+ raise, 3+ card support, 3 useful features (A, K or short in partner's suits)3♥♠
mixed raise, 4 trumps, 2 useful features (A, K or short in partner's suits), ~7–9 support points3NT
to play4♦
choose a major jump cue, later 4NT double fit RKB4♥♠
ambiguous, fast arrival
weak, respond as 6 card weak two2NT
5–5 ♥s + ♣s3♣♥
to play3♦
good 3♥ raise, 2 useful features3♠
natural, NF4♣
good club raise, either 3 cards + 3 useful features (A, K or short in partner's suits) or 4 cards + 2 useful features
NV weak similar to 3♣ opening, VUL intermediate e.g. Ax/Kx/xxx/AKJ10xx3♦
stop asking3♥♠
natural, forcing
majors, strong, 8+PT ~17+ hcpMajor
natural, any level4♣
cue, slam try4♦
choose a major, later 4NT double fit RKB
normal preempt3NT
to play (extreme ♥/♣ shape by passed hand, e.g. x/QJ10xxx/KJ10xxx)4♦
possibly trap with later doubles for penalty, 0/1 card support for overcaller's majorXX
~10+ values with exactly doubleton support1NT
♣s, 6+ hcp, sound weak two or better 6+ cards OR 5 cards and will bid again, or lead directing 4+ suit with 3 card support2♣
transfer HCR ~11+ support points, 3+ card support2♦
(over 1♥ overcall) transfer raise, ~8–10 support points, 3 cards, worse than mixed raise2♦
(over 1♠ overcall) ♥s, 6+ hcp2♥
(over 1♠ overcall) transfer raise, ~8–10 support points, 3 cards, worse than mixed raise2M
natural, very weak, ~4–7 useful support points2♠
(after 1♥ overcall) NF, ~10–12 and good 6 card suit2NT
invitational plus support3♣
invitational, 6+ new suit3♦
mixed raise3M
preempt, 4+ cards, ~4–73♥
(over 1♠ overcall) invitational, 6+ new suit3♠
(over 1♥ overcall) fit jump4♣
fit jump4♦
values ~9+, maybe moderate NF support2♦
NF constructive2M
natural raise, ~6–102NT
invitational plus support3♣
invitational, 6+ suit3♦
mixed raise3M
(over 1♠ overcall) invitational, 6+ new suit3♠
(over 1♥ overcall) fit jump3oM
fit jump4♣♦
values ~9+, maybe moderate NF support2♦
cue, HCR, not as good as 2NT2M
natural raise, ~6–102Y
new suit, NF, often ~8–12 maybe 6–12 but expect a 12+ overcaller to bid on2♠
(after 1H overcall) NF, ~10–12 and good 6 card suit2NT
invitational plus support3♣
invitational, 6+ suit3♦
mixed raise, ~7–10, 4 card support3M
(over 1♠ overcall) invitational, 6+ new suit3♠
(over 1♥ overcall) fit jump4♣
fit jump4♦
4 card other major (maybe 5 bad) and values ~9+2M
natural raise, ~6–102Y
new suit, NF, often ~8–12 maybe 6–12 but expect a 12+ overcaller to bid on2NT
invitational plus support3♣
new suit, NF, often ~8–12 maybe 6–12 but expect a 12+ overcaller to bid on3♦
HCR, not as good as 2NT (no room for jump mixed raise)3M
(over 1♠ overcall) invitational, 6+ new suit3♠
(over 1♥ overcall) fit jump4♣
fit jump4♦
Relay competitive double3M
strong raise, offensive i.e. ♦ shortage4M
playable, somewhat cooperative vs 5♦ sacrifice
(1D)–(Any) Sandwich Position
natural, system on (assuming light openings and responses by opponents)2♦
Michaels, sitting underCueOver
natural, sitting over2NT
Michaels, better often 6–53♦
Majors, strong (even over 1M from 3rd hand)
artificial, (5–4) majors2♦
Michaels, both majors2NT
Unusual (3 unbid suits so not better Michaels), ♥s + ♣s3♦
Majors, strong (even over 1M from 3rd hand)
4th Balancing 1♦
maybe 4 card avoiding 1NT1NT
staymanic range askOthers
1NT system on
natural ~10–132NT
19–21 natural3x
natural intermediate4x
Opponents open 1♥
natural ~8–112♣♦
to play, shape, improving the contract, must GF cue bid or jump (invitational) to show stronger minor hand2♠
normal, stronger than 1♠ overcall(2H)
shape, improving the contract3♠
normal, stronger than 1♠ overcall
strong, forcing, will rebid, not GF2♠
~8–11 5+ suit3♣♦
6+ long suit, 6–8 (give partner space if 17+ without our major)
nothing to say, maybe quite strong2♠
forcing hand cue, sitting under2♠
cue natural, sitting over2NT
invitational, 5+ card suit
4–4+ two suiter, including ♠s
responsive, exactly 4 ♠s (not standard X implying a minor)3♠
co-operative, natural3NT
sacrifice suggestion, good 4+ card support
opponents open and major raise to two/three levelX
responsive denies ♠s or Relay over 3!H2♠
5+ ♠ suit (possibly 4 card e.g. AKJ9)Others
RLEB over 2♥3♠
co-operative over (3♥)
Relay competitive double
HCR typicallyX
"Stolen" bid, double I would have bid that.
values, not necessarily a major
natural, light ~8–161NT
~8–13, usually a stopper over natural bid, consider 2♣ without stop - especially if can show support2♥
cue F1 artificial strength showing, ~13+ hcp (1NT is wide ranging as 2NT is support)
multi-meaning, F1, 9+ hcp limited Hx support OR 13+ catchall2♦
natural, NF constructive ~8–122♥
HCR, worse than 2NT2♠
natural raise, ~6–10 hcp2NT
invitational plus support3♣♦
invitational 6+ (good) suit3♥
jump cue, mixed raise3♠
~4–7 semi-preemptive/cooperative3NT
fit jumps4♥
obstructive wide range, non-cooperative as responder passed
usual ~15–18, beware downgrade too many honours/length in the opponent's suitbid
system on2♦
♥ shortage (transfer to their suit)(any)
negative of natural bidsOthers
Lebensohl system
normal overcall, virtually deny ♠s2♦
switch (transfer through), 5+ ♠2♥
Einar Cue2♠
natural, minimum 2 or 3 ♠s2NT
F1, (semi) natural3♣
5+ ♦s3♥
force, not einar as above 3♦, stop ask implication initially
natural, NF3♣
natural, limit raise3♦
fit jump3♥
fit jump4♦
normal overcall, virtually deny ♠s2♥
transfer 5+ ♠s2♠
about minimum, often 2/3 cards3♥
invitational, non-minimum4♥
splinter, ♠ support
natural, NF3♣
natural, invitational3♥
fit jump4♣♦
fit jump
normal overcall, virtually deny ♠s(2H)
opponents raise2♠
natural, decent 6+ cardsX
5 or bad 6 card, tolerance for minor suit
♠ + minor, Michaels(Dbl)
opponents raiseX
♠ invitational3♠
to play4♣
good 4♠ bid, offensive e.g. ♥ shortage4♥
N/A forgot that 4♦ is conventionally a good ♠ raise4♠
to play4NT
minor ask, slam interest
to play4NT
minor ask, slam interest5♣
good 5♠ bid
♠ invitational3♠
good 4♠ bid, offensive e.g. ♥ shortage4♥
N/A forgot that 4♦ is conventionally a good ♠ raise4♠
to play4NT
minor ask, slam interest
to play2NT
minor ask, invite plus3♣♦
♣/♦ weak3♥♠
♣/♦ (Lissabon like) and extra values
♠ game try, good 3 card spade raise, 2 useful features (A, K or short in partner's suits)3♥
N/A, assume forgot and same as 3♦ game try bid3♠
mixed raise, 4 trumps, 2 useful features (A, K or short in partner's suits)
weak jump, response as 6 card weak two2NT
both minors3♣♦
to play3♥
general force3♠
natural, NF4♣♦
good minor raise, either 3 cards + 3 useful features (A, K or short in partner's suits) or 4 cards + 2 useful features
preempt weak/intermediate3♥
stopper ask, with solid outside minor
possibly trap with later doubles for penalty, 0/1 card support for overcaller's majorXX
~10+ values with exactly doubleton support1NT
♣s, 6+ hcp, sound weak two or better 6+ cards OR 5 cards and will bid again, or lead directing 4+ suit with 3 card support2♣
transfer HCR ~11+ support points, 3+ card support2♥
transfer raise, ~8–10 support points, 3 cards, worse than mixed raise2♠
natural, very weak, ~4–7 useful support points2♠
(after 1H overcall) NF, ~10–12 and good 6 card suit2NT
invitational plus support3♣♦
fit jump3♥
mixed raise3♠
preempt, 4+ cards, ~4–73x
invitational, 6+ new suit
2 level+ bids, raise or new suitX
values 9+2♣♦
new suit, NF constructive ~8–122♥
cue, HCR, worse than 2NT2♠
natural raise, ~6–10, 3 card support2NT
invitational plus support3♣♦
invitational, 6+ suit3♥
mixed raise3♠
preempt, ~4–7 good support4♣♦
fit jump
values ~9+, maybe moderate NF support2♣♦
natural, NF constructive ~8–122♥
HCR ~11+, 3+ card support, worse than 2NT2♠
natural raise, ~6–102NT
invitational plus support3♣♦
invitational, 6+ suit3♥
mixed raise3♠
preempt, ~4–7 good support (co-operative weaker)4♣♦
fit jump4♥
values 9+, responsive2♠
normal single raise2NT
invitational plus support3♣♦
invitational, 6+ suit3♥
HCR, precisely invitational weaker than 2NT
natural, NF constructive ~8–12X
5 or bad 6 card ♠ suit, tolerance for minor suit, NOT HCR double2NT
invitational plus raiseCue
force, maybe stop looking or strong HCR
relay, Lebensohl like3♠
(1H)–(Any) Sandwich Position
balancing takeout double, they bid ONE major suit (pointless over minor or 2 suits):2♠
OBAR competitive2NT
scrambling (takeout) OR 4 ♠s invite3♠
5 ♠s invite
When we - takeout doubler and advancer have PASSED (or just 2NT bidder) it's also scrambling:
(1H)–(any), X then 2NT is scrambling
natural, system on (assuming light openings and responses by opponents)2♥
special case ♠s + minor, Michaels, sitting over ♠ bidCueOver
natural, sitting over
natural, maybe 4 card ♠ suit with 6 card minor hoping to bid ♠ later2♥
Michaels ♠s + minor2NT
Unusual (3 unbid suits so not better Michaels), ♣s + ♦s3♣♦
normal jump overcall
takeout, but implies 5–5+ looking for sacrifice2♥
Michaels ♠s + minor2NT
Michaels, ♠s + minor, better often 6–53m
cue responder, natural
2NT = scrambling, later double 3 bad ♠s, later 3♠s 3 good ♠s2NT
as Opponents open 2♥
or artificial bergen 3♣/♦ etc. limitX
5 ♠s + long minor when opponents have a 10+ limit raiseX
takeout v.s. weaker mixed/obstructiveothers
as Opponents open 3♥
(or 3♠) natural short splinter
general takeout including ♠, 4th or 6th
4NT = choose a minor
4th Balancing 1♥
maybe 4 card avoiding 1NT1NT
staymanic range askOthers
1NT system on
natural ~10–132NT
19–21 natural3x
natural intermediate4x
Opponents open 1♠
natural ~8–112♣♦
to play, shape, improving the contract, must GF cue bid or jump (invitational) to show stronger minor hand2♥
normal, stronger than 1♥ overcall(2S)
shape, improving the contract3♥
normal, stronger than 1♠ overcall
strong, forcing, invite plus, will rebid, not GF2NT
artificial F1, 4♥s exactly, any strength3♣
NF, natural, without 4♥s3♦
roughly 2–3–5–3 or 1–3–5–43♥
GF, 17+, 5+ ♥s3♠
GF artificial, balanced OR both minors3NT
natural, ~18–204♣♦
GF, 5(6)+ minor
invitational ~10–11 (not double jump, so not ~6–8), usually 5 cards as 4 card invite can use 2♠ cue
nothing to say, maybe quite strong3♣♦♥
4–4+ two suiter, including ♥s
responsive, exactly 4 ♥s (not standard X implying a minor)3♥
co-operative, natural3NT
sacrifice suggestion, good 4+ card support
opponents open and major raise to two/three levelDbl
responsive maybe include 4♥s without stop or 5♥s card invite or Thrump over 3♠2NT
artificial F1, 4♥s exactly, any strength3♥
invitational, usualy 4♥s not 5♥s
NF, natural, without 4♥s3♦
roughly 2–3–5–3 or 1–3–5–4 (strong without normal takeout double)3♥
GF, 17+, 5+ ♥s (fast arrival)3♠
GF artificial, balanced OR both minors3NT
natural, ~18–204♣♦
GF, 5(6)+ minor power double(3S)
RLEB over 2♠4♥
5+ ♥ suit (possibly 4 card e.g. AKJ9)5♥
HCR typicallyX
"Stolen" bid, double I would have bid that.
values, not necessarily a major
passed hand 5–5+ ♥ + minor, weaker than 2♠ overcall♣/♦
pass/correct, any level
usual ~15–18, beware downgrade too many honours/length in the opponent's suitbid
system on2♥
♠ shortage (transfer to their suit)(any)
negative of natural bidsOthers
Lebensohl system
normal overcall, virtually deny ♥s(P/Dbl)
limited interference2♦
transfer 5+ ♥s2♥
NF, 2 cards or 3 cards boring hand2♠
general force (2♥ was bypassed so not Einar)2NT
F1, (semi) natural3♣
switch ♦ replacement, 5+ ♦s2♠
Einar Cue (as have room to bid 3♦ still)
natural, NF3♣
natural, limit raise3♦♥
fit jump3♠
normal overcall, virtually deny ♥s2♥
natural, NF constructive ~8–12 (no transfers too high)2♠
HCR / general force2NT
natural, NF3♣
natural, invitational3♦
natural, limit raise3♥
fit jump3♠
fit jump
natural, sound(P/Dbl)
opponent responds below 2♠2♠
HCR, ~11+ support points2NT
natural, NF3♣♦
natural, invitational3♥
competitive, ~6–10 support points3♠
fit jump
competitive or inviteDbl
Thrump primarily stop interested, but maybe relay competitive3NT
competitive, to play4♥
GF, natural4♥
to play (slam unlikely over their opening bid)
5–5+ (♥ + ♦ unlimited) OR (♥ + ♣ strong)2NT
minor ask, invite plus3♣♦
♣ strong / ♦ weak3♥♠
♣ mega strong / ♦ extras (Lissabon like)
♥ game try, either 3 cards + 3 useful features (A, K or short in partner's suits) or 4 cards + 2 useful features3♥
to play3♠
good 4♥ bid, offensive e.g. ♠ shortage(3S)
competitive or inviteDbl
Thrump primarily stop interested, but maybe relay competitive3NT
to play4♣
good 4♥ bid, offensive e.g. ♠ singleton4♥
to play4NT
minor ask, slam interest
minor ask, slam interest5♣
good 5♥ bid, offensive e.g. ♠ singleton5♥
to play3♥
natural, NF3♠
general force3NT
slam try4NT
double fit RKB
good minor raise, either 3 cards + 3 useful features (A, K or short in partner's suits) or 4 cards + 2 useful features4♥
to play
5–5+, ♣s + ♥s, not strong3♦
♥ game try, either 3 cards + 3 useful features (A, K or short in partner's suits) or 4 cards + 2 useful features3♥
to play3♠
natural, NF4♣
good ♣ raise, either 3 cards + 3 useful features (A, K or short in partner's suits) or 4 cards + 2 useful features4♦
Redwood, ♣ slam try4♥
to play4♠
Kickback, ♥ slam try4NT
double fit RKB
preempt weak/intermediate3♠
stopper ask, solid minor
natural, decent 6+ cardsX
5 or bad 6 card ♥ suit, tolerance for minor suit, not HCR double when 2♣♦ overcall of major - other major could still have a fit
2♣♦ overcaller re-opening2NT
"four-five hearts 2NT" 4+ ♥s, minimum3♥
4+ ♥s, maximum OR some extra values with 5 ♥s
responsive/values 9+2NT
invitational plus support3♣♦
NF, invitational, 6+ cards3♥
GF HCR, offensive e.g ♠ singleton4♣♦
fit jump4♥
more offensive/obstructive
(1S)–(Any) Sandwich Position
balancing takeout double, they bid ONE major suit (pointless over minor or 2 suits):any
Better Minor Lebensohl
When we - takeout doubler and advancer have PASSED (or just 2NT bidder) it's also scrambling:
(1S)–(any), X then 2NT is scrambling
natural, maybe 4 card ♥ suit with 6 card minor hoping to bid ♥ later2♠
Michaels ♥s + minor2NT
Unusual (3 unbid suits so not better Michaels)3♣♦
normal jump overcall
takeout, but implies 5–5+ looking for sacrifice2♠
Michaels ♥s + minor2NT
Michaels, ♥s + minor, better often 6–53m
natural, cue responder
5 ♥s and 4+ card minorothers
as Opponents open 2♠
(or 3♥) natural short splinter
general takeout, some support for 3 suitsX
passed hand would be gamble 0–4–4–5, probably only NV4NT
true 2 suiter, maybe ♥s
4th Balancing 1♠
staymanic range askOthers
1NT system on
19–21 natural3x
natural intermediate4x
Opponents open 1NT
Competing over 1NT.
- Aggression is vulnerability and scoring dependent, e.g. NV matchpoints with 11+ then 4–4 majors may compete
Hand strength guide:
- Against a weak NT, we must be mostly constructive ~11–14, and even more so v.s. a weak NT at IMPs (unless already passed)
- Against a weak NT, there is risk in bidding but also risk in passing, so 13–14 hcp often need to do something
- 5 card single suiter bids should have some extras in shape/strength, e.g. 5–4–3–1 shape and 11–14(15) hcp
- 6 card single suiters can be a bit lighter but basically an opening bid
- The balancing position can be lighter, i.e. 10+ hcp for a normal hand against a weak NT and ~14+ for a "penalty"
double (at which point partner will probably run with less than 8 hcp)
- Max 7 losers, again, basically an opening hand
- Consider wasted honours and intermediate spot cards if it's a borderline maybe biddable hand, e.g. AK10xxx K10x xx xx
- The rule of 8 ( length(longest 2 suits) - LTC >= 2 then bid ) is too aggressive outside strong NT (mostly matchpoints) defence
- 5–5 two suiters may stretch to ~ 9 hcp
- Generally not balanced, including 5–3–3–2, until you have values for penalty double.
- Balancing 4–4 majors takeout maybe acceptable NV vs NV at matchpoints
penalty (14)15+ top of their range depending on tricks, unlikely very distributional
any = as 1NT EscapeX
(passed hand) ♣s + 4 card major
2♥ = pass/correct to major
2♠ = natural, single suiter2♣
any, ♣ suit / penalty normallyPass
4 card can playXX
5 good cards can playOther
system on
any, lead directing normallyX
stolen bid doubleOther
system on
any, minors with preference normallyX
stolen bid double, competitive valuescue
stop ask probably, even with 2 cues freeOther
system on
normally some lebensohlX
penalty, a delayed double can compete to the longest major3♥♠
invitational, or more competitive if delayed after forcing 2NT or transfer
very weak, usually 7+ clubs2♦
longer major ask, includes NT invite and minor escape2♥♠
longer major, or 2♥ 5–5 minimum2NT
naturalish value showing, invitational, may have long side suit3♣♦
weak, natural3♥♠
invitational, 3 cards often, 10+ hcp
5–5, extras3♣
artificial, 6–5 ♥/♠3♦
artificial, 5–6 ♥/♠3♥♠
maximum extras, 6–4, as top intermediate jump overcall
NF, natural2NT
relay, game interest3♣
minimum 5–43♦
minimum 5–53♥
maximum, 5♥–4♠3♠
maximum, 5♠–4♥3NT
maximum 5–54♣♦
6–5 long ♥/♠
♥/♠ invite3♥♠
invitational, other major shortage4♣♦
♥/♠ transfer (as over 1NT opening)4♥♠
to play, vague values
♦s + a major(X)
maybe ♦ penalty showing, maybe takeoutXX
values, may want to penalise2NT
good invitational ♦ raise, 4+ card support3♣
FNJ implication
natural interferenceX
support, 3 cards, values for 3 level2NT
good invitational ♦ raise, 4+ card support3♣
FNJ implication3♦
stop ask
normally some lebensohlX
FNJ implication3♦
natural, NF, single suiter2NT
F1, game interest3♣♦
minimum with ♥/♠3♥♠
maximum with ♥/♠
NF, natural, invitational3♥♠
natural, forcing, maybe slam try fit jump4♣
fit jump, maybe slam try4♦
to play4NT
maybe penalty, maybe takeout2♠
natural, NF, single suiterXX
values, may want to penalisecue
of any implied suit, stop ask2NT
competitive mixed raise, 4+ card support3♣♦
FNJ implication3M
invitational, pass then bid for worse than mixed raise
support, 3 cards (not penalty at 2 level)cue
of implied suit, stop ask2NT
competitive mixed raise, 4+ card support3♣♦
FNJ implication3M
invitational, pass then bid for worse than mixed raise
normally some lebensohlX
FNJ implication3M
invitational, or more competitive if delayed after forcing 2NT or transfer
natural, NF, single suiter2NT
F1, game interest3x
quasi-natural, extras, often 4 cards as rarely overcall 5–3–3–23M
flattish/modest suit/stops, extras4M
maximum, 6 carder
NF, natural, invitational3M
(over 2♥) natural, forcing, maybe slam try fit jump4♣♦
fit jump, maybe slam tryGame
to play4NT
minors OR strong majors3♥♠
NF, good 6+ suit4♣♦
natural, intermediate, constructive - extra shape/length or 16+ unsuitable for penalty double3NT
to play, probably long minor4♣♦
when penalty business redouble
values, strong NT type hand over weak NT only2♦♥♠
both minors, decent hand3♣+
natural, with above 3♦ being too strong to only bid at the two level
values, strong NT type hand over weak NT only2♥
Michaels if 2♦ transfer3♦
Michaels if 2♦ natural
similar to (1NT)–P–(2♦)
Strong NT Defence
- Minimum 14 hcp
- More aggressive, especially NV with offensive hands
- 5–5/6–4 carders ~8 losers or better
- 5–4/6 carders ~7 losers or better
- No detailed responses written down, just play 2NT (or cue bid) as the only way to start more constructive bids by advancer
- 2♣♦♥♠ are basically natural direct pressure bids
Strong NTDbl
majors OR some extra strong overcall2♣♦
(lowest minor available) longer major ask
♣s and a major2♦
major ask2♥♠
natural, NF, single suiter2NT
f1, constructive3♣
natural, NF, single suiter
♦s and a major2♥
suit/range ask3♣♦
♥/♠ min3♥♠
natural, max
f1, constructive3x
quasi-natural, extras3M
maximum, 6 carder
natural, NF, single suiter
minors two suiter OR strong constructive majors two suiter3♣♦♥♠
natural, offensive
When opponents run from 1NT doubled
As 1NT Interference and Lebensohl
- Minor cue is majors, jump cue strong majors.
- Strong 3x jump overcalls
- Leaping michaels
2NT = natural (no need for any competitive 3x bid)
3♣ = forcing2♦♥♠
majors, any strength3♦♥♠
natural, strong4♣
♦s + ♥s, GF4♦
♦ slam try4♥♠
to play4NT
♥ RKB5♣
natural jump new suit, self-sufficient, slam interest
♦s + ♠s, GF4♥♠
to play4NT
♠ RKB5♣
♦ slam try (not EKB, no ♦ slam try available otherwise)5♦
to play5♥
natural jump new suit, self-sufficient, slam interest
♦ lead directingothers
as over their 2♣
other two suitsCueResp
psyche exposeothers
as over their 2♣
as over their 2♣
Opponents open Strong 2♣
Double always majors and NT minors. Really should be 5–5+.
Opponents open Multi 2♣
Frequently the Weak 2♦, or a standard strong 2♣. Treat as weak 2♦ defence, but with extra takeout option.
- Double one major takeout
- 2♦ two majors takeout
takeout, only one major implied
any = Lebensohl system2♦
both majors takeout2♥♠
natural, decent 5–6 card suit2NT
NF, invitational, ~7–11, no support
natural, 16-18 balanced. Could have 4 card ♥/♠, NT scheme follows.3♣
Opponents open Artificial Strong 2♣ 2♦
This is a catchall for bids such as
- 2♣ balanced 18–21 hcp, or similar 18+ range
- Mexican 2♦ balanced 18–19 hcp, or similar 18+ range, may or may not allow 5 card majors
- Optional strong, Acol 2 strength or GF, unknown suit (until opener describes hand further)
Pass then double could in theory be used as takeout. Mainly just treat similar to Strong 2♣ defence.
As Opponents open Weak 2♦, strength adjusted
Opponents open Precision 2♦
Treat as an intermediate 2♣ opening, with care for bad major breaks.
Opponents open Multi 2♦
- Bid naturally with decent 5–6 card suits or Strong NT hands.
- Weaker suits maybe bid on the next round
- Unlike common X showing weak NT defences this has more chance of penalising opponents.
- Double is like a takeout of a weak 2♥ (assumed)
- 3M Strong jump overcalls
- Leaping michaels
maybe 4 ♥ and opening valuesDbl
4 or 5 poor spades(P)
Better Minor Lebensohl
further interferenceX
♥s, it's our hand good 8+
natural, decent 5–6 cards2NT
16–19 NT3♣
stayman, simple version
natural, opening bid or better3♥♠
natural, strong3NT
minor + major, GF4NT
minors, stronger
4 or 5 poor spades2NT+
Better Minor Lebensohl
maybe limited ♥ hand hoping partner will double after with passing minimal opening ♥ values
penalty/values, max 3 card ♠ suit, limited in values so a risk
takeout with 4 or 5 poor ♥s2NT+
Better Minor Lebensohl
Opponents open Weak 2♦ 2♥ 2♠
(or jump overcalled)
- Bid naturally with decent 5–6 card suits or Strong NT hands.
- Balance overcall strength with vulnerability, length in their suit and overall shape
- Shortage in their suit can be more aggressive, as partner may struggle to bid
- 3M Strong jump overcalls
- Leaping michaels
both majors takeout
any = Weak 2♦ Lebensohl system2♥♠
natural, decent 5–6 card suit2NT
NF, invitational, ~7–11, no support4♣♦
fit jump
natural, 16-18 balanced. Could have 4/5 card ♥/♠, NT scheme follows.3♣
majors, any strength3♥♠
natural, strong, ~16–184♣
♣s + ♥s, GF4♦
♥ slam try, first step 1+ KC4♥♠
to play4NT
♣ slam try5♣
to play5♦
natural jump new suit, self-sufficient, slam interest
♣s + ♠s, GF4♥♠
to play4NT
♣ slam try5♣
to play5♦
natural jump new suit, self-sufficient, slam interest5♠
♠ slam try
to play, distributional4NT
natural, roughly 4 level strong jump overcall values
any = Lebensohl system2♠
NF, invitational, ~7–11, no support4♣♦
fit jump
natural, 16-18 balanced. Could have 4/5 card ♠, NT scheme follows.3♣♦
michaels ♠ + minor, limited wide range3♠
to play3NT
to play4♣
good 4♠ bid4♥
N/A forgot that 4♦ is conventionally a good ♠ raise4♠
to play4NT
strong, minor ask
natural, strong, ~16–184♣
♣s + ♠s, GF4♦
♠ slam try, first step 1+ KC4♥
♣ slam try4♠
to play4NT
RKB double fit5♣
to play5♦
natural jump new suit, self-sufficient, slam interest5♥
♦s + ♠s, GF4♥
♠ slam try4♠
to play4NT
RKB double fit5♣
♦ slam try, second step 1+ KC5♦
to play5♥
minors, slam interest 3 losers or better4♠
to play, distributional4NT
natural, roughly 4 level strong jump overcall values
responsive, values, ♠ length unknown4♥
4 card ♠ suit and a minor
any = Lebensohl system2NT
natural, 16-18 balanced. Could have 4/5 card ♠, NT scheme follows.3♣♦♥
michaels ♥s + minor, limited wide range3NT
to play4♣
good 4♥ bid4♥
to play4NT
strong, minor ask(4S)
minor ask, slam interest5♣
good 5♥ bid, offensive e.g. ♠ singleton5♥
♣s + ♥s, GF4♦
♥ slam try, first step 1+ KC4♥
to play4♠
♣ slam try, second step 1+ KC5♣
to play5♦
natural jump new suit, self-sufficient, slam interest5♠
♦s + ♥s, GF4♥
to play4♠
♥ slam try, first step 1+ KC5♣
♦ slam try, second step 1+ KC5♦
to play5♠
to play, distributional4♠
minors, slam interest 3 losers or better4NT
natural, roughly 4 level strong jump overcall values
responsive, values, ♥ length unknown4♥
artificial, two suiter OR game going ♥s5♣♦
to play5♥
slam try, natural
takeout, protective ~10+ hcp for more penalty opportunity, but consider the strength
that opponents can pass with
As Opponents open Weak 2♥ 2♠, strength adjusted
Opponents open 2♦ or 2♥ both Majors
Two or three choices for Ekren (chrisryall.net/bridge/weak.two/generic-defence.htm),
even possible to play the Multi 2♦ defence.
- Strong jump overcalls
- Pass then double 12–14 flat
- double 15+ flat, 2–2+ majors, limited stops
- 2NT 16+ flat, good stops
15+ balanced not 2NT quality stops, 2–2+ in ♥ and ♠Further
doubles (or passes) are penalty showing 4+ cards sitting over, 3+ cards sitting under.
12-14 balanced (pass then double)
natural, sitting over 4cM hopefully2NT
16+, double stopped, balanced-ish3♣♦
good single suited (maybe 4 card major)3♥♠
natural, strong4♣♦
natural, GF4♦
(over both 4♣/4♦) natural4NT
RKB over ♦, natural over ♣
Opponents open 2♦ or 2♥ Flannery
5♥–4♠ intermediate (note some play 6♥–4♠ or even 5♥–5♠) hands.
- Treat as weak 2♥ opener with Lebensohl over takeout X
- 2NT responses do not need stayman / ♥ transfer so use as natural weak 3♣/3♦
sound ♥ takeoutX
light ♥ takeout
More = Lebensohl, usual weak two defence2♠/3♠
natural normal/strong2NT
natural, ~16–193♣♦
weak, natural (stayman or ♥ transfers inappropriate here)others
2NT system
natural, decent for vulnerability
Opponents open 2NT Minors
- space exists to immediately separate 5–4 v.s. 4–5 major hands and to separate strengths with immediate bid
or delayed bid (a weakness of artificial preempts)
- double strong balanced / 18+
- 3♣♦ cue as sound takeouts with major preference
- pass then double optional for weakish takeout
maybe weakish majors takeout or major overcallX
strong balanced or 18+ strong major3♣
5+♥s, 4+♠s, sound values3♦
5+♠s, 4+♥s, sound values3♥♠
sound overcall4♣
majors two suiter, strong4♦
slam try4♥♠
to play5♣♦
strong balanced3♦
takeout for majors4♣
majors two suiter, strong
majors two suiter, strong
An alternative would be 3♣ both majors and 3♦ multi-like some weaker major overcall. Less majors definition with 3♣ but
advancer can ask for the longest with 3♦.
Opponents open 2NT Natural
X is majors takeout, NT is minors.
Opponents open 3♣♦♥♠
- Normal takeout doubles, conservative opening bid values 12+, assumes ~7–9 hcp from partner
majors two suiter, GF ~4 losers4♦
slam try4♥♠
to play5♣
natural jump new suit, self-sufficient, slam interest
♦s + major, GF ~ 4 losers4♥♠
slam try5♦
to play5♥♠
natural jump new suit, self-sufficient, slam interest
to play4NT
♥s + ♦s, ~3 losers5♦
natural, roughly 4 level strong jump overcall values
♣s + major, NF non-leaping4♦
slam try4♥
pass/correct to 5♣5♣
to play5♦
natural jump new suit, self-sufficient, slam interest
majors two suiter, GF ~ 4 losers4♥♠
to play5♣
slam try5♦
to play4NT
♥s + ♣s, ~3 losers5♣
natural, roughly 4 level strong jump overcall values
two suiter4♠
to play4NT
♣s + ♠s, NF non-leaping4♦♥
♠/♣ slam try4♠
to play5♣
to play5♦
natural jump new suit, self-sufficient, slam interest5♥
♦s + ♠s, NF non-leaping4♥
♠ slam try4♠
to play5♣
♦ slam try5♦
to play5♥
GF, ♠s + minor4♠
to play4NT
minor ask5♣♦
to play5♥
♠ slam try
to play4NT
natural, roughly 4 level strong jump overcall values
♣s + ♥s, NF non-leaping4♦
♥ slam try4♥
to play4♠
♣ slam try5♣
to play5♦
natural jump new suit, self-sufficient, slam interest5♠
♦s + ♥s, NF non-leaping4♥
to play4♠
♥ slam try5♣
♦ slam try5♦
to play5♠
to play4♠
♥s + minor, ~3 losers4NT
natural, roughly 4 level strong jump overcall values
takeout with decent values, inviting penalty pass
Opponents open 3NT
Whether a gambling solid/broken minor with/without side honour or a similar solid major.
Limited space, so double is rather catchall with 4♣♦ bids special major bids:
- one bid for majors 5–4+ (with room to separate the longer suit)
- one bid for stronger major 2 suiter
- 3NT double includes ♦ overcalls
- 4th double takeout
strong balanced (first assumed type)-
strong 3 suited (will re-open X after escape)-
one suited with ♦-
maybe weaker than a direct overcall of 4♥♠(4CD)
run outX
general values
4♥♠ = 5+ card major pull
5–4 or 6–4 majors4♦
both majors, 5–5+ (OR natural vs solid major 3NT opening)4♥♠
minors (over solid major 3NT)
Same in 4th.
5–4 or 6–4 majors4♦
both majors, 5–5+
Opponents open 4♣♦ preempt
2 suited, unspecified over 4♣ and both majors over 4♦
Opponents open 4♣♦ SAT/Namyats
Showing good ♥/♠ major preempt, maybe minimum opening values.
- cue with 2 suiter
- 2nd double takeout, not showing that suit
- pass then bid with weaker distributional OR balanced hand (double)
usually weak, maybe strong NT+ if re-open doubleX
takeout of ♥, normal takeout values - does not need to be that strong4♥
♠ and minor 2 suiter4♠
natural, delayed bid would be weaker4NT
minors, delayed bid would be weaker
asking bidX
lead-directing/sacrifice interested, especially NV vs VUL
usually weak, maybe strong NT+ if re-open doubleX
takeout of ♠, normal takeout values - does not need to be that strong4♥
♥ and minor 2 suiter, very strong4NT
minors, delayed bid would be weaker
asking bidX
lead-directing/sacrifice interested, especially NV vs VUL
Opponents open 4♥♠
- Double is more nebulous values
usually weak, maybe good defensivelyX
natural, wide hand variety4NT
takeout, minors5♣♦
natural, maybe sacrifice at good vulnerability5♥
♠ + minor 2 suiter, very strong
usually weak, maybe good defensivelyX
values, expect to defend unless partner extra offense4NT
takeout, 2 suiter emphasis
Opponents open 5♣♦
values, expect to defend unless partner extra offense5x
lower suits takeout
Slam Bidding
Meta agreements and some slam finding conventions
General Strategy
- when one knows that we lack the assets for slam (regardless if controls are good), or controls are known to be missing
then sign off - a basic principle!
- slam trys opposite a very limited hand are serious, that is not highly speculative, so when slam is possible opposite
a perfect minimum range hand
- serious slam trys opposite very limited hands imply that we have the assets for slam and that only controls matter
- very limited hands should therefore show controls below the trump suit and not worry about extra values
- somewhat limited hands (e.g. 11–15) can e.g. bypass 4M with some extras and a missing control
- somewhat limited hands (e.g. 11–15?) may skip control showing if minimum and bad fitting
- neither cue bids nor last train show better hands than the other, flexibility is needed to get the most useful
- skipping cue bids up the line to use last train would usually imply someone has a wide range, perhaps the last train
bidder has something but a weak hand
- after both partners cue bid, should we last train at all? perhaps only if both are ambiguous wide ranging? how wide?
- splinters usually imply a hand that won't go to slam without a fitting hand from partner - consider if bidding on
regardless that maybe it's best to find a way to control bid without revealing your shape, however, maybe the fitting
hand was required for the grand slam and not the small slam
- statistically do not expect a splinter to line up well against a strong 20+ balanced hand - it is likely they have
some wasted values, though you maybe ok opposite a shapely hand (e.g. Acol 2) that is more based on tricks
- the responder to a splinter can go on with enough extras despite not fitting (e.g. ~13+ opening values outside splinter suit)
- the cue bidding style means we do not show shortage in partner's suit, even though with a big trump fit it can make sense
- supporting partner's suit after agreeing a different trump suit is natural double fit finding if we have only shown 2 suits
- with only the trump suit shown, the first slam try is a natural suit, (v.s. 1c–1M–3M with singleton ask)?
- ?? distinguishing serious v.s. non-serious (fitting and max required) slam trys is more a concern for natural wide
ranging systems. Is 11–15 wide enough for the distinction to matter, e.g. 1♠–2♥–2NT–3♠, 1♥–2♦–2♠–3♠? Is 3NT more
a wait/punt the same as old school cue bidding without serious 3NT?
- 3NT is natural, not serious in specific situations where a limited semi-balanced hand is expected, i.e. 1♥♠–2NT–3♣♦♥–3NT
- minor contracts distinguish serious/non-serious via 4NT optional RKB (when have fit), auto RKB, a negative/natural 4NT
(without a fit), finally leaving a freebid of the unbid suit as a general waiting last train like bid. 3NT is natural,
not serious
What is 4NT?
Natural quantitative, to play, ace asking, key card asking, takeout or other?
Minor Agreed 4NT
- both minors supported, two 8+ card fits - Double Fit RKB
- jump 4NT - quantitative
- non-jump 4NT with limited hand - natural, to play
- after Redwood - natural, to play (not King ask etc.)
2NT Auto RKB Module
Special case - a natural 2NT opening or rebid takes a lot of space and is a bit of a slam killer. Often a
minor suit may not be shown until the 4 level making agreeing and using something like Redwood impractical. After
showing a new minor at the 4 level:
- next suit "last train" like (NOT Redwood), such as 3 card support, 3 keycards but something bad like xxx trump support
Bidding 4NT changes to be minor RKB! This is an exception to the general rule of 4NT never being used as RKB/Redwood for a minor -
it's normally only quantitative. 5x free bids are auto RKB, similar to the direct bids.
Beware there's a special case in the Minor slam tries module where the next suit is 5♣s
instead of last train.
- other spare bids (e.g. ...4C–4H/4S) are control bids: good hand with support
Bidding 4NT changes to be minor RKB! 5x free bids are auto RKB, similar to the direct bids.
- direct 4NT is "negative", bad support and/or just 3 cards with few keycards (i.e. 2 keycards)
PASSABLE. May also escape to the minor (e.g. perhaps they actually had 6 cards) or use Auto RKB.
- direct 5m is fast arrival, 4+ card support, but otherwise bad keycards.
Usually passed or raised to 6m. Presumably 5NT King ask or a 3rd round control ask are still on if responder is good
enough to search for the grand opposite the presumed 2 keycards.
- 5x free bids are auto RKB, RKB step responses that cannot use 5m as a step, usually 3+ keycards as often forced to
Minor Lissabon follow on
Whilst there's even less room in this situation, the 4NT negative and auto RKB bids also apply after minor showing
Lissabon bids (2NT–4HS).
Over 2NT–4♥ there is space for a last train bid, but over 2NT–4♠ it's not available
Major Agreed 4NT
- two suits naturally supported, at least one major, two 8+ card fits - Double Fit RKB
- raised or set suit - RKB
- long good 6+ suit implied (eg. 3 level jump overcall) - RKB
Others 4NT
- Partner never bid - Takeout
- 1 minor then over jump 4 level interference - Takeout/Unusual
- jump response to Takeout double without interference - Quantitative
- jump 4NT with all suits bid and no fit found - Quantitative
- jump 4NT when easy way to force and set suit major available - Quantitative
- 1NT opened or overcalled, and no major set, and after non-slam try stayman transfers - Quantitative
- NT bid raised (including "NT" bids by artificial means) - Quantitative
- non-jump 4NT with limited hand - natural, to play
- long natural major (1♥/♠) then over jump 4 level interference - RKB
- long natural minor (2♣/♦) then over jump 4 level interference - Quantitative
Cue Bids
Italian style, showing 1st or 2nd round control.
Initiation should not be made with just a second round control or two of course.
Initiator probably has 2 first round controls and a second round control in the third
suit unless very distributional. Responder can afford to have a less decent hand and
let the initiator push them.
- Assume 3 level bids are natural, even if possibly cues to start slam probes
- Jumping to 4 level ambiguously (4 minor or new major after 1st round of bidding) is a cue bid
- control bid of my already naturally bid suit shows 2 top 3 honours (AK, AQ, KQ)
- control bid of partner's secondary (not trump) suit shows 1 top 3 honours
- bidding past game implies control of the other remaining suits
- 5 level cue bids are dangerous, would imply a void or possibly controls in partner's suit pushing for a different
specific cue bid if Lackwood cannot help
- 5 level cue bids are 1st round controls
Opponents Double Our Cue Bid
E.g. 1♠–2NT...4♦ cue then (X) lead directing
example Cue, A, K, void, singletonNewCue
no problem, new cue bidPass
usually no control, asking partner to clarify cue bid
XX = Ace (or void if splintered)
NewCue = KQ or singleton in first Cue suit
SignOff = unprotected King, no shortage, no AceXX
Queen with no higher honour, supporting a King in partner's handSignOff
just bad values
- In many fit showing auctions we play 3NT as "Serious" prompting further control bids
- After a fit is found the next bid should allow double fit showing
raise, non-specific strength, cannot play 3NT3♠
confirms double fit, NOT a cue bid3NT
Slam Convention Interference Defence
Your enquiry asking bids (e.g. RKB, Gerber, Free 5M raise) can disturbed by:
- opponents bid their suit(s) below our suit sign off
- opponents bid their suit(s) above our suit sign off, or even bid our suit
- opponents X the asking bid
- opponents X the asking bid and it's above our suit sign off
step response type conventions
Interference for ALL can be done with DOPI / ROPI
- X = 0 steps (e.g. 1/4 RKB, 0/3 EKB)
- XX = 0 steps (e.g. 1/4 RKB, 0/3 EKB)
- Pass = 1 step (e.g. 3/0 RKB, 1/4 EKB)
- Others = 3rd step, 4th step etc.
Note, if playing more monotonic responses, e.g. 0,1,2,3 then DOPE/ROPE can make more sense over the higher interference,
but we do not use standard blackwood or similar conventions
ask type conventions
Queen ask, King ask etc. Interference at this point is extremely unlikely. These bids usually ask for specific
information so passing it back around to partner doesn't help
- XX natural where to play reasonable (especially our main suit as 5x redouble +1 is > 6x)
4 Ace key cards + King trumps. "1430" step responses.
- 5♣ = 1 or 4 kc
- 5♦ = 3 or 0 kc
- 5♥ = 2 kc
- 5♠ = 2kc with Q trumps (or known 10+ trump cards)
- 5NT = 2 or 4 kc + some useful void
- 6x = 1 or 3 kc + void in specific suit
- 6slam = odd kc + void in higher suit
void response continuation with no room below slam
e.g. they bid 6♦ and ♥s is trumps
request King, bid 7 if you have this King
EITHER any/some unknown K ask when one below slam OR request King ask with more spacehigher
King Ask with space
Queen Ask
The next/cheapest (non-trump) suit is the Q ask OR trump suit over 3 or 0 response (pass without 3 keycards).
- This includes bidding past the agreed suit, e.g. 4NT–5-♦–5♠ with ♥s agreed, but promises all
keycards and is grand slam try.
- Could be used even with the Q to find extra trumps
- Follow on asks are specific King (not King show) or 3rd round control asks where no room to ask for a specific King
When can sign off at 5 level
no Q5NT
Q (or known 10+ card fit), something inconvenient (i.e. higher suit King)6other
3rd round control ask (if they have something inconvenient you also cannot do a request King bid!)
side K, have Q trumps (or known 10+ card fit)6other
request King, bid 7 if you have this King
Q (or known 10+ card fit), nothing extra, fast arrival
When forced to slam
side K, have Q trumps (or known 10+ card fit)6other
request King, bid 7 if you have this King
Q (or known 10+ card fit), nothing else biddable6other
3rd round control ask (if they have something inconvenient you also cannot do a request King bid!)
no Q
King Ask
Show ask for specific kings (not count of Kings)
- 5♦ for ♣ fit (4D Redwood + 1 level, a.k.a T+1 - Trump+1)
- 5♥ for ♦ fit (4H Redwood + 1 level, T+1)
- 5NT for major fit (4NT RKB + 1 level, T+1)
Following on, any suit is a King request to bid grand (do you have this specific King?)
lowest side K, 1 or 2 Kings6other
do you have this this King6lower
no, but this other K6trump
yes, Kxx+7other
yes, Kx7trump
yes, I forgot this nonsense
no side K6NT
3 Kings
??? 6x-6other-6n as yes have 2nd king but cannot bid 7 in case of 6NT probe
New Suit 3rd Round Control Ask for Grand
Spiral scan without Q/K asks? Spiral scan also exclusive to this?
Hmm, maybe Queen only?
More complicated responses are:
(1) Make a first step response, including 6NT with third-round control Qx(x), Ax, AQx
(2) Make a second step response with second-round control Kxx(x)
(3) Make a third step response with Kx
(4) Raise the ask bid with KQx and JUMP to the trump suit with a singleton
- Asked to bid 7 if have a 3rd round control - queen or doubleton with 9+ trump fit
- Mutually exclusive to the King Ask!
- Free bid suit (often at the 6 level) that is not a sign off
The subletly is when the free bid is a sign off or not. For simplicity, then assume it's a natural sign off even after
RKB bids involving a different suit if:
- prime first bid suit could be 6+ cards AND it's a 6 level bid
Redwood for minors
4♦/♥ as RKB for ♣s/♦s (or 4♠ for ♦s when ♥s is natural)?????????????????????
- If there is lower level force in the Redwood suit (e.g. ♥s when playing ♦s), then a jump is Redwood
- again, unless it's illogical for the bid to be the final contract then bids of 4♦ or 4♥ should be
taken as NATURAL. E.g. 1♥–2♦–3♦–4♣–4♦–4♥, responder probably has doubleton ♥ suggesting 4♥ contract, no ♠ control
- 4♠ is Redwood for ♦s WHEN 4♥ would be taken as natural
Still, if a natural 4♠ is not illogical, then only 4NT can be used as ♦ RKB.
E.g. 1♠–2♥–3♦–4♥, either 4♥ or 4♠ suggests an alternative game.
Cue Opponents Suit in Competition is Control Bid not Kickback/Redwood
- simple cue bid in competition is a control, not RKB
- next bid up is RKB if it's not possibly a final contract
E.g. 1♠–(P)–2♣–(3D)–4♣–(P)–4♦ responder shows a ♦ control and 4♥ is Redwood RKB.
When ♥s and opponents bid ♠ - 1♥–(P)–2NT–(3S) then later 4♠ bid is a control and only
4NT is RKB for ♥s.
Baron over 4NT Quantitative
- instead of passing or bidding 6NT, we can optionally look for a fit with up the line Baron bids of 4+ card suits
- 5NT can be a final place to play
Jump Cuebid in Competition
Always a splinter
Double Fit RKB
when two 8+ card fits are known.
- 1/4
- 3/0
- 2/5 + zero queens
- 2/5 + one queen
- 2/5 + two queens
Beware of counting extra length as Queen with double fits, unless there is extra length in both suits or the
other Queen can be seen as the tricks must run from those two suits.
Double Fit Queen Ask
Step responses:
- none
- lower ranking queen
- higher ranking queen
- both queens
EKB Voidwood
Shows a void in the suit bid and asking for keycard showing step responses using 03/14 keycard, not the usual 1430 style.
Primarily a jump bid, higher than a typical splinter bid, though could be a raise of a shortage bid.
- ♣s agreed then 4♥+ above Redwood
- ♦s agreed then 4♠+ above Redwood
- ♥s agreed then 4♠+
- ♠s agreed then 5 level
Other points:
- all jump bids unless you are single raising a shortage showing bid - if it's a natural suit / honour length control
then it's showing honour controls for "partner's" suit otherwise it'll be EKB
- can in principle do EKB in partner's first bid suit after agreeing a different suit, but BEWARE we play 1♠–2♥–3♥–4♠
as a picture raise!
- endeavour to explicitly set trumps first where there are potentially ambiguous auctions and ways to force, especially
in competition as 5x jump bids may sound like preemption
- note 1♥♠–5x is EKB (but not 1H–4S reasonable game to preempt, so set trumps first), also 2♣♦–4♥+ are natural, set trumps first
- beware that you can handle all the EKB responses and if not, consider something like Jacoby 2NT first or possibly an
initial splinter
- jump cue with minor fit still has Redwood as priority, e.g. 2♦–(2H)–4♥, 2♣–(2D)–4♦ Redwood
- NOT directly over preempts (2H up to 4D), only possible if set trumps somehow
Non jump bid EKB exceptions
Competition from the opponents then cue bidding their suit "above game" (above Redwood for minors):
- (1S)–X–(2S)–4♠ EKB
- (1S)–2♥–(3S)–4♠ EKB
- (1S)–3♥–(4S)–5♠ EKB
- (2D)–4♦–5♦
- (2NT)–4♣–5♣ (2NT as both minors)
- (3C)–4♣–5♣ (4C majors)
- tinyurl.com/yt569ok4
- repeating a cue bid at the 5 level?
Transfers over NT hands:
- 1NT–4♣♦–4♦♥ then non-jump rare as slam is very speculative for these hands (start with 2x transfer with void otherwise)
- 2NT–3♦/3♥ then transfer break and non-jump
- 2NT–4♣♦ Lissabon slam try in a major
EKB Responses
0/3, 1/4, 2, 2 with step responses, 5th step = 2 KC + some void, 6x = 1 KC + that void (or higher suit)1step
first (non-trump) suit - Q ask6void
ace of void suit, have Qothers
normal Queen Ask
K ask, same as RKB6x
(no 5NT available, queen known) substitute K ask - or leave as 3rd round ask?
EKB King Request when no 5NT available
EKB response taking up 5NT6♣
asks for that specific King, bid 7 with ♣ King6♦
asks for that specific King, bid 7 with ♦ King6♥
asks for that specific King, bid 7 with ♥ King
Preempt RKB
Specific situations when responder is known to be weak (opening a preempt). Steps responses limited to 2 keycards:
- 0 keycards
- 1 keycard
- 1 keycard + Queen of trumps
- 2 keycards
- 2 keycards + Queen of trumps
- 5x major raise
- Lacking any control in a KNOWN suit, e.g. pre-empted by opponents 1♠–(4H)–5♠ or bypassed when control bidding
- Can help with Last Train taking a cue bid, if only trumps and the last train suit are missing treat the last train suit as lacking
- With multiple potential lacking side suits treat as the Free 5x Major Raise convention
- Void treated as first round control and a keycard, only a 5NT response would lead to NTs
no first or second round control5NT
Kx(x...) guarded6♣
first round control of lacking suit, odd keycards count - 1/31below
vague Last Train grand try
first round control of lacking suit, even keycards count - 2/41below
vague Last Train grand try
second round control
Free 5x Major Raise
This asking bid can be given a multi meaning (control of opponents or unbid suit), but for ease,
normally used only as a trump quality ask.
0 or 1 top honour5NT
AK + extra length6♣♦♥
Solid suit and 2nd round control6♥♠
raise to slam, 2 of top 3 honours
Iff it's obvious to both players that we have all the top 3 honours, it could be used as a 2nd round or better control
ask for some other suit, which should also be obvious.
(when obviously we have all the top honours)5NT
have guarded 2nd round control, e.g. KQ6x
cue bid in other suit shows 1st round in the implied asked suit.6♥♠
raise to slam, have 2nd round control in implied suit
5NT Pick a Small Slam
- 5NT asks partner to make a judgement, pick a small slam. Usually where some distributional information is missing.
- There is no grand slam interest!
- This maybe a jump (2NT–3♥–3♠–5NT) or a non-jump (often in competiton e.g. 1♠–(5♦)–5NT)
- In competition it's often similar to an unusual/two-suiter NT
- Does not apply where 5NT is a follow on after RKB/Blackwood etc. that asks for Kings etc.
Sometimes pick a small slam makes zero sense:
- Where there is nothing to judge and no strong trump fit then 5NT retains the quantitative to 6NT/7NT meaning
- When a good 9+ card fit is known then it could be interpreted as GSF asking for 2 of top 3 honours, but this is very
unlikely as RKB would probably be used instead, so best not considered
5NT v.s 6other in Competition - Turbo Inspired
Turbo is the Italian slam bidding conventions where bidding 4NT shows even keycards and bypassing it to normally cue bid
at the 5 level shows odd keycards. This can be a good convention to generally play (instead of RKB) if you have a good
handle on the point counts one another has, and so can distinguish e.g. 1 vs 3 keycards. Even without playing the main
part of Turbo, it has utility in competition.
Sometimes the opponents really preempt our space and we are considering a small slam vs grand slam. Specifically, we
have not been able to use 4NT RKB bid as they have preempted to the 5 level. At that point:
- 5NT shows an even number of keycards
- 6x control shows an odd number of keycards (often this is the opponents suit)
Double of Opponents' Slam
As arguably it does not make much difference if a slam goes one off doubled vs not doubled
for freely bid slams (not sacrifice), X is used to ask for an obscure lead (*Lightner*).
Of Suit Slams
- never trumps
- not suits bid by our defending side
- not the opponents' obvious unbid suit
Of NT Slams
- dummy's first bid suit
- something "unusual"
Forcing Pass Auctions
When opponents have competed and our side has the large majority of values
- pass shows nothing special
- presumably happy to sit a double from partner
- happy to play e.g. 5♥ over there 4♠, not looking for slam
- X warns against competing, though can with a really offensive hand
- With no room e.g. 5♠ over 5♥, 5x implies offensive hand, some slam willingness
- With room the bid of an in-between suit (with room) is a real slam try
- With room the direct 5x bid is an offensive hand, denying serious extras
Splinter/Cue bid and Losers/Cover Cards etc.
Cover cards (and maybe losers - losing trick count) is mentioned in some contexts such as splinters over 1♥/1♠ opening.
Mostly useful for game/slam suit contract evaluation, but may still have some relevance for NT, though the tricks
need to be quicker and not based trumps or shortages.
Responder shows some cover cards and opener looks at their losers to calculate the expected trick count.
Losing trick count is an old method defined as
- 3 losers per suit, 2 partners so 24 losers max
- 24 minus the combined losers suggests the number of available tricks
- Aces and Kings are not losers, except the singleton King
- Queens vary depending on supporting honours
- Maybe used to limit opener's hand instead of pure hcps for suit contracts, examples such as...
- 11–15 1 level opener ~7 losers max
- 16+ hand 6 losers max
- GF rebids after a response in standard bidding ~5 losers max
- GF opener ~3 losers max
- 2 level preempt 6/7 losers
- 3 level preempt 7/8 losers
LTC honour values:
- Void = 0
- A = 0
- A K = 0
- A K Q = 0
- A K x [x x. . .] = 1
- A Q x [x. . .] = 1 (tripleton or more)
- A x = 1
- A x x [x. . .] = 2
- K = 1
- K x = 1
- K x x [x. . .] = 2
- K Q = 1
- Q J [x. . .] = 2
Side suit adjustments to LTC include:
- A J 10 [x...] = 1.5 losers
- Q x x = 2.5 losers
- Q 10 x = 2 losers (Queen honor support)
- A Q = .5 losers
- A Q x = 1 loser
- J 10 x = 3 losers
- Q x = 2 losers (but are considered a "plus")
Cover Cards
Cover cards are easier to calculate and reason about than LTC, so whilst opener may define themselves in terms of
losers, responder may quantify their strength in terms of cover cards, essentially playing tricks.
(Opener's LTC - responder's cover cards) = total losers
- Counts winners that "cover" opener's losers, much like quick tricks
- A/K = 1
- Singleton = 1 (if there is a trump length)
- Q = 1 iff in a useful suit, e.g. opener's suit or a bid side suit
- J = 0.5 iff in a long combined suit
- 4th trump = 0.5
- QJ = 0.5, maybe in other suit (QJXX in trumps is 2 cover cards 1 + 0.5 + 0.5 - Q + 4th trump + J)
- xx = 0.5, maybe in other suit for ruffing
Naturally, responder may need to re-evaluate cover card usefulness if partner shown to be short in a suit
Suit raises are roughly:
- Single = 1.5 / 2
- Limit = 2.5 / 3
- Game = 3.5 / 4
1♥♠ Slam Tries
Splinters or new suit 2/1 GF or Jacoby 2NT? In general note:
- After a 2/1 GF new suit Opener's rebids focus on showing shape before strength
- Jacoby asks about singletons or extras instead of showing anything
- After a Jacoby 2NT opener's minimum no singleton hands will often be 5 cards
- There's often no easy way to know if partner has 6+ cards, but this can be helped by the Last Train convention
as the extra shape is what should swing a hand to more tricks
With 3 card support
- Only 2/1 GF or Jacoby 2NT.
- 2/1 GF is best when (1) 5+ suit suit 2/3 top honours so partner can evaluate honour support (2) 6+ card suit self-sufficient that could become alternative trumps
- Jacoby 2NT is likely more flat (or very strong) and wants to hear if partner has a fitting singleton, or even good 5 card side suit
- When previously playing a forcing NT it was not appropriate - the only slam try bids over that are splinters for opener's second suit if shown. Note GF 4–4–4–1 hands with singleton in partner's suit started with 1NT.
With 4 card support
- We play two-tiered splinters that should often be used, but beware e.g. 1♥–4♦ takes up a lot of space
- 2/1 GF is harder to use if there is also a side singleton as we may not be able to splinter it or assumed only 3 card
support splinter, however if the side suit is the main potential source of tricks then it is more important to show it
than to splinter
- Jacoby 2NT is unlikely a singleton, though could be very strong, e.g. 17+. Again, mostly bid to drive the auction by asking and not showing.
Picture Raises
Jump bidding partner's suit after showing a side suit
- shows good trumps and good side suit source of tricks
- styles vary, 3 card support and 3 top 5 or 2 top 3 honours is our minimum standard
- 4 card support raise trump quality is less of a concern
Picture Raise Jump level
- Jumps below game shows a some outside controls (outside of trumps or our side suit) - 1♠–2♦–2♥–3♠
- Jumps to game show good trumps and side suit, but no outside controls
Single Raises Ambiguous with Picture Bids
An auction like 1♠–2♣–2♠–3♠ is more ambiguous as the only jump is to game, denying outside controls. Therefore the 3♠
bid example could be a good hand with side suit and outside controls interested in slam, or it could just be waiting on
the way to game
1♥–1♠ auctions?
- Possibly used with similar intention to 2/1 GF - there is an artificial GF over the 1NT rebid and FSF over second suit rebids
- 1♥–1♠–2♥ has limited slam try options though, 3♣/3♦ GF quasi-natural then bid beyond 3NT or 4NT ♥ RKB
- Going past 3NT after FSF should always be assumed first major suit support as there are other slam try bids for the second bid suit
Serious 3NT
- Shows extras in shape or strength beyond what currently indicated, e.g. 1♠–2♥–2♠–3♠–3NT opener doesn't have a hand
good enough for a 3♠ rebid (1 loser suit), but has extra in shape/strength e.g. AQJxxx x Kxx Axx with top range points
and a 6 card suit
- Only in a GF and major raised/agreed (not simple preference). Examples include 2/1 GF bids then raises, 1♣–1♥–1♠–3♠, Odwrotka responses showing
6+ cards, agreed major after FSF or 1NT Stayman/Smolen and some after a 1♦ opening.
- Most auctions where it's relevant are noted explicitly
- After Jacoby 2NT the 3NT bid is not serious - unlike standard systems 2NT can be bid with only 3 card support so over
minimum responses it's natural to play and over stronger responses it's a relay for details
- Similarly after Odwrotka not all 3NT bids would be serious unless one partner shows beyond minimum length
- Direct control bids bypassing 3NT are now more informative in case partner has significant extras, e.g. 1♠–2♥–2♠–3♠–4♣
with KJxxxx x KQx Axx a minimum but partner may only need a ♣ control. Bypassed suits deny controls.
- There are some strong hands that can comfortably just bid RKB immediately, in which case serious 3NT or cue bids can be ignored
Last Train
With parallels to Serious 3NT, more bids to show extras that have not been communicated.
The 4x Last Train bids show too much to sign off, but too little to bid RKB.
The main Last Train bid is one step below game with an agreed major:
- 4♦ when ♥s agreed
- 4♥ when ♠s agreed
- Only in a GF and major raised/agreed (not simple preference)
- NOT when SERIOUS 3NT could be bid on that round
- Still useful when serious 3NT was possible, e.g. 1♥–2♦–2♥–3♥–3♠–4♣–4♦ decided to show the ♠ control instead of
bidding 3NT serious, so extras are still possible
- With interference aswell, e.g. 1♥–(3C)–4♣–(P)–4♦ shows extras from opener after the HCR
Additional variations used in less obvious auctions include, 3x and 5x Last Train bids:
- The 1M–2M or 1M–1NT–2x–2M short/long suit game try follow ons may leave space one under 3M which doesn't have a
useful meaning beyond showing slight extras, e.g. 1♠–2♠–3♦–3♥
- Higher pre-empted auctions, e.g. 1♠–(2D)–4♠–(5D)–5♥ showing offensive extras and good slam chance if partner has
a couple of useful cards/controls.
System Philosophy
- Optimize for IMPs/Rubbers, that is bidding games and slams rather than yet more ways to compete for part scores
- Modern bidding is competitive, where possible have agreements to allow fast auctions and competitive bids in addition to constructive
bids. Sharing strength and shape information quickly in the face of competition is more important than slow start
super scientific relay methods (though artificial bids/relays may exist later in some auctions - after competitive threats
are gone).
- Optimizing to get into the right games/slams means fewer aggressive high variance (sometimes more fun) bids, e.g.
2♦ Intermediate Opening is a bit difficult to construct over (though still usefully competitive), but there
to make other 1 level openings more precise. A multi 2♦ allows more fun aggressive bids plus a place to put one
strong constructive bid but loses the intermediate opening thus making a 1♦ opening very vague. By not playing a
multi 2♦ we cannot (accurately) play 5 major + 4 minor weak twos AND 6 card major weak twos. We also cannot play a fun weak only 2♦, 5 or 6 card.
- Fewer high variance bids includes not making crazy bids - e.g. on flat hands that have little lead directing values and
are likely to just give away information etc. We don't need to pressure less experienced opponents if it's also going to
risk partner putting us in the wrong contract. Stick to the expected ranges for bids. Some places that is a tight range and
others it's looser (3rd position bids, P–(1♣)–1♠ overcalls etc).
- Accept the occasional bad result due to luck in the opponents' high variance or the weaker parts of our system
- Weak 2♥/2♠ are 5+ (NV) 6+ (VUL) card constructive (1 honour, 7–10(11) hcp) in 1st/2nd when vulnerable. When NV we
require high quality 5 carders, aswell as the tight point range, to keep the constructive aspect. 3rd is undisciplined
of course. We state that we have a constructive aspect - we specifically do not follow a wild preempt style in
1st/2nd, even though there may still be bidding theory debate about benefits of aggressive bidding, especially 1st
position moreso than 2nd position. Going more aggressive NV at matchpoints in 1st position may have merit!
- Wide ranging openings are imprecise and make judging games/slams difficult, especially in competition. Yet we do want
to open almost all 11 counts (perhaps not some 4–4–4–1 hands or bad majorless vulnerable hands) to compete - those balanced 11 hcp hands are very frequent.
Naturally we choose to use an artificial 1♣ opening to limit the 1♦/1♥/1♠/2♣/2♦ openings. So called natural systems
often use a prepared club and a slew of later artificial bids (e.g. Gazilli) in a struggle to limit themselves.
- Bidding shapely hands quickly and clearly without promising many hcp is very important, whether showing 5–5/6–5 hands with jump
rebids, weak jump shift responses or bidding with less than the standard 6 hcp over 1 level openings. Limited openings really help here.
- The 1♣ and often 2♣ openings are the weak points of an artificial club system. It's hard to construct accurately over an
intermediate 5 card 2♣ opening, therefore it promises 6 cards unlike many of the older 5 card variants played in
Precision/Swedish club systems. The competitive/preemptive benefits of 2♣ with 5 cards are limited.
- A Swedish like artificial 1♣ opening (two way weak NT or strong) stops opponents bidding purely destructively, but when
they do bid aggressively the auction can be more difficult. The 1♣ opening is usually a weak NT, not strong, and having
separate bids (1♦ for 11–13 NT and 1♣ for ((13)–15) helps define those hands quickly. It's somewhat arbitrary but the
weak hand opening 1♦ arguably competes better.
- An unbalanced 1♦ opening is nice (natural competition in ♦s), but not nice enough to require playing a wide range weak
NT (12–15 1♣ opening) or passing various 12 hcp hands (13–15 NT). We want to bid those highly frequent 11–12 hcp balanced hands.
- 10–15 is slightly too wide ranging. Opening 10 hcp balanced (with 1♦) would be fun, but unlikely to play as it
struggles with constructive accuracy for IMPs/Rubbers. Unbalanced only 16 hcp hands open 1♣ strong, as
they are unbalanced there's a better chance of game at 24 hcp opposite any positive 8 hcp hand.
- Precisely bidding strong hands after opponents compete following our artificial 1♣ is difficult, but by playing a
strong 16–18 1NT opening and 2NT right after at 19–20 hcp, all strong 16–20 hcp 1♣ opening hands will be
unbalanced. Given that we open almost all 5–3–3–2 hands (even with 5 card majors), and some 5–4–2–2 hands
notrumps, ~ 55% of all 16–20 hcp hands will be classified as balanced. A strong 1♣ opening becomes low frequency and
when it does occur it's easier to bid out the shape. Removing some strong NT hands from the 1 suited opening bids to
improve constructive accuracy, especially in competition is a philosophy showing up in natural systems aswell - e.g.
Nilsland's Scanian 2♣ opener including 18–21 balanced hands and 2♦ showing 18–19 balanced in some Italian systems.
- Bidding flat hands quickly is important, much like limiting HCP ranges and bidding shapely hands clearly.
5–3–3–2 hands with a 5 card major, except for 11–12 (13) hcp 5 card major hands (1♦ opening constructive sequences
overloaded otherwise) should show a balanced hand straight away unless judgment strongly suggests otherwise.
5–4–2–2 hands with a long minor, and rarely 6–3–2–2, may also want to show a balanced hand.
- We give up a weak NT opening - a pairs optimization. The even stronger 16–18 NT gets a chance to bid in 3rd more
often as 1st/2nd will have fewer points. The risk of opening 2NT with 19 HCP is low, especially compared to the clarity
it gives to strong 1♣ club openings and the gains from many faster auctions (1NT–3NT, 2NT–3NT etc.)
- Four vs Five card majors, much like mini (NV in 3rd) v.s. weak v.s. strong notrumps, there are closely balanced pros
and cons. There is more five card major literature to draw from when selecting one to use with artificial 1♣
openings. Some of the benefits of 4 card majors are lost when all balanced hands are covered by specific bids (1NT, or
1♣–1NT rebid, though that leaves 1♦ as nebulous). 4 card majors does not fit with 2/1 GF responses and a forcing
NT, which could make slam bidding harder. 4 card majors may, with other changes, allow a natural 1♦ opening and free
up the 2♦ opening bid as a weak two.
This details of this system were initially taken from the Revision Club (v4.0 by John Montgomery) system, but with
some minor and notable changes. The 1♦ and especially 2♦ intermediate openings are influenced by IMPrecision (Adam
Meyerson) with the rest of the 1♥ through 4♠ openings initially taken from Revision Club. 1NT over a 1♥♠ opening is
"semi" forcing instead of forcing as in Revision. Swapping Revision's strong only 1♣ for a Swedish weak strong club
(based on Erik Sjostrand's write up) is the most obvious point of change. In many ways it's easy enough to swap back to
a strong only 1♣ opening, again potentially at the cost of having opponents bid more destructively over 1♣ and making
the 1♦ opening rather overloaded if we still want to open most 11–12 balanced hands. The competitive bids are heavily
influenced by Mat Nilsland's "Competitive Bids The Scanian Way" book and the 1NT/2NT responses are based off Nilsland's
notrump bidding books.
Leads, Signals and Discards
Given the style variability of top players, a clear understanding often matters more than the agreements themselves.
Whilst reverse (upside down) attitude signals seems better overall than standard attitude, most other choices are more
about partnership preference than any evidence for being "better". Some give count as the primary signal, others give
attitude and at times weight suit preference more highly. Some signal count mechanically, others are more flexible.
Discards - General Advice
- *clear* signals with highest or lowest from equals 9 from (9)87, 2 from 43(2) etc.
- new suit first discard (reverse) attitude, second discard present/remaining count (not original count)
- after already lead a suit (implies attitude already known), first discard is count in that same suit
- discarding from partner's lead suit is present/remaining count by default - assumes already given attitude signal
- top of honour sequences (similar to standard lead), Q from (Q)J109x etc., showing a perfect (remaining) sequence that
you can afford to discard from, which helps partner not worry about that suit or just understand its strength. Note
this unecessary high card play can also apply when just following suit, particularly when throwing it under declarer's
- in dummy's "strong" suit it shows count (you were going to count signal anyway), never attitude, giving partner that
count info before declarer/dummy even leads the suit
- throwing all your cards in a suit can be clearer than a simple count echo, making it clear that declarer, the hidden
hand cannot have many of those cards, e.g. throwing 4 cards is more obvious than partner trying to read your secondary
count signals
- throwing an honour in partner's lead suit is to make it clear they can now run the suit and don't need to put you in to
lead through declarer. In theory it could also be a form of risky unblock, wasting your blocked honour and hoping
partner has the lower cards
- keep winners, not losers, so look to use negative discards where appropriate, especially if you can make 2 negative
discards to show your implied positive attitude suit
- at NT when discarding your own suit (that you lead), we naturally imply negative attitude
- at NT, keeping partner's suit as entry to their winners if we may win a future trick is very important
- at NT primarily, creating entries back to partner's winners may require a creative top honour discard, though at
matchpoints it maybe wrong to try send off the contract and concede an overtrick in the process
- reduce information leakage by discarding from your long suit, and if declarer naturally knows how many cards you have
in any suit, then give partner the count on it aswell when they don't know
- discards from strong dummy/declarer suits are risky when you have 2 or 3 cards, it may make picking up cards that your
partner holds easy
- risky discards from short suits, that show up partner's holding, imply a good chance of getting a ruff
- signal negative attitude in the likely switch suit when your partner is wary of giving declarer a ruff and discard
but you are looking for a trump promotion
- when you and dummy have a long 4+ card suit and your lowest card is higher than theirs, you often need to keep a
matching length in that suit so they don't setup a small winner. This can apply to declarer's holdings, but is harder
to visualize early without enough count information
- if declarer draws dummy's trumps, often that implies any short suit in dummy can be thrown away - declarer has no
losers in that suit to ruff in dummy etc. This may happen when declarer is doing a squeeze, pseudo or not
Opening Leads - General Advice
- sequence leads at NT promise a 3 card perfect sequence or one gap, QJ10 or QJ9
- sequence leads with trumps may not have any better than HHxx, e.g. QJxx, J10xx
- interior sequences are similar to trump leads whether in suit or NT contracts, AJ10, KJ10, K109, AQJ, H98 etc.
- HHx leads top of the sequence, also no promise of extra lower cards - could be QJ2 or QJ9. Helps to early unblock.
In some "standard" NT leads K maybe lead from AKx when playing A as power lead, but playing K power leads this is not
a concern. Playing the K power lead you have to lead Q from KQx at NT
- some prefer to play coded 10s/9s, strong 10s etc so that the lead of the J denies a high honour, but this (probably)
gives declarer more help than the defenders
- whilst 10 is considered an honour in conjunction with A/K/Q/J don't treat 10xx(x...) as an honour holding unless it's
5 or 6 cards at NT with some side entries
- Trumps: partner's unsupported suit tend to lead an honour, otherwise lead count from 2/3/4 small cards
- NT: partner's unsupported suit tend to lead count - top from Hx or xx, low from Hxx or xxx
- Trumps: partner's supported suit use attitude leads to signal honour presence, not typical 3rd and low
- NT: partner's supported suit use attitude leads to signal honour presence, top from xxx(x), low from Hxx(x)
- K in partner's suit is not a count asking lead at trumps and not a power lead at NT. Lead K from AK or KQ, similar to
opening up new suits after the opening lead (doubleton A then K, Q then K)
- NT: 2nd from x(x)xx, which may protect your top 9/8
Opening Lead Strategy
- sequence leads or AK / KQ are powerful leads, as is leading partner's overcalled or lead directed suit. Natural
openings in 3rd maybe more lead directing than strength
- underleading Kings is overall safer and more active than underleading the A/Q/J. Even if declarer scores a free
finesse you may still win the King later. Ace underleads are very dangerous at trumps
- NT: leading opponent's bid suit when we have a rare very strong holding, then may lead low to unblock or not crash
partners hopefully helpful singleton
- NT: unbid majors favoured over unbid minors in close calls. With 3 good cards would lead the minor
- with 2 similar reasonable suits often lead the one without the Ace as it will be a future entry
- NT: Q from AQx maybe a desparate unblock play at NT with Ace power lead, but with K power lead you may try the Ace
attitude lead, hoping partner has the K or if not carry on with Q to unblock
- NT: (K)Q109 power lead often appropriate, even with only 4 cards
- NT: AK109(x) your guess, with 5+ cards may look for a squash. With 4 cards less likely to squash etc.
- NT: AQ109x(x) maybe lead Q to start Jack squash in dummy etc.
- NT: AQxxx+ low lead with 5+ cards is much better than only AQxx 4 cards, which may need to be played passively as it
has few long cards to setup
- NT: x(x)xxx(x)+ lots of small cards treat as good suit and lead low if have the entries to support running it, otherwise
do the 2nd highest lead as with 4 cards. With weak suits and limited entries it's often better to think what we can
help partner with
- Trumps: xxx leads are painful, top of nothing looks like doubleton, low looks like honour and MUD is too vague
- Trumps: short suit leads, especially doubletons, looking for a future ruff, work better when one of us is likely to
have some trump control such as Ax(x) or Kx(x). Short suit leads are bad when we sacrifice a natural trump trick
or one of us has 4+ trumps where a force maybe better (if dummy has fewer trumps etc.)
- Trumps: short suit leads maybe poor if we need to actively attack before a strong side suit is set up
- Trumps: we may lead from a long suit in expectation of partner being short
- Trumps: a force maybe right without 4 trumps, where they have a misfit, possible 4-3 fit etc.
- Trumps: the trump lead could be passive or a deliberate attempt to cut down on ruffs. Sacrifices without a second good
side suit, dummy showing simple preference for declarer's 2nd suit, or 1 level penalty doubles are obvious examples of
reducing ruffs. Auctions such as 1M–2M where you have no good suit to lead are a passive example - may give a trump
trick away but so could anything and a powerful second suit is not evident so an active defence is often wrong
Follow Up Plays
- sequence continuations of the 3rd (or 4th) card ask partner to unblock (drop) the honour below, e.g. (Q)J108 then 10
asks for the 9 drop. Mainly for NT, but can apply for suit contracts. Note the power K lead covers some occasions
where you want partner to unblock or give count, but the unblock for power K leads is for honours, not small cards
- new suit after opening lead: King lead from A(K)x(x)+ or (K)Qx(x)+ to quickly locate the honours, otherwise honour
leads are similar to opening
- new suit low card after opening lead: standard reverse attitude leads (less precise on count than any 2nd/4th, 3rd/low
etc. opening leads). The benefit of the reverse attitude leads is hinting whether you want to look for tricks in this
new (second) suit or continue with your side's first suit.
Attitude Signals
Encouragement is one of:
- an "equal" honour, e.g. Q lead at NT then the 10 or K is equal as partner has QJ9 or QJ10
- *clear* signals with highest or lowest from equals 9 from (9)87, 2 from 43(2) etc.
- hate a suit shift even if you lack good cards in the lead suit. Opposite logic for discourage, may just want a switch
- Trumps: often doubleton if game or part score (not slams!), but beware leading partner into a bath coup or free
finesse if they lead from K/Q
- Trumps: want the suit to be ruffed by declarer for whatever reason
- Queen under Ace lead, promises Jack
Count Signals
- simple even/odd semantics, nothing non-standard about what it shows
- *clear* signals with highest or lowest from equals 9 from (9)87, 2 from 43(2) etc.
- never when bidding or initial play has made it blantant to both defenders what the count is
- when declarer or dummy leads, this is most players' primary signal
- accurate count (by the weak hand) is most important when dummy has a long strong suit that is being setup (and may lack entries)
- maybe: when partner leads Ace and dummy has KQ. Count takes precedence immediately, similar to if partner cannot beat
a low card lead when dummy plays the Q or lower, BUT if the KQ is an important source of discards then suit preference
is priority (this one is subtle - depends on counting tricks)
Count Mechanics
- use remaining / present count (not original count) on later rounds of a suit - whether returning partner's suit
(continuing a suit we like) or making discards. The high low mechanics from 4 cards varies depending on whether we are
leading or not...
- with 2 remaining cards this requires leading the highest
- when discarding or signalling with 4 cards aim to play the 2nd then 3rd card
- when returning after starting with 4+ cards play the original 4th highest: low from 3 remaining and 3rd from 4 left
In theory suit preference would be the fallback if count and attitude are known, iff both partners can see the need for
Count Philosophy
When to give count voluntarily? There is some merit to the notion of when partner needs it or with more nuance, where it
probably helps more than it hurts. The assumption is that getting a general count on the hand helps defenders more than
it hurts, so where is it less useful, or hurtful?
A weak hand typically does not need accurate count information from a strong hand
(though you may argue that a weak hand protecting two honourless 4 card suits may still need help, e.g. in a squeeze).
Neither partner need give count on a suit if it's expected to be calculable from other distributional information such
as the bidding or there is a notable danger of declarer playing the suit better with real count help.
Some places where it's often really needed:
- declarer is trying to establish a long suit in dummy with limited entries
- partner is struggling to decide which suit to keep, particularly against a slam
Where the need is less obvious but overall likely beneficial:
- getting count on our first suit or declarer's suit to estimate the number of tricks potentially available to declarer
As an aside, the philosophy can be applied to opening leads balancing general attitude leads instead of 2nd/4th or
3rd/5th leads. Attitude leads are reverse attitude information but no count information, perhaps creating difficulties
for both declarer and the opening leader's partner. 3rd/5th and 2nd/4th both give count but the 3rd/5th leads give
clearer immediate count.
When you are the "strong" defending hand it can help to randomly lie. This can be extended to false carding the opening
Suit Preference
Often the lowest priority signal, but there are specific situations where it is the primary signal
- giving a ruff (you expect the card to be ruffed) and so indicate which switch you prefer afterwards
- obvious singleton leads, even at trick one, demand suit pref from partner so we know their entry in order to give the
singleton leader a ruff. Even if you do not win the singleton lead, partner often has a trump control so declarer
cannot draw all
- partner's lead sets up tricks in dummy that can be used as a source of discards. This may even be a suit that our side
has bid and supported, e.g. the Ace opening lead sets up a KQ in dummy
- 3 way defensive signals when you have promised 6+ cards. Drop top honour to show relative solidity and attitude,
other high card (Q/J/10/9) or middle card (8/7/6/5) as suit pref and lower card as reverse attitude not solid
- dummy has a singleton at this point (but we are not known to have enough cards for 3 way defensive signals), reverse
attitude is used to encourage the continuation perhaps as a trump promotion, whereas a discouraging card is preference
for the "obvious" suit shift
- in obvious suit shift situations (attitude or shift), drop a very high card to make the "bad" unusual suit the
preferred shift
Suit Preference at NT
Rarely useful!
- mainly when driving out declarer's stopper and trying to indicate your future entry. With enough length and attention
to detail this may select from 3 suits. When playing revolving suit pref semantics, this middle card would select the
suit that is not one up or one below the current suit!
Trump echoes
Typically 2 different meanings. They may both require careful consideration as we generally lack cards to make clear
signals in declarer's suit
- reverse count signal in trumps
- suit preference (revolving semantics or whatever)
Count Trump Echo Situations
- With some potential ruffing following short suit leads, the trump echo with 3 cards is often to show the ability to
ruff when partner may win the second trump. Declarer may notice you giving the count info away, so it's usually done
with a purpose, though you may argue that a general early count is useful
- The trump echo often starts when actually ruffing, not following to declarer's play of the suit
- An echoed opening lead in trumps yourself (where you think an early reverse count signal is useful)
Suit Preference Echo Situations
- partner lead an obvious shortage and we haven't been able to show suit preference (perhaps we had to play high)
- there's some obvious urgent active defense requiring a crucial switch (you may duck your trump winner to see the echo)
Unclear Trump Echo Situations
If in doubt and neither count nor suit preference seems obviously useful then the meaning may be extracted from the
order of the cards.
- immediate echo with (high -> low) or (middle -> low -> high) is reverse count
- delayed echo (middle -> high -> low) is suit preference (revolving)
If lacking any other clear information, then no delayed echo and seeing partner play 3 insignificant trumps may suggest
suit preference (revolving) for the next relevant suit down. All speculative.
2nd Hand Plays
Covering honours is about the potential for promotion of other cards. Any advice is relative to how many tricks you need
(e.g. don't duck when declarer is sneaking an extra trick to make their contract that should go off)
- Cover the last of the opponent's equal honours (in general). Exceptions maybe when they are leading from HH and
the early cover helps block the suit; when we have Hx ourselves (they could play a low card on the next round and you
are forced to play your honour) or they don't have enough cards to lead to make your play and lose your honour (e.g.
dummy Hx and your have Hxxx)
- Assume a Q or J lead from the hidden declarer hand includes the card below when it comes to covering decisions
- Lowest equal honour when splitting honours (HHx+) but...
- Top from doubleton HH in theory, though from QJ doubleton may worry that partner plays you for QJ10
- HHH sequence play top of sequence - should be more informative
- KQJ exception probably play the J and hope the bidding makes the situation clear (K looks like AK)
- QJ9 usually the Q (promising K or J) is fine
- Jxx and J lead from dummy, then often play A from AQx to waste entries
- Jx and J lead from dummy difficult, maybe low at suit, high at NT (may block or try to promote the suit for us)
Times to consider playing high:
- entry management to side suit in dummy, e.g. declarer xx, dummy HH109x, we have Hx under dummy and partner Hxxx (the left jab)
- they are sneaking a trick or we want to return partner's suit quickly before their entries are removed or our cards to
lead in their suit are gone etc.
- partner maybe end played
- deception
- KQxx may depend on how many tricks we need
3rd Hand Plays
In general play high by default, maybe even overtaking or playing an unnecessarily high honour to unblock
- depending on the context of tricks required, we may try to capture an honour in dummy with our higher honour by playing
the 9 or higher (but not our top capturing card)
- play the lower of touching equals. Playing high low should indicate a doubleton
Some places not to play high
- you want declarer to use their stopper(s) whilst partner still has cards to later lead this suit
- NT: lead to your AQx+, then Q better preserves entries
- you are blantantly not promoting anything, declarer has all the good cards, no hope to win
- really want to discourage this suit, there's something better
- give count when all you have is an odd number of small cards and no reason to play the highest, so playing a high
spot card may suggest an even number (unless you thought it was important to play for promotion reasons)
- you hope to keep a card for over-ruffing / trump promotion
- hold up on a running suit (seems partner lead the wrong suit) or to capture the entry card to a long suit
- partner lead an obvious doubleton and you want to give them a ruff but you have no other entry except the Ace in the
lead suit
Our Suit Contract Agreements
3rd and Low (not for Partner's suit)
- Leading 3rd and Low from broken honour sequences means 3rd highest from even and lowest from odd.
- This provides clearer immediate count than 4th highest leads, which is more important when trying to cash out against
suit contracts.
- (NOT 3rd/5th, 5th highest when holding 5+ cards and 3rd highest with 3 or 4 cards)
Leading Partner's Suit
When leading partner's 5+ card unsupported suit normally lead an honour, otherwise count from small cards. Honour does
not promise a sequence and the signal should be reverse attitude (not count on your K lead etc.)
When we supported partner's suit we lead reverse attitude - top from (x)x+ and low from Hxx(x). An honour lead does
show a sequence and can use the usual A/Q/J attitude and K count signal semantics
Note, leading our own long suit, supported or not follows the usual 3rd and Low.
MUD from xxx in new suit
Beware small tripleton leads are awful for communicating your holding at trump contracts.
Ace Lead for Attitude
King Lead for Count
Count asking from from AK+ or KQ+
As with NT leads, an alternative method to clear up this ambiguity when playing King count lead is some Rusinow style
leads, Q from KQ, J from QJ, 10 from J10 and 9 from 109. Harder to decipher when leading a doubleton, which is more
common in suit contracts than NT (e.g. from 10x or 9x).
Queen/Jack for Attitude
primary signal reverse attitude, secondary signal standard count, reverse attitude discards
Cash Out Situation Adjustments v.s. Suit
- 3+ level opening preempt
- 5+ level contract
- 10+ cards two suiter
Ace lead maybe speculative without a supporting honour. Other leads no change.
- Ace without King, attitude should assume looking for K
Our NT Contract Agreements
4th Highest (not for Partner's suit)
With 4th highest (2nd from four cards and 9xxx or worse) leads from broken honour sequences the count is less clear,
though the rule of 11 helps (11 minus spot card lead is how many higher cards than the spot lead in the other hands). In
NT we are less likely to want to burn a high spot card such as the 3rd highest.
Leading Partner's Suit
When leading partner's 5+ card unsupported suit we lead count (low from xxx or Hxx). An honour does promise a sequence
(unlike when leading a partner's unsupported suit at trumps) and can use the usual A/Q/J attitude and K count signal
When we supported partner's suit we lead reverse attitude - top from (x)xx+ and low from Hxx(x). An honour lead does
show a sequence (if 3+ cards) and uses attitude signals
Leading our own long suit, supported or not follows the usual 4th highest
Top of nothing from xxx in new suit
King Power Lead
- Asks partner to give count or unblock.
- NOT in partner's known suit: play standard leads there
Queen Ambiguity
- Asks for attitude
- Conventionally maybe from AKQx to get J attitude
Due to the King power lead, the queen could be from:
- KQ10
- KQx
- QJ10(x)
- QJx
- QJ9x+
Note, an alternative method to clear up this ambiguity when playing King power leads v.s. NT contracts is A from AK, Q
from KQ, J from QJ, 10 from J10 and 9 from 109. As with any Rusinow style leads this can be harder to decipher when
leading a doubleton, but that can easily be avoided at NT, plus when leading partner's suits we play standard honour
primary signal reverse attitude, secondary signal standard count, reverse attitude discards
Smith Peter (Echo) on declarer's lead
- trick 2 signal on declarer's lead in a different suit that indicates attitude for the opening lead: high encourage,
low discourage
- ignored when count needed to deal with a hold up play, i.e. declarer setting up a long suit with limited entries
- irrelevant when naturally signal attitude, e.g the trick 1 leader plays an honour that you let run around to 4th hand
- usable by both the opening leader and their partner
- generally shows a fitting honour from the 3rd hand to the opening lead (e.g started with 2 honours and we will not
need to lead through declarer)
- generally encourages a continuation by opening leader if that looks best for defense, (e.g. opening leader started
with 2 honours etc., J was from an interior sequence not just J109x)
- when 3rd hand at trick 1, when you cannot beat trick 1 dummy then follow the normal signalling rules (count if
cannot beat a Queen or lower, otherwise attitude) then follow with smith peter or count as appropriate at trick 2
- optional(!): when 3rd hand high player has an obviously bad holding (played a small card, not capturing an honour)
then they may play suit preference in declarer's suit at trick 2 when count clearly not needed
Strong 10 leads in theory make smith peters less important. Much like strong 10s, it may give info to declarer aswell as
the defenders. Some times a single card played in declarer's suit is too vague as it is often our short suit.
Cash Out Situation Adjustments v.s. NT
- 3+ level preempt (opening or overcall)
- any known "solid" 6+ carder
May lead speculatively without a supporting honour
- Ace asks attitude for K
- King asks attitude for Q (NOT power lead)
Suit Preference Mechanics
- we use Revolving suit preference, when following suit or possibly later after already doing a reverse attitude discard
where count discards mean little
- high/low cards encourages the rank above/below
This is arbitrary, mostly for familiarity reasons. McKenney/Lavinthal etc. are just as good.
Cashing cards order and suit preference
Sometimes we have a choice in the order to cash the cards. Standard we would go low to high to show partner that we can
win with a low card. Consider an example suit such as AKQxx+ in a trump contract, we want to show partner that we can
win with the Queen, so will probably play it on the first or second round, but that still leaves flexibility, any order
The simplest approach is to map a low (1st card) high (2nd card) to the usual suit preference mechanics:
- Low high means revolve to lower suit (e.g. QKA)
- High low means revolve to higher suit (e.g. AQK)
5 Lines of Defense Guide
These influence the opening lead, but also what you may switch to on an early trick after evaluating dummy
Forcing Declarer
Running declarer out of trumps and so they may lose control of the hand, unable to cash all their side suit winners
and/or the defenders can cash their side suit winners. This requires the defenders to attack a suit that the declarer
then has to ruff, shortening their trump length (the long trump hand!).
- declarer has a two suiter hand (obvious from bids like Michael's), which often makes them weak in other suits, and
dummy may not have the those other suits covered
- partner suspected of having 4 trumps
- tight 4–3 fits
- defenders have fast/quick tricks in a side suit that we believe will force declarer immediately despite their long
trump length (they may need tempo to setup other suits)
To force, leads can be aggressive, i.e. from tenace holdings
Active Defense
Attacking immediately, not with thought of forcing declarer. We believe that declarer will setup or immediately dispose
of some losers if we do not attack now.
- side suit exists that appears to be breaking for declarer
- long running suits evident (with suggestion of unknown weak side suit)
- extra strength implied, e.g. slam interest, so not much work required to setup extra side tricks
To force, leads can be aggressive, i.e. from tenace holdings
Passive Defense
Opposite approach to active that tries not to give tricks away - lets declarer make the guesses.
- no good side suit for declarer, so nowhere to throw their losers
- generally bad splitting main suit(s) for declarer
- weak dummy opposite strong declarer, so let them handle entries and guessing what to finesse with limited entries
- weak suits in notrumps, e.g. at best poor 4 cards, 1 honour, opposite probably at most 4 cards for partner and often less
- 6NT and grand slam defence, which rarely have any weak suit worth attacking (6♣♦♥♠ may have weak side suits)
Ruffing Reduction
Giving up a trump trick by leading an honour or away from one may gain or at least be even where it's important to cut
down on ruffs.
- misfits, particularly where we have some control in the trump suit (often we have a trump stack and have penalty doubled them)
- dummy likely short in a known suit (from the bidding - explicitly or some implicit flaw for notrumps) and ruffing in
dummy must be reduced
- we control ALL the other suits (often a sacrifice)
- we control their side suit, even if we do not control all the suits
- ...NOT when in doubt lead trumps
Ruffing As Defenders
Easy to understand, though often an overused desparate action. Trumps promotions and uppercuts may be more probable to
succeed than partner having a miracle singleton (especially if they could have lead it themselves earlier).
- shortage in unbid suit (partner actually likely to have some values there) and partner may get in again quickly
- length in a suit they have bid indicates partner should be short without dummy or declarer being short (e.g. bid and raised side suit)
- trump promotion/uppercut (uppercut being we ruff with a high card we would have won with anyway, but partner has honour + length)
- weak hand desparation move!
Partnership Leading Style
The 5 lines of defense suggest a general direction, but if unsure of what to do then the partnership style may indicate
what we are more likely to do.
- two card sequences fine in suit contracts, e.g. KQxx then lead K
- avoid underleading an Ace in suit contracts generally, but when expecting partner to have the King or the general caveat
about forcing/active defences
- Ace lead without King sometimes against suit contracts: maybe if they preempted, we need to attack (e.g. side suit
threats), it's a slam, a singleton Ace, 5 level contract, known strength is there, the suit is 7/8 cards long
- king underlead possible in trump slams, less likely in NT when they have no long suits to run - passive v.s. active
defence at slams is typically 6NT/7x passive and 6x trump active
- doubleton leads often avoid, perhaps if clearly a doubleton to partner, they have a generally good hand or possibly we
have good trump control so more time to ruff
- small tripleton leads ok, often passive play
- singleton leads generally ok, but if we have reasonable trumps consider if we won't gain anything and just help
declarer pick up a bad suit
Special Leads
Gambling 3NT Types / Long Running Suit Threats
Ace lead without King whe looking for attitude - where is declarer's weakness
NT Slams
Go passive
Suit Grand Slams
Passive Trump
Suit Contract - Doubled Confidently Bid Game/Slam
- Note, non-confidently bid contracts are normal "penalty" doubles!
- Lightner by default, unusual leading - typically lead your longest suit that is not trumps and not your partner's suit
as they probably have a void somewhere.
- Naturally, we can also be doubling on a trump stack, but usually only if they don't have a better contract to escape to.
NT Contract - Doubled Confidently Bid Game/Slam
- Partner bid and doubled -> lead their suit
- We bid and doubled -> lead your suit
- Our side bid two suits -> lead suit of the strongest hand to account for entries
- Only opponents bid -> lead dummy's 1st bid suit
- No suits bid -> lead shortest major
Alternative Agreements
Notes on variants or alternatives of agreements that have been considered, but we don't actually play.
Mini NT or Any NT weaker than 16–18
It's somewhat a negative not having a pre-emptive weak NT, specifically NV at matchpoints. Outside of that downside
16–18 just fits too well with the other system parts where we force all ~16–20 1♣ opening hands to be unbalanced as
1NT and 2NT handle 16–20 (semi)balanced hands. Hands tend be limited very quickly.
Mini NTs are a fun novelty but hard to construct over. When vulnerable, particularly at IMPs scoring there's too much
risk of going for a penalty when defenders X to show 13+ points. When NV it's definitely safer, high frequency and
pre-emptive. It also pre-empts partner though, so perhaps better played NV in 3rd position or white v.s. red only. The
opponents will declare more often over a mini NT and shape/strength information has been given away. Having two systems
for VUL and NV is possible but a chore.
NT Opening Responses
Less considered than other parts of the system - even some fairly basic stayman + transfer responses will go a long way.
The main point is that our responses includes more invites/constructive bids than some other options. If we were playing
a weak or mini NT then there is more incentive to have a range of immediate escape options, either to avoid an awful NT
contract or just to add to the preemption. For example, we do not play some sort of rescue/garbage stayman (even a
garbage 3 suiter short in clubs has to be careful as the 2NT/3C responses show both majors). Our stayman 2♣ – 2♦ then 2M
is invitational, or transfer to 2♥ then 2♠ is an artificial 5 card invite. 2NT after a major transfer is GF.
When playing 4 suit transfers, as we do, the difference between using 2♠ as a range ask or using 2♣ stayman
non-promissory to do a NT invite whilst trying to avoid giving the opponents more informations has arguments either way.
We can't use 2♠ as a game try based on ♣s, as it might just be a NT invite without ♣s. How bad that is compared to
Stayman telling the opponents what 4 card major opener may have v.s. letting the 4th hand double 2♠ is unclear.
Using 2♣ as 5 card puppet stayman is an interesting alternative, which gives us the 3♣ bid back to use. Puppet stayman
may better hide opener's major holding but show responders instead in a paradox auction such as 1NT–2♣–2♦–2♠ (showing
The transfer breaks after 2NT openings are similarly constructive focussed showing top HHx+ support and a doubleton. This
perhaps fits less well with our 19–20 opening, so the 3 card support HHx type hand should be something special. Its
design comes from the Scanian 22–24 NT responses, but we also use 2NT rebids after 1♣ openings with 21–24.
Unbalanced Diamond Opening
Having a natural 4+ 1♦ opening helps define some hand types more quickly and makes competitive inverted minor raises easier,
though we'd often try to find a major fit anyway. Our 1NT range of 16–18 would make the weak NT
variant of the 1♣ opening too wide ranging though, and the high 16–18 NT range is a central part of the system design
that keeps the 1♣ opening unbalanced in the 16–20 range. The range 12–15 is too wide for the weak NT 1♣ opening,
though some players don't mind a wider NT range - it seems suitable against weaker opponents only. Even if the 12–15 wider range
is acceptable we prefer to be bidding most 11 hcp balanced hands for the same reasons as a weak NT.
That naturally leads to a two tier weak NT scheme with 1♦ as 11–13 nebulous (not natural) and 1♣ as (13)–15.
Additionally, 1♦ cannot be 4+ cards natural unbalanced unless playing a 2♣ opening as possibly 5♣s and 4+ major which is
difficult to construct over, hence we use a 6+ ♣s intermediate 2♣ opener.
1♣ 11–13 and 1♦ 13–15
Swapping the weak NT ranges around. This is somewhat arbitrary, two sides of the same coin, so may still be experimented with.
1♦ is more pre-emptive with the weaker hand, but with interference over 1♣ it
could feel safer to pass with a flat 11–13 hand rather than a 13–15 hand that is close in values to the 16–20 unbalanced strong club range.
The 11–13 hand feels no pressure to re-open and compete, but the 1♣ weak NT might want do with 5–3–3–2 and 15 hcp.
Four v.s. Five Card Majors
The pros and cons seem fairly balanced, though this hasn't been considered too deeply, mainly because most artificial
club literature uses 5 card majors. Opening 1♥/♠ with a 4 card major will not miss a major fit if you open 4–4 majors with 1♥, but
responder does play 1NT more often instead of the stronger opening hand. It is nicer to open a major instead of using a Precision 2♦
with 4–4–1–4 or similar.
Promising a 5 card major is very valuable in competition though, and modern bidding involves
lighter overcalls. Slam bidding maybe easier with 5 card majors as shape is shown quicker. Playing 4 card majors the 1♦ opening would
still be nebulous, e.g. 3–3–2–5 shape. With an artificial club we don't get the benefit of natural systems where all suits are natural 4+ cards. I guess it's possible to play
the 2♣ opening as possibly 5 cards whilst denying a 4 card major, so 5+♣–4+♦ hands can be bid more directly
(5♣ + 4cM bid canapé style starting with 1♥/♠). Some have experimented with this but a 5–4–(3–1/2–2) with both minors
bypassing 1NT and having less room for a 5–3/4–3 major fit finding is perhaps suboptimal, though maybe gains back by preempting
the opponent's of a cheap 1♥♠ overcall.
2/1 GF vs NF vs invitational
Note, very little evidence that 2/1 GF vs NF (weak) matters when playing a forcing NT. The old-fashioned ~9/10+ NF
invitational style is equally unlikely to make much difference. There is some comfort though in knowing that we don't
have to push the bidding high to force to game and can focus on slam finding when playing 2/1 GF. The difficulty with
standard 2/1 GF is how opener shows extras, but that's easier with club systems due to limited openings (though can
still be challeging after 1M with 11–15 when not playing either an intermediate 2HS opening or a Gazilli variant).
Conventions like the serious 3NT and last train can convey extras at a later stage.
We play 2/1 GF over a major opening. The major rebid is then shape showing, 6+ cards "Bergen" style, which deviates from
the catchall minimum strength showing "Lawrence" rebid style that the Revision club system uses. 3NT will be serious
after agreeing a major following 2/1 GF.
1♦ Opening Responses
A 2♥♠ bid could be played as weak ~3–7 hcp. It is often played as weak/invitational with 5♠s 4/5♥s in strong club systems.
Even if 1♦–1♠–2♣ denies 3♠s, we could have a maximum ~14–15 4–4–4–1 and so with a possible ♥ fit which can't be
found opposite a limited hand as 2♥ is then FSF, and so the 5♠s 4♥s responses help here.
One style is to avoid 3 card raises after 1♦–1♥♠ and also to avoid bidding 1NT without an actual (semi)balanced hand.
These restrictions may lead to bidding 2♣ on 3 card ♣ suits. Our style is to often prefer a 3 card raise with a side
singleton and also to bid 1NT with a singleton in partner's suit.
Our agreements include 1♦–1♥♠–2♦ as a "better" raise (distributional minimum raise / 3 card maximum raise) - better
than 2♥♠, which is usually 4 cards balanced or sometimes a minimum 3 card raise and a side singleton that doesn't want
to bid 1NT. In normal precision systems this is usually 6+ ♦s and ~11–13, but we use the intermediate 2♦ opening. This
would all be complicated if we decided to open 1♦ with 6♦–4♠, where the theory is we might miss a tight ♠ game by
opening 2♦ including 4♠s. A 4 card ♥ suit has the same problem, but shutting out the opponent's ♠ overcall with an
opening 2♦ compensates more than shutting out a ♥ overcall does.
Maximum hands with 5♦s + 4♥s can also be awkward after 1♦–1♠. Some styles bid 2♥ with 6–5 or a 5–4 maximum though
it can push you too high. Our style is to open a 5–4–2–2 14–15 hcp hand with 1♣ weak strong, whilst 5–4–3–1 with
3 card support can use the special 2♦ "better" raise. Finally, bidding 1NT with 14–15 and a singleton in partner's suit
is not too much of distortion due to the misfit.
Starting 1♦–1♥–2NT/3♦/3♥ + 1♦–1♠–2NT/3♦/3♥ are ♣/♦/(other major) mini-splinters. It might be better to hide the short suit
unless asked for, e.g. 2NT as some mini-splinter. 3♦ could then be a a fit jump, 3oM as ♣ fit jump. Arguably a fit jump
is just as information revealing as a specific splinter and a fit jump is probably 5–4–2–2, often best opened with
1♣. If we were to open 6♦–4♠ with 1♦ then 1♦–1♥♠–2NT would be some minor splinter and a 3♦ rebid would be natural.
The 2♦ rebid would likely be a weaker 6–4 rebid making it harder to deal with 3 card raises unsuitable for 1NT rebids.
For the rebids after 1♦–2♣, there's not much variation in responses over a normal precision 1♦. Whether 3♣ shows a
(4–1)–5–3 or is just a minimum minors 5–4–2–2 is about it. We open 5–4–2–2 maximums with 1♣, and minimums can
show a balanced hand. Playing the intermediate 2♦ opening we have the additional 4–4–1–4 shape to
handle, which we can overload the 3♣ call with (or treating as balanced if there's a singleton A/K). In a normal
precision 1♦ system the 3♦ rebid would be a natural good 6 card suit, but with an intermediate 2♦ opening it has few
uses as it must be GF. It could be a stronger 3♣ bid or a max 5–5 minors that prefers not to splinter. For the 1♦–2♦
auctions 1♦–2♦–3♣–3♦ has to be NF unless the 3♣ bid is GF, so overall to have consistency between 1♦–2♣ and 1♦–2♦
using 3♣ as 5–4–2–2 minimum maybe the best compromise.
Forcing vs "semi"-forcing 1NT over 1♥♠ openings
It makes sense if playing 2/1 GF, as we are, that the bidding with more limited hands is more difficult. Note, this is
why many playing 2/1 GF in natural systems employ Gazilli after the wide ranging 1NT response. We also use Gazilli even
in a limited opening system.
The semi-forcing 1NT response (really just non-forcing) allows opener to pass with a
flat(ish) 11/12 (maybe bad 13) hand. Typically 5–3–3–2 or maybe 4♠–5♥–2–2 after 1♥–1NT. As the 5–3–3–2
handshape is frequent and hands with values closer to 10 are also more frequent then a semi-forcing NT seems valuable as
1NT is often the best place to play with limited values. When responder has a 3 card game invite and opener has a minimum
there's also a reasonable chance that 3♥♠ would not have made but 1NT will.
That said, the 100% forcing NT, as e.g. the Revision club system uses, has its benefits. It maybe useful to escape to a
weak suit at the two level when dreading playing in 1NT and not wanting to play in partner's major. It may also help in
just preempting the bidding a bit with very limited support or general rubbish.
Revision also makes clever use of 1♥–1NT–2x–2♠ as 4 card ♠ suit with 10–12 hcp. It is pointed out that an
invitational hand with 4♠ may often go too high in the bidding after 1♥–1♠–2♠. As the 2♠ raise could be done with
3 cards and a singleton, responder with 4 cards will have to bid 2NT even if 2♠ was the best spot or even pass 2♠ with
a 7 card fit and a weak hand. It's also possible to push 4–4–4–1 hands (short in partner's major), or other esoteric
GF bids, through a forcing NT which makes the 2/1 suit bids clearer.
Multi 2♦, Weak 2♦ opener, 5–4+ Major/Minor Weak Openers
We play 2♦ constructively (intermediate strength) so that the nebulous 1♦ opening is less messy and constructive
bidding is easier. So no multi 2♦, or even better, some weak 2♦ variant. The lack of direct pressure on the opponents
with a multi 2♦ would make it less desirable as a pre-empt aswell - it's played more for the constructive additions and
the extra preempts that can be fit in.
While it hasn't been tried (unlike a precision 2♦ opening which we have played), actually a multi is possible if we play
a Precision 2♥ opening, that is a 3 suiter with short ♦s that opens 2♥. As 2♥ is very passable it does put maximum
pressure on the opponents. The multi does not apply as much pressure, but it is some what awkward to defend against and
gives us an extra constructive bid. It also loses the 2♥ opening preempt, though it has been argued that it is the least
useful preempt of ♦s, ♥s and ♠s (it's hard to bid and double 2♦ without both majors and the 2♥ opening almost points the opponents
at the higher ranked ♠ suit).
A weak only multi would apply more pressure and perhaps be more fun.
5–4/5–5 major/minor two suiters are more frequent than a standard 6 card weak two bid, roughly a 3:2 ratio. Ambiguity
in 5 v.s. 6 cards makes safe game constructive bidding a challenge, so we can choose one of 5 or 6 cards in a
constructive style or be careful of the hcp and suit quality when bidding mixed 5/6 carders non-vulnerable.
We define the style for the stronger hand (the 6 card suit) first and add 5+ carders non-vulnerable as an optional
extension with tight quality requirements. In 3rd position anything is biddable of course - mix of 5 or 6 carders.
At the moment the weak two style is reasonably constructive - a 4 hcp 7–10 range. This range is more frequent than 4–6
hcp hands which are more suited to destructive bidding preventing slams.
The 1st/2nd bid quality is lumped together, but really 2nd position should be more constructive than 1st.
Two Suiter Overcalls
We mostly play standard Michaels and Unusual 2NT overcalls. The exception is (1♠)–3♣ shows specifically a non-strong
♥s + ♣s two suiter. Why not two suiter overcalls like Roman or Astro jump overcalls? These alternatives can be used to
show 5–4 or 6–4 hands.
An example Roman jump overcall is 1♥–(2♠) showing 4+♠s and 5+♣s. These hands may often have less playing strength
than a typical 5–5 hand, but the 5–4 shapes are much more frequent. Apart from the memory load, the obvious downside
is losing a normal (weak) jump overcall, so a constructive/destructive trade off. You need reasonable strength to bid
like this with a 5–4 hand aswell, so ~5–7 losers. Bids that force to the 3 level would often be 5–5, except unlike
Michaels etc, you may include a 6–4 hand.
A downside of the 5–4+ style is that you can never be sure under pressure whether partner has enough offensive
strength. 5–5 two suiters make it more likely to bid a tight game that makes on shape instead of strength. The downside
of 5–5 two suiters is the ability to clearly show a 4 card major. We play minimum level conversion takeout doubles to
mostly deal with this downside - we often takeout double to show a major without tolerance for all 3 suits.
Why not play Ghestem or Extended Michaels to always use a 3♣ overcall to show the remaining 5–5 two suiter? It's a
close decision. Would a 3♣ preempt be more useful? It's certainly more frequent. 3♣ forces us to play at the 3 level, in
the case of (1♥)–3♣ a normal Michaels bid would allow us to play at the 2 level, so extra strength is required there.
Knowing partner's minor after (1♠)–2♠–(4♠) is a nice benefit of Ghestem like bids, and after the opponents open 1♠
we are already forcing to the 3 level. Playing (1♠)–3♣ as the exception to a natural overcall covers this situation.
Given the finely balanced pros/cons what is best maybe just what is easiest to remember, which will be the more frequent
natural bid.
Advancing Overcalls
Our overcall style is modern standard, i.e. light 1 level overcalls ~(7)8–17 hcp and 2 level overcalls being opening
bids. The 2♣♦ overcalls don't have to be sound 6 carders, which may make finding game (often 3NT) a bit harder, but lets
us compete and sacrifice more.
In standard, when responder (3rd hand) passes, advancer's suit range is NF and wide, e.g. 1 level ~7–16, 2 level
~10–16 and is combined with strong jump shift responses to handle the GF hands. We give up a natural NF 2♣ response and
use it as a strength ask. This means the jump shift responses can be natural NF invitational, both direct and more
common than a strong jump shift. Simple new suits are more defined ~8–12 hcp and 1NT can be limited 8–13 without
playing a natural 2NT response. The strength ask also allows us to use 2NT as the familiar invitational plus limit
raise, which in standard is only used when responder bids (a natural 2NT makes little sense when opener and responder
both have values). A downside of using 2♣ as a strength ask specifically after the opponents open 1♣ is the lack of a
simple HCR cue bid at that point, though it's ok to show the 3 card limit raise via the strength ask, at least if opener
does not preempt the bidding too much.
After our 1♥♠ major overcall a jump raise advance to 3M is cooperative. This is similar to standard except it
does not include weak hcp hands. The idea here is that we either bid 4M straight away (maybe 0–4 hcp) or our 3M has a
cooperative nature to it allowing partner to bid more with better overcall. This is different to when we open 1♥♠ and
the opponents interfere, at which point 3M is ~0–6 hcp (the 11–15 opening range is tighter than 8–17).
Jump Cue Bids After We Open
When we are overcalling and advancing this is commonly a mixed raise for a major (maybe minor) or splinter.
When we open, and the opponents overcall, responder may want to play 3NT, e.g. 13–15 hcp and nothing much else to say.
With that sort of hand it's frequently better for the overcalling hand to be on lead, so a jump cue bid could be used as
a NT transfer.
We play it as a mild GF 2 suiter after a minor opening, e.g. 1♣/1♦–(1M)–3M, and as a splinter after a major opening.
The NT transfer should be more frequent, but having a bid for awkward two suiters helps game and slam bidding.
Fit Jumps and Splinters
We have specific rules for Fit Jumps and Splinters in Competition, basically
fit jumps take priority over splinters with higher jumps (if available) being splinters. Other styles may only use fit
jumps, with different strengths of fit jumps. This maybe more useful for correctly judging double fits and competition
to the 5 level, but must be weighed against it also helping the opponents.
Against light overcalls and raises slam finding can still be important – splinters have value there. When playing
splinters it's possible use void only splinters for finding the rarer tight slams.
Mini Splinter Rebids
After a 1♦ opening and 1♥♠ response we do play mini splinter showing bids for various jumps, the structure supports
mini splinters and showing 6–5 shapely hands (though not in the most natural intuitive way).
After 1♥–1♠ we keep 2NT as 6–4 with a minor and 3♣♦ rebids as 6–5 hands. No space has been left for direct mini
splinters even though they are more frequent. Having the jump rebids be shapely hands works with a limited opening
system to show offensive hands with limited points. In a natural wide ranging strength system Gazilli covers
the 16+ hands. We do play Gazilli over 1♥–1♠ so it can be used to show a max 14–15 mini-splinter like raise –
opposite the NF responses opener going to the 3 level in a new suit often makes little sense.
2♣ Opening Responses
Generally content with the structure – promising 6 cards makes the constructive bidding much easier than only 5 clubs.
Standard modern precision has similar responses, except 3♦ (instead of 5–5+ majors) + 3♥ (instead of natural
invitational) are invite plus transfers. Transfers have the usual downside of more lead directing doubles and bidding
space for opponents, but transfers may quickly describe more hands, e.g. one 5 card major and able to go to 3NT for which
we must start with the 2♦ enquiry.
SMP uses 3♠ to show 6♠s + 4♥s GF. We have to go via 2NT for 6–4 either way in the majors and for single suited GF
major hands. It's not that likely to suffer from difficult pre-emption though – we could double ♦s for takeout or
another major overcall for penalty. Unsure if a GF single major would struggle after ♦ preemption and support.
Presumably a transfer to ♥s then bidding 3♠ would show 6–4 in SMP.
SMP uses 2NT to show the 5–5 GF type hands, including a major + ♦s which we start via the 3♣ ♦ transfer. Perhaps it's
more important to show 5–5 majors directly with 3♦ in case of interference, regardless, our 3♦ is invite plus instead
of GF, so perhaps a bit more accurate for major game bidding.
Weak Two Responses
The most common alternative responses use 2NT or the next suit as an ask. Asking for what though? Strength, shortage,
side feature (A or K) or suit quality perhaps. Strength is recognised as the most important factor, so responses often
combine strength showing with showing one of shortage, feature or suit quality. It can also combine with showing 5 vs 6
card preempts if you play 5 carders NV in 1st/2nd seat.
If your suit quality can be really bad then there is definite benifit in working that out. Our quality is moderate,
neither the "good" 2/3 top honours nor awful suits like J10 or worse. If playing wide ranging strength, e.g. 4/5–10 hcp
then you may want min, medium and max strength distinctions. Really bad quality and/or wide ranging weak twos make
constructive bidding a struggle – it's easy to overreach or underbid. As the suit quality improves and the point range
becomes tighter it can then be worth considering side features or shortages. Shortages have more utility when there is a
trump fit, especially when looking for slam. Features help to fit with responder's suit, probably looking for 3NT.
When only trying for game then showing shortages may give away too much information to the defenders. Responses can show an
unknown shortage and min or max strength, but there won't be room to find out the shortage without going to game, so it
won't help you bid a really tight game.
Transfers is an alternative to a general 2NT (or similar) asking bid that can be constructive but also allow escaping to
a side suit. In our case the 2NT bid is more of a puppet as it does not always have clubs, but it will be a slam try in
that case. Even if every transfer is "normal" showing the next up suit then you have the choice of playing it as invite
plus or strength unknown (weak or GF basically). Our style of assumed invite plus (could rebid a minor transfer to
escape, which is then in effect a minor preempt if opener showed support) allows opener to consider their strength and
fit for responder's suit, often useful when 3NT is considered. Transfers do not give us a way to query opener's suit
quality, opener will assume responder is looking for 3NT with at most doubleton support and judge from there. Fit for
responder's suit is something that feature asks help reveal. We can do a shortage ask, but it starts via the 2NT puppet
bid and is more relevant for slam finding.
With transfers we might worry about giving the opponents more ways to compete (though the artificial responses to asking
bids can also be doubled) and the annoyance of opener potentially playing the contract unnecessarily. Even with natural
new suit GF responses to a weak two opener it's possible for opener to end up playing 3NT anyway. In general we use the
transfers when being constructive - partner has preempted us and we need tools to say more. Note, we always have a 3
level obstructive raise available – perhaps the most important bid.
Some weak two ask examples:
simple shortage / strength showing
Presumably decent suit quality and not too wide range.
shortage, min3♠
no shortage, min3NT
any max
hiding shortage / strength showing
Location of shortage hidden unless explicitly asked for.
min, some shortage3♣
max, non-club shortage3♦
max, club shortage3♥
min, no shortage3♠
max, no shortage
bad/bad strength/suit3♦
good/bad upper range strength, but bad suit3♠
Feature Ask
side feature, maximum3M
Side suit showing
Can show side 4 card suit, but then means that showing a shortage does not convey strength, which is fine with a tight
minor shortage3♥
min, no shortage3♠
♠ shortage3NT
max, no shortage4x
2NT "Jacoby" Raise over 1♥♠
We play this as limit plus, not GF. This works better in a limited opening system where opener is unlikely to want to
take over and be captain with a powerhouse hand. Playing as limit plus means the opponents are unlikely to make a
dangerous lead directing double or overcall in 4th, as we may never have had a game on anyway.
There could be further improvements here. The main thing is that there are bids to show a minimum with specific
singletons. This allows finding some tight games. This has similarities to the weak two responses, you cannot stay below
3M whilst hiding the singleton location from the opponents whilst giving responder an opportunity to ask about it. This
information leakage is less of a problem in a limited opening system as we will often just bid game with an
uninteresting hand that would rarely make slam opposite a shapely maximum from opener.
If less room is given over to showing minimum singletons then it could be easier to distinguish 5–4–2–2 vs 6 card
openings without shortages or show a side suit below the 4 level.
Cohen Variation
Needs a bit of tweaking to fit in a limit plus instead of GF only structure.
any min (except 4M bid)3♦
with shortage3♠
6+ trumps, no shortage4x
decent 5 carder
non-min, with shortage3♥
non-min, 54223♠
non-min, 6/7 carder, NO shortage, 6322/72223NT
non-min, 53324M
worst 53324x
decent 5 carder
Scanian Variation
The length of the side suit is less clear here, but there's room for responder to support a minor at the 4 level and
even choose an alternative contract.
Medium strength matters less in a limited opening system, where we can just use min v.s. max.
11–13 any OR void 14–173♦
15+ game accepting, no void3♥♠
15+ game accepting, ♣/♦ side suit (could be 4 or 5 cards)3NT
15+ game accepting, other major side suit (could be 4 or 5 cards)4x
void, 11–13 or 18+
No way to check whether the minimum hand any singleton if using as a limit plus raise and not just GF.
natural, extras3M
natural, extras4x
void, extras
3NT Opening Alternatives
An alternative is to play 3NT as Solid AKQ+ 7 card major with side feature OR solid AKQ+ 8 card major.
A solid AKQJxxx 7 carder without side feature is opened 1♥/1♠ and a plain AKQxxxx 7 carder with a standard pre-empt.
Note, this could also be played as a solid minor, it's somewhat arbitrary.
- Either minor or major openings are given better definition
- A 4♥♠ game is more likely to make than 5♣♦
- Solid openings have a gambling aspect where they could be passed, but the 3NT bid wrong sides the NT contract
- Variants without a side feature are even less likely to make 3NT
- Variants with 2 or more side features are too infrequent and conservative, basically a strong club opening
Opening 3NT as a 4 level minor preempt is the other common option.
- direct 4 level minor preempts put much more pressure on the opponents, like all natural preempts
- having a double then overcall or direct overcall gives defenders more options
- hard to pass 3NT as the suit is not guaranteed solid, especially with the NT contract wrong siding
- south african texas (namyats) 4♣♦ openings do not gain that much compared to choosing 1x or 1♣ opening and
again put less pressure on the opponents
Opening 3NT as a specific ace ask is another option.
- This is better than 4NT as there's more room to show the ♣ ace.
- It is extremely rare though
4NT Opening Alternatives
Specific Ace Ask:
no ace5♦♥♠
specific ace5NT
2 aces6♣
♣ specific ace
Or one of these:
- 4NT as 6–6 minors pre-empt
- 4NT as 6–5+ minors pre-empt
- 4NT as a good 5 level minor pre-empt
The 4NT as an ace ask bid has a larger variety of freak hands where it could be useful (basically around 11 or so tricks regardless of points),
but these are still very rare. 6–6 minors is also very rare, ~ 1:1388 for 6–6, one of 6 suit combinations = 1:8333 without considering hcp.
Bidding slow with an ace ask type hand is probably harder than a 6–6 minor hand, especially with interference.
The 6–5 minors hand is far more frequent, but is so high level and at some risk of being doubled for penalty that the
point range will be fairly constrained, e.g. ~8–10 hcp. Clearly it preempts partner and may skip a very viable 3NT
contract, so perhaps makes more sense in 3rd.
A good 5 level preempt would probably be better than 6–6 minors frequency wise. A hand with ~8–8.5 tricks and a solid
8 carder or semi solid plus side trick, or maybe 4 control points. Only pays off if slam was on the cards over the 5♣♦
Lebensohl Variants
There's many ways to play it such as:
- Classic (2NT puppet to show weak/competitive hands below opponents suit invitational above, direct 3x GF)
- Reverse (direct 3x weak/competitive below opponents suit invitational above, 2NT puppet to show GF hands)
- Rubensohl/Rubinsohl (Rubens advances + Lebensohl, where 2NT–3♠ transfers are weak or GF, transfer to opponent's suit is staymanic cue)
- Transfer/Advanced (similar to Rubensohl but 2NT bid is multi-meaning puppet any strength ♣s or weak other suit, transfers are invitational plus)
- Rumpelsohl (transfers weak or GF, 2NT multi-meaning used to show invitational hands).
Within those there could be minor variations around whether fast shows (a stop), slow shows (a stop via 2NT first if
2NT is multi-meaning puppet and not just showing ♣s), slow/fast cue shows a 4 card major or not and stop asks,
direct 3 level bids are strong or via 2NT are strong etc. Transfers to the cue suit or transfer through it. Showing competitive hands faster naturally sounds more
matchpoint oriented. Focusing on invitational/GF hands better for IMPs. We play a "transfer" variant. The transfer
allows the stronger player to declare. Given all the names and variations the name may not label an exact system.
If a negative double is available then the Lebensohl bidder has more options/accuracy. (2S)-X takeout is harder and invitational plus only responses certainly do not make sense
as advancer is forced to bid.
Short Minor Defence
Currently we just play natural bids over a short/prepared minor. We keep the weak jump overcalls and lose a non-strong
both majors michaels overcall. A (1♦)–2♥ bid to show majors is a reasonable alternative to a weak jump overcall, but
overall the weak jump is more frequent than both majors, whilst bidding both majors with a 1♠ overcall and then
hopefully ♥s later usually works fine, as the opponents will find it hard to preempt after a short minor.
When the minor could be 0–2 cards then similar to the Swedish/Polish club defence variant using a 1NT overcall with a 4
card major and 5 card minor is an option to help competing. Pass then double of their rebid would show a strong NT
overcall and afford more options for penalising (assuming a NT rebid is weak). Probably better against a strong NT where
the simple rebid NT is weak.
The potential downside remains the opponents claiming 1NT to play or responder being able to show their major after
which they find a fit.
1NT Defence Variants
There's a lot of options and the "best" defence is probably scoring specific and NT strength specific.
- Matchpoints it's more important to improve the score than construct to game
- Against strong(er) notrumps you can use X as another way to get into the auction instead of penalty
- X for penalty may still be important against stronger NT when they open light or offshape
- Have to choose when bids are aggressive or constructive given the limited space, against Strong NT they could be rule of 8 extra aggressive
- Transfer overcalls, or bids showing other suits, can put the stronger hand on lead when the overcallers play the contract and they give more constructive options
- Direct overcalls are faster, especially a direct 2♠ overcall gives the opening side less space even with Lebensohl gadgets when the opening side has most of the values, but hard to construct over
- Showing more specific suit combinations, and yes 5–4 two suiters are most frequent, often comes with ambiguity about the second suit or ambiguity on the relative suit lengths
- Majors and spades in particular are dominant, so could be bid slower, e.g. 2♣ to show the majors
- Only the 2♣ bid showing the majors is low enough to show two suits of ambiguous length that can be clarified and stopped in at the two level
Good article - www.clairebridge.com/en/defenses-against-1nt/
Woolsey / Multi-Landy
Nice against Strong NTs getting high frequency 5–4 hands and both majors.
The ambiguity of the 2♦ bid makes it vulnerable to further interference though, and the ambiguity gives the opening side
space to play penalty/value doubles and takeout doubles (pass then double):
4 card major and 5 card minor2♣
both majors2♦
1 major (multi 2D like)2M
5 card major with 4+ minor
Probably the first 1NT defence convention ever played. Ambiguity on 2♣♦ bids. Nice direct 2♥♠ bids, not as constructive as transfer overcalls.
4/5 ♥ + ?, only 4 ♥s with both majors2♦
4-5 ♠ + ?, 5 ♥s with both majors2♥♠
Last played system. More for matchpoints or Strong NT aggression given ambiguity of suit lengths. Nice direct 2♥♠ bids.
The majors showing bid can be played less aggressively, 5–4+ depending on vulnerability.
3 suiter, at least 3 ♣s (a major + minors tolerance)2♦
majors, 4-4+2♥♠
Cansino Strong NT / Balancing Variant
More competitive without the penalty X. Master spade suit put in the picture quickly, but lengths ambiguous.
4/5 ♠s2♣
takeout 4+ ♥s, without 4 ♠s2♦
Revision Club Strong NT Variant
Two suiters shown with X then easy enough to find some fit at the 2 level. Ambiguity of lengths.
Quick to get in and raise single suiters.
2 suits, not ♥s + ♣s2♣♦♥♠
♥s + ♣s
A few transfer bids that aid in construction against strong or weak NT, or just to put the strong hand on lead.
Nicely maintains a natural high pressure 2♠ overcall.
2♥ showing majors lacks room to show the relative lengths if 5–4, but it's also high pressure on responder as it
can be passed.
(balancing position), relay 2♣ then 2♦ = 5+ ♦s + 4 card major / 2♥ = 4 ♥s + 5+ ♣s / 2♠ = 4 ♠s + 5+ ♣s2♣
♦s / 5+ major 4+ minor 2 suiter2♦
♥ transfer2♥
♣ transfer3♣
majors, strong
Meyerson v.s. Strong NT
Easy enough to find some two suiter fit at the 2 level. Ambiguity of lengths over X, but makes the X more frequent.
Quick to get in and raise single suiters including ♦s. Much like the Revision defence but 2♣ shows majors specifically.
Against a weak NT double would be values at which point it's the Landy convention (2♣ majors) + natural overcalls.
major + minor, 5-4+ either way
2♣ = pass/correct to longer 5 card suit
2♦ = major ask
2♥♠ = natural2♣
Majors Dual Strength
Nice to have more competitive v.s. constructive distinctions, perhaps more so against a weak NT where we may have game
on our way.
both majors2♦
H or S, competitive2♥♠
natural, constructive2NT
minors OR any GF 2-suiter
Strong Club Defence Variants
Against an artificial Precision club 16+ or similar, natural overcalling is very reasonable, with an emphasis on bidding obstructively as
we are unlikely to have a game on. NT advances could still be used as constructive game going responses to partner's often weak overcalls.
Bids of double or 1♦ do not take any room away, (even 1♥ takes little space) so they need to useful, where useful corresponds to goals of bidding, which we think
should be mostly obstructive over a strong club - finding a fit and raising to our maximum level. Given the goals strong hands may choose
to pass and come in on later rounds if trying to separate out 14+ constructive hands.
Transfer overcalls try to put the 1♣ opener on lead or provide a basis for constructive bidding. Transfers give the strong clubbers yet another
bid to cue, so need to be 1 bid higher to be as destructive.
Hand strengths depend on vulnerability, but generally 1 level bids have some 4/5 card suit and 2 level bids have a 5/6 card suit (NV/VUL).
As 1 level bids do not take up much space, if showing a specific suit there would ideally be some lead directing value to them and a choice for
advancer to raise the level without much danger when there is a fit.
Semi-balanced and weaker two suiter hands should be careful about
bidding, not so much because of penalty doubles (more so when vulnerable), but because the strong club side often win the auction
and have gained some shape information on the opponents. Disrputive bids in the assumed fit style of preempts seem better if the overcall
style includes semi-balanced 5–4 and 4–4 two suiters. Having bids show the exact two suits makes it easier for strong club bidders
(with a prepared defence to interference) to handle higher overcalls, therefore it maybe better when using 4–4/5–4 two suiter showing bids
to use ambiguous bids without an anchor suit - e.g. an overcall is majors or minors. The downside is that advancer can only raise the preempt
to a level suitable for both combinations - a lot of multi-way ambiguous bids go no higher than the 2 level. Ambiguous bids may be better
in that the strong clubbers may not be well prepared for them (but then we also have to remember the defence). Playing a system to beat weaker
players is a dubious goal.
More natural overcalls allow advancer to raise the preempt quickly, but again if 2 exact suits are shown it will be easier for the strong club
bidders to handle. With a rarer 5–5+ shape then whether to give away shape information should depend on suit qualities and so how likely the overcalling
side is to win the auction, as a sacrifice or not. As ever, the majors and the master ♠ suit are important.
From these principles it's not too hard to invent any defence - you decide the balance of giving away information versus
hopefully raising the bidding quickly and not being penalty doubled. There's no obvious best defence, but on balance natural high pressure bids and
something to show the majors (maybe 2 bids for different strengths) are compelling.
Probably the most common defence that is not all natural. The natural 1♦ overcall takes little space but if advancer can raise then it's a win.
Any style for the X showing majors minimum strength can be agreed, from 7+ hcp and 4–4+ shape to better, but how well 4–4 works with limited
points is debatable as no space is taken and information is given away to the strong clubbers who are often the declaring side.
Majors focus
Lacks a way to show just 4 cards in the master ♠ suit but otherwise lots of high pressure options.
2♥ is thrown in as an amusing high variance destructive single suiter major overcall example - difficult because it can be passed. May not be legal.
5–5+ majorsOthers
♥s OR ♠s
Specific two suiters style, ambiguous relative lengths so hard to raise that much.
♣ + ♦1♦
♦ + ♥1♥
♦ + ♠1♠
♠ + ♣1NT
♦ + ♠2♣
♣ + ♦others
Two suiter style with one naturally bid suit and the other specific suit depending on strength. The double to show an
opening balanced hand is interesting - maybe giving up too much information but hoping partner can preempt further in
any suit they like. After a second position bid the defenders should have a much better estimate of overall strength and
shape than the opening side.
13+ balanced, partner can preempt assured of 2+ card support and defensive cards sitting over1♦
♦ + ♥ ~8–11 or ♦ + ♣ 12+1♥
♥ + ♠ ~8–11 or ♥ + ♦ 12+1♠
♠ + ♣ ~8–11 or ♠ + ♥ 12+1NT
♣ + ♥ ~8–11 or ♦ + ♠ 12+2♣
♣ + ♦ ~8–11 or ♣ + ♠ 12+2♦♥♠
natural single suiter
Modified Truscott
Natural 1x bids, but higher two suiter bids, so less frequent two suiters. Two suiters are natural and clear
about the suits, so can be passed or fast raised, but if 5–4 shape then hard to know how high.
♣ + ♥2♣
♣ + ♦2♦
♦ + ♥2♥
♥ + ♠2♠
♠ + ♣2NT
♠ + ♦
More ambiguous destructive bids. The canapé like Raptor bids of 1♠ and 1NT are reasonable at taking space though maybe
giving away too much shape information.
4♠ + longer minor1NT
4♥ + longer minor2♣♦♥
Myxomatosis Two bids - 6 cards or 5–5 in the next higher pair2♠
♠s + ♦s2NT
♥s + minor
A common two suiter defence - Color, Rank, Shape. Ambiguous two suiter overcalls.
The 2♦♥♠ bids are not part of crash, just another example destructive overcall, that cause some confusion but are harder to raise.
same Color (♦s + ♥s / ♣s + ♠s)1♦
same Rank (majors or minors)1♥♠
same Shape (♣s + ♥s / ♦s + ♠s)2♦♥♠
suit above or natural
same Color (♦s + ♥s / ♣s + ♠s)1♥♠
same Rank (majors or minors)2♣
same Shape (♣s + ♥s / ♦s + ♠s)
Yet another crash. The ambiguous bids start a bit higher, which may mean they need to be a bit stronger.
Showing ♥s and ♠s with X and 1♦ lets advancer indicate if they like the suit, for a lead from broken suit,
at the 1 level by bidding it or they can bid something else at the 1 level.
same Color (♦s + ♥s / ♣s + ♠s)1♠
same Rank (majors or minors)1NT
same Shape (♣s + ♥s / ♦s + ♠s)
another variant
The X and 1♦ bids which take little space are used for constructive strong hands with a minor.
The majors showing bid is more preemptive than other defences, but needs some quality to it as it goes to the 2 level.
♣s, strong1♦
natural, strong, rare1♥♠
some minor2♣
5–4+ majors2♦
Wilkosz, 5–5+ with at least one major2♥♠
natural preempt2NT
Martian standard
The 2♣♦ bids are revealing of shape information, but do at least show the specific minor so it can be fast raised. Whether a
4 card ♥ suit can the win the auction is debatable - probably tells the opponents that they have ♠s. Otherwise a likeable defence structure.
5–4+ majors, 4+ hcp1x
4♠s + longer minor, 7+ hcp2♣♦
5 card minor + 4♥s2♥♠
6 carder or 5–4 with a minor2NT
Psyco Suction
Confusing the less prepared, probably not much else to say. Will not be easily raised by partner.
that single suiter OR next two higher suitsNT
non-touching suits
some canapé
leading directing 3+ cards honour concentration, usually long side suit1♥
leading directing 3+ cards honour concentration, usually long side suit1♠
♠s + a minor2♣♦
minor + ♥s2♥♠
5 card minor or both majors 5–52♣
♣ + higher suit2♦
♦ + higher suit2♥♠
then Mathe1♥♠
Ambiguous Overcalls
Fun, but hard for advancer to raise.
values, constructive1♦♥♠
1 suiter natural OR 3 suiter with the other suits2♣
1 suiter natural OR 3 suiter with the other suits2♦♥♠
2 suiter
Polish / Swedish Club Defence
A two or three way club that maybe strong 16/17+ but is more often a weak NT.
Using the standard prepared club defence is fine - the overcalling side can easily have game on over the
common weak NT type hand.
Two level bids should be fairly disciplined and constructive, at least if partner has not passed.
They work better than over a strong only club as responder must assume
opener has the common weak NT, but obviously that's not always true. Two level bids have similar choices as opening those
same bids - natural, Michaels, Ekren, Multi 2♦, 5 v.s. 6 card overcalls etc.
As the 1♣ bid is forcing, you can give up a natural NT overcall (which maybe bad in matchpoints if the opening side
settle in a 1NT contract that we could have stolen) and pass with strong balanced. A strong shapely hand may need to
start with a takeout double as a simple overcall could be passed out. Passing and bidding later with a strong shapely
hand risks losing a chance to show your hand, though takeout doubles for strong single suiters can suffer this as well.
Variation with 1NT 4♥ + minor (which could also be played as any 4 card major + 5 card minor):
takeout, majors or ♠s and a minor1♦♥♠
4♥s + long minor2♣
majors 5–5+, as over prepared club2♥♠
natural, disciplined weak two2NT
minors, unusual (not assuming they have a weak NT)
Variation that gets in both major + some minor combinations, but loses a natural 1x overcall:
♥ + minor1♠
♠ + minor1NT
minors (or play as ♦s)2x
strong balanced, 3+ trumps
More majors focus including two suited transfer overcalls and a natural 1♠ overcall:
majors (pass with a general takeout)1♦
♥ + minor1♥
♠ + minor1♠
natural (or play as ♦s)1NT
We prefer the 2♣ and 2♦ opening bids that show a 6 card minor. The common precision style with 5–4 and possibly a 4
card major is awkward but there's another rare style which allows (3–1)(5–4) openings, so a 3 card major, major
singleton plus 5–4 in the minors whilst always denying a 4 card major (even with a 6 card minor).
5–4–3–1 is common (3rd most likely hand shape at 12.9%) and when we deny a 4 card major it is also
preemptive. 1NT may still have been the best contract at matchpoints, but we may also shut the opponents out of a major.
Denying a 4 card major in the 2♣♦ opening puts more load on the 1♦ opening, so using the 2NT opening as intermediate with
5–5+ minors seems prudent. 2NT minors opening loses the probably more common natural 2NT opening and there's a lot of
benefit to quickly showing shape and points with balanced hands and not giving opponents space to overcall, even if
there's always examples where going slow with balanced hands works out better for tight slam finding. Maybe there's a
way to allow a 4 card major with a 6 card minor 2♣♦ opening to reduce the load on 1♦? If that's true though, responder
maybe even more unsure about whether to rescue to a major (hence this style would play forcing 2♥♠ responses) and play a
5–2 minor fit instead of 5–3 major fit. On principle you have to pass in a 5–1 fit.
The responses I've seen over 1♦ use 1♥ as a relay, maybe natural, maybe balanced game try or general GF. How this copes
with competitive pressure is unclear. Unlike most systems the 1♦ opening includes 6♣ or 6♦ with some 4cM and a whole
load of other hands.
2♦ Precision Style 3 Suiter
The main alternative to playing an intermediate 2♦ opening bid – main because the
intermediate constructive bidding would be undesirably difficult playing some weak 2♦ or multi 2♦ etc with an
artificial 1♣ opening and 2♣ opening that is 6+ ♣s. Both bids are for intermediate constructive hands, they just put
different constructive meanings into the 1♦/2♦ openings.
- This 3 suiter is less frequent and less competitive/preemptive than the intermediate 2♦ opening.
- The 3 suiter does have the advantage of being very specific and so easy to penalise opponents or quickly get to the final contract
- The 3 suiter may miss 1NT but gain other times, much like an intermediate 2♦ opening
- The 3 suiter puts long ♦ hands into the 1♦ opening. Starting the bidding lower makes finding 4–4 major part scores
easier or playing 1NT with 6♦s even possible. When the opponents are quiet we have more room to explore basically
- The 3 suiter allows opponents to overcall their major suits after a 1♦ opening easily though, opponents are often not quiet
- The intermediate 2♦ opening means 1♦ is not for single suiters. So, with competition over 1♦ an often defensive
3 suiter (with no 5 card major) or rarely a 5–5 minors hand are often shapely hands opener is known to have, except for a maximum 6♦ + 5♥/♠
assuming that combination goes into a 1♦ opening (it's easy to bid with).
(11)12–15(16) hcp, short ♦ 3 suiter, 4–4–1–4, 4–4–0–5, 4–3–1–5, or 3–4–1–5
- 11 hcp 4–4–1–4 should pass
- 16 hcp 4–4–1–4 can downgrade from a 1♣ opening
- Responses show strength first, then shape
to play, long 6+ ♦2♥
to play, could be 3 cards (e.g. 5♦ and 2/3♣)2♠
maximum, game try, 4–4–0–52NT
maximum, game try, 3–4–1–5
to play, could be 3 cards if 3–2–5–32NT
maximum, game try, 4–3–1–53♣
maximum, game try, 4–4–0–5
relay, invite+3♣
minimum, any shape3♦
2nd relay, at least one 4 card major3♥
3–4–1–5, NF3♠
4–3–1–5, NF3NT
slam interest in ♥/♠4♦♥
in-between suit showing slam interest4♥♠
to play
to play
4–4–1–4 (responder must have a Major, so safe)4♦♥
transfer (carry on after if slam interest)
♥ invite, normally pass with 3 cards, judge with 4 cards3♠
♠ invite3NT
to play, probably ♣ fit, ♦ stoppers, no slam opposite minimum4♣
♣ invite4NT
quantitative, probably 3–3–5–2
maximum, 4–4–1–4, Maximum, GF v.s. unpassed hand3♥♠
♥/♠ slam try4♣
♣ slam try
maximum, 4–4–0–5, Maximum, GF v.s. unpassed hand3♠
♠ slam try4♣
♣ slam try4♦
♥ slam trygame
to play
maximum, 4–3–1–5, Maximum, GF v.s. unpassed hand4♣
♣ slam try4♦
♠ slam trygame
to play
maximum, 3–4–1–5, Maximum, GF v.s. unpassed hand4♣
♣ slam try4♦
♥ slam trygame
to play
to play3♦
natural, invite, rare3♥
♥ slam try, (invite by passed hand, ♥ game only)3♠
only 3 card ♥ suit3NT
to play4♣
change to set ♣ trump suit4♥
to play
maximum, only 3 card ♥ suit4♣
change to set ♣ trump suit4♥
to play
cue bids, 4 card support. Must show ♦ void first. Do not cue bid ♠.4♥
4 card support, not ♣/♦ cue.
♠ slam try, (invite by passed hand, ♠ game only)3NT
only 3 card ♠ suit4♣
change to set ♣ trump suit4♦♥
cue for ♠
cue bid, 4 card ♠ support. Must show ♦ void first.4♠
4 card support, no cue
to play4♣
♣ slam try (even by passed hand, e.g. 9 hcp and 6♣s)4♦
void cue4♥
cue, A/K4♠
cue, A/K5♣
weakest bid
♦ slam try, asking for singleton honour4♥
have honour4♠
extras ♠, no honour in ♦4NT
extras ♣s or ♥s, no honour in ♦5♦
weakest bid
to play5♣♦
to play
2♦ Precision Interference
simple major bid, competitive, ok with opener bidding again with maximum3♣
happy to playXX
escape ask, e.g. same length in both majors
partner has shown strength, but nothing to sayraise
support + control etc.X
decent defensive values
common bidX
good values
minimum opener, rejects game trys OR penalty pass attempt with ♦ honour
3♥♠ = NF
4♣ = NF
4♦ = choose a major3♥♠
maximum opener4♦
maximum opener, both majors
2♦ Multi Opening
Not played anymore - earlier notes on how to play it before we used the Precision 2♦ opening. Given the limited space
for bidding strong minor hands after a 1♣ opening, if a 2♦ Multi were played in a weak strong club it's perhaps more
useful to play the strong variant as an Acol 2 strength hand in ♦s, maybe either minor, or a limited 5–5 two suiter
such as major + diamonds, and throw out the 4–4–4–1 strong variant.
Sound 6 card weak Two OR
4–4–4–1 (any singleton), 4+ control points, 17+ hcp
- 5–9 hcp
- Lead directing, contract directing, constructive
- 6–3–x–x, rarely 6–4, rarely 4 card other major, QJ or K10 or A10 minimum
- Other 4 card M would have to be very poor or 3rd position
- Voids ok if points low enough to keep out of a 1 level opening bid
- Suit quality is more about playing trick potential than top honour counts
- The flexibility to open 2♠ with a 6 card weak two in 3rd implies the suit remains high quality in 3rd.
6 card major ~10–13 hcp OR
4–4–4–1 (any singleton), 4+ control points, 16+ hcp
- Higher probability of being 4–4–4–1
- More likely to open 2♠ with 10–13 spade suit and pass a ♥ holding
pass/correct (weak or a game try in the other suit)2NT
4–4–4–1 hand3♣
enquiry (responses as over 2NT strong enquiry)3♦
scramble (4–4–4–1 hand passes unless singleton)3♥
scramble (4–4–4–1 hand passes unless singleton)3♠
weak, 6♠
strong enquiry3♣
some 6 card major3♦
pass/correct paradox3NT
to play
minimum 3 suiter, short ♥3♥
minimum 3 suiter, short ♠3♠
maximum 3 suiter, short, two way ♣ or ♦3NT
special clarification ask4♣
maximum 3 suiter, short ♦4♦
maximum 3 suiter, short ♣, 5 losers, as if 2nd ask made4♥
maximum 3 suiter, short ♣, 4 losers, as if 2nd ask made4♠
maximum 3 suiter, short ♣, 3 losers, as if 2nd ask made4NT
maximum 3 suiter, short ♣, 2 losers, as if 2nd ask made
minimum 3 suiter, short ♣4♣
minimum 3 suiter, short ♦4♦
maximum 3 suiter, short ♥4♥
maximum 3 suiter, short ♠
mini-splinter with at least 4/3 in majors, 12+ useful hcp3♥♠
weak (< 10 hcp) pass/correct paradox bids3NT
weak (< 10 hcp) 4-4 majors (willing to go to 4 level)4♣
weak (< 10 hcp) 5♥ + 4♠4♦
weak (< 10 hcp) 4♥ + 5♠4M
natural, to play
4–4–4–1 Asking Bids
- 1st Ask responses differentiate broad lower (6-9 loser) or upper (2-5 losers) range
- Asks (2nd - loser count, 3rd - control points) are always done by bidding the short suit.
- 4th (queen) ask is the lowest of 5NT or the short suit
- A singleton King is not a control point and it is a loser
- Qxxx is two losers
A simpler system is possible but is very vague and space consuming for 4–4–4–1 hands. It's also possible to handle
5–4–4–0 hands but that requires differentiating singleton v.s. void shortage and the 2nd ask responses showing losers
are likely too overloaded given the wide range of hands we can open on.
Second ask gives more definition on the loser count:
- Step1 = 9 or 5 (lower range vs upper range hand)
- Step2 = 8 or 4
- Step3 = 7 or 3
- Step4 = 6 or 2
Third ask checks blue club controls (A=2, K=1):
- Step1 = 6 or 4 (upper range vs lower range hand)
- Step2 = 7 or 5
- Step3 = 8 or 6
- Step4 = 9 or 7
- Step5 = 10 or 8
- Step6 = 11 or 9
- Step7 = 12 or 10
Fourth ask checks for queens NOT held, grand slam fishing:
- The 4441 hand is asked to bid the lowest suit (which may be his shortage) without a queen
- Partner then passes, or sets the suit with the understanding that opener must raise 6 to 7 if holding that queen.
Diamonds and valuesany
same system
or aboveX
pass or correct
Penalty (my weak two, or 4–4–4–1 strong)
2♦ Weak Only Multi
Either major, perhaps 5 cards NV or you can be more constructive and only open 6 carders. Weak only puts more pressure
on the opponents as partner can pass the 2♦ opening. As with a normal multi, the stronger hand, the responder is more
likely to declare.
Playable if a 2♥ opening is used to show the short ♦ 3 suiter with 11–15 hcp. These responses assume possible 5
carders - the 3♣♦ responses look for a fit in the other major with no way to bid constructively in a minor. As with any
possible 5 card weak two, checking for a fit with your own 5/6 card suit and clarifying whether opener has 5/6 cards is
full of compromises.
to play2♥
pass or correct2♠
modified pass or correctPass
♥s minimum3♣
♥s extras
ask, invite plus3♣
♥ minimum3♦
♠ minimum3♥
♠ extras (transfer like), GF3♠
length ask3NT
5 cardsother
feature, 6 carder
5♥s, extras, GF3NT
6♥s, extras, GF
5+ ♥s, invite plus3♦
3/4, GF trumps set regardless of strength3NT
♠ shortage, massive fit4♣
♣ shortage, massive fit4♦
♣ shortage, massive fit
5+ ♠s, invite plus3♥
3/4, GF trumps set regardless of strength4♣
♣ shortage, massive fit4♦
♣ shortage, massive fit4♥
♣ shortage, massive fit
pass or correct3NT
to play4♣
ask to bid one under major4♦
ask to bid major4♥♠
to play5♣♦
to play
2♥ Both Majors
Not played, but these are the old notes. The ambiguity of the major lengths makes it more suited to an aggressive
bidding style, particularly matchpoints. Some pairs play it purely aggressively with a very wide range, e.g. 3–10 hcp
and 4–4+ both suits. Very high variance in that case. This can be played as a 2♦ opening, but the 2♥ bid puts immediate
pressure on the opponents as it can be passed.
Both majors, longest one unknown.
- Constructive 7–10(11) hcp, 5–4 or 5–5 shape.
- 1+ honour both suits
- Beware/downgrade potentially wasted honours e.g Qx in 5–4–2–2
- Never 5–4–4–0 / 4–4–4–1.
- 5–11 hcp, 5–4 or 5–5 shape.
- 3–11 hcp, 4–4, 5–4 or 5–5 shape. Destructive, preemptive.
to play2NT
asking bid3♣
minimum, only not GF bid3♦
5–5 any range, GF3M
forcing, slam interest, suit picked
5♥–4♠, GF3♠
5♠–4♥, GF3NT
4♠–4♥, GF
NF, escape3♦
invite, both majors 3–3 in ♠♥3♥♠
penalty interestany
same system
natural, implying some supportCue
limit+ raise4♣♦
Fit jump
2♠ Opening - Dutch
Not played, but these handshapes are covered when playing the mixed 5 or 6 card weak twos style non-vulnerable.
The Dutch two is specifically only 5 carders, no 6 card weak twos. Nice if can also play something like a multi showing
specifically a 6 carder, then it's easier to fast raise knowing the length (but also helps the opponents), whilst also
preempting more frequently with both 5 (careful with suit quality when VUL) and 6 carders.
~7–10(11) hcp, 5♠ + ♣/♦ OR generic weak 2♠ in 3rd
Note, usual undisciplined style in 3rd.
- 5–4–x–x shape, ♠ + minor. 5–5–x–x if weak 7–9 hcp.
- Lead directing, contract directing, constructive with 1+ top honours in ♠.
- Beware/downgrade potentially wasted honours e.g Qx in 5–4–2–2, max 1 honour in doubletons with 5–4–2–2
- Never 5–3–3–2, 5–4–4–0
escape, long ♣3♦
escape, long ♦3♥
escape, long ♥
pass or correct to minor (with long minor can be right to bid the suit you do not
have to escape instead of Lebensohl)3♦
game try+ in ♠. May use to probe for slam.3♥
natural, forcing3♠
to play4♣♦
to play, sound or obstructive5♣♦
to play, sound or obstructive
Takeout or Penalty2NT
*minor ask*3♣♦
escape, natural3♥
fit non jump4♣♦
fit jump4♥
to playXX
penalty interest
natural, implying some support4x
cue, slam try4♣♦
fit jump / fit non jump4♥♠
to play
Alerting & Announcing
The basics and some less obvious alerts:
- 1♣–1♥/1♠: alert (major minor canapé)
- 1♣–1♦/1NT/2♥/2♠: alert (totally artificial)
- 1♣–2♣/2♦: alert (NF new suit)
- 1♣–3♣/3♦/3♥/3♠: alert (NF new suit)
- 1♣–3NT: alert (some solid suit, nothing else)
- 1♣–4♣/4♦/4♥/4♠: alert (specific good single major holdings)
1♦: "may be zero maybe with five clubs"
- 1♦–1♥/1♠: alert (any strength, major minor canapé)
- 1♦–2♣: alert (maybe longer ♦s)
- 1♦–2♦: alert (inverted like)
- 1♦–2♥/2♠/3♣/3♦/3♥/3♠/4♣/4♦: alert (NF new suit)
1♥/1♠: ""
- 1M–1NT: "up to bad 12 points"
- 1♥–2♠: alert (NF new suit)
- 1♥/1♠–3new: alert (NF invitational new suit)
- 1M–2new: "Game Forcing"
- 1M–3M: alert (mixed raise)
- 1♥–3♠: alert (some weaker splinter)
- 1♥–3NT: alert (♠ splinter)
- 1♠–3NT: alert (some weaker splinter)
- 1♠–4♣: alert (♣ OR ♥ splinter)
1NT: "16 to 18"
- 1NT–2♣: "Stayman"
- 1NT–2♣–2♦: not alerted
- 1NT–2♦: "Hearts" (2 level red suit transfers)
- 1NT–2♥: "Spades"
- 1NT–2♠: "Clubs"
- 1NT–2NT: "Diamonds"
- 2♣–2♥/2♠: alert (NF new suit)
- 2♣–4♣: alert (preemptive, not invitational)
- 2♦–3♦/4♦: alert (preemptive, not invitational)
2♥: "Weak"
2♠: "Weak"
2NT: ""
- 2NT–3♣: alert (5 card muppet)
- 2NT–3♣–3♦: alert (may have 4 cards)
- 2NT–3♦: "Hearts"
- 2NT–3♥: "Spades"
Any Sequence 3NT+: alerted only before opener's 2nd bid